2023年高考英語復(fù)習(xí)講練測必修一Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good(練)基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)(解析)_第1頁
2023年高考英語復(fù)習(xí)講練測必修一Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good(練)基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)(解析)_第2頁
2023年高考英語復(fù)習(xí)講練測必修一Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good(練)基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)(解析)_第3頁
2023年高考英語復(fù)習(xí)講練測必修一Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good(練)基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)(解析)_第4頁
2023年高考英語復(fù)習(xí)講練測必修一Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good(練)基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)(解析)_第5頁
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1、必修一Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)一、單詞拼寫(根據(jù)漢語或首字母提示寫出單詞的完全形式)l.I often blogged the updates i I got up in the morning.【答案】immediately【句意】我經(jīng)常在早上一起床就把最新情況寫在博客上。ur teacher demanded that we(should)not be addicted to computer games because they have a n (影響)on our study.【答案】negative, effect【句意】老師強(qiáng)烈要

2、求我們不要沉溺于網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲因?yàn)樗鼈儗ξ覀兊膶W(xué)習(xí)有負(fù)面的影響。fs hoped that everyone can(有效地)improve your oral English through this activity.【答案】effectively【句意】希望通過此次活動,大家能有效地提高自己的口語交際能力。t is the(極端的)weather, r than a mistake made by the pilot, that makes it impossible forthe plane to take off on time.【答案】extreme, rather【句意】由于極端天氣而

3、不是飛行員的失誤使飛機(jī)不可能準(zhǔn)時起飛。.Moreover, some students like to pursue f and trends, which tend to need more money.【答案】fashion【句意】此外,一些學(xué)生喜歡追求時尚和潮流,這往往需要更多錢。.The manager kept s from one topic of conversation to another, making the meeting endless.【答案】skipping【句意】經(jīng)理不停地從一個話題跳到另一個話題,使會議無休止。.The element radium, disc

4、overed in the chemistry lab, gave off a(微弱的)blue light.【答案】faint【句意】在化學(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)室里發(fā)現(xiàn)的元素鐳發(fā)出微弱的藍(lán)光。.As the years passed, the(陰影)that the terrible earthquake had cast on his young mind faded away. Everything returned to normal.【答案】shadow【句意】隨著時間的流逝,那可怕的地震在他年輕的記憶中留下的陰影消逝了。.To keep(精力充分的),he set aside two hours

5、to take exercise. Thats why he is always full ofn order to their parents expectations, most of the kids have to study hard even over vacations.【答案】live up to【句意】為了不辜負(fù)父母的期望,大多數(shù)孩子甚至在假期也要努力學(xué)習(xí)。17.The art festival is an annual event where the students can their talents.【答案】show off【句意】藝術(shù)節(jié)是一個一年一度的節(jié)日,同學(xué)們都在

6、藝術(shù)節(jié)上施展才藝。18.Travelling along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience one will for a longtime.【答案】keep in mind【句意】沿著古老的絲綢之路旅行是一段有趣而有益的經(jīng)歷,人們將銘記于心。19.If only I had followed her advice that I book an air ticket in advance. I didnt expect a slight change in schedule could such my tra

7、vel plan.【答案】have, a big influence on【句意】我要是聽從她的建議提前訂機(jī)票就好了。我沒想到日程上的一點(diǎn)變化會對我的旅行計劃產(chǎn)生如 此大的影響。.Regular exercise helps the film star and keep a slim figure.答案get into shape【句意】經(jīng)常鍛煉幫助那位影星強(qiáng)身健體,并保持苗條身材飛.The possibility of a court case is still her.【答案】hanging over【句意】可能被告上法庭的陰影依然籠罩在她的心頭。.However, he still fi

8、nds that the white-collar lifestyle remains far.【答案】out of reach【句意】不過他仍然覺得白領(lǐng)生活還是遙不可及的。.What he saw nearly made him again.【答案】pass out【句意】他所看到的一切使他差點(diǎn)再一次暈了過去。.The restaurant is equipped with a fire alarm which should automatically as soon as smoke isdetected.【答案】go off【句意】這家餐廳配備了火災(zāi)報警器,一旦檢測到煙霧就會自動報警。.

