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1、2022-2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬試卷請考生注意:1請用2B鉛筆將選擇題答案涂填在答題紙相應(yīng)位置上,請用05毫米及以上黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將主觀題的答案寫在答題紙相應(yīng)的答題區(qū)內(nèi)。寫在試題卷、草稿紙上均無效。2答題前,認真閱讀答題紙上的注意事項,按規(guī)定答題。. 單項選擇1、What is the most popular way to communicate in China now?WeChat. One of its _is that it can sent words, pictures as well as voices.ApositionsBadvantagesCpurposes

2、Dexpressions2、Im going to give a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students.Great! But dont forget to tell them _.Awhat should they eat at the festivalBwhat kind of race is often heldCwhy people enjoy the full moonDhow do people celebrate it3、Life is full of ups and downs, and without

3、 the downs, the ups will meanAsomethingBeverythingCanythingDnothing4、. What did she say just now? She asked _.Athat I liked English bestBwhat is wrong with meCwhere was the nearest hospitalDif I would go shopping with her5、All the in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their ow

4、n holiday.Aman teachersBwomen teachersCwoman teacherDman teacher6、Look at these signs. Which is the right picture for “recycle”?ABCD7、Mom, _ I hang out with my friends now? Sure, but you _ clean up your bedroom first.Acan; mayBmay; have toCmust; needDneed; must8、My sister has a good habit. She likes

5、 to _ all things in right places.Aput down Bput away Cput on Dput out9、Im afraid the class has begun.Dont worry. It _ until the bell _.Adoesnt begin; ringsBwont begin; will ringCwont begin; ringsDdoesnt begin; will ring10、Helen has got two brothers. _ of them likes chocolate, but she loves it.ANeith

6、erBNoneCEachDAny. 完形填空11、Uncle Sam, is usually used to refer to the United States or the US government. It is the nickname of the country.It is hard to believe that this nickname became known quite by accident and there was a man 75 Uncle Sam.However,not many people have ever heard of such a man.Not

7、 even most young Americans. The man was called Uncle Sam Wilson.He was born in Arlington,Massachusetts, September 13, 1776. At the age of 14 Sam joined the American Revolutionary War(美國革命), and 76 in the army under George Washington until the end of the war.He then moved to Troy, New York states, an

8、d began a meatpacking business. He earned a reputation(贏得了聲譽)for being honest and hardworking. He was locally respected and admired, thus greeted as Uncle Sam.One day in 1812,a group of visitors came to Sams meatpacking plant(肉類加工廠).Among them was Government official. He 77 the capitalized letters(大

9、寫字母) EAUS on the packages of meat and asked what they stood for. A worker man replied that EA stood for Elbert Anderson,the businessman for whom Sam was working.And he added 78 that US(actually it was the short form for United States) stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. Soon soldiers were saying all army su

10、pplies were from Uncle Sam. In May 1813,this story appeared in a newspaper published in New York.Since Uncle Sam was an example of a hard-working man and a lover of America, the idea ofUncle Sam as the name of this kind of man became well-known rapidly.Uncle Sam was ready to help 79 and place the in

11、terest of the nation(國家利益)above allthis is in line with (與符合)the American spirit. This makes the American consider Uncle Sam 80 the symbol of the USAIn 1961 the US Congress made a decision that Uncle Sam is the Americas national symbol.1AwasBnamedCaskedDwas called2AservedBstayedCjoinedDentered3AsawB

12、observedCstudiedDnoticed4ASurprisinglyBseriouslyCjokinglyDcarefully5AotherBothersCeveryoneDanother6AtoBforClikeDas. 語法填空12、Mary is 1 eight-year-old girl. Every day she washes clothes, looks after2(she) younger sister and works 3(hardly) on the farm. Mary wants to go to school, but her mother needs h

13、er help at home. So Mary stays at home instead of 4 (go) to school.Do you want to help Mary? Well, join Save the Children, please! Just 6 yuan a day, you can 5 (helpful) a child like Mary. With your help, children like Mary will be able 6 (have) enough food and have chances to go to school.Save The

