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1、精品文檔 精心整理精品文檔 精心整理新外研版五年級(jí)上冊(cè)小學(xué)英語(yǔ)Module 1單元測(cè)試卷(聽力音頻已經(jīng)通過附件的形式插入到文檔右上角)(打開方式用WPS打開文檔直接雙擊右上角的聽力文件也可以點(diǎn)擊聽力文件復(fù)制然后粘貼到電腦文件夾雙擊打開)聽力部分 (30分)一、聽錄音, 選出所聽到的句子中含有的單詞。(5分)()1. A. meatB. meetC. metre()2. A. rice B. niceC. ice cream()3. A. wait B. winter C. with()4. A. drop B. dropped C. draw()5. A. live B. lion C. lo

2、ve二、聽錄音, 判斷下列圖片與你所聽內(nèi)容是(T)否(F)相符。(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. () () () () ()三、聽錄音, 選出你所聽到的句子。(10分)()1. A. Did they come back yesterday?B. We came back last Sunday. ()2. A. Were back from China. B. Youre back from London. ()3. A. I went to the park yesterday. B. You went to the zoo yesterday. ()4. A. I ran to t

3、he bus. B. She ran to the train. ()5. A. Were going home now. B. We go home by bus. 四、聽錄音, 判斷下列句子與你所聽內(nèi)容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)()1. I went to the supermarket with Amy. ()2. I bought an ice cream for Amy. ()3. Amy bought some bread. ()4. Amy dropped her ice cream on her shoes. ()5. We went home by bus. 筆試部分

4、(70分)五、根據(jù)圖片或首字母提示補(bǔ)全單詞, 使句子完整。(5分)1. Yesterday she d her ice cream on his shoes. 2. He r to the bus yesterday. 3. Yesterday I bought two ice c . 4. I sent an e to my friend. 5. I l my mother very much. 六、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。 (10分)1. Jack _ (meet) his friend yesterday. 2. Please come with _ (we). 3. _ (wait)

5、 for me. 4. Lets _ (go) to the park. 5. Did you _ (buy) a new book?七、單項(xiàng)選擇。(5分)()1. Did you go _ home by car yesterday? A. toB. to theC. /()2. I went to school _ Lingling. A. with B. to C. for()3. I dropped my ice cream on _ new shoes! A. John B. Johns C. Johns()4. We are back _ London. A. for B. fro

6、m C. at()5. Were _ home now. A. went B. go C. going八、選詞填空。(10分)Finishby buswait forHurry upcame back1. _, Lingling. Run!2. Please _ us at the school gate. 3. We _ last Sunday. 4. The train is coming. _ your apples, please. 5. They went to Beijing _ last week. 九、聯(lián)系上下文補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。(10分)A. This is my English f

7、riend, Lucy. B. How are you?C. Yes, were home. D. Did you come back yesterday?E. Do you live in London too?Sam: Hello, John. 1. _John: Im fine, thank you. You are back from London. Sam: 2. _John: 3. _Sam: No, we came back last week. 4. _John: Hello, Lucy. Lucy: Hi, John. 5. _John: No, I live in Beij

8、ing now. 十、閱讀短文, 判斷句子正(T)誤(F)。(10分)Lucky Dog is from the US. Yesterday Lucky Dog went to Beijing. He visited Tiananmen Square (廣場(chǎng)). He went there by bus. It was very interesting. He met Brave Dog there. Brave Dog is a Chinese dog. They talked happily (愉快地) with each other. But Brave Dog could not sp

9、eak English. What language (語(yǔ)言) did they speak? Do you know? Guess! The dogs always talk in dogs language!()1. Lucky Dog visited Beijing yesterday. ()2. Lucky Dog talked with Brave Dog in the zoo. ()3. Lucky Dog met Brave Dog on the Great Wall. ()4. Brave Dog could not speak English. ()5. Lucky Dog

10、and Brave Dog talked with each other in dogs language. 十一、閱讀郵件, 完成任務(wù)。(10分)An email to DamingTo: Damingurfriend. cnFrom: Linglingart. cnDec. 16thDear Daming,Yesterday I went to Zhongshan Park with Sam and Amy. Its big and beautiful. There are so many flowers and trees in the park. We met Tom in the p