9、They listened to my lecture, but how much did they, I wonder.【答案】take in【句意】他們聽了我的課,但是我不知道他們領(lǐng)會了多少。.When we say one, that means he or she gets up and goes to bed at the same time each day. 【答案】keeps regular hours【句意】當(dāng)我們說一個人作息有規(guī)律,那意味著他或她每天都在同一時間起床和睡覺。.Nobody them the coming danger.【答案】 warned, against

10、【句意】沒有人警告他們提防即將到來的危險。.Lets go to the cinema, which will the problem for a while.【答案】take your mind off【句意】我們?nèi)タ措娪鞍桑∵@會讓你的注意力遠(yuǎn)離這個問題一段時間。29.If you want to succeed,the tasks you should do.【答案】focus on【句意】如果你想要成功,那么專注于你所應(yīng)該做的任務(wù)上。3O.If you are still dieting to, then you are out of touch.【答案】slim down【句意】如果你

11、還在通過節(jié)食來瘦身,那你就落伍了。四、典句仿寫(根據(jù)漢語句子完成英語句子).他從沒有告訴我他遲到的原因。He would never tell me he was late.【答案】the reason for which.她這樣做的原因是她不想讓她的父母失望。 she did it she wouldnt let her parents down.【答案】The reason for which, is that.為這項(xiàng)工程籌集足夠的資金是至關(guān)重要的。enough money for the project.答案It is vital that(should)be collected.有必要

12、采取有效的措施來保障我們的公民權(quán)利。 effective measures to protect our civil rights.【答案】It is essential/necessary that, (should)be taken.正如人們經(jīng)常建議的那樣,我們應(yīng)該嘗試用和平的方式而不是用武力來解決一切問題。As is often suggested, we should try to deal with everything.【答案 J in a peaceful way rather than by means of force.我寧愿你明天早上去機(jī)場接她。her at the air

13、port tomorrow morning.【答案】rd rather you met.比起在房間里玩電腦游戲,我更喜歡在戶外玩。I computer games in the room.【答案】prefer to play outdoors rather than play.使我吃驚的不是抨擊者說的什么而是他說話的方式。What surprised me was not but he said it.【答案】what the attcker said, the way(that, in which)e.【答案】energetic, energy【句意】為了保持精力充分,他留出兩個小時進(jìn)行鍛煉

14、。這就是為什么他總是精力充分的緣故。.Unless presenting a negative nucleic acid test w 24 hours, Shanghai residents are not allowed toleave the city.【答案】within【句意】除非24小時內(nèi)核酸檢測呈陰性者,上海居民一律不準(zhǔn)出上海市。.Experts have(證明)that sharks do not see people as food, and they(攻擊)humans by mistake.【答案】proved, attack【句意】專家已經(jīng)證明鯊魚不會將人類視為食物,它

15、們對人類的攻擊都是無意的。.Doctors say a balanced d is very beneficial to our health.【答案】diet【句意】醫(yī)生說均衡飲食對我們的健康很有益。.BDS is similar to GPS in(功能),but it has a slight advantage in its accuracy.【答案】function【句意】中國的BDS與美國的GPS在功能上相似,但在精度上略占優(yōu)勢。.Much has been done to(美化)the environment of the city by the government.【答案】b

16、eautify【句意】政府為美化這個城市的環(huán)境做了很多工作。It is no wonder that she looks so s and weak. Thats because Jane is particular about food.【答案】slim【句意】難怪她看起來這么非常瘦弱,因?yàn)镴ane對吃食很挑剔。.People in disaster areas have had a large a of help from people all over the world.【答案】amount【句意】災(zāi)區(qū)人民得到了全世界人們的大量幫助。.An exchange student was t

17、alking to Miss Zhang on(校園),saying that he had no idea which club was suitable for him.【答案】campus【句意】一個交換生正在校園里與張小姐交談,他不知道哪個社團(tuán)適合自己。.The most terrifying(方面)of nuclear bombing is radiation.【答案】aspect【句意】核爆炸最可怕的方面是輻射。.Having a mix of m and f nurses also helps create a fun atmosphere, which helpspatient