14、Children is an organization to help poor children like Mary. It has been in service since 1932. The money from kind people will 7 (use) to build schools, hospitals and other necessary 8(build)9 you are a volunteer, there are many wonderful things waiting for you letters from the children, their phot

15、os and subject reports. Now, if you are interested10 the application form, and then you can donate some money. In this way, you can help a child like Mary!. 閱讀理解A13、Do you like to eat sushi(壽司)? Many people are afraid to eat it, because they think the bacteria(細菌) in it might make them sick. However

16、, a new study shows that sea bacteria are good for people. The study finds that a special enzyme(酶) from sea bacteria is helpful to humans. It helps people to get more energy from food.To peoples surprise, the enzyme is present only in the Japanese. The Japanese traditionally like to eat food rich i

17、n seaweed(海藻). And the seaweed is rich in this kind of enzyme.However, the enzyme isnt present in all the Japanese. During the study, just 5 out of 14 Japanese had the enzyme. All the Americans studied didnt have the enzyme.“The number is small,” said researcher Mirjam Czjzek. “But we can say that t

18、his enzyme is present only in the Japanese and not in the North Americans.”Then some people think that maybe other people are able to get the enzyme if they eat a lot of seaweed. The study suggests that they collect uncooked seaweed to make their sushi.Restaurant sushi is often cooked, which will de

19、stroy the enzyme. So, if you want to get that enzyme, you can travel to Japan to have a taste of the real sushi.1Sea bacteria are _ for people.AhelpfulBharmfulCimportantDnecessary2Why do the Japanese have the special enzyme?ABecause they eat a lot of seaweed.BBecause they were born with such an enzy

20、me.CBecause they get more energy from food.DBecause they like to eat food full of bacteria.3Which of the following is FALSE?AThe Japanese have a diet rich in seaweed.BAll the Japanese studied have the special enzyme.CAll the North Americans studied dont have the enzyme.DThe enzyme helps people to ge

21、t more energy.4According to the study, about _ of Japanese have the enzyme.A5%B14%C35%D60%5Which of the following food has the enzyme?ARestaurant sushi.BRestaurant seaweed.CUncooked seaweed.DSeaweed soupB14、Do you know some great inventors and their inventions?What factors (因素) are needed for their

22、success? Well, good timing for a start. You can have a great idea which the public simply doesnt want . yet. The Italian Giovanni Caselli invented the first fax(傳真)machine in the 1860s. Although the machine was excellent, his invention quickly died a commercial(商業(yè)的) death. It was not until the 1980s

23、 that the fax became very common in every office. too late for Giovanni Caselli. Money also helps. The Frenchman Denis Papin (1647-1712) had the idea for a steam engine (蒸汽機)almost a hundred years before the better-remembered Scotsman James Watt was even born. but he never had enough money to build

24、one. You also need to be patient (it took scientists nearly eighty years to develop a light bulb which actually worked). but not too patient. In the 1870s, Elisha Gray, a professional inventor from Chicago, developed plans for a telephone. Gray saw it as no more than “a beautiful toy”. However, when

25、 he finally sent details of his invention to the Patent Office(專利局) in February, 1876, it was too late. Almost the same invention had arrived two hours earlier. and the young man who sent it, Alexander Graham Bell, will always be remembered as the inventor of the telephone.Of course what you really

26、need is a great ideabut if you havent got one, a walk in the country and careful look at nature can help. The Swiss scientist, George de Mestral, had the idea for Velcro(魔術(shù)貼)when he found his clothes covered in sticky seed pods after a walk in the country. During a similar walk in the French country

27、side some 250 years earlier, Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur had the idea that paper could be made from wood when he found an abandoned wasps nest(蜂巢).You also need good commercial sense. Willy Higinbotham was a scientist doing nuclear(核能的) research in the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton,

28、USAIn 1958, the public were invited to an exhibition in the Laboratory to see their work, but both parents and children were more interested in a tennis video game on the screen. Soon hundreds of people were ignoring the other exhibits to play the first ever computer gamemade from a simple laborator

29、y instrument called an “oscilloscope”. Higinbotham, however, never made money from his invention: he thought people were only interested in the game because the other exhibits were so boring!1How many factors do inventors need according to the passage?A3. B4. C5. D6.2The word “ignoring” in the last

