滬教牛津版九年級上冊英語Unit 3 More practice - Culture corner課件_第1頁
滬教牛津版九年級上冊英語Unit 3 More practice - Culture corner課件_第2頁
滬教牛津版九年級上冊英語Unit 3 More practice - Culture corner課件_第3頁
滬教牛津版九年級上冊英語Unit 3 More practice - Culture corner課件_第4頁
滬教牛津版九年級上冊英語Unit 3 More practice - Culture corner課件_第5頁
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1、Module 2 Ideas and viewpointsUnit 3 Family lifeSpeaking & WritingRead the title and the first and last paragraphs of the article. Then answer the questions. More practiceWhat is the article probably about?What will you probably learn about from the article?Why does the writer write the article? What

2、 do you need to do if you want to municate better with your parents? It is about how to municate with our parents.We will learn about some useful tips on how to municate with our parents.Because many young people have trouble municating with their parents.We need to do some hard work.A Read Paragrap

3、hs 2 to 5. Then answer the questions below. /stsfktr/What must you be ready to do if you want your parents to change?Why might your parents understand your situation better than you expect?We must be ready to change a little if we want our parents to change.Because our parents were once young like u

4、s.3 What is part of growing up?Part of growing up is learning to live with disagreements and learning to understand another persons way of looking at things.Read the article again. Then plete the table.Para-graphTip(s)Things you must understand2_With each of these things, try to _ _.Dont want everyt

5、hing to _ ._if you want your parents to change.3_when it is convenient for them. _ with your parents.Parents may have to work longhours and they may feel tired.Make a list of the things you and your parents disagree about most. Talk to your parents go your way Find an answer a eptable to both you an

6、d your parentsBe patient Be ready to change a littlePara-graphTip(s)Things you must understand4 _Listen to your parents _ _.Parents can _ than you expect.5_Learn to live with _ .Learn to understand _ . If you do not get a atisfactory result, try not to get too angry. disagreements if you expect them

7、 to listen to youunderstand your Listen to what your parents have to say.situation betterTalk with your parents and find out their reasons.another persons way of looking at thingsB What kinds of problems do you have with your parents? How do you solve them? Discuss these with your classmates.Study s

8、killsDo your parents make rules for you at home? Give some examples.Where else do we have rules and regulations?Discuss and answer the questions below.Making rules and regulationsWe have rules and regulations everywhere, e.g. at home, at school, in the library and at the underground station. We can

9、express the rules as dos (positive rules) and donts (negative rules). For example:A Jerrys parents have set some rules for him. Read what Jerrys mother says and plete the rules. e back home by 5 p.m.Help wash the dishes after dinner.Finish your homework and then go to bed before nine.Dont watch TV w

10、hen youre eating dinner.Dont play puter games for more than 30 minutes at a time at the weekend. We can also express the rules by using No + a gerund. For example:No smoking.No cycling.No playing in the fountains.No sleeping on the benches.No begging.*B Mr Li is the manager of Central Garden Shoppin

11、g Centre. He wants to put some rules on the centres notice board. Read his words and plete the rules.C Work in groups to make five rules on one of the following topics. For the familyto make family life more pleasant For using public transportto make travelling safer For the environmentto make the E

12、arth a better placeShow timeTalk about the family activities of your group members.Culture cornerRead the article and look at the picture on page 48. Then answer the questions.Why do people use a family tree? How do they make a family tree? What can people do with their family tree? Whose family tree is the longest in the world? How many people does it include? To show the history of their family.They draw a diagram that looks like the branches of a tree.They can follow their family tr


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