18、s recover faster.【答案】male, female【句意】男女護(hù)士的混合也有助于創(chuàng)造一種有趣的氣氛,幫助患者更快地康復(fù)。.What pleases me most is that their artistic(天賦)is(極其)shocking.【答案】talent, extremely【句意】最讓我高興的是,他們的藝術(shù)天賦是極其驚人的。.It does sometimes help to know the(營養(yǎng)的)(內(nèi)容)of foods【答案】nutritional, content【句意】知道食物所含的營養(yǎng)成分有時確實(shí)有幫助。.The(家彳火)next to me tri

19、ed to talk to me the whole time.【答案】guy【句意】我旁邊的那個家伙一直想要和我說話。.As the s goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch.【答案】saying【句意】俗話說,天下沒有免費(fèi)的午餐。.During the meeting, the headmaster conveyed a s of policies about the Nationwide UnifiedExamination for Admissions to General Universities and Colleges to u

20、s.【答案】series【句意】會議期間,校長向我們傳達(dá)了與高考有關(guān)的一系列方針政策。.To complete the new bridge ahead of s is a big challenge to the workers.【答案】schedule【句意】提前建成新橋?qū)と藗儊碚f是一個巨大的挑戰(zhàn)。.Plastic s never does wonders for(夕卜在的)(美).【答案】surgery, external beauty【句意】整容從來不會對外在美產(chǎn)生神奇作用。.The(數(shù)字的)age also enables us to find people who share o

21、ur interests, such as collecting model cars or playing an unusual instrument.【答案】digital【句意】數(shù)字時代還能使得我們找到志趣相投的人例如收集汽車模型或演奏不尋常的樂器。.The Battle at Lake Changjin is a domestic film made in m of those brave soldiers who sacrificed inthe War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.【答案】memory【句意】長津湖之戰(zhàn)是為了紀(jì)念在

22、抗美援朝戰(zhàn)爭中犧牲的英勇戰(zhàn)士而制作的國產(chǎn)電影。.Nothing is much easier to defeat you when you often assess yourself(消極土也).【答案】negatively【句意】當(dāng)你經(jīng)常消極的評估自己的時候,那么就沒有什么(比這個)能更容易的打敗你了。.To my relief, my son was(輕微)injured.【答案】slightly【句意】令我感到如釋重負(fù)的是,孩子只是受了點(diǎn)輕傷。.He was shaking with f as if he had seen a ghost.【答案】fright【句意】他嚇得渾身發(fā)抖就好像

23、看見了鬼一樣。In the future, advertising will send(個人的)customers advertisements tailored to specific needs. 【答案】individual【句意】在未來,廣告業(yè)將向個體消費(fèi)者發(fā)送針對其特定需求而制定的廣告。.Caring for the elderly is a traditional virtue, which will c to not just a happy family but also aharmonious society.【答案】contribute【句意】照顧老人是一種傳統(tǒng)美德,它不僅

24、有助于家庭幸福,而且有助于構(gòu)建和諧社會。.His concern a to my happiness and(力量).【答案】adds, strength【句意】她的關(guān)心增添了我的快樂和力量。.Addicted to playing computer games, he cant c on his study.【答案】concentrate【句意】沉迷于玩網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲,他無法專注于學(xué)習(xí)。二、單句填空(用所給單詞的正確形式填空)l.Some parents might find learning at home to be beneficial beyond(add)bonding with the

25、ir children 【答案】additional【句意】有些家長可能發(fā)現(xiàn)在家學(xué)習(xí)除了增加與孩子的親密關(guān)系之外,還有其他好處。n spite of facing the(press)of going down of the economy, China will continue opening and reform. 【答案】pressure【句意】盡管面臨經(jīng)濟(jì)下行壓力,但中國依然堅持改革開放。.Her face suggested that she was by some things.(fright)【答案】frightened, frightened, frightening【句意】

