1、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人引用過的古詩詞翻譯百例“政如農(nóng)功,日夜思之,思其始而成其終?!薄癐 do my job as diligently as a farmer tends to his field. I have it on my mind day and night. I work for a thorough planning at the start. And Im determined to carry it through to a successful end.”【出處】左傳。【釋義】為政好象務(wù)農(nóng),要日夜思考它,思考它的開始又思考怎樣使它取得圓滿的結(jié)果,天天從早到晚去實行它。“骨肉之親,析而不殊
2、”。“Nothing can sever the blood ties of brothers.”【出處】漢書武五子傳?!踞屃x】骨肉至親,就算分離了,血脈也不會斷絕。意指兩岸是骨肉至親,即使分離,也斷絕不了那份血濃于水的親情?!皯n國不謀身”I always have the interests of the country in my mind and pursue no personal gains.【出處】唐代詩人劉禹錫學(xué)阮公體三首?!踞屃x】意指歷史上的賢人達士意氣豪邁,憂國憂民而不謀自身利益。讀了近千年的歷史記載,感情上與古人相通?!叭鐚⒉槐M,與古為新”“Only reform ensu
3、res continuous existence and growth.”【出處】晚唐詩論家司空圖詩品纖秾?!踞屃x】意指你越是深邃地體察自然美景,就能領(lǐng)略詩境的澄明。那詩情也將源源汩汩,泉涌無盡,與歷代的名篇一樣,意境常新。本來是說作詩,如果這個題材會一直寫下去,沒有停止的時候,那么就應(yīng)該和過去人做的相比,寫出新意,寫出創(chuàng)新。與前句同用,強調(diào)思想解放的重要性?!皣谌诵摹薄癟he hearts of the people are the life of the country.”事非經(jīng)過不知難。A person who has not experienced the difficulty
4、 will not be able to fully appreciate the gravity of the difficulty itself.【出處】陸游撰詩句。原文:書到用時方恨少;事非經(jīng)過不知難?!踞屃x】意指沒有親身經(jīng)歷過的事情,就不知道它的艱難。行百里者半九十。half of the people who have embarked on a 100-mile journey may fall by the wayside.【出處】西漢劉向戰(zhàn)國策秦策五?!踞屃x】要走一百里,走到九十里也只算走了一半。比喻事情越接近成功,越困難,需要堅持到底,用來勉勵人善始善終。華山再高,頂有過路。
5、no matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its top.亦余心之所向兮,雖九死其尤未悔。For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I will not regret a thousand death to die.【出處】戰(zhàn)國屈原離騷?!踞屃x】這是我心底所向往的,就算是讓我死很多次,我也不會后悔(做出的選擇)。溫總理引用這一句,是強調(diào)自己對以后三年任期會堅持到底,勇于直面困難的決心和態(tài)度。人或加訕,心無疵兮。my conscience stays untainted
6、in spite of the rumors and slanders from the outside.【出處】唐劉禹錫子劉子傳?!踞屃x】有的人可能會嘲笑誹謗我,但是我問心無愧,心里沒有瑕疵。表達自己雖然被人毀謗,但是自己心地純潔,問心無愧。畫是如此,人何以堪。I hope that one day soon the two pieces of the painting can be whole again ,and I cherish the same wish not only for the painting but also for people on both sides of t
7、he Straits.時進則進,時退則退,動靜不失其時:Timing is essential in deciding when one should act and when one should stay put【出處】周易艮卦彖傳。原文:艮,止也。時止則止,時行則行,動靜不失其時?!踞屃x】大義是根據(jù)時勢,要靜止就靜止,要行動就行動,行動或靜止不能失去他的時機。溫總理引用這句話強調(diào)在當(dāng)前的國際形勢下,中國的經(jīng)濟政策要靈活謹(jǐn)慎,跟隨形勢的變化而變化。不畏浮云遮望眼,只緣身在最高層:we (I)have no fear the clouds that may block our sight a
8、s we are already at the top of the height.”【出處】宋王安石登飛來峰。【釋義】不怕浮云遮住自己遠望的視線,只因為自己站在最高的地方。作者以此表達自己不怕奸佞小人的阻擾陷害,一心改革的堅定信念莫道今年春將盡,明年春色倍歡人Do not regret that the spring is departing, come next year as it will be twice as enchanting.【出處】杜審言春日京中有懷。原文:今年游寓獨游秦,愁思看春不當(dāng)春。上林苑里花徒發(fā),細柳營前葉漫新。公子南橋應(yīng)盡興,將軍西第幾留賓。寄語洛城風(fēng)日道,明年春
9、色倍還人。【釋義】原文是表達對洛陽春色的留戀之情,說明年的春天會更好。溫總理在09年答記者問中做了即興發(fā)揮,改成“莫道今年春將盡,明年春色倍還人”,來回答記者關(guān)于金融危機的提問,來表現(xiàn)金融危機只是暫時的,對未來充滿信心。乞火不若取燧,寄汲不若鑿井we would better fetch a flint than beg for light and we would better dig a well ourselves than beg for water from others.【出處】淮南子覽冥訓(xùn)?!踞屃x】向別人借火,不如自己去鉆木取火;向別人討水,不如自己打一口井。比如暫時依靠別人解決
10、問題,不如自己依靠自己,永遠地解決問題。在這里溫總理的意思是想要度過金融危機,中國不能依賴外國的援助,而應(yīng)該中國人自己努力,渡過難關(guān)。山重水復(fù)疑無路,柳暗花明又一村After encountering all kind of difficulties and experiencing all kinds of hardships, at the end of the day we will see light at the end of tunnel.【出處】陸游游山西村?!踞屃x】字面意思不解釋,大家常用,都懂的。這一句是溫總理引用了回答關(guān)于中國面對金融危機的問題,是說危機中存在機遇,不能坐等
