1、英語試卷講評課可以這么上近日,筆者在調(diào)研時聽了吳老師開設的試卷講評課, 給我留下了深刻的印象。 一堂優(yōu)秀的試卷講評課必須圍繞三“中心”:以學生為中心;以問題為中心;以 思維激發(fā)為中心,這節(jié)試卷講評課很好地體現(xiàn)了三 “中心”的精神,把試卷講評 “三部曲”的要求很好地落到實處。一、課前準備做好課前準備工作是上好英語講評課的前提條件,這一點常常被很多老師所 忽視。教師在講評課前要做好以下三方面的準備工作:選好試題符合學情的試題就是好試題。假設一套試卷得分率低于 50%、 高于80%,這樣的試卷就不能算是好試卷。同時,所選試題必須具有較高的思 維容量,能起到舉一反三、提高學生解題能力的作用,還要具有查
2、漏補缺的功能。 不經(jīng)篩選,隨意拿一套現(xiàn)成試卷讓學生去練習是一種不負責任的行為。精選試題是高效訓練與講評的前提。統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù) 做好考試結(jié)果的統(tǒng)計,包括最高分、最低分、整卷、每個題型、 每道題的平均分、優(yōu)秀率等,要分析到每個人、每道題、每個知識點、每個能級 點。還要對每次訓練中整卷得分及每個題型得分獲班級前10名同學分別進行統(tǒng)計與表彰。精確的數(shù)據(jù)分析是確保試卷講評中突出重點、 有的放矢的保障。教師 不能自以為是地評講自己認為重要的內(nèi)容。分析錯因 進行錯誤類型的統(tǒng)計,分析整理普遍性錯誤和典型性錯誤,知 識性錯誤和技能性的錯誤,弄清同學失分的原因,根據(jù)錯誤的原因來確定講評的 順序、重點和方法。教師常常對學
3、生所犯錯誤的原因無法理解,必須換位思考, 站在學生的角度 去分析,才能明白他們犯錯的原因。聽課過程中,大家驚訝的發(fā)現(xiàn),吳老師對學生的答題情況了如指掌, 犯錯的 原因、個體學生的重復犯錯、邊緣生的錯誤等情況一清二楚,為高效講評打下了 扎實的基礎。課前準備工作是一項艱苦復雜而又必不可少的工作,它為試卷的分析和講評 提供了重要的依據(jù)。二、課堂實施本堂課講評的試卷為備課組自編的高三英語限時訓練(二十) 及配套導 學案(見附件),講評內(nèi)容為單項選擇、完形填空、任務型閱讀三個部分。試卷 講評前對本次訓練的總體及分項成績數(shù)據(jù)進行了通報,讓每位學生明確在本次訓 練中所處的位置,對成績優(yōu)異的同學進行了表揚。這種
4、數(shù)據(jù)通報及適度表揚將會 大大促進學生訓練的認真程度。下面就本堂課的教學步驟、方法作簡要介紹與點 評。1.任務型閱讀1)呈現(xiàn)答案通過PPT呈現(xiàn)答案,其中錯誤率高的4題未給答案,其它次要問題用紅顏色標注,引導學生自糾,這種答案呈現(xiàn)方式省時高效;2)學生講評 在自糾的基礎上,由學生講評答案空缺的4道題目。在試卷 講評課上,學生講評常常產(chǎn)生意想不到的效果,學生講評時出現(xiàn)錯誤極其正常, 這正暴露了學生的真實思維,教師要視其為教學資源,有效利用錯誤信息,巧妙 點撥,有效糾錯。本堂課上學生積極發(fā)言,主動質(zhì)疑,這樣的課堂氛圍難能可貴。3)教師點評重點圍繞如何尋找信息源以及對信息源如何進行轉(zhuǎn)述兩大重 點進行指導
5、,引導學生掌握任務型閱讀的解題方法與技巧。/ 1 There ate a IcWge mitnber of people返 from chronic patti.We need to show cur understanding by ket pmg them I J-Pnm* 1An. h j 4虱山,much oi die elatiunsliip cdii become locuied uu pum which is dcpiessing fbi LhjIIi ol jou. But people in pain need emcitiona suppon, The)r need io
6、know that you itiidci stand their feeling. So express it m ymuFcidx midit by oiunee4)語料積累利用文本材料,進行語言積累。將文本中的重要詞匯、優(yōu)美句子進行整理供學生鞏固記憶。這種依據(jù)文本語境及時進行語言知識復習是非常 有效的復習手段。在欣賞優(yōu)美句子的基礎上,要求學生進行句子仿寫,這是提高 學生書面表達中高級句子表達能力的有效方法?!驹~匯積累】l.demanding adj.要求局的,苛刻的2.powerless adj.無影響力的;無權的;無能為力;3.presence n.出席,至U場,存在(反)absenc
7、e缺席,/、在in the presence of sb./in sb在sresencein/during sb s a三bsence不在時4.cancellationn.取消,撤Tak-based reading36. snHcring41. 737. ?42. ?38. Approaches43. ?39. tomes2 t .21.114. 2 2 millusion Sun ii ijin y40. attention15 lirinnony銷;作廢,中止【美旬收賞】I lie more you do ihuigs (or the person in pnm. ihu mon? lik
8、ul# Ilie are to become disabled hv their pain.你為痛苦中的人做的事情越一多.他們就越仃可能因癇苫而致殘.【偽造句子】個地方的人n越分,共對水、交通和物資的需求就分越大。The 即uater the popularion thor。is in qiiu region thf menter the need there is for water, ttuisponati0nT aiid matei ini.這種評講方式已經(jīng)跳出了 “就題論題”的傳統(tǒng)模式,學生的收獲已經(jīng)不只是 停留在對答案的理解,充分體現(xiàn)了本人反復強調(diào)的“ 閱讀也是復習”的觀念2.單選選
9、擇1)呈現(xiàn)答案 其中5題錯誤率高的未給答案,其余答案由學生自行核對自 糾;1單項填空呈現(xiàn)答案的方式還可以采用:1. C/D2.C3. A4. D5. C6. B7. D/C8.C9. B10. D11. B/C12. A13. A/B14. C15. B(提供正確選項和錯誤率最高的選項,讓學生在比較中糾錯)1. C2.C3. A4. D5. C6. B7. D8.C9. B10. D11. B12. A13. A14. C15. B(提供全部正確選項,讓學生根據(jù)正確答案自主糾錯,然后統(tǒng)計學生依然不明白的試題,教師重點講評)2)小組討論 在學生自主糾錯的基礎上,圍繞錯誤率高的5道試題組織開展 小
