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1、 新托?;A寫作講義Course Design:Part 1 About Grammar Part 2 About VocabularyPart 3 About Expressions Part 1 About Grammar 1 Basic Sentence Structure/Gerunds/InfinitivesCheck-UpA.Mark the subject, verb, object, and complement in each sentence as shown in the example. 1 Laughter improves health by lowering st

2、ress hormones.2 Friends are one of the most important influences on young adults.3 Our city should build a new library for our children.4 I found it helpful to listen to others advice when making an important decision.5 Every morning, I exercise.6 A happy life requires an optimistic attitude.7 Some

3、people change their jobs very frequently.8 I was a child when I lived in a different country.9 Inexperienced workers earn less money than experienced ones.10 I could almost not breathe because of the stuffy atmosphere.11 Many immigrants have a hard time adjusting to a new culture.12 Our community of

4、fers students various after-school activities.13 Modern apartment buildings are too expensive in my town.14 Universities give students many opportunities to learn a variety of subjects.B. Correct the errors in the following sentences. Some sentences have no errors.1 People should ask the advice of o

5、thers before move to other cities.人們應該在遷居至其他城市之前詢問他人的意見。2 It is important for students to studying history and literature.對學生來說,學習歷史和文學很重要。3 Some people prefer working for a large company to work for a small company.比起在小公司工作,有些人更喜歡在大公司工作。4 People have different ways spending their time.人們用不同的方式打發(fā)時間。

6、5 Children love to watch television, but they dislike to watch informative programs.孩子們喜歡看電視,但是他們不喜歡看信息類節(jié)目。6 Working for others means that you should follow their rules.為他人工作意味著你得遵守他人的規(guī)則。7 In order to live a healthy life, you need exercising regularly.要活得健康,就要定期鍛煉。8 Experts recommend to take some ti

7、me to laugh when you get dressed out.專家建議,有壓力時要經(jīng)常大笑。9 Traveling gives us the opportunity of meeting new people.旅行為我們提供了認識新朋友的機會。10 Learning how to spend money is as important as to learn how to save it.學習如何花錢與學習如何攢錢同樣重要。11 The government should spend more money to improve public transportation.政府應投人

8、更多的財力改善公共交通。12 People work because needing money to live.人們工作是因為需要錢生活。C. Translate the following into English by putting the given words and phrases in the right order.1 孩子們最初從家里學習社會技能。 from their family / children / social skills / learning / start 2二手經(jīng)驗與一手經(jīng)驗同樣重要。 firsthand experience / as / second

9、hand experience / is / important / as 3環(huán)游世界需要大量的時間和金錢。 a lot of / traveling / time and money/ around the world/ requires 4我們所有人都要對空氣污染負責任。 are / all of us / responsible / air pollution / for 5傳記比小說更能激發(fā)我的興趣。 a novel/ my interest / than / stimulates / more / a biography 6 人們穿制服時往住表現(xiàn)得不同。 people / wear

10、uniforms / tend/ when / to behave / they /differently 7現(xiàn)在,學生經(jīng)常在課堂上給朋友發(fā)短信。 their friends / nowadays / send / during their classes / frequently / text messages / students 8電視使我們的積極性陣低,對我們的行為有消極影響。 television / by making / has / on our behavior / less active / a negative influence / us 9目前的學校課程應該調整,以滿足

11、學生的各種需要。 various needs / should change / school curriculum / to meet / the current / the students 10徹底審查所有資科后,方能作出公正的判決。 all the information/a thorough examination / can be made / after / of / an impartial judgment D. Using the given words or phrases, translate the following into English.1 人們認為金錢使人快

12、樂。(make happy)2寫日記是一個好習慣。(keep a diary 3我想住在宿舍,和學校的朋友們共度時光。 live in a dormitory 4 沒有人喜歡為別人善后。 clean up after 5有些人過于自大而聽不進別人的話。 tooto-v 6宇宙中有很多可以探索的東西。 explore 7我們首先要考慮的是,花盡可能多的時間與家人在一起。 spend time 8對名人來說,擁有隱私并不容易。 have privacy 9體罰孩子無益于教育。 punish physically 10有些國家研制核武器來保護自己。 defend oneself 11我需要幾個可以信

