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1、菲迪克(FIDIC)合同條件 FIDIC CONTRACT CONDITIONS中國礦業(yè)大學(北京校區(qū))力學與建筑工程學院College of Mechanics & Civil Engineering of CUMTB巖土工程研究中心Geotechnical Engineering Research Center江 玉 生Yusheng Jiang第1頁,共32頁。課程主要內(nèi)容 Main Contents of the Course緒論:簡介菲迪克合同條件的歷史、主要組成部分及其主要應用 范圍;(4 學時)Introduction: FIDIC History, Main Component

2、s of FIDIC Contract Conditions and Its Application Scopes;施工合同條件;(28學時)Conditions of Contract for Constructions;簡明合同格式;(4學時)Short Form of Contract;第2頁,共32頁。設計采購施工(EPC)/交鑰匙工程合同條件;(2 學時)Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects;生產(chǎn)設備和設計施工合同條件; (2 學時)Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Bui

3、ld;國際工程承包;(2 學時)International Engineering Contracting;簡介菲迪克合同條件的實戰(zhàn)技巧:埋釘子,索賠,延期及不利條件和障礙等;(2 學時)Practical Skills under FIDIC Conditions;前景和展望;(2 學時)Future of FIDIC Conditions and Its Development;第3頁,共32頁。第0章 緒論 Chapter 0: Introduction0.1 菲迪克合同條件的歷史簡介 : Concise history of FIDIC Conditions of Contract:0

4、.1.1 菲迪克的定義 / Definition of FIDICFdration Internationale des Ingnieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) 法文縮寫FIDIC is the French acronym for the International Federation of Consulting Engineers0.1.2 菲迪克的歷史簡介 / Short history of FIDIC 由歐洲三個國家的獨立咨詢工程師協(xié)會于1913年聯(lián)合組建成立,目 的維護協(xié)會成員的職業(yè)利益;互通有益信息 Founded in 1913 by three nations

5、 independent associations of consulting engineers within Europe, with the objectives of forming the federation being to promote in common the professional interests of the member associations and disseminating information of interest to members of it component national associations第4頁,共32頁。經(jīng)過90多年的發(fā)展

6、壯大,世界上已有超過60個國家的咨詢工程師協(xié)會 或學會加入到菲迪克這個大家庭中來;中國工程咨詢協(xié)會也是其中的 一員More than 60 members have been included in this association through 90 years development;China National Association of Engineering Consult is one member of FIDIC family0.1.3 已有的4個菲迪克合同條件版本 / The past four generations of FIDIC Conditions of Con

7、tract第一版:1957年Version I - 1957 第二版:1963年Version II -1963第三版:1977年Version III-1977第四版:1987年/1988/92年修訂Version IV1982/1988(92)(1988年修訂版被稱為紅皮書,1992年修訂版被稱為紫皮書(小浪底) ,1988 edition-Red book, 1992 edition-Purple book)0.1.4 1998年試用版 / Trial Version 1998 1998年菲迪克推出了試用版,在全球范圍內(nèi)征求意見和建議并局部試點/FIDIC presented his t

8、rial version in 1998 and ask for recommendations.第5頁,共32頁。0.2 新版菲迪克文本及其應用范圍的界定 The new documents of FIDIC conditions of contract and its application scope 0.2.1 1987版菲迪克合同條件的三個標準文本Three standard forms of FIDIC conditions of Contract 1987 土木工程施工合同條件(紅皮書)1987, Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil

9、 Engineering Construction (the “Red Book”) 1987 機電工程施工包括現(xiàn)場安裝合同條件(黃皮書)1987, Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works including Erection on Site (the “Yellow Book”) 1987 設計建造和交鑰匙工程合同條件(橘皮書)1995, Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (the “Orange Book”) 1995 0.2.2 菲迪克198

10、7版出了什麼問題Whats the problem of FIDIC standard forms of 1987菲迪克在更新其紅皮書和黃皮書時發(fā)現(xiàn):一些項目已經(jīng)超出了已有合同規(guī)定的范圍During its work in updating the Red and Yellow Books, FIDIC has noted that certain projects have fallen outside the scope of the existing contracts 第6頁,共32頁。 隨即,菲迪克不僅是更新其標準合同文本,而是在1999年月擴大 了其應用范圍,進而形成了一套四種全新

