1、2010(I(35分理解(515230分5 5 Whydoesthemanwant2010(I(35分理解(515230分5 5 WhydoesthemanwanttoborrowthewomensHemissedtheHeisnotsatisfiedwithhisHe hasnottakenanynotesinWhendoesthe manfeelOnhiswaytoAtthebeginningofThirtyminutesafterclassWherewillthespeakersTotheTotheTothe4-64.Wherewillthemanmostprobablyfindouta
2、boutthe he he C.OnWhywillthecompanyaskthemanwhetherheisgoodfortheToknowhowhecaresabouttheToknowwhathecancontributetothe Toknowifhecanmakebrochuresforthe6.WhencanthemanaskquestionsshutouttheA.of hemiddle of C.Atthe beginningof7-9Whatdoesthe manthinkofbigTheyare Theyare C.TheyWhydoesthewomenlike Theya
3、rethebestwaytomeetTheyare the timestomeetherbestC.Theyare the opportunitiestofindWhatistheprobable tofindseriousTeacherand101210.WhatmadeseasidesibleforBritishfamilyaroundtheC.Theyare the opportunitiestofindWhatistheprobable tofindseriousTeacherand101210.WhatmadeseasidesibleforBritishfamilyaroundthe
4、mind-19thA.Betterrailway.B.TheinventionoftheC.ThefastgrowthoftheWhycouldntordinaryworkingpeoplegoonholidaybeforeThehadverylittletimeoffswereclosedduringC.ernmentwaserestedin12Whatwasofferedatthe seasidetoattractA.Free C.e 131513HowdoesthemangotoworkByByBy14.HowlongwillthemansflightAbout15About16 Abo
5、ut18 15.Whatdoesthe nordertogettosleepontheHegetshimselftiredontheHestaysuplatethedaybeforetheHetakesmedicineorhasabeeronthe(515分1620RonaldImportantOther geta jobasa becameamovieduring the next Playing supporting rules as (10220分21-3ABC D 項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并EverycountryhasitsownEven though each country uses
6、 doors, doors many functions and whichleadWhen .came toAmerica, Ita public building hadtwo (10220分21-3ABC D 項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并EverycountryhasitsownEven though each country uses doors, doors many functions and whichleadWhen .came toAmerica, Ita public building hadtwo they had distinct functions. You have to
7、 push the door with the word “PUSH” to go out of buildingandtopullthe door withtheword“PULL” thebuilding.Thiswasnewtobecause we use door in South Korea. For quite a few times I failed to go out of CentreandwasThe way of using school bus doors was to me .I used to take the school bus classes. The sch
8、ool t when the driver opened both the front and back who were getting off the bus should get irst, and students who were getting on should get Insouth Korea,we do not need to wait for people to get off. One morning, Ihurried to bus, and when the bus doors opened, tried to get on the school bus throu
9、gh the door.Allthestudentsaroundlookedatme,Iwas,andmyfacewentD. D.D. D.D. D. D. D. D.D. A. A.A.AA. AAA. AAB. B.B.B. B. B.B.B.B.B.C. C.C. C. C. C.C. C. C. C. 第二節(jié) 語法填空 (101.515分 young man, while traveling through a desert, came across a spring of clear water was t. He filled his leather container t he
10、 could bring some back to had been his teacher .After a four-day journey, the young .(present) the water the old man. His teacher took a deep (warm), nked his verymuchfor the twater.TheyoungmanwentahappyAfter the student left, the teacher student taste the water. He spit it from1954toacted in somepo
11、pular(18) from1966toservedernoroffrom1980toservedoftheUnitedthe serve asU.Whiteretiredtohisin(say) it was awful. Apparently, it was no longer fresh because of the old leather container. He asked his teacher,” Sir, the water was awful. Why did you pretend to likeThe teacher d,”You tasted the water. I
12、tasted the gift. The water wassimply the foranactofkindnessand love.NothingcouldWe understand(say) it was awful. Apparently, it was no longer fresh because of the old leather container. He asked his teacher,” Sir, the water was awful. Why did you pretend to likeThe teacher d,”You tasted the water. I