10、組討論。許多老師認為試卷講評課組織學生討論浪費時間, 價值不大。事實上 只要組織得當,所產(chǎn)生的效果遠比教師“一言堂”要好得多,許多學生個體問題 通過小組討論能夠得到很好的解決。組織小組討論時要 特別注意以下幾個問題: 一是科學組建合作小組,堅持“同組異質(zhì)、異組同質(zhì)”的原則;二是討論內(nèi)容要 適量、聚焦,一般情況下,每一次討論的題量不要超過 5題;三是討論過程中, 教師進行巡視督查,參與討論,提供幫助;四是每一個合作小組必須有一個核心人物,組織有序討論,當組內(nèi)不能達成一致意見的,負責人要立即叫停,進行下 一題的討論,控制討論時間;五是采用“圍站”的方式(見圖),這種方式學生 喜歡,組織速度快,也能
11、減少對周邊小組的干擾,同時有效解決按固定座位分組 時不能實現(xiàn)“同組異質(zhì)”的問題。3)學生交流 小組討論后,要進行匯總反饋,凡各小組意見統(tǒng)一,且答案正確的,就不再進行講評。由各組代表交流討論過程中的解題思路與方法,展示討論成果。4)教師點評教師根據(jù)學生的展示情況,圍繞重難點進行適度點撥,并通過鞏固訓練、變式訓練、拓展訓練檢查學生的達成度,同時起到舉一反三的作用;- Wheu shall we sei oul Io handle I lie prublrin wt ratiir across !week?until _ a duikoe to dheuss itthoi onghly.A. wil
12、l we hae had/ we havt hadC. have we h adI), we will bave還原:will not set out to hnndk thf prohlrm 宿心 rime across lat week until vre(liave) a chance tn discus it thoroughly.t鞏固訓緘】改的l,N*t UUfJI I,wetjtly They rru ntn-jkifvd (he tkvelvplHlll tif fourlf-trLaled ucth lhf in Ui/ i ui4i)rtid Hn? r ncui I hr
13、 r is off, Mont. I mil goid to 心wiiiHpk、.一()kL ,|usl stay Ihetv unllL llb power Hl t”,zkHufT.代 iTsrnreil / 1i;k hren iirorpiit was not until my finanre benmt bclfotthnt Aid J tnrftbr li aniia.【Mttllrtl12.ttic cxlraortliniy bruty uf Chjuglitig h thr LingTcii Palace, uiiiiiy of den Piihcr, ni4uy ar wh
14、odectn ations at * inatk1 n*iit rnigi aiit type of Wfiflrt ntiiive In Chinnr,Udiii富 1。Un NuorlLiiny Innty of Cgugliug b tlu* Liu en Piilac diul iiuny cf iU deturations ji r inudr 1roin ri agi mH 1yp* rwood nntivf to ( hina.小掘訓練】根據(jù)要求用合適的詞填空to Ilie gift whm a uolr on wbicb hr T、prr、*d 1118;ippt rrLI i
15、nn for qih- rccvplimi lmi iiig lii% *1ay tic it. fiMlathjiI hr Id rloi y pruilu rcl ii gi ral niuii bri1 nf tiiiiipulri Ka, uin、l iif tlirlii、hippE ro fcRrin roiiiLtrirs. (qliip)J. .Abiding (ii thrlr hip|ihirsT tiv、h,m j (tic) sunnh slmJLirllirs lirtwern Hit* i d (esr pupi、5)語料積累方法同上,具體內(nèi)容見導學案。3.完形填空
16、1)呈現(xiàn)答案方法同上。2)主旨回顧 圍繞What makes a hero對文章的主旨要義進行理解回顧,對全文進行整體把握。3)小組討論圍繞錯誤率較高的6道試題展開討論,討論后成果展示。方法同上。4)教師點撥重點通過上下文語境理解、熟詞生義(如knowledge)判斷、中西方文化的差異比較(如basically),讓學生感悟解題技巧;理解難句(文章最后一段升華部分),讓學生真正體會到文章的主旨及作者的寫作意圖。5)語料積累方法同上,具體內(nèi)容見導學案。6)寫作訓練用30詞歸納文章中心思想。這種讀寫結(jié)合的方式,既有利于學生 加深對文章的理解,同時又能培養(yǎng)學生的書面表達能力。三、課后反饋圍繞本堂課講
17、評的重難點內(nèi)容,編制了 “檢測卷”(見附件),通過學生課后 檢測,了解目標達成度。課后通過求助老師或同伴,將自己做錯而課堂上沒有講 的試題進行糾錯。同時要求學生將導學案中的知識清單內(nèi)容進行鞏固記憶。“思悟”是試題評講的靈魂,學生的能力不是通過教師告知而提高的,而要 通過教師引導讓學生感悟出來的。吳老師改變了告知的教學方式,以問題驅(qū)動為 抓手,讓學生積極思維,獨立思維,引導學生得出正確答案。本堂課全程使用PPT課件,呈現(xiàn)答案省時準確、歸納簡潔明了、補充訓練快捷、講解分析清晰、 學生抬頭率高,大大提高了課堂效率。每個單項講評結(jié)束后 留給學生一定的時間 進行鞏固消化,這也是試卷講評課必不可少的環(huán)節(jié),
18、因為學生課后很難再找到時 間進行鞏固消化。英語試卷講評課可以這么上!要這么上,必然要投入大量的時間和精力精心 備課。如果你愿意,不妨一試。點擊二維碼關注查看更多內(nèi)容高三英語限時訓練(二十)第一節(jié):單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)The power of silence is much greater compared with of instant attack.A. itB. oneC. thatD. the oneIts unnecessary that you complain about the power cut for repair work about the li
19、ne isbeing carried out for the coming hurricane.A. extensiveB. investigativeC. conservative D. explosive一 When shall we set out to handle the problem we came across last week?- Not until a chance to discuss it thoroughly.A. will we have had B. we have hadC. have we hadD. we will haveMany people trav