13、任的朋友。 trust 12正確穿著傳統(tǒng)服裝很難。 traditional clothes ETranslate the following into English.1領導者應善于清晰、坦率地傳達信息。2我從父母那里得到了最有價值的教訓。3現(xiàn)代人到哪兒都帶著手機。4熱帶雨林為我們提供了大量氧氣。5學外語時,好好利用字典是很重要的。6大學要求學生保持好成績。7現(xiàn)代技術使我們與住在其他國家的人能夠面對面交流。8大自然教給我們在學校無法學到的知識。9要成為一名好市民,就應遵紀守法。10騎自行車既有利于健康,又令人興奮。11我想游歷歐洲的所有國家。12比起與他人分享,內向的人更喜歡獨自思考。F. C

14、omplete the following paragraphs in English.1考慮到安全因索,與其住在大城市,我寧愿在小城鎮(zhèn)生活。在大城市里,人們既不了解住在隔壁的人,也不關心鄰居的安全。_In a big city, people neither know who lives next door to them, nor are they concerned about their neighbors safety.2有些人更喜歡假期待在家里而不外出。因為他們可以在家看電影,度過舒適的時光,而不必外出花錢。_That is because they can have a more

15、 comfortable time watching movies at home than spending money outside.3我們可以通過聽老人講故事了解生活。他們閱歷豐富,很樂意把所學的教給我們。_They have gone through a lot of things, and they are ready to teach us what they have learned. 4友誼的建立非一日之功。為了建立良好的友誼,你必須對朋友真誠,不應該批評他們。Friendship is not built in one day._5家長不應該讓孩子看電視。因為孩子缺乏明確的

16、道德標準,他們可能會盡力模仿電視中的暴力行為。Parents should not allow their children to watch television._6讀書并非總有益于心理健康。例如,只讀漫畫書可能會對心理健康有害。因此,家長應該建議他們的孩子讀好書,如傳記、短篇小說或詩歌選集。_For example, if you read nothing but comic books, it may be harmful to your mantel health. Therefore, parents should advise their children to read goo

17、d books, such as biographies, short stories, or poetry books.2 Participles / VoiceCheck-upA . Fill in each blank with the correct form of the given verb.1 I found documentaries_. bore 我發(fā)現(xiàn)紀錄片很枯燥。2 There is a heavy rain_ in the countryside. fall 鄉(xiāng)村正下著大雨。3 Some students _to participate in extracurricul

18、ar activities. require 一些學生被要求參加課外活動。4 People _ others secrets are trustworthy. keep 保守他人的秘密的人是可以信賴的。5 South Korea _ rapidly since the Korean War. develop 朝鮮戰(zhàn)爭后,韓國迅速發(fā)展。6 Parents are now_ that there is too much violence on television. complain 家長們現(xiàn)在都在抱怨電視節(jié)目中暴力太多。7 We should have_ the food shortage. p

19、revent 我們本應避免食物短缺。8 Adolescents_ on television are often rebellious. show 電視書目中的青少年通常很叛逆。9 The greenhouse effect will_ many countries in danger. put 溫室效應將會使許多國家面臨危險。10 Plastic bottles should_. recycle 塑料瓶應該回收利用。11 Every person _ a knack for something. have 每個人都有一技之長。12 Ten years ago, public transpor

20、tation_ more frequently than nowadays. use 十年前,公共交通工具比現(xiàn)在使用得更頻繁。B. Correct the errors in the following sentences. Some sentences have no errors.1 Usually, people live in rural areas are friendly.通常,生活在鄉(xiāng)村的人都很友好。2 The polluting air may cause lung cancer.空氣污染可能導致肺癌。3 Nuclear weapons should not used in a

21、ny circumstances.任何情況下都不應該使用核武器。4 In my opinion, a lecture class is more tired than a discussion class.在我看來,講座課比討論課更令人厭倦。5 Children raising in large families usually get along well with others.在大家庭里長大的孩子通常能與他人和睦相處。6 Many scholars have acknowledged the negative impact of the media.許多學者已經(jīng)承認媒體的消極影響。7 G

22、enerally speaking, a lot of people using computers to get updated information.通常來說,許多人使用計算機獲取最新信息。8 Young children should not permitted to travel by themselves.不應該讓小孩兒獨自旅行。9 The president of our country elects every five years.在我國,每五年進行一次總統(tǒng)選舉。10 Addicting to the Internet, some children feel awkward

