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1、一共四個人:(從左至右) 1.MOE打字員(A)某高中校長,MOE 資深顧問 (B)NTU 教授 (C) 4.NUS 教授(D)I: (敲門高喊) May I comin?A: Yes, please.(整理一下衣服,深吸一口氣,進門,Big S.)(側(cè)身輕輕將門關(guān)好)(三男一女陳列面)I:(走到 A 前,雙手呈上) This is my form, my CCA material and mys.(覺得有點羅嗦,準備了這么多亂七八糟的玩意,不過還好他們收下了)B&C:nk you.I:(點頭重復(fù))nk you.(回身,硬是擠到了椅子上,其實應(yīng)該拉開再坐的)(S依舊)C: XM.(很親切般地將

2、姓氏省了)I: Yeah.C: (皺眉) Before are your schoolmates. And I wonder how big your level size exactly is?(學校有好幾個部門,所以會有好幾個年級)I: Well. There are mainly two departmentsy school. One is A. Another is B. Those guysare in A. And I am in B.D: (很認真的我,眨了下眼,有點滑稽)What difference?I: (Smiling & calm) A s students are

3、from city 1, while my departments students are fromthe whole province. ( 突出優(yōu)勢) Actually, we did really well in Senior Middle EntranceExamination. So we had the qualifications to enter this school. All the top students gatherydepartment(夸張了點,嘻嘻)D: (抿嘴,很認真的那種,用筆指我) You mean your classmates are from di

4、fferent cities?I: (你聽懂了!) Yes!D: But are there any local students in your department?I: (哎,還得解釋,Does it really matter?!) Yes. There are about 60 guys, local.D: But why dont they go to Department A?I: (冷汗.) Because they didnt studyhe Junior Diviof my school. So they cannotgeto Department A.D: Got you

5、. You mean BLABLA(重復(fù)一遍)I:(終于不再糾結(jié)這個問題了) Yes, exactly right.D: Can you talk something about your hometown?I: BLABLA(D 點頭好像以后就沒再理我)C: Your school-attending situation is spel. You leave your hometown and attend theschool here. Why?I: (正中下懷,嘻嘻) Well,I wanna be independent. I want to trayself. Second, Ith

6、ink I should face more challenges here. I can compete with more talented students here. I canimprove myself secretly and gradually.(B&C&D劇烈點頭)C: (翻獎狀,很) Share your biggest academicplishment with us.I: (這么常規(guī),看我發(fā)揮吧) BLABLA(D 向 C 嘀咕了什么,可能發(fā)現(xiàn)我得意起來了)C: (沒給我機會再說,另起爐灶) Okay okay.(拖得很長)You are a leader, righ

7、t?I: Yes, BLABLA(組織過許多 CCA)C: Would you like to share your difficulty?I: BLABLA (主要講有不聽指揮的人,我會講道理,實在找老師調(diào)解)(發(fā)現(xiàn)自己忘了 S,閉嘴,再次 BIG S)(轉(zhuǎn)機:而為年輕的 professor 朝老爺子D 點了點頭,口型:We are done.)(人家就是有派,清了清嗓)B: Your clothes are your schooiform?I: (由于穿的比較正式) No, I bought it for theerview days ago.B : (很感) Why?I: (個人覺得比較

8、成功), I think it is a rather formal event, it is a great opportunity. I amquite serious about it.(四人點頭,意思: Go on)Second, I wanna show my respect to you all.(點頭更加猛烈)Third, I am already 18 years old. I want to look mature. And I think I look smarthiit,dont I?(四人爆笑,尤其是 MOE 的姐姐)B: Good. If you fail this,

9、 BLABLA (幫我展望在國內(nèi)的未來) Would you like to go back toyour hometown?I: (好像是陷阱,hometown=China?,做人又不能太假) I will do the jobt iitable forme.(我閃)B: (步步緊 ) One in Beijing, One in your hometown. Which one do you choose?I: Beijing. Because there will be more opportunities for me to develop myself. It is thecapit

10、al of China. BLABLA (覺得有點假,于是) But when my parents get old, I will considergoing back to my hometown. I have to take the responsibility. (大敗筆,于是問題來了,很)(老爺子陰笑)B: (掰手指頭) How old are your parents now?I: (糟了,知道中套了,又不能不說) 43 & 40.B: Gonna be 53&50, after ten years. What are you gonna do? Go back to China

11、?I: (馬上補救) BLABLA。(Move my parents to Singapore. They have saidt they like it)B: (不知道這種表情叫什么() 然后開始哈哈笑)(擺了擺手)t is okay. You mentionedyou are 18 years old?I: Yes.B: You mean you are %$#&?I: Pardon?B: $%#&*.I am sorry. I dont really understandt word.B: 自律(中文,我暈。)I: Uh. Sure. I went to school latern th

12、e peers.D: (突然) Why?I: (馬上轉(zhuǎn)向他) A littit naughtyt time. My parents hoped me to be more diligent. Itproved to be right.B: You mean you will still work hard in Singapore?I: Yeah.y school, every day I study under the monitor of nobody. I can hold on.B: How about B&C (又開始比較同學了。)They are also 18 years old

13、. Do you thinkthey can be like you?I: Well, as I have mentioned we are in different departments. Although we arehe sameschool, thesibilityt we meet is rather small. So I dont really know them very well. .B: (打斷我) You are avoiding my question.(四人開始瘋狂大笑,我汗。)I: (冤枉啊) No, it is.B: (再次打斷)t is okay. (想解釋又

14、被塞了回去) . Ok, we are done. You can go.I: (傻了幾秒) (起身) .nk you. Really hope to see you in Singapore!(起身,輕推回椅子,走到門前,回頭笑,請關(guān)門。)面試持續(xù)了 16min,不算長。 但實踐證明并非時間越長越好。因為有 30min 的同學一樣悲劇了。 還有仔細看面經(jīng)會發(fā)現(xiàn),他們居然沒問我專業(yè),這是十分詭異的。當時我就他們是要么鐵定不要我了,要么就真看中我了。想補充點什么:1.首先就是服裝。 有的學長說不必太正式,只要像個學生樣就好,也不無道理。畢竟大多數(shù)人都是這么穿的。 但個人覺得,穿的正式一點是很有必要的。因為畢竟人家穿的十分


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