11、ark. Hes Sam and Amys friend. He took some photos of us. We had a picnic on the grass. In the afternoon, we bought some ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I ran to the bus. And I dropped my ice cream. I was sad(難過的). We had a lovely time yesterday!Yours,Lingling任務(wù)一: 閱讀郵件, 選擇與郵件內(nèi)容相符的圖片。(有兩項(xiàng)是多余的)(4

12、分)A. B. C. D. E. F. _任務(wù)二: 閱讀郵件, 選擇正確答案。(6分)()1. There are _ in the park. A. treesB. flowersC. Both A and B. ()2. Tom is Amys _. A. friend B. cousin C. brother()3. Did Sam have a good time yesterday?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, he did. 十二、寫作。 (10分)Where(地點(diǎn))How(方式)Activity(活動(dòng))Feeling(感受)W

13、hen(什么時(shí)候)Tomparkby bikewalk around the park; take photoshappyyesterdayJackBeijingby busvisit the Great Wall; take photosTired; happylast Sunday例: Dear Daming, Yesterday I went to the park with my friends. We went there by bike. We went there at nine oclock in the morning. And we walked around the pa

14、rk. We took lots of photos, too. We were very happy. Yours, Tom假如你是Jack, 請(qǐng)你根據(jù)表格中的信息及所給示例, 仿寫一封信。向你的好朋友Xiaoxue介紹一下你的假期生活。Dear Xiaoxue, Last Sunday I went to _Yours, JackModule 1培優(yōu)測(cè)試卷聽力材料:一、1. Did you meet your friend yesterday?2. I ate an ice cream yesterday. 3. Wait for me, Mum. 4. She dropped her b

15、read. 5. I love my family very much. 二、1. Heres a postcard from my friend. 2. We met John in the park. 3. We came back last Sunday. 4. Do you live in London too?5. Did Lingling send you an email?三、1. Did they come back yesterday?2. Youre back from London. 3. I went to the park yesterday. 4. I ran to

16、 the bus. 5. Were going home now. 四、Yesterday, I went to the supermarket. I bought some bread and apples. I met a friend in the supermarket. She is Amy. She bought an ice cream. Then we went home together. Amy dropped her ice cream on my shoes. She was very sorry. At last we went home by bus. 答案:一、1

17、. B2. C3. A4. B5. C二、1. T2. F3. F4. T5. T三、1. A2. B3. A4. A5. A四、1. F2. F3. F4. F5. T五、1. dropped2. ran3. creams4. email5. love六、1. met:yesterday意為“昨天”,句子時(shí)態(tài)要用一般過去時(shí),meet的過去式為met。2. us3. Wait4. go5. buy:助動(dòng)詞did后接動(dòng)詞原形。七、1. C:固定搭配go home意為“回家”。故選C。2. A:介詞with意為“和一起”。3. B:Johns屬于名詞所有格,意為“約翰的”。4. B5. C:be動(dòng)

18、詞后接動(dòng)詞的現(xiàn)在分詞形式。八、1. Hurry up2. wait for3. came back 4. Finish5. by bus九、1. B2. C3. D4. A5. E十、1. T2. F3. F4. T5. T十一、任務(wù)一:A C D F任務(wù)二:1. C:根據(jù)郵件中第三句話可知選C。2. A:根據(jù)“Hes Sam and Amys friend. ”可知選A。3. C:根據(jù)郵件中最后一句話可知他們玩得都很開心,故選C。十二、Dear Xiaoxue,Last Sunday I went to Beijing with my parents. We went there by bu

19、s. We went there in the morning. We visited the Great Wall. And we took lots of photos. We were very tired but happy. Yours,Jack新外研版五年級(jí)上冊(cè)小學(xué)英語(yǔ)Module 2單元測(cè)試卷(聽力音頻已經(jīng)通過附件的形式插入到文檔右上角)(打開方式用WPS打開文檔直接雙擊右上角的聽力文件也可以點(diǎn)擊聽力文件復(fù)制然后粘貼到電腦文件夾雙擊打開)聽力部分 (30分)一、聽錄音, 選出所聽到的句子中含有的單詞或短語(yǔ)。(5分)()1. A. listB. lostC. last()2. A.

