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1、服裝專題設(shè)計(一)教學(xué)大綱課程代碼172639課程名稱服裝專題設(shè)計(一)英文名稱Special Topics in Fashion Design(1)課程類別專業(yè)領(lǐng)域課課程性質(zhì)必修學(xué)時總學(xué)時:64學(xué)時 實踐學(xué)時:0學(xué)分4開課學(xué)期第四學(xué)期開課單位設(shè)計學(xué)院適用專業(yè)服裝與服飾設(shè)計授課語言中文授課先修課程服裝紙樣與工藝(二)畢業(yè)要求(專業(yè)培養(yǎng)能力)本課程對于學(xué)生達到畢業(yè)要求有如下貢獻:1、3、4、5、8、10、11設(shè)計知識:掌握扎實的基礎(chǔ)知識和專業(yè)技能,能夠?qū)⒎b與服飾設(shè)計的專業(yè)知識理論用于解決實際的設(shè)計實踐問題。設(shè)計/開發(fā)解決方案:能夠針對復(fù)雜設(shè)計問題提出解決方案,并能夠在設(shè)計環(huán)節(jié)中體現(xiàn)創(chuàng)新意識,考



4、關(guān)系,并能夠基本掌握一次設(shè)計及二次設(shè)計的方法。課程簡介服裝專題設(shè)計一即款式構(gòu)成設(shè)計,是門理論與實踐相結(jié)合的專業(yè)領(lǐng)域課程,目的使學(xué)生了解服裝款式構(gòu)成的原理及方法,并能合理的設(shè)計一般的款式及服裝零部件,并達到一定的美感。此課程是一門從造型藝術(shù)的角度去研究與探索人體結(jié)構(gòu)與服裝款式之間的關(guān)系,是設(shè)計者展現(xiàn)構(gòu)思的根本,并使服裝造型與結(jié)構(gòu)更加合理化、標準化,也是服裝從主體到平面、從平面到主體轉(zhuǎn)變過程中的重要環(huán)節(jié)。教學(xué)內(nèi)容與學(xué)時分配理論教學(xué)第一部分: 4學(xué)時 1.服裝的涵義廣義的服裝:指附著在著裝者身上的所有物品,即一切可以用來裝身的物品,包括衣服鞋帽和一切裝束。 狹義的服裝:指用織物等軟性材料制成的穿戴于

5、身的生活用品,是人們?nèi)粘I钪胁豢苫蛉钡闹匾糠帧?.服裝的構(gòu)成要素服裝三大構(gòu)成要素之間的關(guān)系服裝設(shè)計的概念: 素材、對象、審美法則 創(chuàng)造過程、綜合性交叉科學(xué) 服裝設(shè)計的內(nèi)容 造型設(shè)計(外輪廓結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計、內(nèi)部線條設(shè)計、衣領(lǐng)、口袋等細部設(shè)計) 色彩設(shè)計(主色、副色、點綴色) 材料設(shè)計(種類、性能、應(yīng)用)一次設(shè)計、二次設(shè)計、系列設(shè)計涵義及相互關(guān)系理論教學(xué)第二部分: 4學(xué)時 1. 從設(shè)計角度講授名家大師的各種風(fēng)格與流派特點,并講解服裝流行現(xiàn)象。2.尋找20款世界服裝設(shè)計大師的典型作品,分別從服裝的不同審美角度進行評判分析。3.找一些具體的例子,分析服裝廓形的變化與社會變革、流行時尚的聯(lián)系。通過該理論課

6、程的講授使學(xué)生了解部分服裝頂尖品牌的風(fēng)格及大師設(shè)計特點,較好的學(xué)會分析流行趨勢及掌握流行趨勢提案制作的一般規(guī)律。實踐教學(xué)部分: 40學(xué)時服裝設(shè)計的實踐教學(xué)即是服裝外形,零部件服裝設(shè)計實操訓(xùn)練,給出學(xué)生一個設(shè)計主題或者范圍,指導(dǎo)學(xué)生在課堂上進行服裝整體廓型、服裝結(jié)構(gòu)線的設(shè)計;大的服裝廓型結(jié)構(gòu)確定后進行細部結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計及領(lǐng)、袖、零部件等的設(shè)計,甚至包括配飾設(shè)計。實驗教學(xué)(包括上機學(xué)時、實驗學(xué)時、實踐學(xué)時)0教學(xué)方法課程教學(xué)以課堂教學(xué)、PPT講解、優(yōu)秀示范作品展示、課堂指導(dǎo)、綜合討論、網(wǎng)絡(luò)以及授課教師的科研項目于積累等共同實施??己朔绞奖菊n程注重過程考核,成績比例為:平時作業(yè)和課堂表現(xiàn):30%期末考試(