30、paragraph probably means “_”.Ahaving no idea of Bdoing no good toCgetting no chance of Dpaying no attention to3What can you learn from the passage?AGiovanni Caselli invented the first fax machine in the 1980s.BDenis Papin afforded to build a steam engine a hundred years ago.CElisha Gray missed the c

31、hance to be the inventor of the telephone.DGeorge de Mestral got an idea from a walk in a French countryside.4Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?AHow to be a successful inventorBHow to get a great idea from natureCHow to have a good commercial senseDHow to make money from

32、 inventionsC15、A little boy invited his mother to attend his schools first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boys dismay(沮喪), his mother said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teachers met his mother and he wasembarrassedby her appearance. There was a severe(嚴重的)

33、 scar (傷疤) that covered nearly the whole right side of her face. The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.At the meeting, the people were impressed by the kindness of his mother with the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone. However, he c

34、ould hear clearly the conversation between his mother and the teacher.“How did you get the scar on your face?” the teacher asked.The mother replied, “When my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught on fire. Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was out of control, but I went in. As

35、I was running towards his bed, I saw a burning wood falling down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked to be unconscious(無知覺的), but luckily, a fireman came in and saved both of us.” She touched the burned side of her face. “This scar will be forever, but until today, I ha

36、ve never regretted doing what I did.”When the little boy heard this, he couldnt help running towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged her and felt his mother was greater than anyone. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.1The underlined word “embarrassed” means _ in Chinese.A焦

37、慮的 B尷尬的 C悲傷的 D悔恨的2In fact, the boys mother was _.ABeautiful BUglyCKind DUgly but kind3We know from the passage that the little boy _.Awasnt moved by what her mother saidBdidnt ask his mother to attend the meetingCwanted his mother to attend the meeting at firstDdidnt really want his mother to attend

38、 the meeting at first4After listening to his mothers words about the scar, the boy might feel _.AMoved BUnhappy CWorried DDismay5Which of the following is true?AThe boys mother was brave but foolishBThe boy hated what his mother had done.CWe should love our parents whatever they are like.DThe people

39、 at the meeting didnt like the boys mother.D16、Do you know who is the most popular star on the Internet now? Yes, he is “Brother Coat”(大衣哥) Zhu Zhiwen!A few months ago, Zhu Zhiwen was an unknown farmer. A video of his show has been watched by more than millions of people,now his videos are the most

40、popular. Zhu Zhiwen attracts Chinese netizens(網(wǎng)民的) hearts. And he is called “Brother Coat” by them.In March 2011, he took part in a program called “Im a Big Star”. He walked out onto the stage in a dark green coat. Then he began to sing the song of the TV drama Romance of Three Kingdoms. When the au

41、diences heard rich and powerful voice,all of them stood up and cheered. After that, he became a well-known person.The judges(評委) asked him if he had any professional training. Zhu said no. “When he started, I thought someone played the original tape(原聲帶) by mistake. But later on, I got it, ” said on

42、e of them, “we cant_” At last, he won the first prize in the program of “Im a Big Star”Zhu Zhiwen was born in a village of Shandong in 1969. He liked listening to the radio. When the music played, he sang it along. Every morning, he would get up early and practiced singing near a river. He keeps doi

43、ng it for nearly 30 years.“When Im working in the fields, ”said Zhu Zhiwen, “I often sing for myself, some villagers even think me crazy,but I really love it. Im not singing for money, Im singing for ordinary people in China.”Mrs. Sun, a 56-year-old engineer, one of his fans said, “I watched his vid

44、eos without getting tired of it! It is so amazing, and every time I watch it, I am filled with excitement and his voice is perfect! I am crossing my fingers in hope that he has a bright future.”1Who gave Zhu Zhiwen the nickname of “Brother Coat”(大衣哥)?AHis father.BThe villagers.CHis mother.DThe netiz

45、ens.2When did Zhu Zhiwen become a well-known person?AIn 1969.BIn 2011.CTwo years ago.DA few years ago.3Why did the audiences stand up cheer when Zhu Zhiwen sang the song?ABecause he was funny.BBecause he wore a dark green coat.CBecause his voice was rich and powerful.DBecause he gave some gifts to t