20、 can B. cant C. call()3. A. and B. aunt C. any()4. A. bottle B. bought C. box()5. A. how many B. how much C. a lot of二、聽錄音, 根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容給下列圖片排序。(5分) () () () () () 三、聽錄音, 判斷下列句子與你所聽內(nèi)容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)()1. We need food for our picnic. ()2. How many eggs did you buy?()3. We can eat some cheese now. ()4. They

21、 also bought six bananas. ()5. What did you buy?四、聽錄音, 選擇正確答案。(10分)()1. A. I ate some bread. B. I drank some milk. ()2. A. They are in the bag. B. There are some apples. ()3. A. I ate it all. B. I bought one kilo of meat. ()4. A. We need four oranges. B. I bought four oranges. ()5. A. Yes, I bought

22、six eggs. B. Yes, you did. 筆試部分 (70分)五、選出下列每組單詞中不同類的一項(xiàng)。(5分)()1. A. listB. kiloC. need()2. A. bottle B. first C. cheese()3. A. lostB. lose C. use()4. A. much B. lot C. team()5. A. can B. how C. what六、單項(xiàng)選擇。(10分)()1. What _ you _? I bought some apples. A. do; buyB. did; buyC. did; bought()2. How much _

23、 did you eat? A. chocolate B. sweets C. bananas()3. We didnt buy _ cheese. A. any B. some C. many()4. We can _ some rice now. A. eat B. to eat C. ate()5. Lingling _ her schoolbag yesterday. A. loses B. lost C. lose七、用“How many”或“How much”填空。(10分)1. _ apples do you buy? 2. _ rice do you want?3. _ boy

24、s are there in your class?4. _ cheese did you eat?5. _ milk did you drink?八、給下列句子選擇合適的圖片。(5分)()1. We need a big bag for our picnic. ()2. I drank two bottles of juice yesterday. ()3. My mother bought one kilo of sweets. ()4. I will make a shopping list. ()5. Did you buy any cake? Yes, we did. A. B. C

25、. D. E. 九、給下列問句選擇合適的答語(yǔ)。 (5分)A. I ate it all. B. Yes, she did. C. Half a kilo. D. She went to the supermarket. E. I bought some pears. ()1. Did Lingling drink all the milk?()2. What did you buy?()3. How much meat did you eat?()4. Where did your mother go?()5. How much chocolate did you buy? 十、給下列句子排序

26、, 組成一段完整的對(duì)話。首句已給出。(5分)()OK! How much cheese do you want?()Yes. I want to buy some cheese. ()Here is your cheese. ( 1 )Can I help you?()Half a kilo, please. ()Thank you. 十一、閱讀短文, 判斷句子正(T)誤(F)。(10分)Yesterday afternoon Sam and Amy went to the supermarket with their mother, Ms Smart. They made a shoppin

27、g list. Amy likes meat. She bought half a kilo. Sam likes noodles. He bought three kilos. Ms Smart likes fish and milk. She bought two kilos of fish and five bottles of milk. They went home at half past two. ()1. Sam and Amy went to the supermarket with their mother. ()2. They made a shopping list.

28、()3. Sam bought a kilo of meat. ()4. Ms Smart bought two bottles of milk. ()5. They went home at half past two. 十二、閱讀下列內(nèi)容, 完成任務(wù)。(10分)Todays price(今日價(jià)格)Food(食物)Drinks(飲料)Fruit(水果)hamburger¥5/個(gè)milk¥2/瓶 apple¥2. 5/個(gè)cheese¥3/千克apple juice¥3/瓶banana ¥2/根 sandwich¥4/個(gè) tea¥2/杯pear¥1/個(gè)peanut¥5/千克Yesterday I

29、 bought two bottles of apple juice, three kilos of peanuts and three bananas. I also bought four pears. I like pears very much. Yesterday I bought two apples, three pears and two bottles of milk. I also bought half a kilo of cheese. I like cheese very much. 任務(wù)一: 閱讀上面的內(nèi)容, 填單詞補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。(6分)Amy: Hello, Tom.

