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1、7A單元總結(jié)7A Unitl 、2、詞組或短語序號(hào)ChineseEnglish1讀/看這本書read this book2照顧look after怎樣照顧你的電子狗how to look after your e-dog3(與)某人交朋友make friends (with sb.)4he first day5向某人作自我介紹introduce oneself to sb.6在七年級(jí)一班in Class 1, Grade 7= in Class One, Grade7熱愛讀書SevenBve readinglove/like/en joydoingsth. 喜愛做某事喜愛踢足球love pla

2、ying football8喜歡聽音樂like listening to the music9喜愛玩電腦游戲enjoy playing computer10來自gamesrom二 be from 11努力學(xué)習(xí)(工作)work hard12擅長于;在主面做得好be good at =do well in 13在閱讀興趣小組/參加英語興趣小組in the Reading Club/ in the English Club14戴眼鏡wear glasses15開始認(rèn)識(shí)這些學(xué)生get to know the students16早上好。/下午好。Good morning./ Good afternoo

3、n.晚上好。(晚上見面)Good evening.晚安。(睡前告別)Good night.17做筆記make notes1819出生踢足球/打羽毛球be bornplay football/badminton20在足球場on the football field21在羽毛球場on the badminton court22在游泳池里in the swimming pool23去游泳/跑步go swimming/running24步行回家walk home = go home on foot乘公共汽車回家take the bus home = go home by bus乘公共汽車去上學(xué)take

4、 the bus to school = go to school by25在周末aushe weekend26放風(fēng)箏fly a kite/ fly kites27在上午/下午/晚上in the morning/ afternoon/ evening28帶某人去散步take sb. for a walk遛狗take the dog for a walk29與某人談話talk to/with sb.談?wù)撃呈聇alk about sth.30為黃河足球隊(duì)效力play for Huanghe Football Team31為我們校足球隊(duì)進(jìn)球得分score for our school footbal

5、l team32進(jìn)球得分score goals33看起來很強(qiáng)壯/高興(系表)look strong/ look happy聽起來很好(系表結(jié)構(gòu))sound great34在卜一次世界杯in the next World Cup35和他人合作work with others36用英語說(某事)say |sth. in English說英語speak English37的答案the answer to 3839半小時(shí)將某物遺忘在某地half an houreave sth. sp.40練習(xí)做某事practice doing sth.41需要做某事deed to do sth.二、重點(diǎn)句子What

6、s your name? My name s / I m I love reading ./ Il ove playing football after school./She loves dancingI was born in Shanghai but I live in Beijing now.She works hard. 她學(xué)習(xí)/工作很努力。I like listening to musi。She is good at swimming. = She does well in swimming.她擅長于游泳。She wears glasses .He enjoys playing c

7、omputer games.I talk to my classmates at lunchtime.I take my dog for a walk every day.我每天帶有的狗去散步。At the weekend, I usually go running for half an hou門n the morningHe playsforHuanghe Football Team.他為黃河足球隊(duì)效力(踢球)。14.He is good at scoring goals.他擅長于射門得分。He wants to play in the next World Cup.15.The more

8、English you speak in class, the faster you will learn.你在課內(nèi)說英語說得越多,你將學(xué)得越快。How well do you know your new friends?你對(duì)你的新朋友有多了 解?If you do not know the answer to something, you say, I m sorry, I don t know.Can I borrow your pen?四、語法學(xué)習(xí)帶有be動(dòng)詞和do動(dòng)詞的一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)。一般現(xiàn)在時(shí):闡述一般的客觀事實(shí);目前存在的事實(shí);經(jīng)常的習(xí)慣性的動(dòng)作。(1)當(dāng)主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時(shí):肯定句:

9、主語+is+其他/主語+動(dòng)詞的等三人稱單數(shù)形式+其他。如: He is kind .Nancy lives in Nanjing .否定句:主語+isnt+其他/主語+doesnt+ 動(dòng)詞原形+其他如: He isnt a student . Nancy doesnt live in Nanjing .疑問句:Is+主語+其他/ Does+主語+動(dòng)詞原形+其他如:Is she your mother? Does Nancy live in Najing?(2)當(dāng)主語不是第三人稱單數(shù)時(shí):肯定句:主語+am /are/動(dòng)詞原形+其他如:I am a boy. They like apples否定句

