IEEEIEE Electronic Library(IEL)全文數(shù)據(jù)庫檢索ppt課件_第1頁
IEEEIEE Electronic Library(IEL)全文數(shù)據(jù)庫檢索ppt課件_第2頁
IEEEIEE Electronic Library(IEL)全文數(shù)據(jù)庫檢索ppt課件_第3頁
IEEEIEE Electronic Library(IEL)全文數(shù)據(jù)庫檢索ppt課件_第4頁
IEEEIEE Electronic Library(IEL)全文數(shù)據(jù)庫檢索ppt課件_第5頁
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1、IEEE/IEE Electronic Library(IEL)全文數(shù)據(jù)庫 提供美國電氣電子工程師學(xué)會和英國電氣工程師學(xué)會出版的刊物 1988年-120多種期刊600多種會議錄近900種規(guī)范.Adobe Acrobat Reader軟件網(wǎng)上閱讀、保管閱讀全文電子期刊PDF格式4.x的版本cgim.adobe/acrobat/reader14.檢索環(huán)境 采用IP地址限定用戶范圍,不需求帳號和口令。校園網(wǎng)的用戶均可經(jīng)過銜接INTERNET訪問美國IEL主頁撥號銜接校園網(wǎng)的用戶,可以撥打999聯(lián)通IEL 由于IEL目前不提供鏡像和專線訪問的技術(shù)方案讀者經(jīng)過INTERNET訪問該庫的國際流量費用需用戶

2、本人負擔(dān)。 .運用闡明 并發(fā)用戶數(shù)限制在15個出現(xiàn)“All product licenses are in use. Please try later.的信息檢索終了盡快退出,以便他人可以聯(lián)通 .檢索方式 SearchAdvanced Search .Advanced Search支持字段檢索和邏輯算符View Field Names閱讀字段符View Search Operators閱讀邏輯算符 限定在某一字段中檢索,格式為:檢索詞字段名 例如:檢索Smith J.的文章,檢索式為: Smith .著者檢索途徑闡明著者檢索普通是姓在前,名在后;但對于中國人來說能夠不符。如王國平wa

3、ng guoping檢索式為:guoping wang au保險的方法:按數(shù)據(jù)庫的記錄方式檢索.運算順序(inference mechanisms Delgado M.) Vila M.A. .IEL常用的檢索字段及標(biāo)識符 Abstract ab Article Title ti Author au Catalog Number ca Affiliation cs Conference Title ct Meeting Date cy .IEL常用的檢索字段及標(biāo)識符Subject Term de ISSN, ISBN in Issue Number is Journal Name jn Tit

4、le (Article) ti Volume vo.檢索算符邏輯算符: 、 位置算符 Accrue Specific Field Phrase .位置算符Sentence在同一句子中查找 echo ISDN (analog, digital, convert) .位置算符Paragraph Near Word Stem Thesaurus .例子ceramic ti (fiber optic network) ti (ceramic, porcelain) (ti, de) smith au wave ti ceramic de 1 isnewisnew- 查找最近30天的參與數(shù)據(jù)庫的新記錄

5、.位置算符限定檢索詞出現(xiàn)的順序 (echo cancel) (cold fusion) (cold fusion) ( (output input) ti .Use with a proximity operator to match search terms only if they appear in the specified order. (By default, proximity operators (except ) match search terms regardless of their order.) tends to narrow a search because it

6、 places an additional condition on records. .Syntax proximityexpression where proximityexpression is a search expression based on a valid proximity operator. Notes You can use with the proximity operators , , and . It has no effect with the operator because order is assumed with . Examples (cold fus

7、ion) Matches any record containing a variation of the word cold followed by a variation of the word fusion in the same sentence; does not match any record in which fusion comes first. (cold fusion) Matches any record containing a variation of the word cold followed by a variation of the word fusion

8、within 10 words of each other. ( (output input) ti Matches any record containing the word output followed within 3 words by the word input in the title field. (You can use an clause as an argument to , but you cannot use as an argument to . .Proximity Operators With proximity operators you can find

9、search terms that appear within a particular field or that appear near one another within a record (increasing the chances that they are related). Proximity operators include: For matching terms in a specific field. For matching terms in the same paragraph. For matching terms in the same sentence. F

10、or matching terms in the same phrase. For matching terms within a specified number of words of each other. .phrase Operator Use the operator to search for records in which two or more search terms must appear within the same phrase (any phrase within any field). Syntax searchterm1 searchterm2 ? sear

11、chtermN or (searchterm1, searchterm2, ?searchtermN) where each searchterm is any valid search text. Notes A phrase is text delimited by a period or a comma. If the search text appears within a sentence containing no comma, works the same as . If the search text appears within a sentence that does co

12、ntain a comma, the search terms must appear on the same side of the comma. By default, matches search terms only if they appear within the phrase in the specified order (unlike and ). Using with has no effect. Examples cache algorithm Matches any record containing variations of cache and algorithm within the same phrase and in the same order, anywhere within the record. ( (processor,silicon) ( (silicon,processor) Matches any record containing variations


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