11、,應(yīng)該尋找機遇,抓住機遇。生于憂患,死于安樂one prospers in worries and hardship, and perishes in ease and comfort.茍利國家生死以,豈因禍福避趨之。I will do whatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my own life, regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself.【出處】林則徐林則徐赴戍登程口占示家人,全詩如下:力微任重久神疲,再竭衰庸定不支。茍利國家生死以,豈因禍福避趨之?謫居正是君恩厚
12、,養(yǎng)拙剛于戍卒宜。戲與山妻談故事,試吟斷送老頭皮?!踞屃x】只要是對國家有益的,哪怕是要付出生命也在所不惜,不能因為個人的富貴榮辱和得失而去逃避和推卸責(zé)任?!靶惺乱娪诋?dāng)時,是非公于后世”。What one did at the time will be judged by history.【出處】明太祖寶訓(xùn)朱元璋語。原文為“自古有天下國家者,行事見于當(dāng)時,是非公于后世。故一代之興衰,必有一代之史以載之”;【釋義】我們做的事情當(dāng)時的人可以看到,但是是非公論將由后世之人評判?!疤熳儾蛔阄?,祖宗不足法,人言不足恤”。One should not fear the changes under the h
13、eaven. One should not blindly follow past conventions. And one should not be deterred by complaints of others.“民之所憂,我之所思;民之所思,我之所行”。What people are concerned about is what preoccupies my mind and what preoccupies the minds of the people is what I need to address.【出處】根據(jù)孟子梁惠王下“樂民之樂者,民亦樂其樂;憂民之憂者,民亦憂其憂。
14、樂以天下,憂以天下,然而不王者,未之有也?!焙头吨傺驮狸枠怯浿小熬訌R堂之高,則憂其民,處江湖之遠,則憂其君”兩句所演化?!踞屃x】這一句是溫總理表達對為民解憂之情。百姓所擔(dān)憂的,就是我所思考的,百姓所思考的,就是我要實行的?!耙恍闹袊鴫?,萬古下泉詩”I have always longed to see a reunified China, an aspiration shared by all our people【出處】宋代,鄭思肖德佑二年歲旦?!踞屃x】我一心想要收復(fù)失地,恢復(fù)中原,那萬古流傳的下泉詩,正是我的愿望,是天下人民的愿望。下泉:指詩經(jīng)曹風(fēng)下泉。度盡劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇we
15、remain brothers despite all the vicissitudes and lets forgo our grudges when smiling we meet again【出處】魯迅題三義塔?!踞屃x】字面意思,很通俗。溫總理此句和前句一起引用,表達了對希望兩岸早日統(tǒng)一,兩岸仍然是骨肉情深之殷切期盼。周雖舊邦,其命惟新although Zhou was an ancient state, it had a reform mission.【出處】詩經(jīng)大雅文王?!踞屃x】周雖然是一個古老的邦國,但是它的生命延續(xù),在于革新。這句話溫總理用來解釋思想解放,體現(xiàn)出一個古老的大國對于
16、革新意識和思想解放的重視。如將不盡,與古為新only innovation could sustain the growth and vitality of a nation.“召遠在修近,閉禍在除怨。”To win distant friends, one needs, first of all, to have good relations with his neighbors. To avoid adversity, one needs to ease animosity.【出處】管子版法【釋義】想要召來遠方的人才,(關(guān)鍵)在于與身邊的人修好,避免災(zāi)禍的關(guān)鍵在于去除仇怨。這句話體現(xiàn)出的善
17、意很快結(jié)出碩果:2007年溫家寶總理“東瀛融冰”,中日關(guān)系走向“積極構(gòu)建的新時代”?!俺林蹅?cè)畔千帆過,病樹前頭萬木春?!边@句詩出自劉禹錫的酬樂天揚州初逢席上見贈。A thousand sails pass by the wrecked ship; ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree.危則安,思所以亂則治,思所以亡則存。To think about where danger looms will ensure our security; to think about why chaos occurs will ensur
18、e our peace; and to think about why a country falls will ensure our survival.得道者多助,失道者寡助。A just cause enjoys abundant support, while an unjust one finds little support.一尺布尚可縫,一斗粟尚可舂,同胞兄弟何不容?Even a foot of cloth can be stitched up; even a kilo of millet can be ground. How can two blood brothers not m
19、ake up?雄關(guān)漫道真如鐵,而今邁步從頭越;路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron, yet with firm strides, we are conquering its summit. My way ahead is long; I see no ending; yet high and low Ill search with my will unbending.安不忘危,治不忘亂。In security, we should never forget the dangers and in