10、:主語 +am not /are not+ 其他/主語+dont+ 動(dòng)詞原形+其它如:They dont like apples . They are not friends .疑問句:Am/Are+主語+其他Do+主語+動(dòng)詞原形+其它如: Do they like apples? Are they good students?7 A Unit3.你最喜愛的科目是哪門?Which of the subjects do you like best?=Which is your favourite subject subject?.因此我可以吃三塊。So I can eat three.今天是幾月

11、幾號(hào)?What s the date today?今天是十月九號(hào)。It s October 9th.4.今天是星期幾?What day is it today?今天是星期一。It s Monday.5.現(xiàn)在是幾點(diǎn)?What time is it now ?What s the time now?現(xiàn)在是兩點(diǎn)鐘。It s two o clock.6.明天是開放日。Tomorrow is our Open Day.7.家長會(huì)the parentsmeeting8.讓我們一點(diǎn)半在學(xué)校門口見。Let s meet at the school gate at 1:30.你學(xué)??雌饋砗芷?。Your sch

12、ool looks beautiful.看起來很現(xiàn)代看起來年輕帶你參觀一下帶領(lǐng)某人參觀某地在教學(xué)樓的前面在教室的前面(在教室的外面)在教室的前面(在教室的里面)在一樓(英式英語)在一樓(美式英語)這些教室既干凈又明亮。這邊請(qǐng),媽媽。一個(gè)藝術(shù)教室一個(gè)音樂教室兩個(gè)電腦教室開會(huì)穿白色襯衫的那個(gè)人是誰?看一看墻上我朋友的照片讓我看看look modernlook youngshow you aroundshow sb. around sp.in front of the classroom buildingin front of the classroomin the front of the cla

13、ssroomon the ground flooron the first floorThe classrooms are clean and bright.This way, Mum.a art rooma music roomtwo computer roomshave meetingsWho s the man in a white shirt?look at the pictures of my friends on the wallLet me see.let me have a look.12345678912在我們校足球隊(duì)in our school football team34

14、5678910111212他們都很好。我們都喜歡他。讓我告訴你有關(guān)它的情況。告訴某人有關(guān)某事的情況我有一些新朋友我喜歡放學(xué)后和他們一起玩。向她問好什么?請(qǐng)?jiān)僬f一遍。用于請(qǐng)求別人重復(fù)一遍,完整形式為:口語中課省略為:我聽不清你的話。在電話里在電視上在收音機(jī)里在網(wǎng)上你怎樣到學(xué)校?我騎車/坐公共汽車到學(xué)校。They are all very nice.We all like him.Let me tell you about it.tell sb. about sth.I have some new friends.I like to play with them after class.say h

15、ello to herPardon?I beg your pardon.Beg your pardon. 或 Pardon?I can t hear you well.on the phoneon TVon the radioon the InternetHow do you get to school?I get to school by bike / by bus.=I ride a bike to school / take a bus to school那需要多長時(shí)間?How long does it take?你騎車到學(xué)校需要多長時(shí)間?從我家到學(xué)校有很長的一段路。我朋友艾米住的靠近學(xué)

16、校。它什么時(shí)候開放?它從早上八點(diǎn)一直到下午五點(diǎn)半開放閱覽室只在下午開放。我們圖書館有各種各樣的圖書。你從圖書館借書嗎?向借某物把東西借給別人過馬路在你回來的路上帶個(gè)生日蛋糕給我。在某人回來/回家/去學(xué)校的路上謝謝你的來信。為某事而感謝某人一些教室It s a long way from my home to the school.My friend Amy lives near our school.When is it open?It s open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.The reading room is only open in the afternoon.T

17、here are all kinds of books in the library.Do you borrow books from the library?borrow sth. fromlend sth. to sb = lend sb sth.cross the roadBring me a birthday cake on your way back.on one s way back/home/to schoolThanks for your letter.Thank you for the letter.Thanks for sth/doing stha few classroo

18、msHow long does it take you to get to school bybike?我騎車到學(xué)校需要 20 分鐘。It takes me twenty minutes to get to school by bike.3 我家離學(xué)校很遠(yuǎn)。I live far away from the school.It s a long way from my home to the school.4我每天步行去學(xué)校騎車去某地坐公共汽車去某地I go to school on foot every day.I walk to school every day.go to by bike

19、=ride to go to -by bus =take a bus to7A Unit 4、詞組或短語序號(hào)ChineseEnglish1醒過來;叫醒wake up叫醒某人wake sb. up2是該做某事的時(shí)候了。It s time for sth. = It s time to do sth.是該某人做某事的時(shí)候了。It s time for sb. to do sth.3打算做某事be going to do sth.4去睡覺;入睡go to sleep5玩得開心have fun =have a good time = enjoy6開心地做某事oaeeelffun doing sth.