30、 I went to the supermarket yesterday. What about you?Tom: I went to the supermarket, too. What did you buy?Amy: I bought two 1. _ of apple juice and three bananas. I bought three kilos of 2. _ , too. Tom: Did you buy sandwiches?Amy: No, I 3. _. What did you buy?Tom: I bought cheese. Because I like 4

31、. _. Amy: How 5. _ cheese did you buy?Tom: Half a 6. _. 任務(wù)二: 閱讀上面的內(nèi)容, 判斷句子正(T)誤(F)。(4分)()7. Six yuan for two bananas. ()8. Tom should pay (付費(fèi)) fortysix yuan. 物品數(shù)量2瓶0. 5千克5根十三、寫作。(10分)示例: Mike: What did you buy, Mum?Mum: I bought some milk and bananas. I also bought half a kilo of rice. Mike: How muc

32、h milk did you buy?Mum: I bought two bottles of milk. Mike: How many bananas did you buy?Mum: I bought five bananas. 假如你是Daming, 上周日你的媽媽去超市購(gòu)物了。根據(jù)示例和以下表格, 寫一段有關(guān)購(gòu)物的對(duì)話。物品數(shù)量5個(gè)0. 5千克2瓶Daming: _Mum: _Daming: _Mum: _Daming: _Mum: _Module 2培優(yōu)測(cè)試卷聽力材料:一、1. Make a list of things to do. 2. You can buy some swee

33、ts. 3. We didnt buy any juice. 4. There is one bottle on the desk. 5. How much cheese did you buy?二、1. How much chocolate did you buy?2. They bought a lot of fruit. 3. We need five bottles of milk. 4. This is my shopping list. 5. I bought half a kilo of cheese. 三、1. We need food for our picnic. 2. H

34、ow much milk did you buy?3. We can drink some juice now. 4. They also bought six bananas. 5. What did you say?四、1. What did you drink?2. Where are the apples?3. How much meat did you eat?4. How many oranges did you buy?5. Did you buy any eggs?答案:一、1. A2. A3. C4. A5. B二、54231三、1. T2. F3. F4. T5. F四、1

35、. B2. A3. A4. B5. A五、1. C:A、B項(xiàng)是名詞,C項(xiàng)是動(dòng)詞。2. B:A、C項(xiàng)是名詞,B項(xiàng)是副詞。3. A:B、C項(xiàng)是動(dòng)詞原形,A項(xiàng)是過去式。4. C:A、B項(xiàng)是副詞,C項(xiàng)是名詞。5. A:B、C項(xiàng)是特殊疑問詞,A項(xiàng)是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。六、1. B2. A3. A:any用于否定句和疑問句中;some用于肯定句中。4. A:情態(tài)動(dòng)詞can后接動(dòng)詞原形。5. B七、1. How many2. How much3. How many 4. How much5. How much八、1. D2. A3. B4. E5. C九、1. B2. E3. A4. D5. C十、325146十一、

36、1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T十二、任務(wù)一:1. bottles2. peanuts3. didnt 4. cheese5. much6. kilo任務(wù)二:7. F8. F十三、Daming: What did you buy, Mum?Mum: I bought some pears and cheese. I also bought two bottles of juice. Daming: How many pears did you buy?Mum: I bought five pears. Daming: How much cheese did you buy?Mum: I

37、 bought half a kilo of cheese. 新外研版五年級(jí)上冊(cè)小學(xué)英語(yǔ)Module 3單元測(cè)試卷(聽力音頻已經(jīng)通過附件的形式插入到文檔右上角)(打開方式用WPS打開文檔直接雙擊右上角的聽力文件也可以點(diǎn)擊聽力文件復(fù)制然后粘貼到電腦文件夾雙擊打開)聽力部分 (30分)一、聽錄音, 選出你所聽到的句子中含有的單詞。(5分)()1. A. planeB. pleaseC. place()2. A. trip B. tree C. trick()3. A. our B. hour C. out()4. A. wall B. ball C. all()5. A. four B. for

38、C. fall二、聽錄音, 根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇相符的圖片。(5分)()1. A. B. ()2. A. B. ()3. A. B. ()4. A. B. ()5. A. B. 三、聽錄音, 選擇正確答案。 (10分)()1. Amy visited her grandma _. A. yesterdayB. last weekC. at the weekend()2. They go to school by _. A. car B. bus C. bike()3. Lingling went to Beijing with her _. A. father B. friends C. moth

39、er()4. Daming went to _. A. the park B. the Great Wall C. the mountain()5. My mother arrived in London _. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. at five oclock四、聽錄音, 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容在合適的位置打“”。(10分)DamingSamAmyLinglingMs Smart筆試部分 (70分)五、判斷下列每組單詞中畫線部分發(fā)音是(T)否(F)相同。 (5分)()1. eq blc(avs4alco1(A.cat,B.happy) ()2

40、. eq blc(avs4alco1(A.mother,B.love) ()3. eq blc(avs4alco1(A.morning,B.doctor)()4. eq blc(avs4alco1(A.food,B.good) ()5. eq blc(avs4alco1(A.soup,B.about)六、選出與所給單詞屬于同一類的一項(xiàng)。(5分)()1. placeA. weekendB. niceC. how()2. museum A. best B. took C. trip()3. along A. river B. twenty C. for()4. arrive A. take B.