20、times of peace, we should always beware of the potential for chaos.生財有道,生之者眾,食之者寡,為之者疾,用之者抒。There are many people who produce, there are very few people who consume, and people work very hard to produce more financial wealth and people practice economy when they spend. In this way, wealth is accumul
21、ated。志合者,不以山海為遠。Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations.【出處】葛洪抱樸子博喻求木之長者,必固其根本;欲流之遠者,必浚其泉源。A tree has to strike a firm root before it can flourish. A river has tohave a fully dredged source before it can flow unceasingly far. 【出處】魏征諫太宗十思疏山明水凈夜來霜,數(shù)樹深紅出淺黃。The water is cl
22、ear and the mountain is bright, the frost comes in at night.Trees are covered with deep scarlet leaves mixed with yellow that is light.【出處】劉禹錫秋詞二首天高任鳥飛,海闊憑魚躍。The sky is unlimited for birds to fly at ease, as the ocean is boundlessfor fish to leap at will.【出處】阮閱詩話總龜前集一花獨放不是春,百花齊放春滿園。A single flower d
23、oes not make spring, while one hundred flowers in fullblossom bring spring to the garden.【出處】古今賢文有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎。Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?【出處】論語學(xué)而己所不欲,勿施于人。What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.【出處】論語衛(wèi)靈公為政以德。he exercises government by means o
24、f his virtue.【出處】論語為政仕而優(yōu)則學(xué),學(xué)而優(yōu)則仕。The officer, having discharged all his duties, should devotehis leisure tolearning. The student, having completed his learning, should apply himself tobe an officer.【出處】論語子張工欲善其事,必先利其器。The mechanic, who wishes to do his work well, must first sharpen his tools.【出處】論語衛(wèi)
25、靈公三人行,必有我?guī)熝伞hen I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers.【出處】論語述而知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they wholove it are not equal to those who delight in it.【出處】論語雍也學(xué)而不思則罔,思而不學(xué)則殆。Learning without thought is labor lost; thought wit
26、hout learning isperilous.【出處】論語為政人而無信,不知其可。I do not know how a man without truthfulness is to get on.【出處】論語為政和而不同。The superior man is affable, but not adulatory.【出處】論語子路孝悌忠信、禮義廉恥、仁者愛人、與人為善、天人合一、道法自然、自強不息。Moral injunction of fidelity to ones parents and brothers and to themonarch and friends, the sen
27、se of propriety, justice, integrity and honor, theemphasis on benevolence and kindness towards fellow human beings and the beliefthe man should be in harmony with nature, follow natures course and theconstantly pursue selfperfection.【出處】習(xí)近平在歐洲學(xué)院演講引用窮則思變,亂則思定。Poverty prompted the call for change and
28、people experiencing turmoilaspired for stability.【出處】易系辭下天行健,君子以自強不息。As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantlystrive for selfperfection.【出處】周易茍日新,日日新,又日新。If one can make things better for one day, he should make them better everyday.【出處】大學(xué)明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。Get ready to go i
29、nto the mountain, being fully aware that there may betigers to encounter.【出處】增廣賢文圖難于其易,為大于其細。天下難事,必作于易;天下大事,必作于細。He who wants to accomplish a big and difficult undertaking should startwith easier things first and make sure that all details are attended to.【出處】道德經(jīng)橘生淮南則為橘,生于淮北則為枳。The tasty orange, gro
