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1、Think and Discuss1. What do people care most?2. what threatens our health most?DrinkingImproper DietObesity Lack of sleepNew Words and Expressions1. entitle 1) v. 給(書,劇本等)定名 to give book, a play etc. a titleeg. He entitled the book Crime and Punishmetn. 他把這本書取名為“罪與罰”。2) v. 授權(quán) to give the right to, a

2、uthorizeeg. This ticket entitles you to a free seat at the concert. 這張票可讓你免費聽音樂會。be entitled to do sth. 有權(quán)做某事eg. Officers are entitled to travel first class. 官員出差有權(quán)力坐頭等艙。2. calm1) v. 使平靜eg. The mother calmed her child.2) adj. 無風的,平靜的eg. After the storm it was calm.3) adj. 水波不興的,平靜的eg. The sea was ca

3、lm. 大海非常平靜。4) adj. (情緒)不激動的,安靜的eg. Even after her husband died, she was calm. 盡管她丈夫去世后,她還是很平靜。calm down1) 變平靜eg. The excited girl quickly calmed down. 興奮的女孩很快平靜下來。2) 使(生物)平靜eg. Ill go and calm the excited dogs down. 我去讓那條興奮的狗平靜下來。 Ill go and calm your angry brother down. 我去叫你生氣的弟弟平靜下來。3. nerve1) n.

4、神經(jīng)2) n. (u) 意志力,勇氣a man of nerve 勇敢的人a test of nerve 意志力的考驗3) (貶義)大膽,魯莽,冒失eg. What a nerve!Hes the worst-dressed man I know, and he has the nerve to tell me that my shoes need a shine! The nerve of him! 我知道他是個穿得最差的人,他居然敢跟我說我的鞋該擦了,多大的膽呀。touch a nerve/ hit a nerve 觸到傷心或敏感的話題eg. Im afraid I hit a nerve

5、 when I mentioned her dead mother, and she began to cry. 恐怕我提到她去世的母親觸動她傷心的話題了,她哭了起來。lose ones nerve 失去勇氣,變得膽怯get on someones nerves 令人心神不安eg. I cant study with that loud music getting on my nerves. 音樂聲那么大,讓我心神不發(fā),我沒辦法學(xué)習(xí)了。相關(guān)詞:1) nerve-racking adj. 令人緊張的,令人頭痛的a nerve-racking journey through the high mo

6、untains. 穿越高山峻嶺令人緊張的旅程2) nervous adj. 緊張的3) nervousness n. 緊張pre-exam nervousness 考前緊張4. concentration1) n. (u) 集中,專心eg. This book will need all your concentration 這本書需要你全神貫注的讀。2) n. (c) 集中,群集eg. There is a concentration of Industry in the south of the country. 工業(yè)集中在這個國家的南部。concentration camp 集中營相關(guān)詞

7、:1) concentrate v. 集中(注意力,思想)eg. Im never able to concentrate so early in the morning. 早上這么早我沒有辦法集中精力。concentrate on sth. 集中做某事eg. If you dont concentrate more on your work, youll be dismissed. 如果你不能夠更加專心工作的話,你將被解雇。2) concentrated adj. 濃縮的,強烈的,專心的eg. The pupil has made a concentrated effort to impro

8、ve his work. 這個學(xué)生力求功課進步。5suffer v. 遭受,受苦,受害suffer from 經(jīng)受(長期不愉快的事物)eg. She suffers from headaches. 她長期鬧頭痛。suffer + n. 經(jīng)常痛苦eg. She suffered the loss of her pupils respect. 她失去學(xué)生的敬愛心里很痛苦。7. temper1) n. 脾氣,心情,性情eg. Jeans in a bad temper because she has missed the bus. 珍心情不好因為她錯過了公共汽車。 He has a naturall

9、y sweet temper. 他性格溫和。2) n. 發(fā)脾氣,鬧情緒eg. Johns in a temper today, so keep away from him. 約翰今天發(fā)脾氣,所以離他遠點。fly into a temper / get into a temper 勃然大怒keep ones temper 忍住氣lose ones temper 生氣,動火,發(fā)脾氣10. urge1) v. 慫恿,力勸 to beg or persuade with forceurge sb. to do sth. 力勸某人做某事eg. They urged us to go with them.