11、的標準合同格式,這四種新 的標準合同格式對世界上絕大多數(shù)建設和廠房安裝項目都是適用的 Accordingly, FIDIC had not only updated the standard forms but has expanded the range and FIDIC had in September 1999 produced a new generation of 4 standard forms of contract which are suitable for the great majority of construction and plant installation

12、projects around the world 0.2.3 新版菲迪克(標記為“1999第一版”)The new generation of FIDIC Conditions of Contract (marked “First Edition 1999”) 施工合同條件: 內(nèi)容:通用條件、專業(yè)條件編寫指南、投標函、合同協(xié)議書和爭端裁 決協(xié)議書格式;推薦用于由業(yè)主或其代表工程師設計的建筑或工程 項(注意:國際工程中,只有業(yè)主、工程師和承包商三方,無設計方) Conditions of Contract for Constructions: General Conditions, Guida

13、nce for the Preparation of Particular Conditions, Forms of Letter of Tender, Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement; which are recommended for building or engineering works designed by Employer or his representative, the Engineer.(Notice:E E C are the only 3 parts in international con

14、tracting works) 第7頁,共32頁。 簡明合同格式: 內(nèi)容:協(xié)議書、通用條件、裁決規(guī)則和指南注釋;推薦用于合同金 額較小的建筑或工程項目,根據(jù)工程的類型和具體情況,這種格式 也可用于資本金額較大的合同,特別是對于簡單或重復性工程或工 期較短的工程(一般適用于合同金額小于500萬美圓的合同項目) Short Form of Contract: Agreement, General Conditions, Rules for Adjudication & Notes for Guidance; which is recommended for building or engineer

15、ing works of relatively small capital value. Depending on the type of work and the circumstance, this form may also be suitable for contracts of greater value, particularly for relatively simple or repetitive work or work of short duration(generally for the contract value being less than 5 M US$) 設計

16、采購施工(EPC)/交鑰匙工程合同條件: 內(nèi)容:通用條件、專業(yè)條件編寫指南、投標函、合同協(xié)議書和爭端 裁決協(xié)議書格式;可適用于以交鑰匙方式提供工廠或類似設施的加 工或動力設備、基礎設施項目或其它類型項目,一般情況是項目的 最終價格和工期具有更大程度的確定性,且由承包商負責設計和施 工。第8頁,共32頁。 Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects: General Conditions, Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions, Forms of Letter of Tend

17、er, Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement; which may be suitable for the provision on a turnkey basis of a process or power plant, of a factory or similar facility, or of an infrastructure project or other type of development.(generally for the final contact value and duration of pro

18、ject with high degree of certainty, and designed and constructed by the Contractor) 生產(chǎn)設備和設計施工合同條件: 內(nèi)容:通用條件、專業(yè)條件編寫指南、投標函、合同協(xié)議書和爭端 裁決協(xié)議書格式;推薦用于電氣和(或)機械設備供貨和建筑或工 程的設計與施工 Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build: General Conditions, Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions, Forms o

19、f Letter of Tender, Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement; which are recommended for the provision of electrical and/or mechanical plant, and for the design and execution of building or engineering works第9頁,共32頁。第01章 施工合同條件Chapter 01 Conditions of Contract for CONSTRUCTION01.1 主要內(nèi)容通用

20、條件 / General Conditions專業(yè)條件編寫指南 / Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions投標函、合同協(xié)議書和爭端裁決協(xié)議書格式Forms of Letter of Tender, Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement推薦用于由業(yè)主或其代表工程師設計的建筑或工程項目。這種合同的通常情況是,由承包商按照業(yè)主提供的設計進行工程施工。但該工程可以包含由承包商設計的土木、機械、電氣和(或)構筑物的某些部分。Which are recommended

21、for building or engineering works designed by Employer or his representative, the Engineer. Under the usual arrangements for this type of the contract, the Contractor constructs the works in第10頁,共32頁。 accordance with a design provided by the Employer. However, the works may include some elements of