7、設(shè)計最終成果):70%教材及參考書參考教材:1劉曉剛 編著品牌服裝設(shè)計 東華大學(xué)出版社 2015年3月2萬宗瑜 編著 男裝結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計 東華大學(xué)出版社 2011年2月9日3劉瑞璞 編著男裝語言與國際慣例-禮服 中國紡織出版社 2002年“Special Topics on Fashion Design” SyllabusCourse Code172639Course TitleSpecial Topics on Fashion Design(1)Course CategorySpecialty-related CourseCourse NatureCompulsory CourseClass Ho

8、urs64Credits4SemesterSophomore semester secondInstituteDesign InstituteProgramOrientedFashion designTeaching LanguageChinesePrerequisitesClothing Patterns and Techniques(2)Student Outcomes (Special Training Ability)1. Design knowledge: Master solid basic knowledge and professional skills and be able

9、 to apply the professional knowledge and theories of fashion and accessories design to solving practical problems in design practices.3. Solutions design/development: Be able to propose solutions aimed at complex design problems, embody consciousness of creativity and consider factors of economy, cu

10、lture, environmental protection, safety, technology and aesthetics in the links of design.4. Research: Be able to do researches on complex design problems based on basic principles of fashion and accessories design by scientific methods, including design experiments, observation and analysis of phen

11、omenon, regional culture and art trend, to form reasonable and effective results during the process of information acquisition and organization.5. Usage of modern tools: Be able to develop, select and adopt appropriate art technology methods, modern information tools and resources aimed at complex p

12、roblems of fashion and accessories design and be able to understand the limitations.6. Design and society: Be able to conduct reasonable analysis based on design-related background knowledge and evaluate the influence of the solutions of the complex problems appeared in design practices on the socie

13、ty, health, safety, law, culture, aesthetics and life quality and be able to understand the responsibilities.7. Environment and sustainable development: Be able to understand and evaluate the influence of design practice on the sustainable development of environment and society.8. Occupation norm: P

14、ossess the quality of humanistic social science and sense of social responsibility; be able to keep awareness of design ethics and environmental protection in design practices, understand and abide by the professional ethics and norms and perform the responsibilities.10. Communication: Be able to ma

15、ke effective communications with industry peers and the public on complex design practical problems, including drawing design sketches, writing reports, making presentations, clearly expressing or responding orders. Moreover, possess certain international vision to make communications in a cross-cul

16、tural context.Teaching ObjectivesThis course is to study and explore the relationship between the structure of the human body and the style of clothing from the perspective of plastic arts, it is designed to show the fundamental concept, and makes clothing modeling and structure more reasonable and

17、standardized, It is also an important link in the process of transformation from the main body to the plane, from the plane to the subject.Course DescriptionFashion design is the style of the composition design, is a combination of theory and practice of professional courses, aims at making students

18、 understand the principles and methods of garment style design, and can reasonable design of the general style and clothing parts and to achieve a certain sense of beauty.This course is to study and explore the relationship between the structure of the human body and the style of clothing from the p

19、erspective of plastic arts, it is designed to show the fundamental concept, and makes clothing modeling and structure more reasonable and standardized, It is also an important link in the process of transformation from the main body to the plane, from the plane to the subject. Teaching Content and C

20、lass Hours DistributionThe first part of theoretical teaching: 4 Class hours 1. Clothing connotationGeneralized clothing: refers to all the objects attached to the wearer, everything that can be used to carry things, including clothing, shoes and hats, and all clothing. Clothing in a narrow sense: r

21、efers to the use of fabric and other soft materials made of the body in the daily necessities of life, it is an indispensable part of peoples daily lives.2. Elements of clothingThe relationship between the three elements of clothing The concept of fashion design: Material, object and aesthetic rules

22、Creative process, comprehensive interdisciplinary scienceContent of fashion designShape design (external profile design, interior design, collar, pocket, etc.Color design (main color, secondary color, Embellishment color .) Material design (types, properties, applications, etc.)Connotation of Primar

23、y design, second design, series design and their relationshipThe second part of theoretical teaching: 4 Class hours 1. Teaching various styles and genres characteristics of masters from the view of design and explaining the fashion phenomenon.2.Looking for 20 typical works of world fashion design ma

24、sters, and making evaluation analysis from the different aesthetic points of view respectively.3.Find some concrete examples to analyze the relationship between the change of clothing profile and social change and fashion.Enabling students to understand some of the top clothing brand style and maste

25、r design features through the teaching of the theory course, they can learn to analyze trends and master the general rules of fashion trends better. Practical teaching part: 40 Class hoursThe practical teaching of fashion design is the practical training of the appearance of clothing and garment clothing design, giving student a design theme or scope, and guiding the students design the whole profile and the clothing structure line in the classroom;Design the detailed structura


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