41、hour C. with()5. minutes A. wall B. plants C. mountain七、選詞填空。(10分)1. I took some photos of the hills _ (with/or) green plants. 2. She liked the bus_ (good/best). 3. They walked for three _ (hour/hours). 4. There were lots of interesting_ (place/places). 5. They took photos _ (of/for) the mountains.

42、八、單項(xiàng)選擇。(10分)()1. What did you do last Saturday?I _. A. go swimmingB. go to swimC. went swimming()2. _ did you go? I went to the museum. A. Where B. How C. When()3. She went to school _ eight oclock. A. in B. at C. on()4. How do they go home? _. A. At busB. In bus C. By bus()5. Last weekend, Amy _ th

43、e zoo. A. goes to B. went to C. went九、聯(lián)系上下文, 選擇合適的句子補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。 (10分)Xiaoxue: Hello, Lily. Where did you go at the weekend?Lily: 1. _Xiaoxue: Who did you go to Hainan with?Lily: 2. _Xiaoxue: How did you go to Hainan?Lily: 3. _Xiaoxue: What did you do there?Lily: 4. _Xiaoxue: Did you have a good time?Lily:

44、 5. _Xiaoxue: Great! A. I went there with my parents. B. We swam in the sea. C. Yes, I did. D. I went to Hainan. E. We went there by plane.十、閱讀短文, 判斷句子正(T)誤(F)。(10分)Im Andy. I visited the Summer Palace(頤和園)with my friends last Saturday. We went there by car. There were beautiful flowers and green tr

45、ees. I took lots of photos there. Amy and Lucy played cards under a tree. Lingling sang songs on the grass. Sam and Daming played football on the grass. After that, we had a picnic along a clean river. What a good day we had!()1. They went there by car. ()2. Amy took lots of photos there. ()3. Lingl

46、ing sang songs under a tree. ()4. Sam and Daming played basketball. ()5. They had a good day. 十一、閱讀短文, 選擇正確的答案。(10分)Last Sunday, Brave Dog invited(邀請(qǐng))Lucky Dog to visit the Great Wall. They got on a bus at Tiananmen Square. They arrived at Badaling at nine oclock. There were many people. They began(

47、開始)to climb(爬)the Great Wall. They took many pictures on their way. They climbed to the top of Badaling at twelve. Brave Dog told Lucky Dog, “If you can climb to the top, you are a true man.” Lucky Dog said, “So, Im a true man! ”Brave Dog laughed and said, “You arent! You can only be a true dog! ”()

48、1. Lucky Dog visited_ with Brave Dog. A. the Summer PalaceB. Tiananmen SquarC. the Great Wall()2. Lucky Dog went to the Great Wall_. A. by bus B. by train C. by bike()3. Lucky Dog could be_. A. a true man B. a true dog C. a true woman()4. They began to climb the Great Wall _. A. at twelve B. at one

49、oclock C. at nine oclock ()5. They arrived at _ at last. A. the top of Badaling B. mountains C. Tiananmen Square十二、寫作。(10分)你記憶中最美好的旅行是哪一次? 去了什么地方? 和誰(shuí)一起去的? 請(qǐng)根據(jù)以下思維導(dǎo)圖寫出你最喜歡的一次旅行(不少于40詞)。Where did you go? What did you do there?A tripHow did you go there? Who did you go with?My name is Jim. I went to Ha

50、inan with my parents last summer. Hainan is a beautiful place. We went there by plane. We swam in the sea. We ate some delicious food and we took many photos there. We had a good time!根據(jù)以上圖文仿寫一段短文。My name is _Module 3培優(yōu)測(cè)試卷聽力材料:一、1.Its a beautiful place.2. They took a boat trip last week.3. It took m

51、e one hour and ten minutes.4. There are two pictures on the wall.5. They walked on the wall for two hours.二、1.Amy visited the British Museum last weekend.2. Lingling went to Beijing by bus.3. I went home at five oclock.4. Big Ben is very old and very tall.5. Daming took some photos of the mountains.