20、elled westwards to seek their fortune in the Gold Rush and now many museums show life was like back then.A. whoseB. whetherC. thatD. whatAs VR games fast among youngsters and game fans, most of the VR headsets andcontrollers are not necessarily price-friendly.A. take onB. hold onC. catch onD. count
21、onI o nce made some mistakes, I won t spend a moment of the future regretting what might have been.A. UntilB. WhileC. UnlessD. BecauseWith moreimportanceattached totraditionalculture theseyears,hanfu has becomepopular.A. merelyB. entirelyC. frequentlyD. increasinglyE-cigarette companies are ordered
22、to close their stores and ads online for the sake ofyoung people.A. bring aboutB. put upC. take downD. hold outAs the intelligent species, the human personality lies within the mind and body, existence we have only recently become aware.A. of whoseB. of whichC. of whomD. of itsThe project possible h
23、ad the relations of the two countries not reached their currentlevel.A. weren t B. weren t to be C. shouldn t be D. wouldn t have been 11. Each member of the community should acquire good habits and their behavior in anattempt to create a harmonious atmosphere.A. refreshB. regulateC. resembleD. reve
24、al the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling ePalace, many of decorations made from fragrant type of wood native to China.A. Added to; itsB. Adding to; whose C. Added to; whose D. Adding to; itsThe judge made irresponsible remarks on the singers performances in the Talent Show, regardless of
25、 the consequences.A. at randomB. at lengthC. at handD. at easeBecause of the cold and rainy weather, I avetbe ehiA. in the blackB. tickled pinkC. feeling blueD. in the red Do you think it s possible for the team to hit their target for fourth quarter?一! The majority of them are not that enterprising
26、.A. No doubtB. Not a chance C. Not a littleD. No problem第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題,每小題1分,滿分20分)Throughout history, the world looks for heroes in times of uncertainty. But what makes a hero? A cape (披風)and tights?Heroism is something that every one of us can aspire( 渴望)to, but not all of us will 16 .It takes a s
27、pecial kind of person to be a hero: bravery, compassion, 17 and sacrifice.In a paper published in Review of General Psychology, researcher Blau, Franco and Zimbardo agreed on a 18 of heroism: Heroes voluntarily serve others in need and are willing to make 19for these actions without expecting any re
28、ward or20 gain.Empathy and compassion for others are also common traits (特質(zhì))that all heroes seem to possess.People who become heroes 21 the people around them and are also able to see things from others 22. They value the well-being of others.To be a hero, you must have certain strengths. 23 your go
29、od intentions, trying to be a hero in a 24 situation when you have nothing to offer others may be foolish and could 25 more difficulties for rescue workers. For example, first aid training or 26 of kung fu may be useful in certain situations and 27 the path for heroism.Heroes 28 give us our models o