20、= enjoy oneself doing sth.7一個(gè)新的網(wǎng)友a(bǔ) new online friend8記日記keep a diary9做早操do morning exercise s10上課have lessons11做課外活動(dòng)do after-school activities12在操場上in the play ground13彼此聊天chat with each other14對(duì)某人友好be nice/kind/friendlyto sb.15(某人)花(時(shí)間或金錢)做某事spend.(in) doing sth.=spendon sth.16每逢周二和周五e(cuò)very Tuesday

21、and Friday17中的一個(gè)成員a member of18給某人發(fā)電子郵件e-mail me = send an e-mail to me19r發(fā)送某物給某人send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth.20t兩次twice a week21:聽收音機(jī)listen to the radio22做飛機(jī)模型make model planes23:看太多電視watch too much TV = watch TV too24太多moochuch + 不pJ數(shù)名詞too many +可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)25太much too +形容詞或副詞26總是;一直all the time = al

22、ways27約見某人,會(huì)見某人meet up with sb.28了解很多關(guān)于電腦(的知識(shí))know a lot about computers29r舞蹈課dancing lesson(s)30沒有時(shí)間做某事have no time to do sth .31和某人在電話上談話talk to/with sb. on the phone32教我們英語teach us English33:向某人問好say hello to sb34:去旅行g(shù)o on a trip35因?yàn)樽瞿呈露兄x你。Thank you for doing sth.36期待做某事(to為介詞)look forward|to_|

23、sth. / look forwardto37你認(rèn)為怎樣?Woiiaftlotyou think of.? = How do you like?38需要做某事need to do sth.39為某事做(好)準(zhǔn)備get/be ready for sth.;準(zhǔn)備做某事get/be ready to do sth.40對(duì)有好處be good for 41.對(duì)我來說很困難.be hard for sb.42了解更多關(guān)于這個(gè)世界的(事情)learn more about the world、重點(diǎn)句子1. Is it time for | breakfast? = Is it timeto havebre

24、akfast?2. I want togo to sleepSome dogs just don t know have to have fun.My classmates are all nice to me.All my friends are really great.I spend about two hours a day doing my homework.She is very busy and doesn t have much time to talk with her friends.She meets up with Simon and they do their hom

25、ework together.He knows a lot about computers.Each student can spend 10. = Each of the students can spend 10Mhank you for organizing the class trip.The price for ea,h student is 5.We are looking forward to a great day out.Maybe you need to practise it more.What do you think of your new school ? = Ho

26、w do you like your new I school?They re good for us. They help us get ready for the day.I love reading because I want to learn more about the world7A Unit 5、詞組或短語序號(hào)ChineseEnglish1化裝;打扮dress up化裝成一個(gè)鬼dress up as a ghost2給某人穿衣服dress sb.穿著.(衣服)be/get dressed in 尸 wear = be in=3感謝某人做某事thc(Rk sbnfor doing

27、 sth.4告訴某人關(guān)于某事tell sb. about sth.5舉彳L場特別的晚會(huì)have a special party6玩一個(gè)被叫上不招待就使壞的游戲play a game called trick or treat 7敲人們的門knock on/at people s doors8給我們一些糖果作為招待give us some candies as a treat =give us a treat of some candies9r給某人某物作為招待give sb. sth as a treat = give us a treat of10捉弄某人/開杲人的玩笑ptay a tric

28、k/joke on sb.11:在力主節(jié)at Halloween12穿著帶有面具的奇特服裝wear special costumes with masks13;為某人制作某物make sth. for sb.14切割出;剪出cut out 15在十月三廣日的晚上on the evening of October 31st16用.制成make out of - -make with 17在圣誕節(jié)at Christmas18在感恩節(jié)on Thanksgiving Day19在端廿?at Dragon Boat Festival20在中秋節(jié)at Mid-Autumn Festival21|在十月十二

29、日的下on | the afternoon of 12 th October22;在(上午/下午/晚上)onMonday23在早飯時(shí)/午餐時(shí)/在晚餐時(shí)amornbWtesn做n/evenunch/atsupper/at24在七歲時(shí)atnnert the age of 725午餐吃.have for lunch26那個(gè)穿著一件奇怪服裝的人that person in a special costume27去度假go on holiday28在度假be on holiday29觀看獅子舞watch the lion dance30傳統(tǒng)的中國食品traditional Chinese food31是

