1、試卷代號:2145國家開放大學2020年春季學期期末統(tǒng)一考試英語教學法試題2020年7月考前須知一、將你的學號、姓名及分校(工作站)名稱填寫在答題紙的規(guī)定欄 內??荚嚱Y束后,把試卷和答題紙放在桌上。試卷和答題紙均不得帶 出考場。監(jiān)考人收完考卷和答題紙后才可離開考場。二、仔細讀懂題目的說明,并按題目要求答題。答案一定要寫在答 題紙的指定位置上,寫在試卷上的答案無效。三、用藍、黑圓珠筆或鋼筆答題,使用鉛筆答題無效。Information for the examinees: This examination consists of 4 parts. They are:Choose the best
2、 answer(40 points): Matching(20 points): Multiple choice questions(10 points): Activity Designing(30 points)The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore,
3、you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.試卷代號:2145國家開放大學2020年春季學期期末統(tǒng)一考試英語教學法試題答案及評分標準(供參考)2020年7月I. Choose the best answer此題為單項選擇題,共20個小題,總計40分,每題2分e1. A2.D3. C4. D5. A6.C7.B8. B9. C10. c11. C12. C13. C14. B15. D16. B17. D18. D19. B20. AII - Matching此題為匹配題,共5個小題,總計20
4、分,每題4分,匹配對一項得1分。21. 1)B2)-C3)D4)A22. 1)C2)-B3)D4)A23. D-B2)-D3)A4)C24. 1)D2)-A3)B4)C25. D-D2)一B3)一C4)-ADI. Multiple choice questions此題為多項選擇,共5個小題,總計10分,每題2分,全部選項都選擇正確方可得分。A, B, C, DA, CB, CB, CA, B, CIV.此題為實踐題,共1小題,總計30分。一、參考答案Objectives: to enable students to talk about their friends looking.Classr
5、oom organization: individual work, whole-class work to pair workAssumed time: 10Teaching aid: Pictures, multi-mediaProcedureGet to know the words (3 *)Ask the students to match the following pictures with the description below them. This is to ensure that students know how to say these description w
6、ords before they speak. Teachers instruction“Now, class. Today were going to talk about what our friends look like. First lets look at Mary, long hair, right?。Students actStudents look at the pictures and try to get to familiarize themselves with the pronunciation of the phrase. Teachers instruction
7、“OK, what about Jenny?”令 Students* actStudents work together to repeat when the teacher points to different pictures.(2)Check whether students know the sentence patterns (21)Ask the students whether they know the patterns of “she has 弋 Teachers instruction“What is your friend likey what can we say?
8、Look at the pictures, please.”Q Students actAnswer the teacher s questions. They may answer according to whether they really know or not.Possible answers: she has short hair3”.(3)Pair work(3,)Arrange the students into pairs to practice “she/he has ”.Teachers instruction“Yes, you are right. Now, can
9、you ask your partner * what is his or her best friend like? Then, your partner ask you the same question, you answer. n令 Students actStudents work in pairs to ask each other what his or her friends look like. When the students are working in pairs, the teacher should walk around to help those studen
10、ts who cannot speak well and to monitor those who idle away the time.(4)Feedback(2*)Call on some students to check whether students can use the patterns to talk about *what is your friend like?y* Teachers instruction“OK. Lets see whether you know about your partner. Now you are your partner and tell
11、 us * what is his friend like?. Students actStudents pretend to be their partners and tell to the class 4what is his friend like?Backup planPredicted problems(l)Students may not know how to say the description words though they may be able to match.(2)Students may not know the patterns to be used in
12、 talking about ?.Solutions(l)If the students do not know how to say the description words, please practice saying them.(2)1( the students do not know the patterns, it is necessary to include an activity to practice the patterns according to the pictures in Activity 1.二、評分標準此題為實踐題,共1小題,30分。具體分配為:(l)O
13、bjective,2分,要求活動目的描述清楚,與活動相適應,不符合活動要求不得分。(2)Classroom organization,2分,活動組織形式與活動相適應,否那么不得分。(3)Teaching aids分,要求教具的使用有助于活動的開展,否那么不得分。(4)Assumed time,2分,活動每一階段的活動時間,時間分配合理,且與活動總體時間相 符。如果有局部步驟給出時間,其他的沒有不得分,各步驟時間總和與整個活動時間不符,不 得分.(5)Predicted problems,2分,預測問題符合小學生的具體情況,符合活動的特點,否那么不 得分。(6)Possible solution
14、s,2分,要求解決方式適合問題類型。(7)Procedure局部,共19分,其中:1)活動內容2分?;顒邮菄@描述人的詞的口語活動,否那么扣2分。2)圖片的使用2分,活動必須使用到圖片,不使用圖片扣2分。3)操作 1-Getting to know the description wordsH4 分,具體分值分配如下:活動說明(1分)教師指令(2分):指令清楚,簡單(1分);活動要求明確(1分)學生活動描述(1分):要求學生活動的描述與本階段的要求一致,否那么不得分.4)操作 2)“check whether students know the patterns4 分,具體分值分配如下:活動說
15、明(1分)教師指令(2分):指令清楚,學生知道要做什么,怎樣開展活動(不清楚者,不適合學生者 扣1分)學生活動(1分):要求學生活動的描述要符合本階段的特點(1分);5)操作3)同伴活動4分活動說明(1分)教師指令(1分)學生活動(1分):學生活動中教師行為描述(1分)6)操作“反應”3分,具體分值分配如下:反應方式(1分):要求符合本活動的特點,反應時學生能夠參與,否那么不得分。教師指令(2分):要求指令清楚簡明。學生活動(2分):學生的行為描述適當(1分);備注:學員們未必按照這種方式編寫活動,但是要求必須用到圖片中第一個活動中的句 型。有的老師可能會在說之前先朗讀或聽圖片中第一個活動中的
16、句子,或講解一下句子,讓學 生會說之后再練習第二個也可以。I. Choose the best answer (40%)Directions:In this part, you are given twenty questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answer the question. (40 points, 2 points each)What should we teacher
17、s do when considering childrens short attention span?We should not make any activity too long.We should not waste time explaining complicated language rules.We should provide good models for children to imitate.We should select those topics relevant to students experience.What type of learners can b
18、enefit most from seeing real object instruction?A. Individual learners.B. Tactile learners.C. Auditory learners.D. Visual learners.What does the following characteristic of children suggest for teachers?“Children are not good at verbal instructions to begin with”Teachers should use many short and si
19、mple activities instead of one long activity.Teachers need to make the learning experience enjoyable and pleasant.Teachers should keep instructions very simple and support them with body language.Teachers should make the tasks simple and enjoyable.In which of the following activities does the teache