13、tasted the gift. The water wassimply the foranactofkindnessand love.NothingcouldWe understand this lesson we receive gifts of love from children. Whether it is cheap pipe on a diamond necklace, the proper response is tion. We love the idea thegiftnthe (15230WhenIwasgrowingupinAmerica, I was ashamed
14、of my mothers BecauseofherEnglish,shewasoftentreatedunfairly.Peopleindepartmentstores,atAnd at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to Understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her. My mother has realized the limiof her English as well. Whe
15、n I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on phone to pretend was she. I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to One time I had to call her stockbroker veryconvincing,“ThisisMrs.經(jīng)紀(jì)人).I said in no adolescent t was And my mother was standing beside me, w
16、hispering loudly, “Why he d me already k And then, in perfect English I said: “Im getting rather concerned .You agreed to send check ksago,butsntThenshe talkedmore loudly. “Whathe want? Icome l him front of “And so I turned to the stockbroker again, “I cant tolerate any more excuse. If I dont receiv
17、e the check y am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York The kndedupinNewYork.WhileIwassittingtherered-faced,mymother,realMrs.Tan,wasshoutingtosinherbrokenWhen I was a teenager, my mothers broken English embarrassed me. But now, I see differently. To me, my mothers English is pe
18、rfectly clear, perfectly natural. It is my tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, and full of observation and . It was thelpedthewayIsawthings,expressedideas,andmadesenseofthe41.Whywasthe authorsoorlyShewasunabletospeakgoodShewasoften Shewasnotclearly She wasnotveryFromParagraph2,wego
19、oda rudetothe readytohelpherttheauthor.D.unwillingtophoneforher43.Aftertheauthormadethephone.A.theyavethe B.trrnyfailedtogrttheC.theywentD.theyspoketosat 44.WhatdoestheauthorthinkofhermothersEnglishnow? A.It confuses her.ItembarrassesIthelpsherunderstandtheIthelpshertoleraterude45.Wecaniraerfromthet
20、.isclearandnaturaltonon-nativeB.trrnyfailedtogrttheC.theywentD.theyspoketosat 44.WhatdoestheauthorthinkofhermothersEnglishnow? A.It confuses her.ItembarrassesIthelpsherunderstandtheIthelpshertoleraterude45.Wecaniraerfromthet.isclearandnaturaltonon-nativeisvividanddirecttonon-nativehasa vervbadioninm
21、aybringinconvenienceinBsay“ell,itsor “Iknow Imlate,butitsnotmyfault;the car broke down.”Itisprobablynotyour fault, butonceyouformthehabitofblamingsomebodyorsomethingelseforabadsituation,youareloser Yoa have er and could do t helps change the situation. Howevet,you have er over what happens to you if
22、 you stop focusing on whom to blame and focusingonhowtoremedythesituation.ThisisthewinnerskeytoWinners are ing problems. For le, if you were late because car broke down, maybe needtohave your car examinedmore regularly.Or, youmightto earry along with you the useful phone numbers, so you could call f
23、or help when in need. another le, if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility ability, find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability n simply .Asktowork. Ask to work , dontrelyon, or dont rely on .Youshouldt.You shouldt is not reliable and find creative
24、ways to work sfully regardless of how colleaguetodohisjobThis is what being a winner is all reatively using your skills and talents t are sful no matter ppens. Winners ve heir lives; have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else. They are just better at seeing problems as challenges
25、 and opportunities to develop their own talents. So, stop focusing “whosefault it is.”O(jiān)nce youare confidentabout eroverbadsituations, problemsjuststoponfor 46.Accordingtothepassage,A.dealwithproblemstblame.B.meetwithfewerheirC.haveresponsibleandableD.blamethemselvest47.TheunderlinedwordremedyinParag