30、我第一次做某事。It s my first time to do sth.32在的另一面on the other side of 32幾秒鐘a few seconds34努力(不)做某事try (not) to do sth.35;用許多方法;在許多方面in many ways36透過眼睛發(fā)光/閃耀shine through the eyes二、重點(diǎn)句子I m cressing up as a ghost.Which is your favourite festival? = Which festival do you like best ?Thank you(=Thanks ) for te

31、lling me about Mid-Autumn Festival.We play a game called trick or treat .What do we do for Halloween?Usually, they give us some candies as a treat. = Usually, they give us a treat of somecandies.o not give us a treat, we can p&y a trick on them.(主將從現(xiàn))If they dPeople do not know who e are.We make our

32、 own special pumpkin lanterns for | Halloween.My family always have a party on the evening of October 31 st.You can make a lantern out of a pumpkin.2.It is my first to see it and I am very excited. At night,there will be fireworks in Chinatown.Which is your favourite day in the year?.Why do you like

33、 your birthday so much ?.What do you do for Chinese New Year in Beijing ?.Look at the picture for a few seconds and try to remember the sentence.They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth.三、語法.at, on, in時(shí)間狀語往往由于介詞短語構(gòu)成,不同的時(shí)間所使用的介詞也不相同。at多用于某一點(diǎn)的時(shí)間,具體的時(shí)刻。如:at

34、seven oclock , at that time , at the weekends , at noon , at night(2)on多用于表示具體日期的時(shí)間前。on June 1 , on Monday , on the morning of October31st(3)in與表示一段的時(shí)間狀語連用。in the morning指的是上午的一段時(shí)間in 2004 指在2004的一段時(shí)間里in February , in Spring.what when how why where見周末所講練習(xí). some和any的用法:(1)some和any都是表示“一些的意思, some 一般用于

35、肯定句,any 一般用于否定句和疑問句。兩個(gè)詞既可以修飾可數(shù)名詞,又可以修飾不可數(shù)名詞。(2) some用于疑問句中,表示希望得到對(duì)方的肯定回答。如:Would you like some tea?7A Unit 6、詞組或短語序號(hào)ChineseEnglish1總是餓be always hungry2健身俱樂部the Get Fit Club3好不好?.怎么樣?What about ? = How about?去釣魚好不好?What about going fishing?4對(duì)某人來說很重要be important for sb.5需要做某事need to do sth.6需要某物來做某事ne

36、ed sth. to do sth.7變累get tired8保持健康keep fit = stay healthy = keep healthy9一日三餐之間between meals10太多的糖too much sugar11想要(保持)健康want to be healthy12早飯吃eat/have.for breakfast13一個(gè)頂尖的學(xué)生a top student14有健康的飲食習(xí)慣和生活方式have a healthy diet and lifestyle15跑得快run fast16一是該某人去做某事的時(shí)候了。It s time for sb. to do sth.現(xiàn)在是該我

37、改變()的時(shí)候It s time for me to change now.17評(píng)劃做某事plan to do sth.18:你生活的方式the way you live19當(dāng)心某物/某事be careful with sth20;沒有很多時(shí)間去做某事don t have much time to do sth.21f三次three times a week22坐在電腦的前回sit in front of the computer23去上舞蹈課go to dancing lessons24去滑旱冰go roller skating25一包鹽a packet of salt26兩袋大米two b

38、ags of rice27二杯茶three cups of tea28四公斤肉four kilos of meat2930五盒牛奶這么多東西five cartons of milk so many things31:少于五小時(shí)less than 5 hours32多H小時(shí)more than 10 hours32一點(diǎn)也不,根本不not at all34:少看電視watch less TV35祝賀某人Congratulations to sb.36看兩個(gè)小時(shí)電視watch 2 hours of TV = watch TV for 237你認(rèn)為怎么樣?Howrso you like.? = What

39、 do you think of?38不再not -any more = no more39躺在長沙發(fā)上lie on the couch40祝某人好運(yùn)。Good luck to sb.祝某事順利。Good luck with sth41健康的飲食healthy eating = healthy diet42沒有變胖without getting fat43討厭做某事hate doing sth.、重點(diǎn)句子I walk to my bowl many times a day.A healthy diet is very I important for a dancer.I need lots o