10、 他們力勸我們跟他們走2) v. 叫往前走,驅(qū)策eg. to urge the horses on with whips 鞭馬前進3) v. 力言,強調(diào)(速度)eg. She urged the importance of speed. 她強調(diào)速度的重要性。相關(guān)詞:1) urgent adj. 緊急的urgent messages 緊急的信息11. satisfaction 1) n. (u) 滿意,滿足 contentment, pleasureeg. He took great satisfaction from playing the piano well. 鋼琴彈好令他非常滿意。2)

11、n. (c) 令人滿意(或滿足的)事物 something that pleaseseg. Playing the piano well was one of his greatest satisfactions. 彈好鋼琴是令他最滿意的事情。相關(guān)詞:1) satisfactory adj. 令人滿意的,稱心如意的,圓滿的 a satisfactory excuse for his absence 他缺席的理由令人信服eg. Sales are up 20% from last year: thats very satisfiactory. 銷售去年增長了20%令人非常滿意。2) satisf

12、y v. 使?jié)M意eg. I didnt like the story: it didnt satisfy me. But perhaps I am hard tosatisfy. 我不喜歡這個故事,它不能使我滿意,但是也許我很難滿意。3) satisfying adj. 令人滿意的,令人滿足的(同satisfactory, 不常用)a satisfying meal 令人滿意的一頓飯a satisfying experience 令人滿意的經(jīng)歷12. delighted adj. 欣喜的,高興的(指“人”感到快樂,主語是人,或者是感到快樂的主體)be delighted that 對某事高興b

13、e delighted with 對某事高興相關(guān)詞:1) delightful adj. 歡樂的,歡快的,極愉快的(指“某樣?xùn)|西”讓人感到快樂,主語是物體)a delightful little house 一間別致的小屋2) delightfully adv. 歡樂地,歡快地3) delight (1) v. 使愉快,使快樂eg. a book that is certain to delight 一本確實能叫人快樂的書 He delighted them with his performance. 他以表演取悅他們(2) v. 樂于,喜歡eg. Let dogs delight to ba

14、rk and bite, for God has made them so. 讓狗以吠與咬為榮,那是上帝的意思。(3) n. 欣喜,愉快eg. I read your new book with real delight. 我很愉快的讀你的新書。(4) n. 使人愉快的物或人eg. Your daughter is a reas delight! 你的女兒真令人愉快! Your new book is a real delight! 你的新書真令人愉快! Your little dog is a real delight! 你的小狗真令人愉快!take delight in 樂于,愛好eg.

15、She takes delight in proving others wrong. 她以證明別從錯誤的為樂。 light 1) v. 點火,著火eg. He lit a cigarette.2) v. (使)供給光線,照亮eg. We lit the candle and the candle lit the room. 我們點燃了蠟燭,燭光照亮了房間。3) v. (使)容光煥發(fā)eg. Suddenly a smile lit her face.突然,微笑使她臉亮了起來。lit lit 通常做謂語動詞, lightedlighted 通常做定語,當做形容詞使用,放在名詞之前a lighted

16、 match 被點燃的火柴4) n. 光,引火物,光線sunlight 陽光 firelight 火光Can you give me a light, please? 能借個火嗎?I cant read while you are standing in my light. 你擋住我的光線了,我沒法看書。come to light / bring to light(漸)為人所知之狀態(tài)in the light of 從觀點看according to ones lights 按照個人之見識shed light on / throw light on 使明白,解釋Text AnalysisListe

17、n and answer1. Why did I decide to stop smoking?2. How did I feel when smoking?3. How did I behave after quitting smoking?4. How did my wife react to that?5. What did I when seeing others smoking?6. Did I accept Brians cigar?7. Did I succeed in giving up smoking?After reading an article entitled Cig

18、arette Smoking and Your Health I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. After/before + doing = 時間狀語從句an article entitled 題名為的文章在英語中,文章名與書名中的每個單詞的第一個字母均大寫,不在開頭位置的連詞、冠詞、小品詞除外。Light v. 點燃lighted adj. 被點燃的 這是個點燃的香煙。This is a lighted cigarette. I smoked with concentration and pleasure as I was sure that this

19、 would be my last cigarette. For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered terribly.1)表原因的連詞:because,as,since,forat all 根本不,用于否定句中加強語氣2)我完全不同意你的看法。I dont agree with you at all完全沒有什么可擔心的。There was nothing to worry about at allI had all the usual symptoms of someone gi

20、ving up smoking: a bad temper and an enormous appetite.1)Give up 放棄,停止做某事她意識到她錯了,便停止了爭論。She realized she was wrong and gave up the argument2)Enormous 巨大的My friends kept on offering me cigarettes and cigars.1)keep on doing sth. = continue doing sth. 持續(xù)不斷的做 他一直說個不停。He kept on talking all the time這個孩子正

21、在大聲的哭,但是仍然在看電視。The child was crying loudly, but he kept on watching TV.2)cigar n. 雪茄 3)offer sb. sth. 給某人某物 我們提供他一個更好的職位We offered him a better position.They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. make every effort 盡全力,盡一切努力 他盡全力來獲得那份工作。He made

22、every effort to get the job. make no effort 根本不作努力他沒有掩飾他的失望。He made no effort to hide his disappointment.make effort + to do sth. 努力做no matter when = whenever 無論何時 no matter who = whoever 無論是誰no matter where = wherever 無論在哪里no matter how 無論怎樣 After seven days of this I went to a party. Everybody around me was smoking and I felt extremely uncomfortable. When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. 1)more


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