30、f things that we aspire to do, said American psychologist Nick Carden, according to W ALB News. Its related to courage, integrity( 正直)and honesty, Carden added.Even if you29 heroic traits, the right situation must arise in order to truly become ahero. Only when there are dangerous situations can a h
31、ero rise up to save the day. This is true bravery.Heroes are needed every day, and we can read about them in the most recent news. There are 30 who run into burning buildings to save the people inside. Doctors and nurses treat sick patients despite the 31 of becoming sick themselves. 32 have changed
32、 lives by donating a life saving organ or just doing a favor when theres a need.Even though most of us wont save the world, we can work at developing the 33 inside of us. American actor Cristopher Reve-most famous for his 34 as Superman-said, A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not
33、 always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes 35.”16. A. anchorB. acknowledgeC. appreciateD. achieve17. A. dedicationB. ambitionC. reputationD. restriction18. A. institutionB. reservationC. definitionD. routine19. A. preparationsB. sacrificesC. arrangementsD. allowances20. A. economicB. equa
34、lC. personalD. terminal21.A. care forB. have ago atC. count onD. have affection for22. A. identitiesB. descriptionsC. perspectivesD. similarities23. A. BeyondB. DespiteC. ExceptD. Through24. A. superbB. concreteC. optionalD. dangerous25. A. createB. mopC. accompanyD. resist26. A. adaptationB. knowle
35、dgeC. formatD. guarantee27. A. squeezeB. designC. paveD. occupy28. A. frequentlyB. apparentlyC. dynamicallyD. basically29. A. ownB. equipC. absorbD. envy30. A psychologistsB. firefightersC. supermenD. workers31. A. possibilityB. conditionC. affectionD. riskA. HeroesA. compassionA. roleA. somewayB. i
36、nspirationC. nurseD. heroB. exampleC. dignityD. targetB. anywayC. at randomD. in particularB. PatientsC. OthersD. Rescuers第三節(jié) 任務型閱讀(共10題 每題1分 滿分10分)請認真閱讀下列短文,并根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一個最恰當?shù)膯卧~。注意:每個空格只填1個單詞。請將答案寫在答題卡上相應題號的橫線上。How to live with someone in chronic pain?Do you know that 100 million people in
37、the United States suffer with chronic( 慢性的)pain?Living with someone in chronic pain can be demanding at times because the person doesnt feel well and wants your help to feel better. Yet you are powerless to do much about stopping their pain. As a result, much of the relationship can become focused o
38、n pain which is depressing for both of you. But people in pain need emotional support. They need to know that you understand their feelings. So, express it in your words and show it by your presence.Now, realize, there is a fine line between helping and hurting when talking with people in chronic pa