40、f energy to dance.4. It is very easy for me to get tired when I dance.I need to keep fit.I never co any exercise.I plan to go swimming twice a week.Kitty is careful with her diet because she wants to be healthy.Sandy doesn t have much time to play badminton.Daniel spends all his free time sitting in

41、 front of the computer.How much TV do you watch every day ?你一點(diǎn)也不健康。You are nbt fitl at all.13.How do you likenew diet? = What doyou think of yournew diet ?13. I love hamburgers but I doneat them any more.=I love hamburgers but I no more eat them.14. Good luck with your new diet and lifestyle.15.This

42、 meal gives me energy for thrnoon and for playiall later.need vitamins to stay healthy. 我需要維生素來保持健康。without getting fat17.It is also important to drink lots of water every day.18. There are no calories in water, so you can drink it四、語法1 .頻率副詞:(1)頻率副詞按照其發(fā)生頻率由高到低排列如下:always usually often sometimes sel

43、dom never(2)頻率副詞用于行為動(dòng)詞之前,be動(dòng)詞之后。.名詞的分類:可 數(shù) 名 詞: a table/an apple/two tables/two stories/two watches/photos/tomatoes/knives不可數(shù)名詞:bread, water, hair, air, money, rain, tea, chicken, rice, fruit, cheese, milk, salt,sugar, soup, vinegar. There be句型的用法:These is /are+sb . /sth,十介詞+some place 相當(dāng)于“某地有某人/某物”

44、,句子中的be動(dòng)詞和緊跟的名詞在數(shù)方面必須一致。如:There are some people in the park .否定形式是:There is /are not .如:There is not a person in the classroom .一般疑問句形式是:Is/Are there . ?肯定回答是 Yes, there is /are.否定回答是 No , there isnt /arent .如: Are there some pictures on the wall?Yes, there are . / No , there aren t.7A Unit 7、詞組或短語序

45、號(hào)ChineseEnglish1r想要某人做某事want sb. to do sth. = would like sb. to2:需要某人做某事doneed sb. to do sth.3:來臨了come up4為某人買某物buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.5J肖等片刻just a minute6毛,_.毛4141take a look (at) = have a look (at)7打折There s a discount on 8許多種類發(fā)卡many kinds of hair clips:確信,有把握be sure + that 賓從9確信做某事be sure

46、 to do sth.對(duì)某事很確信be sure of sth.10r某物與某物很匹配sth. match sth. (well)某物很適合某人sth. fit sb. (well)11;有足夠的錢買一have enough money to buy12沒關(guān)系。Never mind. = It doesn t matter.13七局價(jià)have a high price14叫某人(不要)做某事ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth.15某物花費(fèi)某人.錢sth. cost sb. money16與一樣的.the same as .17小同種類的書different kinds o

47、f books18某樣好東四somethinggood (形容詞放在小定代詞19一雙鞋子爐dair of shoes20邀請(qǐng)某人參加某人的生日晚會(huì)invite sb. to one s birthday party21邀請(qǐng)某人做某事invite sb. to do sth.22現(xiàn)在at the moment = now = right now23等待輪到某人做某事wait for one s turn to do sth.24輪到某人做某事了。It s one s turn to do sth.25r為某物付錢pay (money) for sth.26呆在外面太遲stay out too l

48、ate27站在桌子旁stand at the table28許愿make a wish29:領(lǐng)花錢pocket money30窮人the poor(the + adj. 表小一類人 )31:用號(hào)碼打電話給某人call sb. on .(telephone number)32;捐贈(zèng)某物給某人donate sth. to sb.33為某人籌集/募捐某物raise sth. for sb.34;需要幫助的小孩the children in need35;在貧困地區(qū)的小孩the children in poor areas36一雙足球靴a pair of football boots37試穿(動(dòng)副短語

49、,代詞放中間)tryon (動(dòng)副短語,代詞放中間)38更便宜的一雙a cheaper pair39以我們學(xué)校的名義in the name of our school40更多一些some more 41冉個(gè)one more = another one 42來自/、同國家的/、同食物different kinds of food from different43一個(gè)值得一去的有趣的地方aouRtpece to go (to)44:一個(gè)接見朋友的好地方a good place to meet friends45打110求助call 110 for help何某人求助ask sb. for help、

50、重點(diǎn)句子I want you to go shopping with me today.我能為你效勞嗎?I need you to carry all the bags.Can I help you ? = What can I do for you?4. Mow much do |the cards cost ?=How much are the cards?s cards.There s a discount on last yearThey match her favourite T-shirt.I don,t have enough money to buy her a CD then