22、Contractor-designed civil, mechanical, electrical and/or construction works.通用條件和專用條件共同組成管理合同各方權利和義務的合同條件。對每個具體的合同都需要編制其專用條件,同時也要考慮那些提到專用條件的通用條件條款。The General Conditions and the Particular Conditions will together comprise the Conditions of Contract governing the rights and obligations of the partie

23、s. It will be necessary to prepare the Particular Conditions for each individual contract, and to take account of those sub-clauses in the General Conditions which mention the Particular Conditions. 通用條件的編寫原則:中期和最終支付金額將按照工程量表中的費率和單價,以完成的工程量計算通用條件的措辭(規(guī)范中說明或投標書附錄中業(yè)主規(guī)定,承包商填寫)通用條件中某一事項條款的不同處理The Basis t

24、o prepare the General Conditions:Interim and final payments will be determined by measurements, applying the rates and prices in a Bill of Quantities第11頁,共32頁。The wording in the General Conditions necessitates further data (detailed description in Specification or filled as an Appendix to the Tender

25、)The same sub-clause deal with different matters in General Conditions其他相關事宜:菲迪克合同條件應用指南和招標程序Other relevant matters:A guide to the use of its Conditions of Contract for Construction, for Plant and Design-Build, and for EPC/Turnkey Projects; Tendering Procedure01.2 施工合同中主要事項的典型順序Typical Sequence of P

26、rincipal Events during Contracts for ConstructionITD STD ILA CD 8.2 Time for 10.1 ITOC 11.9 IPCBD completion1 DAC2 DNP3 28d 28d ND 21d TP IPS TC RD 4.2 RPS 第12頁,共32頁。Notes to the sequence: ITD Issue of Tender Documents / 頒發(fā)招標文件 BD Base Date / 基準日期 TP Tender Period / 投標期限 STD Submission of Tender Doc

27、uments / 提交投標書 ILA Issue of the Letter of Acceptance / 頒發(fā)中標函 IPS Issue of Performance Security (4.2) / 發(fā)出履約擔保函 CD Commencement Date (8.1) / 開工日期 DAC Delay Attributable to the Contractor / 承包商造成的延誤 TC Tests on Completion / 竣工試驗 ITOC Issue of Taking-Over Certificate (10.1) / 頒發(fā)移交證書 DNP Defects Notific

28、ation Periods / 缺陷通知期限 ND Notifying of Defects (11) / 缺陷通知 RD Remedying of Defects / 缺陷修補 IPC Issue of Performance Certificate (11.9) / 頒發(fā)履約證書 RPS Return of the Performance Security (4.2) / 歸還履約保函1) The Time for Completion is to be stated (in the Appendix to Tender) as a number of days, to whichis a

29、dded any extensions of time under Sub-Clause 8.4 / 竣工時間(在投標書附錄中)以天數(shù)表示,2) In order to indicate the sequence of events, the above diagram is based up the example of the Contractor failing to comply with Sub-Clause 8.2 / 上圖是承包商未遵守8.2款規(guī)定的例子3) The Defects Notification Period is to be stated (in the Appen

30、dix to Tender) as a number of days, toWhich is added any extensions under Sub-Clause 11.3 / 缺陷通知期限(在投標書附錄中)以天數(shù)表示,第13頁,共32頁。01.3 Typical sequence of Payment Events envisaged in Clause 14 第14款中設想的付款事項的典型順序 14.3 Contractor 14.6 Engineer 14.7 Employer makesEach of the submits Statement issues Interim th

31、e payment to the Monthly (or to the Engineer Payment Certificate ContractorOtherwise) 56dInterimPayments 28dThe Final Engineer verifies thepayment statement, Contractor 28d 56d submits information 14.11 Contractor submits 14.11 Contractor submits 14.13 Engineer issues 14.7 Emp- draft final statement

32、 to the Final Statement and the Final Payment loyer Engineer 14.12 discharge Certificate makes payment第14頁,共32頁。01.4 Typical sequence of Dispute Events envisaged in Clause 20 第20條中設想的解決爭端事項的典型順序8.1 20.2 20.4 20.4 20.6Commencement Parties appoint A Party refers A Party may A PartyDate DAB a dispute t