26、她驚恐的表情說明她被一些可怕的東西嚇壞了。.As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance, a student is driven to (memory)mechanically rather than to think creatively.【答案】 memorize【句意】由于考試分?jǐn)?shù)是衡量學(xué)習(xí)成績的唯一標(biāo)準(zhǔn),學(xué)生被迫機(jī)械地記憶,而不是創(chuàng)造性地思考。.I think movie music can be made(memory)because its theme is repeated

27、 throughout the film.I couldnt agree more.【答案】memorable【句意】“我認(rèn)為電影音樂之所以能令人難忘,是因?yàn)樗闹黝}貫穿整部電影?!薄拔彝耆狻!?As I looked at the(memory), I thought about how terrible life was for the Jews then and how they were to fight the Nazis.【答案】memorial【句意】當(dāng)我看著紀(jì)念碑時,我想到了當(dāng)時猶太人的生活是多么可怕,以及他們將如何與納粹作戰(zhàn)。.The officer claimed to

28、 have found the(prove)that he cheated in the recent elections.【答案】proof【句意】這位官員聲稱已經(jīng)找到了他在最近選舉中作弊的證據(jù)。.David has a body. He has the to do this hard work. We had better therelationship between us.(strong)答案strong, strength, strengthen【句意】大衛(wèi)身體強(qiáng)壯。他有力量做這項(xiàng)艱苦的工作。我們最好加強(qiáng)我們之間的關(guān)系。9.In terms of skills, David is b

29、elieved to be one of the best and most(talent)basketball players in our team.【答案】talented【句意】就技術(shù)而言,大衛(wèi)被認(rèn)為是我們隊(duì)中最優(yōu)秀、最有天賦的籃球運(yùn)發(fā)動之一。.Public hospitals cannot refuse patients who need emergency(treat)even if they do not test negative for COVID-19 within 48 hours.【答案】treatment【句意】對于需耍緊急治療的患者,即使在48小時內(nèi)新冠病毒檢測結(jié)果

30、沒有呈陰性,公立醫(yī)院也不能拒 絕。.To my delight, I was chosen from hundreds of(apply)to attend the opening ceremony.【答案】applicants【句意】令我高興的是,我從數(shù)百名申請人中被選中參加開幕式。.Operate the electrical(apply)following the instructions attached in the box, or youH be at risk.【答案】appliance【句意】請按照附在盒子里的說明書操作電子設(shè)備,否那么你可能會有危險。1 flew to Kul

31、angyu in my eagerness to enjoy its(beauty)scenery.【答案】beautiful【句意】我迫不及待地想欣賞鼓浪嶼的美麗景色,于是,我坐飛機(jī)去了鼓浪嶼。.As far as I am(concern),(concentrate)on your studies will result in good grades.【答案】concerned, concentration【句意】就我而言,專心學(xué)習(xí)會取得好成績。.Nor did he mention even a word(concem)these important matters.【答案】concer

32、ning【句意】對于這些重要的事情,他只字不提。.The review says it is more(effect)at lengthening life than walking, cycling or swimming.【答案】effective【句意】這篇報告指出跑步比散步、騎車或游泳更能有效地延長壽命。17,The mobile phone is(fashion)and convenient to carry, so it is very popular with the young.【答案】fashionable【句意】手機(jī)時尚,攜帶方便,所以很受年輕人的歡迎。lt takes a

33、 long time to(fright)the bear away.【答案】frighten【句意】要花很長時間才能把熊嚇跑。.Armed with this knowledge, theyre able to carry out(individual)targeted campaigns to cheat people.【答案】individually【句意】有了這方面的知識,他們就能夠開展針對個人的欺騙活動。.To get enough protein and as you are growing up, it is necessary for you to eat an egg and