51、.The shopkeeper asked Amy to buy a CD for her friend.The birthday presents cost Amy 14.=Amy spends 14 buying the birthday presents.I don t want to buy the same things as AmydiHe is inviting Mr. Wu to Simon I and Sandy s birthday party. I am waiting for my turn (to play the game).If you would like to

52、 donate some money, please call us on 5551 3871.We would also like to raise some money for them1 |I like this pair. Could I try them on, please?Do you have a cheaper pair?The mall is very easy to find. = To find the mall is very easy. = It is easy to find the mall.The mall is a really fun place to g

53、o.| |It is a good place to meet friends.I am calling 110 for help.四、語法.現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí):(1)現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)表示現(xiàn)在正在進(jìn)行或發(fā)生的動(dòng)作,也可表示當(dāng)前一段時(shí)間的活動(dòng)或現(xiàn)階段正在進(jìn) 行的動(dòng)作。謂語動(dòng)詞由be(am , is, are)+現(xiàn)在分詞構(gòu)成。(2)構(gòu)成:肯癥:句:主語十a(chǎn)re/is/are+現(xiàn)在分詞+其它否定句:主語 +am /is/are +not 十現(xiàn)在分詞+其它疑問句:Are / Is/Are+主語+現(xiàn)在分詞+其它(3)現(xiàn)在分詞的構(gòu)成:一般動(dòng)詞在末尾加ing。如:playing , working以不發(fā)音的 e結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞

54、去 e加ing 。如:having , making動(dòng)詞以ie結(jié)尾,將ie變?yōu)閥,再加ing。如:lying , dying以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,如末尾只有一個(gè)輔音字母,應(yīng)雙寫這一字,再加ing。如:running , swimmingcan常用于向自己的同輩人請(qǐng)求允許或. can和may的用法:can和may都可以用于疑問句,用來征求他人的允許。幫助,may常用于向長輩請(qǐng)求允許或幫助。.副詞first , then , next , afterwards , finally 等常被用于描述事件發(fā)生的順序。7A Unit 8、詞組或短語序號(hào)ChineseEnglish1不知道該穿什么don

55、t know what to wear2再多10分鐘10 more minutes3舉辦時(shí)裝表演have/give a fashion show4希望工程Project Hope5;為希望工程籌款/募捐raise money for Project Hope6;展示某物給某人看show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb.7來自20世紀(jì)90年代的服裝clothes from the 1990s8看起來多彩絢麗的/吸引人的(系表)look colourful9看起來很酷(系表)look cool10sandy多美呀!How beautiful Sandy is!11在20世紀(jì)90

56、年代in the 1990s12看起來很帥氣也很時(shí)髦(系表)look smart and modern13;今天的時(shí)裝表演觀到此為止。That s all for today s fashion show.14叫某人(不要)做某事;ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth.15談?wù)撟瞿呈聇alk about doing sth.16打開/關(guān)閉(電器)(代詞放中間)turn on/turn off17調(diào)高/調(diào)低(音量等)(代詞放中間)turn up /turn down18作秀(作表演)do the show19;穿白色的褲子dress up in|white trousers

57、= wear white20去(日本)旅行g(shù)ouserstrip (to Japan)21去參加宴會(huì)go for a dinner party22由制成(可看出原材料)be made of 由制成(看不F1原7y)3)be made from 23適合于be suitable for 24使我的腳發(fā)熱make my feet hot25穿藍(lán)色(衣服)很好看look good in blue26某物與某物搭配得好sth.matchsth. (very well)=sth.|go well withsth. (very well)27穿在某人身上看起來很好look good onsb.28任何一種

58、別的顏色any other colour29使/讓某人做某事make/let/have sb. do sth.使我的T恤衫看起來很干凈make the T-shirt look clean30穿起來很舒適be comfortable to wear31你(設(shè)計(jì))的海報(bào)進(jìn)展如何?How is your poster going?32;使我的設(shè)計(jì)更好make my design better33希望做某事hope to do sth.hope + (that) 賓從34r希望某人做某事wish sb. to do sth.、重點(diǎn)句子1. I don t knowto wear toda2. I can spend 10 more minutes in bed then.We are having the show because we want to raise money for ProjectToday we are going to show you clothes from the 1970s to the 1990s.Can you guess when my clot


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