33、o the DAB issue a “Notice may of dissatisfaction” initiate arbitration Parties present Amicable submissions to the DAB settlement 28d 84d 56d DAB gives Arbitrator/s its decision appointed第15頁,共32頁。 第一章 通用條件 Chapter 1 General Conditions1 General Provisions 1.1 Definitions 1.2 Interpretations 1.3 Comm

34、unications 1.4 Law and Language 1.5 Priority of Documents 1.6 Contract Agreement 1.7 Assignment 1.8 Care and Supply of Documents 1.9 Delayed Drawings or Instructions 1.10 Employers Use of Contractors Documents 1.11 Contractors Use of Employers Documents 1.12 Confidential Details 1.13 Compliance with

35、 Laws 1.14 Joint and Several Liabilities第16頁,共32頁。Emphasis in this Clause:1.5 Priority of Documents: The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. For the purpose of interpretation, the priority of the documents shall be in accordance with the following s

36、equence: (a) the Contract Agreement (if any), (b) the Letter of Acceptance, (c) the Letter of Tender, (d) the Particular Conditions (e) these General Conditions (f) the Specification, (g) the Drawings, and (h) the Schedules and any other documents forming part of the ContractIf any ambiguity or disc

37、repancy is found in the documents, the Engineer shallIssue any necessary clarification or instruction.For Example: XLD Multipurpose Dam Project - Lot II: Claim DRB Issue on the Accuracy of Tender Documents - Geological Information General Conditions Specify the responsibility of the Employer to his

38、files provided to the Contractor, but .第17頁,共32頁。1.7 Assignment: Neither Party shall assign the whole or any part of the Contract or any benefit or interest in or under the Contract. However, either Party: (a) may assign the whole or any part with the prior agreement of the other Party, at the sole

39、discretion of such other Party, and (b) may, as security in favour of a bank or financial institution, assign its right to any moneys due, or to become due, under the Contract. For Example: XLD Multipurpose Dam Project - Lot II: De Faveros quit out of the Joint Venture and the Defect Remedying Matte

40、r 第18頁,共32頁。2. Employer2.1 Right of Access to the Site2.2 Permits, Licenses or Approvals2.3 Employers Personnel2.4 Employers Financial Arrangement2.5 Employers ClaimEmphasis in this Clause:2.5 Employers Claim: This Claim should include Payments from the Contractor, or extension of Defects Notificati

41、on Period etc., the Particulars should specify the Clauses orother basis of the Claim; At the same time, the amounts of this Claim may bededucted from the Contract Price and Payments Certificates.第19頁,共32頁。3. Engineer3.1 The Engineer should be appointed by the Employer to carry out the duties assign

42、ed to him in the Contract. The Engineers staff shall includesuitably qualified engineers and other professionals who are competentto carry out these duties.The Engineer shall have no authority to amend the ContractThe Engineer may excise the authority attributable to the Engineer as specified in or

43、necessarily to be implied from the Contract.3.2 Delegation by the EngineerThe Engineer may from time to time assign duties or delegate authority toAssistants,3.3 Instructions of the Engineer3.4 Replacement of the Engineer3.5 Determinations第20頁,共32頁。4 The Contractor4.1 Contractors General Obligations

44、4.2 Performance Security4.4 Subcontractor4.5 Assignment of Benefit of Subcontractor4.6 Co-operation4.10 Site DataThe Employer shall have made available to the Contractor for his information,prior to the Base Date, all relevant data in the Employers possession on sub-Surface and hydrological conditio

45、ns at the site, including environment aspects.The Employer shall similarly make available to the Contractor all such data which come into the Employers possession after the Base Date. The Contractor shall be responsible for interpreting all such data.4.12 Unforeseeable Physical Conditions4.21 Progre

46、ss Report第21頁,共32頁。5 Nominated Subcontractor5.1 Definition of “nominated subcontractor”: In the Contract, “nominatedsubcontractor” means a subcontractor: (a) who is stated in the Contractas being a nominated subcontractor, or (b) whom the Engineer, under Clause 13 Variation and Adjustments, instruct

47、s the Contractor to employAs a subcontractor5.2 Objection to Nomination5.3 Payments to nominated Subcontractors5.4 Evidence of Payments6 Staff and Labour6.1 Engagement of Staff and Labour6.2 Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour6.3 Persons in the Service of Employer6.4 Labour Law6.5 Working Hours6