52、三、1.What did you do at the weekend, Amy?I visited my grandma at the weekend.2. How do they go to school?They go to school by bus.3. Who did Lingling go to Beijing with?Lingling went to Beijing with her mother.4. Where did you go yesterday, Daming? I went to the Great Wall.5. When did your mother arr

53、ive in London?She arrived there in the morning.四、 Yesterday was Sunday. Daming went to the zoo by bus. Sam took some photos of his family. Amy went swimming in the river. Lingling visited her grandparents. Ms Smart went to the supermarket. She bought some fruit. They had a good time.答案:一、1.C2.A3.B4.

54、A5.B二、1.A2.A3.A4.B5.B三、1.C2.B3.C4.B5.A四、DamingSamAmyLinglingMs Smart五、1.T2.T3.F4.F5.F六、1.A2.C3.C4.A5.B七、1.with2.best3.hours4. places5.of八、1.C2. A:where提問地點(diǎn),意為“哪里”。3. B:在具體的時(shí)間點(diǎn)前用at。4. C:how提問方式,意為“怎樣”。5. B九、1.D2.A3.E4.B5.C十、1.T:根據(jù)“We went there by car.”可知此題正確。2. F:根據(jù)“Im Andy I took lots of photos the

55、re.”可知此題錯(cuò)誤。3. F:根據(jù)“Lingling sang songs on the grass.”可知此題錯(cuò)誤。4. F:根據(jù)“Sam and Daming played football on the grass.”可知此題錯(cuò)誤。5. T:根據(jù)短文最后一句話可知此題正確 。十一、1.C:根據(jù)短文第一句話可知選C。2. A:根據(jù)“They got on a bus at Tiananmen Square.” 可知選A。3. B:根據(jù)“You can only be a true dog!”可知選B。4. C:根據(jù)短文第三句和第五句可知選C。5. A:根據(jù)短文可知他們最后到達(dá)了八達(dá)嶺的頂

56、部,所以選A。十二、范文:My name is Daming. I went to Beijing with my parents last weekend. Beijing is a big and old city. We went there by bus. We visited the Great Wall. It is very beautiful. My father took a photo of me. We had a good time!新外研版五年級(jí)上冊(cè)小學(xué)英語(yǔ)Module 4單元測(cè)試卷(聽力音頻已經(jīng)通過附件的形式插入到文檔右上角)(打開方式用WPS打開文檔直接雙擊右上角

57、的聽力文件也可以點(diǎn)擊聽力文件復(fù)制然后粘貼到電腦文件夾雙擊打開)聽力部分 (30分)一、聽錄音, 選出你所聽到的句子中含有的單詞。(5分)()1. A. pairB. pearC. hair()2. A. short B. shorts C. sports()3. A. metre B. met C. matter()4. A. book B. took C. look()5. A. bear B. where C. wear二、聽錄音, 判斷下列圖片與你所聽到的句子是(T)否(F)相符。(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.() () () () ()三、聽錄音, 選出你所聽到的句子。(10分)

58、()1. A. Sam wants to wear Amys Tshirt. B. Did Sam want this pair of shorts?()2. A. They arent Linglings shoes. B. He found his cap on the bed. ()3. A. Your new trousers are on the line. B. Those are your new trousers. ()4. A. Mum bought new shorts for Sam. B. Whats the matter, Ben?()5. A. Did you wa

59、sh Amys clothes? B. What was in your bag?四、聽錄音, 根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容將下列人名與圖片連線。(10分) 筆試部分 (70分)五、根據(jù)圖片及首字母提示補(bǔ)全句子。(5分)1. Ms Smart wants to w her dress. 2. These are Toms s . 3. Where are your s shoes? 4. Mum bought a p of trousers for Lily. 5. Sam t Amys Tshirt yesterday. 六、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(5分)1. Mum _ (buy) new trouse

60、rs for Lingling yesterday. 2. He_ (want) to wear this Tshirt. 3. Those are my new _ (shoe). 4. Look! There _ (be)a cap under the tree. 5. Your shoes are there. I washed_ (they) for you. 七、單項(xiàng)選擇。(10分)()1. I have some books. _ are on the desk. A. WeB. TheyC. It()2. He _ wear the shirt yesterday. A. isn


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