



1、空乘英語面試問題及答案空乘的你是不是很緊張?下面是網(wǎng)為你整理的英語問題及答案23句,希望可以幫助到你!1、What was your least favorite job?我不太喜歡從事科學(xué)研究之類的工作,在我看來這種工作是枯燥乏味的,相比之下我 更喜歡與人打交道,古語說的好,讀萬卷書不如行萬里路。行萬里路不如閱人無數(shù)。I do not like the work of scientific research. In my opinion, this kind of jobis boring. Compared with scientific research, I prefer to com

2、municate withpeople. Just like the old saying, traveling is better than reading ten thousandbooks. Journey is not as good as reading countless people.2、 How long will you stay with ourairline? What kind of contributions will you make to our airline?首先我要說我愛這個(gè)職業(yè),所以我會(huì)為了這個(gè)職業(yè)奉獻(xiàn)我所有的一切,直到我不能在 我的工作付出的一天,直到你

3、們不需要我的那一天。我會(huì)盡心盡力做好我的分內(nèi)事,我只 會(huì)感謝這個(gè)公司給我了這個(gè)工作而不會(huì)有任何抱怨。First of all I have to say I love this profession, so I would like to devoteall to this career till I can not contribute anything to this job. I will manageto fulfill my duties without any complain.3、What would your coworkers say about you? 你的同事是怎么談?wù)?/p>

4、你的?我的朋友都說我是一個(gè)可以信賴的人。因?yàn)椋乙坏┐饝?yīng)別人的事情,就一定會(huì)做到。 如果我做不到,我就不會(huì)輕易許諾。而且他們覺的我是一個(gè)比較隨和的人,與不同的人都可以友好相處。在我與人相處時(shí), 我總是能站在別人的角度考慮問題My friends said I am reliable, because I will fulfill all the promises that Imade. I will not make a promise if I can not do that. My friends also think Iam an easy-going person.Because I

5、like to consider the problems on the other s point of view, I can make friensdifferent kindof people.4、 What would your previous supervisors sayabout you? 他說我是個(gè)彳艮上進(jìn)的人, 責(zé) 任心很強(qiáng),因?yàn)槲铱偰艹~完成任務(wù),所以他說我是個(gè)很有能力的人。He said I am a positive person with strong sense of responsibility. I can overfulfill the task, so

6、he also think I am a good employee who has ability.5、What were the people like at your lastcompany?每一個(gè)人都非常友好,每天早上他們都會(huì)微笑的跟你打招呼,他們不會(huì)孤立排擠任何 一個(gè)人,沒有爾虞我詐;和他們的相處是愉快的,能和他們一起工作是件幸福的事,并且 他們?cè)谀阈那榈吐涞臅r(shí)候會(huì)陪在你身邊鼓勵(lì)你,不會(huì)讓你覺得無助,經(jīng)過一段日子的相處, 大家都像你的家人似的,處處得到大家的關(guān)心。Everyone there is friendly. They would greet me with smile ev

7、ery morning. Theywill never isolate anyone and there is no cheating between them. I like to workwith them I feel happy to work under this situation. When I feel sad, mycolleague there will encourage me to make me feel that I am not lonely. I getalong with them well. We are like a family.6、What did y

8、ou dislike about your lastemployer? 我沒有不喜歡我的上一個(gè)老板,他 是個(gè)很熱心的人,而且具有組織能力,和經(jīng)濟(jì)頭腦,他沒有任何領(lǐng)導(dǎo)架子,很平易驚人, 對(duì)我們每一個(gè)人都很好,所有跟他接觸過的人都很喜歡他。I like my last boss. He is enthusiastic with strong ability of organization. Heis an easygoing person with good economic mind and treats every staff. Well.All the people will like hi

9、m if they know about him.If you could change one thing about yourlast employer, what would it be?對(duì)于他這個(gè)人,我個(gè)人覺得在人品這方面沒什么需要改變的,他這的是個(gè)很好的人, 如果一定要改變的話,我都覺得他要是能再瘦一點(diǎn)就好了,但是他現(xiàn)在的樣子,胖胖的也 真的很可愛!I do not think he needs to change anything. He is very nice.If I have tochoose one, I hope that he can become thin, tho

10、ugh he looks cute now.8、Were you satisfied with your performance atyour last job?我對(duì)我的表現(xiàn)很滿意,在我工作期間,我盡心盡力做我應(yīng)該做的事情,而且真心對(duì)待 身邊的每一個(gè)人,盡我最大的努力去幫助他們。我沒有做過讓自己覺得遺憾的事情。Yes, I am satisfied with my performance. I managed to do the things that Ishould do and treated every people around me sincerely. I have done my