23、when talking to others face to face.因為沉迷于網(wǎng)絡,一些孩子在與別人面面交涉時覺得不自在。11 It is important that foreign language classes be staffed with good teachers.外語課配備好老師很重要。12 Natural sciences give us insight into the future as well as teaching us about the origin of the world. 自然科學除了教會我們世界的起源,還讓我們對未來有所了解。C. Translate

24、 the following into English by putting the given words and phrases in the right order.1人們可以通過工作尋找生活中的目標。 in life / people / their goals / by doing / find / their jobs 2許多哲學問題遺留下來無法回答。 are left / many / unanswered / philosophical question 3通過自學,你可以練習推理。 you / by learning /can practice / by yourself /

25、 reasoning 4與高中畢業(yè)生相比,高等院校畢業(yè)生或許有更多的工作機會。 may have / compared with / college graduates / more job opportunities / high school graduates 5去露營之前,你應該先了解一下天氣。 check / before / the weather / you should /going camping / first 6我們應該做好準備以應付任何可能發(fā)生的自然災害。 any possible / be prepared for / natural disasters / we s

26、hould 7現(xiàn)在,人們對名人的私生活特別感興趣。 too / people are / nowadays / celebrities private lives / interested in 8未解決的環(huán)境問題可能會威脅我們的未來。 may threaten / unsolved / our future /environmental problem 9 有些人說,教師應該由學生來評價。(say / be evaluated / teachers should / by their students / some people 10我們不僅受老人影響,也受年輕人影響。 young peop

27、le / are influenced by /older people / we / as well as D. Translate the following into English.1 沒有任何事情是僅僅靠運氣就能實現(xiàn)的。2孩子很容易被新事物吸引。3一次食言就有可能傷害友誼。4歷經(jīng)磨難之后,你會到達一個轉折點。5發(fā)明電之前,我們過著節(jié)奏緩慢的生活。6如果有更多人關心社會福利,世界將成為更好的生活空間。7有時,孩子們對電視上的所有信息是否都屬實感到困惑。8我們必須拯救地球,使其免遭進一步的破壞。9同別人說話時,你應該和他進行目光接觸。10如果允許我選擇居住地,我會選擇紐約。11自我激勵的

28、人更喜歡獨自工作。12人們公認孩子會模仿他們的父母,所以父母應該試著樹立好榜樣。E. Complete the following paragraphs in English.1與大城市的生活相比,小城鎮(zhèn)的生活聽起來對我更有吸引力。在小城鎮(zhèn)生活,我可以認識所有的鄰居。這種社會交往有助于避免可能的犯罪。_Living in a small town, I may get to know all of my neighbors. This social interaction will help protect me from possible crimes.2我認為一個人的個性是在孩提時代由其父

29、母決定的。例如:被寵壞的孩子長大后很可能變得以自我為中心。反之,被忽視的孩子很可能成為缺乏自信的人。I believe that a persons personality is determined by his parents during his childhood_On the contrary, neglected children tend to develop low self-esteem.3以我的經(jīng)驗判斷,法國比其他任何國家都迷人。巴黎更被稱作“藝術與建筑之城”??紤]到這一點,如果有機會我想再去法國游玩。_Paris especially has been called a

30、city of art and architecture. Considering that, I would like to visit France again if I had a chance.4致力于社會活動的名人經(jīng)常參加社會活動。他們的參與非常鼓舞人心,因為人們總是聽從他們的號召。然而,當他們誤導公眾時,他們也可能對活動產(chǎn)生負面影響。Socially engaged celebrities often participate in social movements._However, they may cause bad consequences for the movement

31、when they misinform the public.5 電視對兒童有害,特別是幼童很容易受電視節(jié)目的影響。舉例來說,據(jù)說嬰兒看電視過多可能患孤獨癥。Television is bad for children._For instance, it is said that infants who watch television too much may become autistic.3 Parallelism and ComparisonCheck-upA. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the given word. 1