30、wn in southern China, would turn sour once it is grownin the north.【出處】晏子春秋志同道合。People who cherish the same ideals follow the same path.【出處】習(xí)近平北京APEC會議講話引用2012-2015大大用過的107條典故1、逢山開道,遇水搭橋Pave a path out of a mountain; make a bridge across a river.2、風(fēng)物長宜放眼量The scenery ahead should be seen in the long
31、run.3、不畏浮云遮望眼Fear no floating clouds that may block your eyesight.4、臨淵羨魚,不如退而結(jié)網(wǎng)Better go back and make a net than long for the fish by merely staring into the pond.5、縱使思忖千百度,不如親手下地鋤Better to do it yourself than to think one thousand times.6、物必先腐,而后蟲生A thing rots before it harbors worms.7、空談?wù)`國Less ta
32、lking8、雄關(guān)漫道真如鐵Man Road is really something like iron.9、人間正道是滄桑The righteous path in the world sees many vicissitudes.10、長風(fēng)破浪會有時There will be a time when I harness the wind and sails across the waves.11、三人行,必有我?guī)熝葾mongst three people walking, one can certainly be my teacher.12、滿招損,謙受益Pride goes before
33、 a fall.13、東方欲曉,莫道君行早,踏遍青山人未老,風(fēng)景這邊獨好Dawning in the east sky, its not early, lets ourselves hie. Not old, weve trodden all hills green. Behold here, what a beautiful scene.14、學(xué)者非必為仕,而仕者必為學(xué)A learner doesnt become an official, while an official must live up to his learning.15、盲人騎瞎馬,夜半臨深池A blind man is
34、unaware of his approaching the deep waters whiling riding a horse at midnight.16、先天下之憂而憂,后天下之樂而樂Be the first to show concern and the last to enjoy oneself.17、位卑未敢忘憂國Even a humble man cannot forget about the fate of country.茍利國家生死以,豈因禍福避趨之In line with the conviction that I will do whatever it takes t
35、oserve my country even at the cost of my own life, regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself.19、博學(xué)之,審問之,慎思之,明辨之,篤行之A gentleman should study extensively, in quire prudently, think carefully, distinguish clearly, and practice earnestly.20、知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者He who knows the truth is not equal to him
36、 who loves it, and he who loves it is not equal to him who delights in it.21、學(xué)而不思則罔,思而不學(xué)則殆Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without studying results in tardiness.22、鞠躬盡瘁,死而后已Serve ones country heart and soul until his death.23、以其昏昏,使人昭昭Confused as he was, one expects understandi
37、ng from others.24、夙夜在公Work on official affairs from morning till night.25、治大國如烹小鮮Govern a great nation as you would cook a small fish.26、積土為山,積水為海Accumulate earth to become a mountain; pool streams of water into the sea.27、君子一言,駟馬難追A word spoken cannot be recalled.28、宰相必起于州部,猛將必發(fā)于卒伍A prime minister
38、must come from a sub-district office, and a strong general must come from a troop.29、如臨深淵,如履薄冰Seems to be at the brink of a deep abyss or tread on thin ice.30、偷得浮生半日閑Steal half a day in leisure from ones floating life.31、讀萬卷書,行萬里路Read 10,000 books and travel 10,000 miles.32、歷史的道路不是涅瓦大街上的人行道,它完全是在田野中
39、前進的,有時穿過塵埃,有時穿過泥濘,有時橫渡沼澤,有時行徑叢林。The course of history is not the pedestrian pavement on Neva Street. It fully makes its way in the fields, sometimes through dust, sometimes across the muds, sometimes over the swamp, and sometimes into the woods.33、授人以魚,更要授人以漁Give people fish and more importantly, me