11、 best tohelp my colleagues and have never done something regretful.9、Was your previous employer satisfied withyour performance?我覺得他很滿意我的表現(xiàn),在工作中我的態(tài)度很端正,按時(shí)完成上級(jí)安排的工作,而 且總能超額完成任務(wù),盡我所能的為公司帶來最大的利益。I think he is satisfied with me. Because I always have a good attitude towardthe job and fulf川 the task he ar

12、ranged to me in advance, and do my best tobring benefits to the company.10、Have you ever been fired?沒有,推銷員是我做的第一份工作,我是在兩個(gè)月前自行辭職的。Never. Salesman ismy first job. I resigned two months ago.Have you ever been asked to resign fromanother job?目前,我還沒有這樣的經(jīng)歷,但我想憑我的能力會(huì)找到一份很好的工作。I did not have such experience

13、 until now. But I believe I can find a better jobbecause of my ability.Can we check your references? Andwhat will your references say? 你的證書能說 明什么?我目前擁有的證書只有英語四級(jí)而已,當(dāng)然這并沒有什么特別之處,但至少可以證明 我曾經(jīng)為了這個(gè)目標(biāo)努力過,并且我付出的努力得到了回報(bào),取得了讓我滿意的成績(jī)。13、How many sick days did you take last year?去年你請(qǐng)了多少病假我的身體狀況很好,很健康,去年一年并沒有因?yàn)樯?/p>

14、而請(qǐng)假。My healthy condition is good. I am healthy. I have never asked for leavebecause of sickness last year.14、Is this typical?(這是什么,沒看懂)Personality and Motivation30、Do you consider yourself a success?成功的含義很廣泛,對(duì)我而言我覺得成功是想法設(shè)法去完成自己設(shè)定的目標(biāo),我把我 的最終目標(biāo)分解成無數(shù)小的目標(biāo),而我正是腳踏實(shí)地的一個(gè)一個(gè)去實(shí)現(xiàn)它們,所以我想總 有一天我一定會(huì)成功的。The meaning

15、of success is broad. For me success is to fulfill the goal that Ihave set. I will depart my ultimate goal in to many small goals. And realizethese small goals one by one so that I can get my ultimate goal in the nearfuture.15、 What kinds of decisions are most difficultfor you?自古就有所謂忠孝不能兩全,我有我的人生理想但是

16、我又很牽掛我年邁的父母,這讓 我很矛盾;父母當(dāng)然是支持我的,希望我能完成我的人生理想,但是他們又何嘗不想讓子 女陪伴身邊,更何況父母年紀(jì)都已近半百,所以我想我只能盡我最大的努力,讓他們過上 更優(yōu)質(zhì)的生活,來彌補(bǔ)我不在身邊的缺憾,這是我能想到的最適合的方法。16、Why has it taken you so long to find a job?一個(gè)人所從事的職業(yè)決定著他將有怎樣的人生,我覺得沒有什么事情比這更重要的了, 所以如果最終找到了自己心儀的工作,那么花多長時(shí)間都是值得的。17、What are your outstanding qualities?你的優(yōu)秀的品質(zhì)是什么 ?What a

17、re your qualifications?我覺得作為一個(gè)服務(wù)型人員,我的優(yōu)秀品質(zhì)表現(xiàn)在擁有愿意為別人服務(wù)的心態(tài),喜歡 去照顧身邊的人,盡我全力去幫助別人是我最開心的事,卻不會(huì)埋怨,不去計(jì)較。34、What interests you most about being a flightattendant?公司是如何給員工安排假期的,每年大概有多少天能夠回家跟父母團(tuán)聚。How the company arranges holidays for the staff. And How many days I can haveto sit together with my parents.18、Wh

18、at can you do for us that others cant?(不知道怎么回答)Describe a difficult problem youve dealtwith.How important is appearance?相貌對(duì)一個(gè)女生來講是重要的,但是與相貌相比內(nèi)在美就顯得更重要,因?yàn)槿绻f相 貌是的話,那么內(nèi)在美就是信用卡。The appearance is important for a girl. But compared with the appearance, theinner beauty is more important. Just as we know,

19、if the appearance is a letterof recommendation, the inner beauty is a credit card.What do you think will be the biggestchallenge of being a flight attendant?作為一個(gè)乘務(wù)員最大的挑戰(zhàn)是能否真正擁有愿意為人服務(wù),愿意奉獻(xiàn)的精神。作為一 個(gè)乘務(wù)員就要為乘客提供最上乘的服務(wù),搞好公司形象,為公司帶來更多的利益。The biggest challenge for being a flight attendant is that they need to bewilling to serve for others and like to devote. A flight attendant must providethe best service for the passengers and improve the image of his or her company.So he or she can bring more benefits to the enterprise.Do you have any natural talentor skill, something that comes easy to you?


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