32、Owing to the Internet, information searches have become_ and faster. easy 由于互聯(lián)網(wǎng),信息搜索變得更加簡單、快捷。2 Smoking heavily and _ too much are bad habits that will harm your health. drink 大量吸煙與酗酒是不良習慣,有害健康。3 In my opinion, the violin makes _ sound of all musical instruments. beautiful 我認為小提琴是所有樂器中聲音最美妙的。4 Usual

33、ly, the speeches of good leaders are either persuasive or_. inform 通常,優(yōu)秀領導者的發(fā)言要么有說服力,要么有教益。5 Adventurous people are neither afraid of failure nor_ about danger. worry 喜歡探險的人既不懼怕失敗,也不擔心危險。6 Living with a stranger is not as enjoyable as_ with your friend. live 和陌生人一起住并不像和朋友一起住那么愉快。7 Dogs are_ toward h

34、umans than any other pet. friendly 狗是所有寵物中對人類最友好的。8 Some people fell more comfortable when they are along than_ are with others. they 比起和他人在一起,有些人覺得獨處更舒服。9 We need formal education not only_, knowledge but also to learn social skills. they 我們需要正規(guī)教育,這不僅是為了獲得知識,也是為了學習社會技能。10 Some documentaries are as

35、_as lectures. education 有些紀錄片和講座一樣有教育意義。11 The harder you work, _ you will get to your dream. close 你工作越努力,離實現(xiàn)你的夢想就越近。12 Some classes are too boring to concentrate or_ to catch up with. fast 有些課要么太枯燥無法全神貫注,要么太快跟不上。 B. Translate the following into English by putting the given words and phrases in the

36、 right order.1 住在城里要比住在鄉(xiāng)村花費大。 than / is / living in the country / more expensive / living in the city 2比起獨自一人,和朋友在一起時我感到更安心。 when I am alone / more confident / with my friends / I feel / than / when I am 3我希望學校能買更多電腦,而不是更多書。 our school / not more books / more computers / I hope / will buy 4現(xiàn)在,教師的專業(yè)知

37、識比任何品質都重要。 than any other / today / more important / expertise / a teacher / quality / is 5經(jīng)商要比買房花費大。 to run a business / much more money / it costs / to buy a house / than 6整天坐著看電視的人既不能保持身體健康,也沒有健康的心理。 nor / a couch potato / have a sound mind / stay in shape / can / neither 7學術成就沒有一個人的健康重要。 is not

38、as /important / academic achievement / ones health / as 8青少年跟朋友在一起的時間要比同父母在一起的時間長。 than / with their friends / adolescents / with their parents / spend more time 9垃圾食品,如比薩、漢堡和汽水,對健康無益。 such as / for ones health / junk foods / pizza, hamburger ,and soda / are not good 10人們在孩提時代得到最重要的教訓。 in their chil

39、dhood / learn / the most important / people / lessons C. Using the given words or phrases, translate the following into English.1 有些成年人和孩子一樣無知。(as-as)2人們經(jīng)常逃避危險、臟污或難做的工作。 avoid 3當小組的領導者比做一名成員壓力大得多。 more stressful 4老師不應該教學生相互競爭,而應該教他們合作。 not-but)5 一旦高中畢業(yè),你就可以找工作或者上大學。 either-or)6 有些網(wǎng)站對成年人和未成年人都不適宜。 bo

40、th-and 7通常,恐怖電影不僅恐怖,而且暴力。 not only-but also 8報紙和雜志都是很好的獲取常識的來源。 both-and 9你可以從書中和老師那里學到同樣多的東西。 as-as 10傳統(tǒng)服裝可以在傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日穿,也可以在正式場合穿。 either-or 11要成為一名藝術家,創(chuàng)造力與其他素質同等重要。 as-as any 12我們可以從歷史小說中和歷史課上學到同樣多的歷史事實。 so-as D. Correct the errors in the following sentences. Some sentences have no errors.1 游戲對兒童和成年人同樣

41、重要,我非常同意這個觀點。據(jù)說,游戲可以教人學會合作,它是最重要的成功因素之一,還教人如何贏得挑戰(zhàn)。I agree with the idea that games are as important for adults as they are for children._2如果在照相機、足球和動物三者中選擇,我會選擇給孩子一個足球。最近,孩子們大多數(shù)時間都在室內,所以我想給孩子一個到室外玩兒的機會。你可以在任何地方用照相機或和小動物玩,卻不能在室內踢足球。Given the choice between a camera, a soccer bell, and an animal, I wo