39、in. You help by encouraging pain free talk, by focusing on the positives of your relationship and other aspects of the persons life. Instead of asking,n today? ask, How is your pai“How is your day going? Then, focus on what is going right or is positive despite the pain. Thisisnt ignoring the realit
40、y of their pain, rather focusing away from the pain. Constant conversations about pain increase pain. The more attention you give pain, the more it multiplies pain.The more you do things for the person in pain, the more likely they are to become disabled by their pain. For example, if your partner c
41、an move, get up or get their own drink, let them. Even if it takes a while to accomplish something, movement is good for chronic pain. The goal is not to do things they can do for themselves. Otherwise, you are enabling sick behavior. Therefore, encourage, but dont enable! You don t want anyones ide
42、ntity to be developedhsrpaiin.Remember, chronic pain has caused your partner to limit his behavior and not do the things he used to do. He is dealing with loss and has to find a new normal. Talk about what can be done to improve functioning despite the pain. You may have to get creative! Can you thr
43、ow a ball to the grandkids sitting down? Maybe you can find a more comfortable position for closeness.Finally, do all you can to help him remain social even though the pain may lead to a cancellation with friends now and then. When that happens, you are supposed to keep inviting him to gatherings as
44、 he wants to remain active and involved. The worse thing a person in pain can do is get separated from others. Not only will they become depressed but it is much easier to lose hope. And there is so much you can do to improve functioning and get on with your life.In sum, chronic pain can cause relat
45、ionship tension, but a focus on small things that turn down the volume on pain and improve your day to day functioning will help your relationships.How to live with someone in chronic pain?Passage outlinesSupporting detailsThe phenomenon about people in chronic painThere are a large number of people
46、 36 from chronic pain. We need to show our understanding by keeping them37.38 to showing them our understanding. When it 39 to chronic pain, pay more 40 to the positives and what is going right instead of focusing on the pain itself.41 them to move as much as they can instead of enabling sickbehavio
47、rs. Keep their loss in mind and help them to find a new way to improve functioning in 42 of the pain. Even if he may cancel gatherings 43, try to keep a person inpain active and involved.44By focusing on small useful things and improving day to day functioning, we will live in45 with someone in chro
48、nic pain.高三英語限時訓練(二十)導學案第一節(jié):單項填空詞匯積累2. extensive 大量的,廣泛的,全面的 conservative 保守的5. not necessarily 不一定,未必 price-friendly environment-friendly/ environmentally friendly take on承擔;呈現(xiàn);雇傭;接納 hold on 緊抓不放;堅持;守住;保住 catch on理解,明白;變得流行merely僅僅;純粹地 frequently 頻繁地for the sake of 為了的緣故bring about弓I起,造成,導致take dow