20、r play the role of prompter?Giving instructions before an activity.Reading out the new words to the students.Taking part in the pupils, conversation.Encouraging students to go on with their talkWhich of the following best describes first language acquisition?A. Care-taker talk.B. Minimal pair practi
21、ce.C. Selected input.D. Formal instruction.Which of the following involves reading?Labeling pictures.Listening and identifying.Drawing according to the given instructions.Total Physical Response.Which of the following belongs to projects?A. Guessing “what is he eating?B. Creating a posterC. Listenin
22、g and identifyingD. Information gapWhich of the following is suitable for speaking?A. TPR actions.B. Information gap.C. Recognizing pictures.D. Labeling pictures.Which of the following can train listening?Sequencing the pictures.Writing captions for pictures.Total Physical Response.Matching titles w
23、ith different paragraphs.What aspects of vocabulary does realia help to present and practice?A. Word information.B. Word grammar.C. Word meaning.D. Word group.Which of the following activities is most mechanical?Describing ones childhood.Making sentences according to the picture.Substituting the und
24、erlined with given words.Word guessing game.What does the following help to train?I want to do a good deed. Id like to eat tomato.A. IntonationB. LiaisonC. Loss of explosionD. RhythmAccording to the textbook, which of the following activities helps to “stir the class?Children open the book and pract
25、ice the dialogue.Children take out their exercise book and do substitution exercises.Children demonstrate their weekend life.Children draw pictures according to the instruction.What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?u S : I go to the theatre last night. nT : You GO to the theatre las
26、t night?”Correcting the students mistake.Hinting that there is a mistake.Encouraging peer correction.Asking the student whether he really went to the theatre.Which of the following activities can be best done with group work?A. Guessing game.B. Story telling.C. Information-gap.D. Drama performance.W
27、hat is the teacher doing in the following part of instruction?T : Well done. You are wonderful today.A. Introducing the activity.B. Praising and encouragement.C. Checking understanding.D. Concluding an activity.Which of the following seating arrangements is most suitable for whole classdiscussion? 口
28、 B CDWhich of the following helps assess language performance?Asking students to reflect on what activities attract them most?Asking students about their attitudes towards a certain game.Asking students to draw pictures according to description.Asking the students to do a quiz at the end of the less
29、on.Which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessing participation?Did you get all the questions right in todays class?Did you finish the task on time?Can you use the strategies we have learned today?What did you do in your group work today?Which of the following is tru
30、e of summative assessment?Mainly based on testing and done at the end of a school yearTo provide information on childrens learning during the learning processInformation collected for the purposes of improving teaching and learning. Focused on the progress of studentsU . Matching (20%)Directions:In
31、this part, you are given five questions. Each question is followed by two columns of options. You are to match the options on the left marked 1), 2) t 3), 4) with relevant options on the right marked A, B, C and I), and write the answers on the answer sheet. Make sure each option can only match with
32、 one another.Match the learning styles on the left with the type of activities on the right.1) Visual 2)Kinesthetic 3) Auditory 4)TactileA. HandworkB. Picture talkingC. Play actingD. Song and music listeningMatch the type of intelligence on the left with the suitable activities on the right.1)Interp
33、ersonal intelligence2)Musical intelligence3)Naturalistic intelligence4)Spatial intelligenceActive imaginationRhythmic patternsSensing others motivesD. Photographingleft.left.23. Match the items of phonetics on the left with the realizations on the right.1) ArticulationA. Not at all.2)IntonationLiais
34、onLoss of explosionV VShe sells seashells by the seashore.I want to do a good deed. Do you speak / English?24. Match the activities on the right with the relevant classroom arrangement on theWhole class workIndividual workA. Reading for animal namesB. Asking questions to complete a tableabout ones p
35、artnerPair workC. Discussing the weekendto make a plan forGroup workD. Listeningthe teacherand repeating afterMatch the teachers instruction on the left with his purpose on the right.Checking understandingEnding the activityDemonstrating the operationGiving the startNow, you can begin.All right, I t
36、hink it is time.Can you two show us how to work?We are going to do two things today?Tom, can you tell us what they are?HI. Multiple choice questions (10%)Directions:In this part, you are given five questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and make yo
37、ur choices. You may have more than one answer to each question. (10 points, 2 points each)Which of the following roles do the primary school teachers play?A. A prompter.B. A participant.C. An assessor.D. A controller.Which of the following activities can be used to train the skill of skimming?Picking out sub-topic s
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