40、thods for fishing.34、放之四海而皆準(zhǔn)It is a universal rule.家和萬事興Harmony of a family help achieves everything.36、人生樂在相知心The joy of life lies in bosom friends.37、志合者,不以山海為遠Though thousands of miles apart, those congenial friends are together.38、獨木不成林One single tree cannot make a forest.39、明者因時而變,知者隨事而制The wis
41、e make changes and adjustment depending on different times and conditions.40、一花獨放不是春,百花齊放春滿園A single flower cannot represent the spring, but blossoming flowers is a garden of spring.41、海納百川,有容乃大The sea is vast, for it refuses no rivers.42、親望親好,鄰?fù)徍肦elatives expect prosperity from each other, so do n
42、eighbors.43、百尺竿頭,更進一步Make continued efforts.44、長江后浪推前浪In the Yangtze River, the waves ahead are always pushed by the ensuing waves.45、功崇惟志,業(yè)廣唯勤Achievement of success lies in great determination and completion of achievement, in hard working.46、學(xué)如弓弩,才如箭鏃Learning is like a bow and talent arrows.47、茍日新
43、,日日新,又日新If you can improve yourself every day, do it yourself every day and in the following days.48、以青春之我,創(chuàng)建青春之國家,青春之民族We youth create a youthful country and a youthful people.49、寶劍鋒從磨礪出,梅花香自苦寒來Sharpness of a precious dagger comes from whetting, and fragrance of a plum flower from chilling.50、積力之所舉
44、,則無不勝也Concentrate all forces, and everything can be conquerable.51、量腹而受,量身而衣Eat according to the size of your abdomen, and clothe according to the size of your body.52、桃李不言,下自成蹊Peaches and plums do not have to talk, yet the world beats a path to them.53、得其大者可以兼其小Understand the broad aspects before k
45、nowing details.54、究天人之際,通古今之變Study natural and social phenomena, and understand changes in ancient and modern times.55、前人栽樹,后人乘涼One generation sows and another generation reaps.56、前事不忘,后事之師Remember the past and it will guide your future.57、德不孤,必有鄰A virtuous man must have companions.58、交得其道,千里同好,固于膠漆
46、,堅于金石Friends are made in such a way that though thousand miles apart, they are like glue and having an attachment as firm as stone.59、合則強,孤則弱United, we are strong; isolated, we are weak.60、孤舉者難起,眾行者易It is difficult for a man to hold up something, but easy for the crowd to walk progressively.61、人而無信,
47、不知其可也If a person lacks trustworthiness, I dont know what she/he can be good for.62、疾風(fēng)知勁草,烈火見真金Sturdy grass withstands high winds; true gold stands the test of fire.63、兵無常勢,水無常形An attack must be unpredictable, as water is shapeless.64、多言數(shù)窮,不如守中As too many words lead to a dilemma, it is better to keep
48、 silent at proper times.65、涇溪石險入兢慎,終歲不聞傾覆人No stories are heard about people having their boat capsized when traveling across the river withsubmerged rocks and strong torrent.66、天下之事,不難于立法,而難于法之必行。立善法于天下,則天下治;立善法于一國,則一國治For governing worldly affairs, it is not hard to establish rules, but difficult t
49、o implement these rules. The establishment of good rules for the world means successful governing over the world; the establishment of good rules for a country means successful governing over the country.67、國無常強,無常弱No country is always at weak or strong conditions.68、窮則變,變則通,通則久Difficulty leads to c