42、uld choose to give a child a soccer ball. These days, children tend to spend too much time indoors, so I want to give the child a chance to play outside._3學生去上學不僅是因為他們需要接受正規(guī)段育,還因為他們需要學習如何適應社會。通過和朋友們一起玩以及遵守學校規(guī)定,他們可以了解杜會。_.By playing with their friends and following school rules, they can learn about

43、society.4比起手工制品,我更喜歡機器制造的。通常,手工材料不僅昂貴,而且極易損壞。相反,機器制造的產(chǎn)品通常便宜、耐用,便于操作。1 prefer machine-made items to handmade ones._On the contrary, machine-made products are mostly cheap, strong, and easy to handle.5過周末的最好方式就是在家休息。無論上學還是工作,我們身邊總是圍繞著很多人。有時,我們也需要遠離他人,享受獨處的時光。The best way to spend a weekend is to take

44、a rest at home._Sometimes, we need to get away from others and enjoy being alone.6我認為,餐廳是家里最重要的房間。因為大多數(shù)人經(jīng)常在外而很少在家,吃飯時間通常是家人唯一齊聚一堂的時間。那時,餐廳就為家人提供了交談的空間。I believe the dining room is the most important room in a house._At that time, the dining room provides a space where family members can talk to each

45、 other.4 Noun Clauses /Adjective ClausesCheck-upA. Translate the following into English.1 People think_ they have vacations to take breaks from their daily routines.人們認為他們可以利用假期從日常生活中獲得片刻休息。2 It is true _ most adolescents are rebellious.的確,大多數(shù)青少年都很叛逆。3 I hope to have a job_ I can earn a lot of money

46、.我希望有一份可以賺很多錢的工作。4 _ you are rich or poor does not decide your worth.你是富有還是貧窮不能決定你的價值。5 Scientists have studied_ can be done to stop global warming.科學家們已經(jīng)在研究做什么可以阻止全球變暖。6 I trust Susan, a friend_ always takes my side.我相信蘇珊這個朋友,因為她總是支持我。7 Many people do not know_ serious Internet crimes are.許多人都不清楚網(wǎng)絡

47、犯罪有多嚴重。8 I like discussion classes in_ I can express my opinions.我喜歡討論課,我可以在課堂上表達我的觀點。9 Some moviegoers do not like a movie _ story is too simple.一些??措娪暗娜瞬幌矚g情節(jié)過于簡單的電影。10 _ a good teacher should do is to encourage his students to try harder.一個好老師應該做的是鼓勵他的學生努力嘗試。11 My parents told me_ I should not tak

48、e advantage of others.我的父母教導我不應該利用他人。12 The question is _ there is something we can learn from video games or not.問題是電子游戲中有沒有我們可以學習的東西。B. Correct the errors in the following sentences. Some sentences have no errors.1 It is you which decides your future.你的未來由你自己決定。2 I do not believe what our future h

49、as already been decided.我不相信我們的未來已經(jīng)被決定好了。3 Expensive restaurants do not let in people who clothing is untidy.豪華餐廳不允許衣冠不整的人進入。4 We should decide now that we can do for the next generation.我們現(xiàn)在應該決定我們可以為下一代做些什么。5 A number of people make online communities which they can make friends.許多人建立網(wǎng)絡社區(qū)來交朋友。6 The

50、 government should help people who cannot take care of themselves.政府應該幫助那些沒有自理能力的人。7 I would like to build a small house that I can live with my family.我想建一棟可以和家人同住的小房子。8 You should follow your own rules what guide your behavior.你應該遵循能指導你行為的原則。9 Scientists wonder why we will have another ice age in

51、the future or not.科學家們想知道未來是否還會有一個冰河世紀。10 Some people do not realize how much we rely on natural resources.有些人還沒有意識到我們對自然資源有多依賴。11 Who are confident in their knowledge do not hesitate to speak in public.對自己的學識有信心的人會毫不猶豫的在公眾前講話。12 There is no room for doubt that modem technology has increased peoples

