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1、商務英語入門 -第二章 管 理 本章要點管理的定義管理的職能觀點管理的角色觀點管理的基本技能觀點組織結構What is management-什么是管理經典定義: 1.泰勒:管理就是確切了解你希望工人干些什么,然后設法讓他們同最好的方法完成它。 2.法約爾:管理就是實行計劃、組織、指揮、協(xié)調和控制。 3.西斯克:管理就是通過計劃、組織、領導和控制工作的的諸過程來協(xié)調所有的資源以達到既定的目標。 4.孔茨:管理就是設計并保持一種良好的環(huán)境,使人在群體里高效率地完成既定目標的過程。What is management-什么是管理ManagementPlanning, Organizing, Dir

2、ecting, ControllingOrganizational Objectives New Story of the Hare and Tortoise Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race. They agreed on a route and started off the race. The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some

3、time. Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought hed sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race. The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some time. Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought hed sit under a tree for some time and relax b

4、efore continuing the race. He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep. The tortoise plodding沉重緩慢地走 on overtook him and soon finished the race, emerging as the undisputed champ. The hare woke up and realized that hed lost the race. The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race. This is

5、 the version of the story that we have all grown up with.But a more interesting version of this story continues The hare was disappointed at losing the race and he did some Defect Prevention (Root Cause Analysis). He realized that hed lost the race only because he had been overconfident, careless an

6、d lax. If he had not taken things for granted, theres no way the tortoise could have beaten him. So he challenged the tortoise to another race. The tortoise agreed. This time, the hare went all out and ran without stopping from start to finish. He won by several miles. The moral of the story? If you

7、 can not only realize the disadvantage of yourself and try you best to change it, but also keep your advantage at the same time, you will be the winner at last. But the story does not end here. The tortoise did some thinking this time, and realized that theres no way he can beat the hare in a race t

8、he way it was currently formatted. He thought for a while, and then challenged the hare to another race, but on a slightly different route The hare agreed. They started off. In keeping with his self-made commitment to be consistently fast, the hare took off and ran at top speed until he came to a br

9、oad river. The finishing line was a couple of kilometers on the other side of the river. The hare sat there wondering what to do. In the meantime the tortoise trundled滾動 along, got into the river, swam to the opposite bank, continued walking and finished the race.The moral of the story? First identi

10、fy your core competency and then change the playing field to suit your core competency.The story still has not ended. The hare and the tortoise, by this time, had become pretty good friends and they did some thinking together. Both realized that the last race could have been run much better. So they

11、 decided to do the last race again, but to run as a team this time. They started off, and this time the hare carried the tortoise till the riverbank. There, the tortoise took over and swam across with the hare on his back. On the opposite bank, the hare again carried the tortoise and they reached th

12、e finishing line together. They both felt a greater sense of satisfaction than theyd felt earlier.Planning Function-計劃職能What is the situation now?Where do we want to go?How can we get there ?SWOT analysisSetting goalDeveloping strategyDetermining resourcesSWOT(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, T

13、hreats)SWOT analysis- SWOT 分析機會 O威脅 T劣勢 W優(yōu)勢 S扭轉型戰(zhàn)略增長型戰(zhàn)略防御型戰(zhàn)略多種經營型戰(zhàn)略優(yōu)勢:阿迪達斯在材料和技術的新實驗方面具有很強的競爭優(yōu)勢。劣勢:蔑視組織內外部環(huán)境的發(fā)展變化。 A. 消費者的偏好發(fā)生了變化 B. 管理當局沉迷原有的經營理念 C. 組織缺乏把握市場、搜集市場信息的功能機會:健康活動的興起和蓬勃發(fā)展使商業(yè)風向轉變并孕 育無窮的市場機遇。威脅:競爭對手的異軍突起和符合潮流的競爭戰(zhàn)略。 SWOT 分析案例-阿迪達斯和耐克 SWOT 分析案例-阿迪達斯和耐克應該采取的措施: A. 首先應抓住新的市場機遇,在原有優(yōu)勢的基礎上對戰(zhàn)略 進行

14、調整,順應消費偏好的變化,開發(fā)多元化產品。 B. 其次應加強員工隊伍的建設,進行人力資源建設。積極招募有經驗的人員從事市場信息的收集和分析工作。 C. 最后應從根本上放棄在市場上原由的領先者的居高臨下的自傲態(tài)度,樹立起強烈的競爭和創(chuàng)新意識. SWOT 分析案例-阿迪達斯和耐克實際采取的措施: A.學會向耐克取經,也進行了規(guī)模巨大的造星運動來提升品牌的影響力。 B.為雅典奧運會提供贊助,產品多元化優(yōu)勢明顯勝過耐克。 C. 收購美國僅次于耐克的銳步體育用品公司,為進一步與耐克進行新一輪的亞洲市場競爭奠定基礎。Planning Function-計劃類型Strategic planningWhich

15、 customers to serve What products to sell What services to sell The competing areasTactical planning What is to be done Who is to do it How it is to be done Planning Function-計劃類型Operational planningContingency planning Setting work standards Setting work schedules Alternative action Planning Functi

16、on-經營決策過程SWOT分析確定組織的宗旨遠景目標戰(zhàn)略方案具體目標戰(zhàn)術方案Planning Function-經營決策過程宗旨成為全國領先的低成本高質量的自行車制造商遠景目標下一個五年,公司要集中資源在各方面經營活動中全面提高質量和效率。具體目標生產部:將每臺自行車的成本降低10元。 將生產能力提高到每年一萬部。銷售部:必須建立至少300個新零售點。 加大在全國范圍內的銷售力度。行政部門:將人事成本削減10%.Organizing Function- 組織職能設計組織結構配備人員運行組織Preparing a structureRecruiting employeesTraining emp