49、n取下,記下,卸下,拆除11. refresh 更新,使.恢復investigative 研究的,調(diào)查的 explosive 爆炸的,爆發(fā)性的價格合理的eco-friendly環(huán)保的環(huán)保的(不賣 /不送);別掛斷count on 指望;依靠=depend/rely on entirely完全地;徹底地increasingly 越來越多地;日益put up 舉起;提高;張貼;建造;提供食宿 hold out 伸出,堅持regulate 約束,控制,管理10resemble 類似,像 =look like, be similar to reveal透露揭露make irresponsible re
50、marks on 發(fā)表不負責任的言論 regardless of the consequences 不顧 后果at random 任意地=randomlyat length 充分地;詳盡地(in detail);最后at hand在手邊;在附近,即將來臨at ease自由自在in the black 盈余 be tickled pink 非常高興=be over the moon= be on cloud ninein the red赤字feel blue感到沮喪憂郁hit one s target 目標enterprising adj.有進取心的not a little 很多not a bi
51、t 一點也不;絲毫不 =not in the leastnot a chance 沒有絲毫機會,機會渺茫難題分析 3. When shall we set out to handle the problem we came across last week?-Not until a chance to discuss it thoroughly.A. we have hadB. will we have had C. have we hadD. we will have考點:時態(tài)【鞏固練習】 改錯Not until recently they encouraged the developmen
52、t of tourist-related activities in the rural areas. The power is off, Mom. I am going to Grandpa s.-Ok, just stay there until the power will be restored.It was not until my finance became better last December that did I start the training. 9. As the intelligent species, the human personality lies wi
53、thin the mind and body,existence we have only recently become aware.A. of whoseB. of whichC. of whomD. of its考點:定語從句【鞏固練習】用合適的關系詞或介詞+關系代詞填空。In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of purposes is to relieveworldwide starvation.A new airport may be constructed in Nantong, in case the pace
54、of economic growthwill be accelerated.Just as Martin Luther King, Jr. put it, peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means we arrive at that goal. 12.the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling en Palace, many ofdecorations made from fragrant type of wood native to China.A. Add
55、ed to; itsB. Adding to; whose C. Added to; whose D. Adding to; its考點:完全倒裝,獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)11【鞏固練習】根據(jù)要求用合適的詞填空。.to the gift was a note on which he expressed his appreciation for our reception during his stay here. (attach).The factory produced a great number of computers, most of shipped to foreigncountries. (
56、代詞). Adding to their happiness, he says,(be) some similarities between the two test papers.美句欣賞.Many people travelled westwards to seek their fortune in the Gold Rush and now many museumsshow what life was like back then.許多人到西方去淘金,現(xiàn)在許多博物館展示了當時的生活。.With more importance attached to traditional culture
57、 these years, hanfu has becomeincreasingly popular.隨著對傳統(tǒng)文化越發(fā)重視,漢服在變得越來越受歡迎。【仿寫】用單選題中涉及的相關詞(組)和句型翻譯以下句子。.隨著日益迅速的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,更多的問題受到我們的關注.直到我們采取更靈活的方法來解決與他人的摩擦和沖突,我們才能創(chuàng)造一個和諧的氛圍.全球變暖使得解決環(huán)境問題更加困難,我們已經(jīng)意識到了全球變暖的影響。(add to;完全倒裝)第二節(jié):完形填空詞匯積累文章中的詞匯throughout history 縱觀歷史 2. make sacrifices for 做出犧牲3. personal gain 個人收益 4. see things from others perspdctives 從他人的角度看問題5. pave the path for heroism 為英雄主義鋪平道路6. do a favo邰一個忙選項中的詞匯21. care for 關心; 照料have a go at 試一試have affection for 喜愛28. apparently顯然dynamically有活力地;動態(tài)地 bas
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