26、raph1iseaning.A. C.D. .48.Whenyourcolleaguebringsaboutaproblem,youA.finda betterwaytohandle the B.blame himfor hislackof D. lhimtofindthecauseofthe oreablecolleaguefor49.Whenproblemsoccur,winnerstakethemA.excusesfortheirB.barrierstoC.challengestotheirforB.blame himfor hislackof D. lhimtofindthecause
27、ofthe oreablecolleaguefor49.Whenproblemsoccur,winnerstakethemA.excusesfortheirB.barrierstoC.challengestotheirforself-50.Whichofthefollowingisthebesttitleforthe B.AWinnersFood hometimes gets poisoned with harmful rson who ch food can get illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not se
28、rious, but some types are deadly. The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food. Fever one ofthe mostcommon anisms(微生物)cause most types of food poisoning. Becteria and anismsmanpoisoneggs,meat,vegetabies,andmanyotherfoods.Afterenteringthethesetinylivingthingst
29、makepeopleSomechemicalssocause foodpoisoning.Theyareoftenaddedtofoodwhile itisgrown, ses,or prepared.For le,manyfarmers spraychemicals on crops to andinsects.SomepeoplemayhaveabadreactiontothosechemicalswhentheyeattheSome plants and animals contain natural t are harmful to people. These certainkinds
30、ofseafood,grains,nuts,seeds,beans,andWhen people handle food properly,the riskof food poisoning is verysmall. multiply ly in dirty and in warm temperatures. This t people should touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed . Food should be kept in refrigeratortostop anismsfromgrowing. Meat ne
31、edsto becooked thoroughlyto killdangerous anisms.People shouldalsowashfoodcoveredwithchemicalsbeforeeatingFinally,people shouldnoteatwildmushroomsorotherthewild.Some offoods may contain natural canbe tare poisonous to humans. In addition, some types of Most peoplerecover fromfoodpoisoningafterafewda
32、ys ofresting and drinkingextrawater. If people eat natural poisons, they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs 51.Which of the following sementsisNOTtrue? A.Food when poisoned can make people sick.FoodpoisoningmeansFoodpoisoningcomesinFoodpoisoningcanbe 52.Weknowfromthetthesympto
33、msoffood.A.arepaniedbya B.aretoocommontobeC.canbenoticedwithinD.canhe53.FoodpoisemingcanbecausedbyallthefollowingEXCEPT A.fome chemicalslowsometinylivingcertainD.canhe53.FoodpoisemingcanbecausedbyallthefollowingEXCEPT A.fome chemicalslowsometinylivingcertainnaturall.54.FromParagraph5,wecanA.mushroom
34、sshouldnotbet.B.vegetablesare nmeatandC.naturalpoisonsaremoren D.differenttypesoffoodshouldbehandled55.Itcanbeinferredfromthe A.naturalmaterialsaresafeinfood.B.chemicalsareneededinfoodC.foodpoisoningcanbekeptunderD.foodpoisoningisoutof第二節(jié) 信息匹配(5210分。56.The debate has been raging for years over the s
35、afety of,and sity for, vaccinations,whichhasbeensomuch a few tmightbeinspiringtothosewhohavebeenfollowingthisnowvaccinations,whichhasbeensomuch a few tmightbeinspiringtothosewhohavebeenfollowingthisnowfamiliar57.There are certainly benefits of using a star in a film.It makes the film easier to Stars
36、 also help sell more tickets and drive DVD sales, which are a big part of studio However,astar does notguaranrees.The simplefactt ifyou paya staya greal dealmoneyfora tpeople dontwanttosee,thenitwont58.They are heirtwentiesandarealready multimillionaires.when people are looking for job, the youngste
37、rs of The Sunday TimesRich List are country es or jetting off to their overseas homes.Daniel Radcliffe, for HarryPotter,hasafortuneof 42million,atle, who 59.Millions of jobless Americans, who might be suffering in anxiety and lacking a sense security, are showing up at emergency rooms of woned hospitals, contributing to waiti
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