48、.6 Facilities for Staff and Labour6.7 Health and Safety6.8 Contractors Superintendence6.9 Contractors Personel6.10 Records of Contractors Personnel and Equipment6.11 Disorderly Conduct第22頁,共32頁。7 Plant Materials and Workmanship7.1 Manner of Execution7.2 Samples7.3 Inspection7.4 Testing The Engineer

49、shall give the Contractor not less than 24 hours notice of theEngineers intentions to attend the tests. . If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs cost After receiving this notice, the Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-clause 3.5 (Determinations) to agree or determine the matters7.5

50、 Rejection7.6 Remedial Work7.7 Ownership of Plant and Material7.8 Royalties8 Commencement, Delays and Suspension8.1 Commencement of Works The Engineer shall give the Contractor not less than 7 days notice of the Commencement Date. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, theCommencement

51、 Date shall be within 42 days after the Contractor receives theLetter of Acceptance第23頁,共32頁。 The Contractor shall commence the execution of the Works as soon as is reasonably practicable after the Commencement Date, and shall then proceedwith the Works with due expedition and without delay. 8.2 Tim

52、e for Completion Whole of the Works or Section8.3 Programme The Contractor shall submit a detailed time programme to the Engineer within 28 days after receiving the notice under sub-clause 8.1 (Commencementof Works)8.4 Extension of Time for Completion (EOT) The Contractor shall be entitled subject t

53、o Sub-Clause 20.1(Contractors Claim)8.5 Delays Caused by Authorities8.6 Rate of progress8.7 Delay Damages8.8 Suspension of Work The Engineer may at any time instruct the Contractor to suspend progress ofpart or all of the Works. During such suspension, the Contractor shall protect, store and secure

54、such part or the Works against any deterioration, loss or Damage. The Engineer may also notify the cause for the suspension, if and to the extend第24頁,共32頁。that the cause is notified and is the responsibility of the contractor, the followingSub-Clauses 8.9, 8.10 and 8.11 shall not apply.8.9 Consequen

55、ces of Suspension8.10 Payments for Plant and Materials in the Event of Suspension8.11 Prolonged Suspension 84 days., 28 days8.12 Resumption of Works9 Tests on Completion9.1 Contractors Obligation9.2 Delayed Tests9.3 Retesting9.4 Failure to Pass Tests on Completion10 Employers Taking Over10.1 Taking

56、Over of the Works and Sections10.2 Taking Over of Parts of the Works10.3 Interference with Tests on Completion10.4 Surface Requiring Reinstatement第25頁,共32頁。11 Defects Liability11.1 Completion of Outstanding Works and Remedying Defects11.2 Cost of Remedying Defects11.3 Extension of Defects Notificati

57、on Period11.4 Failure to Remedy Defects11.5 Removal of Defective Work11.6 Further Tests11.7 Right of Access11.8 Contractor to Search11.9 Performance Certificate11.10 Unfulfilled Obligation11.11 Clearance of Site12 Measurement and Evaluation12.1 Works to be Measured12.2 Method of Measurement12.3 Eval

58、uation12.4 Omission第26頁,共32頁。13 Variations and Adjustments13.1 Right to Vary13.2 Value Engineering13.3 Variation Procedure13.4 Payment in Applicable Currencies13.5 Provisional Sum13.6 Daywork13.7 Adjustments for Changes in Legislation13.8 Adjustments for Changes in Cost14 Contract Price and Payment1

59、4.1 The Contract Price14.2 Advance Payment14.3 Application for Interim Payment Certificate14.4 Schedule of payment14.5 Plant and Materials intended for the Works14.6 Issue of Interim Payment Certificate14.7 Payment14.8 Delayed Payment14.9 Payment of Retention Money14.10 Statement at Completion14.11 Application for Final Payment Certificate第27頁,共32頁。14.12 Discharge14.13 Issue of Final Payment Certificate14.14 Cessation of Employers Liability14.15 Currencies of Payment15 Termination by Employer15.1 Notice to Correct15.2 Termination by Employer15.3 Valuation at Date


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