17、loyeesAllocating resourcesAssigning tasksOrganizing Function- 組織職能學習型組織 組織設計 無邊界 團隊 授權 領導力 共同的愿景 協(xié)作的意愿 信息共享 開放 及時 準確 組織文化 強互動關系 團隊意識 關愛 信任 Read the following statement. Write “YES” if you agree with the statement or “NO” if you disagree with it. 1. Are good pay and a secure job enough to satisfy mos

18、t workers?2. Should a manager help and coach subordinates in their work?3. Are most people afraid to learn new things in their jobs?4. Do most people like real responsibility in their jobs?Directing Function- 領導職能Directing Function- 領導職能5. Should managers let subordinates control the quality of thei

19、r work?6. Do most people dislike work?7. Are most people creative?8. Should a manager closely supervise and direct work of subordinates?9. Do most people tend to resist change?10. Do most people work only as hard as they have to?11. Should workers be allowed to set their own job goal?Directing Funct

20、ion- 領導職能12. Are most people happiest off the job?13. Do most workers really care about the organization they work for?14. Should a manager help subordinates advance and grow in their jobs?Scoring:Count the number of “YES”responses to items .9.10.12Count the number of “NO”responses to items 2

21、.1.13.14X 理論 A.一般人都好逸惡勞,逃避勞動。 B.一般人生來就以自我為中心,漠視組織要求。 C.一般人缺乏進取心、逃避責任、甘愿聽指揮并安于現(xiàn)狀,沒有創(chuàng)造性。 D.一般人容易受騙并易受人煽動。Directing Function- 領導職能Directing Function- 領導職能 Y理論 A.一般人并不好逸惡勞,工作中體力和智力的消耗如游戲和休息一樣自然。 B.外來的控制和懲罰并不是促進人們?yōu)閷崿F(xiàn)目標而努力工作的唯一方法。 C.在適當條件下能主動承擔責任。缺乏雄心壯志并不是人的天性。 D.具有想像力、創(chuàng)造力,在現(xiàn)代社會中,人的智慧和潛能只得到部分的發(fā)揮。Di

22、recting Function- 領導職能DirectingGiving assignmentsExplaining routines Clarifying policiesGuiding and motivating employeesProviding feedback on performanceDirecting Function- 領導職能Autocratic leadershipClose style of supervision Provide with detailed job instructionsDelegate little authorityDo the plann

23、ing and make decisions by themselves Democratic leadershipGeneral supervision Use general approach seek help and ideas Encourage participationConsult with subordinates about job problems before making a decisionDirecting Function- 領導職能 專制型領導預先安排一切工作內容,下級只能服從。下級沒有參與決策的機會,只能奉命行事。個人獨斷專行,各種計劃和決策有領導者獨自作出

24、。 民主型領導安排工作并不具體,個人有相當大的自由。在工作中鼓勵大家的參與.作出決策前通常與下屬磋商,并努力得到一致的意見。 權威型管理風格強調目標,要求順服 樂觀型管理風格熱忱,追求團體的樂趣 穩(wěn)重型管理風格相互和諧,以人為本 嚴謹型管理風格 遵章守紀,謹慎 領導風格案例權威型管理風格: 利:當機立斷、抓住機會、果斷采取動作。 弊:不耐煩、不能仔細聽好其他成員的信息、使得成員在心理上不適應、產生抵觸情緒。對飛行安全產生消極的影響。 某航空公司一名權威型風格機長,與一名副駕駛飛行,在繞飛雷雨天氣時,副駕駛對其決定表示疑問,該機長以十分堅定的口氣回答沒問題。結果導致飛機在云中遭遇冰雹,將雷達天線

25、罩、風擋、發(fā)動機進氣道、機冀前緣打得千熗百孔,影響了飛行安全。 領導風格案例領導風格案例樂觀型管理風格: 利:較強的語言溝通能力 、可以激勵成員、消除自卑、進行合作。 弊:沖動、討厭細節(jié)和繁瑣、信任過度、高估他人能力。 某航空公司一名該管理風格機長與副駕駛飛行中,當一套液壓系統(tǒng)故障時,前輪轉向失去控制的情況下,認為沒問題,仍然讓副駕駛操作,結果落地滑跑過程中,出現(xiàn)意外,導致飛機偏出跑道,影響飛行安全。 領導風格案例穩(wěn)重型管理風格: 利:會協(xié)調沖突,重視人與人友情、喜歡有所準備的去改變 。 弊:過于礙于情面 、不能及時指正錯誤,導致風險升高, 老機長與另一名新機長同飛過,落地過程中,同伴拉桿晚,

26、出現(xiàn)下沉快,結果飛機勉強被拉平,險些發(fā)生重著陸。老機長以為是偶發(fā)的情況,安慰他幾句,但在不久后一次飛行中,這位機長因為這個原因出現(xiàn)一次重落地并受到了通報批評。 領導風格案例嚴謹型管理風格: 利:遵從程序、規(guī)章,對于信息和數(shù)據(jù)的把握以及工作實施非常清楚,促進飛行組技能高水準。 弊:過于追求細節(jié)化,導致猶豫不決,另外由于內向,嚴謹細節(jié)要求會使駕駛氣氛緊張。 某航空公司機長在落地拉平中,突遇到塊狀平流霧,由于自己猶豫不決,是復飛還是繼續(xù)著陸,同伴也未能提醒,導致飛機小坡度小交叉接地,將跑道邊燈損壞,影響飛行安全。Controlling Function- 控制職能ControllingMeasuring results against corporate objectives.Monitoring performance relative to standards.Taking cor


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