50、hanges; changes lead to enlightenment; and enlightenment leads to permanence.69、不日新者畢日退He who does not improve himself everyday will be lagged behind some day.70、石可破也,而不可奪堅;丹可磨也,而不可奪赤A stone may crack, but its sharpness remains; red cinnabar may wear, but its redness remains.71、志之所趨,無遠勿屆,窮山距海,不能限也。志
51、之所向,無堅不入,銳兵精甲,不能御也。You can aspire to wherever can be reached. Even if it is the end of the seas and mountains, there is no limit in your aspiration. With aspiration, you can break any barrier, and even fine soldiers with firm armor cannot stop your way.72、千磨萬擊還堅勁,任爾東西南北風(fēng)Its strong and firm though st
52、ruck and beaten without rest, regardless of the wind from north or south, east or west.73、位卑未敢忘憂國Even a humble man cannot forget about the fate of country.74、公生明,廉生威Justice makes a righteous man, and incorruptibility, a dignified man.75、善禁者,先禁其身而后人A good banner tends to impose a ban on himself befor
53、e imposing the ban over others.76、禍患常積于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺Distress usually builds up little by little, while the brave and the wise are often bewildered by the people or things they love.77、一絲一粒,我之名節(jié);一粒一毫,民之脂膏My earnings, a grain or a bit of something, are my reputation, as well as the possession of the com
54、mon people.78、己所不欲,勿施于人One should not impose on others what he himself does not desire.79、物之不齊,物之情也Differences between things are the natural law of the world.80、一花獨放不是春,百花齊放春滿園A single flower cannot represent the spring, but blossoming flowers is a garden of spring.81、浩渺行無極,揚帆但信風(fēng)The journey in the
55、vastness is infinite. Just sail against the wind.82、計利當(dāng)計天下利Consider the benefits of the world people as a whole.83、邦之興,由得人也;邦之亡,由失人也A country thrives because of true talents, and falls because of loss of the talents.84、蓋有非常之功,必待非常之人The outstanding achievements rely on use of outstanding people.85、宰相
56、必起于州部,猛將必發(fā)于卒伍A prime minister must come from a sub-district office, and a strong general must come from a troop.86、知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者He who knows the truth is not equal to him who loves it, and he who loves it is not equal to him whodelights in it.87、昨夜西風(fēng)凋碧樹,獨上高樓,望盡天涯路Westerly winds withered trees up
57、 last night. Climbing up the stairs and being lonely on the loft, I overlooked the endless distance.88、腹有詩書氣自華Essays and poetries are the self-fulfilling qualities of a man.89、吾生也有涯,而知也無涯Life is limited, while knowledge is infinite.90、合抱之木,生于毫末;九層之臺,起于累土A huge tree that fills ones arms grows from a
58、tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth.91、一勤天下無難事Hard working makes it easy to do everything.92、功崇惟志,業(yè)廣惟勤Achievement of success lies in great determination and completion of achievement, in hard working.93、見善如不及,見不善如探湯從善如登,從惡如崩At goods things or people, one should feel too la
59、te to learn from them; at bad things or people, one should feel as if to avoid them. Doing good is like ascending, and doing evils like falling.94、禍莫大于不知足,咎莫大于欲得There is no greater disaster than discontentment. There is no greater crime than greed.95、與人不求備,檢身若不及Do not demand perfection in others; require strict introspection over oneself.96、為官避事平生恥As an offi
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