34、meals every day. (nutrient)【答案nutrition, nutritious【句意】為了讓你在成長過程中獲得足夠的蛋白質(zhì)和營養(yǎng),你每天吃一個雞蛋和有營養(yǎng)的飯菜是必要的。.The target is admirable but only(achieve)if accompanied by an improvement of the existing charging services for EVs.【答案】achievable【句意】這一目標(biāo)令人欽佩,但只有在改善現(xiàn)有電動汽車充電服務(wù)的情況下才能實(shí)現(xiàn)。.China was the major(contribute),

35、adding 25 percent to this increase, while India added 6.8 percent.【答案】contributor【句意】中國是主要的貢獻(xiàn)者,占增加了的(綠化面積的)25%,而印度占增加了的(綠化面積的)6.8%。.Young creative people in the UK have always come up with ways to express their(individual) through their clothes.【答案】individuality【句意】英國富有創(chuàng)造力的年輕人總是能通過服裝來表達(dá)自己的個性。.Better

36、 interaction between teachers and students can promote the(effective)of the class to an extent.【答案】effectiveness【句意】更好的師生互動可以在一定程度上提高課堂的有效性。25.Lin Qiaozhi made great(achieve)in women diseases and delivering new-born babies.【答案】achievements【句意】林巧稚在婦科疾病和接生新生兒方面取得了很大成就。n(add), important advances have b

37、een made in medicine and environmental science thanks to increasing computer power.【答案】addition【句意】此外,由于不斷提高的計算機(jī)能力,醫(yī)學(xué)和環(huán)境科學(xué)也取得了重要進(jìn)展。1n other words, you need to succinctly state what your(apply)does.【答案】application【句意】換句話說,您需要簡潔地描述應(yīng)用程序完成的工作。.The letters were also(beauty)illustrated - each must have ta

38、ken its true author, Tolkien, a long time to complete.【答案】beautifully【句意】信里還配有精美的插圖它們真正的作者托爾金一定花了很長時間去完成每一幅畫作。.While eating is(function), and our bodies need the fuel that food provides, dining with friends or loved ones can be an enjoyable experience.【答案】functional【句意】雖然吃飯是功能性的,我們的身體需要食物提供的能量,但與朋友或

39、愛人一起用餐是一種愉快 的體驗(yàn)。.The data which he collected made a great(contribute)to your research.【答案】contribution【句意】他提供的數(shù)據(jù)對你的研究做出了很大的貢獻(xiàn)。三、短語填空(選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)亩陶Z填空。注意:每個短語只容許用一次,有些要作適當(dāng)?shù)男问阶兓?end upcontribute tofight a losing battleend upfight a losing battleget into shapeguard againsthave a negative effect onkeep . in mi

40、ndlive up topass outslim downtake ones mind off sth.turn toside effectin additionout of dangerrather than1 .So focused is the society on making peoples lifefight a losing battleget into shapefight a losing battleget into shapeguard againsthave a negative effect onkeep . in mindlive up topass outslim

41、 downtake ones mind off sth.turn toside effectin additionout of dangerrather than1 .So focused is the society on making peoples lifefocus ongo offhang overhave a big influence onkeep regular hoursmake a full recovery=recover fullyshow offtake intake pride inwarn sb. against doing sth.=warn sb. not t

42、o do sth.from now onin the short/long term二in the short/long runout of reachwhats moremore convenient, but, thoseeveryday conveniences are at the expense of our health.【答案in the short term, in the long run【句意】社會如此關(guān)注讓人們的短期生活更方便,但從長遠(yuǎn)來看,這些日常的便利是以犧牲我們的健康 為代價的。.With the years to come, I hope everyone wil

43、l be able to how they responded to this challenge.【答案】take pride in【句意】我希望在未來的歲月里,每個人都能夠?yàn)樽约簯?yīng)對這一挑戰(zhàn)的方式感到自豪。.We hope there will be more exchanges between our two peoples.【答案】from now on【句意】我們希望今后兩國人民能有更多的交流。4.In a society where being slim is beautiful, many young people sometimes various methods to loseweight quickly.答案】turn to【句意】在一個苗條就是美的社會里,許多年輕人有時會借助極端的方法來快速減肥。., it is beneficial to you if you participate in a variety of after-class activities.【答案】In additi


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