52、 quality of life.毫無疑問,現(xiàn)代技術提高了人們的生活質量。C. Translate the following into English by putting the given words and phrases in the right order.1 我想去一個我能夠學習新文化的國家旅行。 a new culture / where / travel to / I can / I would like to / learn / a country 2想保持健康的人應該定期鍛煉。 maintain their health / should have / who want

53、to / people / regular workouts 3找一份可以滿足你所有要求的工作很花費時間。 to find a job / all your needs / it takes / which can satisfy / a lot of time 4我們的確可以從過去獲得很多有價值的教訓。 from the past / that / valuable lessons / it is true / we can learn 5對生活抱樂觀態(tài)度的人能忍受各種困苦。 can endure / a person / toward his life / who has / any ha

54、rdship / an optimistic attitude 6設定優(yōu)先級別意味著為將要做的事排序。 in order / setting priorities / you put / means that / the things to do 7我不明白為什么我們要穿校服。 we / school uniforms / why / I do not / should wear / understand 8來自同齡人的壓力是學生無法遠離麻煩的一個原因。 cant stay/ peer pressure is / some students / why /out of trouble/one

55、reason 9有些人無法改掉對他們健康有害的壞習慣。 harm their health / cannot break / some people / their bad habits / which 10你希望成為哪種人比你要做哪種工作更重要。 what kind of job / you wish to become/what kind of person / you will have/ is more important than D. Using the given words or phrases, translate the following into English.1 我

56、喜歡參觀有很多畫的博物館。 visit a museum 2 和個人品味與我不同的人聊天很有趣。 personal taste 3 我想成為一名研究外太空的科學家。 outer space 4假期是可以享受慢節(jié)奏生活的時間。 slow-paced life 5并非每個知識豐富的人都是睿智的。(have knowledge 6 有些人認為全球化使各種文化標準化。 globalization; normalize 7我們在學校學到的科學知識有時在我們的日常生活中很有用。 daily life 8不經(jīng)常運動的人通常身體狀況不佳。 in bad shape 9 據(jù)報道,校服阻礙學生表現(xiàn)個性。 hind

57、er-from 10據(jù)建議,高血壓病人應避免壓力。 t is recommended that- 11許多國家正嘗試研發(fā)能代替礦物燃料的新能源。 fossil fuels 12通過閱讀小說,我可以了解我以前從未了解過的其他人的感受。 read fiction E. ranslate the following into English.1我相信父母知道什么是對孩子最好的。2缺乏創(chuàng)造力的手工產(chǎn)品通常沒那么貴。3我希望和一個文化背景與我不同的人一起住。4很多家長期望他們的孩子成為比其他人更優(yōu)秀的人。5 對我來說,有一個可以和我一起旅行的朋友非常重要。6如果你的身體出現(xiàn)問題,你就會了解健康的人是多么

58、幸運。7我不想成為輕視他人的傲慢的人。8很多高中生不知道畢業(yè)后想做些什么。9優(yōu)秀的社會領袖總是考慮他們能為社會做些什么。10醫(yī)生們研究如何使人們遠離各種疾病。11暴力的電子游戲會給心理不成熟的孩子帶來負面影響。F. Complete the following paragraphs in English.1 出于信任考慮,我想自己選擇室友,而不是由學校指定。如果是跟我選擇的室友一起住,我會覺得更舒服。我可以輕松地提出問題和解決問題。For a trust issue, I want to choose my own roommate instead of having a roommate a

59、ssigned by the school._2我不同意我們可以從玩游戲中學習生活這個觀點。老實說,我懷疑我們能否從游戲中學到東西。我們玩游戲的原因是為了緩解壓力。但是,如果我們在玩游戲時試著學習點什么的話,就會感到緊張。I do not agree with the idea that we can learn about life by playing games. _The reason why we play games is to relieve our stress. However, if we try to learn something while we are playin

60、g games, we will feel stressed out. 3的確,生活應該有目標。如果不知道目標是什么,你可能無法承受任何困苦。而且我認為沒有目標的生活令人悲觀。It is true that you should have a goal in your life._Moreover, I believe that an aimless life makes a person pessimistic.4中學生還太小,不知道他們應該在學校學習什么。如果允許他們去學習自己想學的,他們就會避開難學但很重要的學科。因此,教育工作者應該幫助學生選擇必要的課程。_If they are al


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