46、he audiences.4The underlined phrase “judge a book by its cover” in Paragraph 4 means _.A以貌取人B志存高遠C眾口鑠金D嘩眾取寵5Which of the following is TRUE?AZhu Zhiwen is 45 years old now.BMrs. Sun enjoys Zhu Zhiwens songs.CA famous singer taught Zhu Zhiwen to sing.DZhu Zhiwen often sang for his fans when he was you

47、ng.E17、A short Chinese man is one of the biggest men in the world right now. He is Jack Ma ( Ma Yun), the Chairman (董事局主席) of Alibaba Group. On Sept. 19, 2014, Alibaba went public(上市) and raised $25 billion. Ma, a former English teacher, has become the richest man in China.Born in 1964 in Hangzhou,

48、Zhejiang, Ma grew up as a happy kid. When he was a teenager, he wanted to learn English. Every morning, he got up at 5 a.m., rode his bike for 40 minutes to a hotel near the West Lake and talked with foreign tourists in English. He diditfor nine years, rain or shine.The experience made him an excell

49、ent English speaker and also opened his eyes to the outside world. In 1994, Ma Yun heard about the Internet for the first time. And on a 1995 trip to the US, Ma was shown the Internet for the first time. He searched the word “beer” on Yahoo, and found that there was nothing there about China. Seeing

50、 the chance, Ma returned to China and set up a website called China Pages without even knowing much about computers.Four years later, Ma, his wife and his friends set up Alibaba in Hangzhou. He believed in the Internet business potential(潛力) when few other Chinese did. 15 years later, Alibaba has de

51、veloped into the worlds largest e-commerce company (電子商務(wù)公司), owning popular shopping websites like Taobao and Tmall.1The underline word “ it” in the second paragraph refers to _.Ariding a bikeBteaching EnglishCplaying on computersDpracticing English with foreigners2In 1995, Ma Yun was shown _ for th

52、e first time in the US.Abeer on Yahoo BChinese pagesCthe Internet De-commerce3Alibaba was set up in the year_.A1994 B1995 C1999 D20044Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe first website Ma Yun set up was Taobao.BAlibaba raised a lot of money after it went public.CMa Yun be

53、gan to learn English when he was a teenager.DMa Yun believed the Internet business would have a bright future.5What does this passage mainly tell us?AHow Ma Yun made history.BThe history of Alibaba GroupCHow Ma Yun learned English.DThe development of e-commerce in china.F18、Four years ago, Chinese s

54、kater Wu Dajing introduced himself to the skating world by winning a silver medal at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games. At this years Pyeong Chang Olympics, Wu not only returned, but also made history.On Feb 22th, 2018, Wu won the gold medal in the mens short-track 500-metre race. He set a new world re

55、cord with a time of 39.584 seconds. He also became the first Chinese man to take home an Olympic short-track gold medal. BBC said Wus win was “flawless”, because he was much faster than all of the other skaters.“I didnt give them a chance and I kept my speed from the start,” he told the media after

56、the match.But Chinas short-track teams didnt do well in general at the Games. Chinese skaters in the womens 500 metres, 3000-metre relay and mens 1500 metres all failed to take home the gold. Wu was Chinas biggest hope, which put a lot of pressure on him. But he proved himself with his great perform

57、ance.Wu is now known as a highly talented skater. But things were not always that way. When Wu joined the national team in 2010, he was seen as almost “nothing” compared to gifted skaters like Zhou Yang and Fan Kexin, as his coaches said at the time. Their comments made him quite upset. But as the s

58、aying goes, “Winners never quit and quitters never win”. Wu didnt want to give up and worked as hard as he could. He practiced skating all year round. He even didnt return to his hometown for the holidays for 10 years. “I believe in myself,” he told the media after his match at the Olympics.1What do

59、es the underlined word “flawless” mean?AOrdinary BValuable CPerfect DDifficult2According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT?AWu won a gold medal at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games four years ago.BWu broke the world record with a time of 39.584 seconds and made history.CWus coaches placed great hope on him when he joined the national team.DChinese skaters in womens 500 metres, 3000-metre relay took home the gold.3What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?AThe national team and coaches regarded Wu as a talen


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