1、HiltonSfinju晨靜pu HILTON SANYA RESORT & SPA FRONT OFFICE STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE MANUALHiltonSanyo 呂強(qiáng)ort & 靜paGuest Service AgentINDEXUse arrival file and correspondence2Check-in a guest with booking in advance3Walk in a guest5Register for an individual guest6Handle guests inquisition7Check and
2、action the trace report8Enter guest message and locator9VIP preparation11VIP check in procedure12Safe deposit box regulation and procedure13Arrival group preparation16Group check-in procedure18Block a room21Handle late check out requisition22Extend a guest stay23Handle a room moving24Handle a guests
3、 complaint25Payment by credit card26Payment by cash-registration27Payment by voucher-registration28Payment by company-registrationHiltonSanya Resort & S)a金茂三亞希爾頓大酒店Guest Service AgentHILTON SANYA RESORT & SPA FRONT OFFICE STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE MANUAL29Credit frequent flyer miles30Work with yo
4、ur float31Accept cash deposit prior to a guests arrival32How to do a manual posting33Rebate a charge34How to issue a paid-out35How to cash a traveller cheque36How to exchange a foreign currency38Accept payment by credit card39Accept a voucher payment40How to check out a guest41How to make an audit42
6、al file and corresp onden cesTake the arrival day file from the front desk trace file cabinet in the back office in which the reservation should give the arrivals file copy in one day adva nee.If there is a query on check-i n, the information is easily and quickly obta in ed.2 Locate corresp ondence
7、By look ing into the guest n ame on the docume nts for easy to find out the related guest registration card kept in the arrival guests cabinet at front desk. Attach the corresp ondence on that registrati on card and put back to the correct arrival bucketIf the guest is in front of you and has a quer
8、y you n eed to know what information exists relating to his book ing3 Verify the corresp ondenceRead the corresp onden ce/reservati on sheet and compare with the computerTo en sure the in formati on from the corresp ondence has bee n correctly in put in the computer.4 Expla in the in formati on to t
9、he customerBy say in g: Mr Wang, your reservati on was booked by Mrs. Gold, and the rate was con firmed at XXX, the details have bee n sent to Mrs. Gold by fax on (date).The customer must know what rate he will be charged and why the misu ndersta nding occurred.ALWAYS THAT THE RATE IS NOT CONFIDENTI
10、AL BEFORE GIVING OUT ANY INFORMATION TO A CUSTOMER5 Apologise if you were wrongIf your corresp ondence con firms the in formati on the guest gave you, say: Mr Wang, I have the correspondence in front of me. The information you gave me is correct. The room rate will be XXX. Please accept my apologies
11、 for the mistake.If we make a mistake we always apologise, it is the only way to repair the damage done to the customer spercepti on of our hote ls service.6 Use the reservati on corresp ondence to cross-check if the reservation is overbook ingCross check correspondence with arrival report and verif
12、y the method of con firmati on.To en sure the book ings you called the guest in case of No Show.HiltonSAnja& 靜pu #HiltonSAnja& 靜pu Guest Service AgentHILTON SANYA RESORT & SPA FRONT OFFICE STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE MANUALDEPARTMENT:FRONT DESKWHAT (STEPS)TASK:CHECK-IN A GUEST WITH BOOKING IN ADVAN
13、CEHOW (KEY POINTS)EQUIPMENT:WHY (REASONS)1 Greeti ng guestBy say in g: Good mor nin g/afterno on /eve ning, may I help you? / Is there any thi ng I can do for you?Show the courtesy to guests and guide guest to state what he wants us do.THE GUEST SAID HE WANT TO CHECK IN2 In quiry the guest has reser
14、vati on in adva nee or notBy say in g: Yes sir, may I know do you have a room reservati on in adva nee?Ide ntify this is a guest who has adva nee book ing or a walk-i n guest.THE GUEST SAID HE HAS A BOOKING ALREADY3 In quiry the guests n ame ,eompa ny n ame or age nt n ame.In quiry guest n ame, say
15、in g: May I have your sur name, sir?If the guest n ame can not be found out in the computer, we should try his possible compa ny n ame by say in g: Mr. Wang, may I have your compa ny n ame, maybe. Same as the age nt.En sure we can found out the correct book ing in computer. Sometimes, the guest n am
16、e was spelled wrong; we n eed to try his compa ny or age nt n ame.4 Repeat the reservati on details after found out the exit ing book ing in systemWe should double con firm the book ing details with guestself upon check in, the details in cludes the room ni ghts, room rate, in-house pers on no and t
17、he possible special requisiti on with the excepti on of the travel age nt bookinq for the room rate confirmation.En sure the book ing details are correct and eon firmed.5 Guest registrati onGet the guests ID or passport by say in g: Mr. Wang, may I have your ID or passport for registration and would
18、 you please help us fill this registrati on card, tha nk you very much. We n eed to get the guests full name, sex, birthday, and ID / passport number. For the foreign guests, we n eed to get the Visa type and valid date additi on ally accord ing to the PSB regulatio ns. (DETAILS IS IN THE SOP OFREGI
19、STER FORGUEST )En sure we get the possible full in formati on of the guest and easy to update into the profile and submit to the PSB office.6 Cheek the registrati on card quality and request the guests address and sig natureAfter the guest fini shed filli ng the RC, the GSA should check weather the
20、information is correct or not by comparing with the guests ID/passport. Then request the guest address and sig nature by say in g: Mr Wang, would you please write dow n your con tact ing address and sig nature, tha nk you!En sure the in formati on is correct and the sig nature means ack no wledgeme
21、nt for the details on the RC and the stays in Hilto n Sanya Resort & Spa.7 Get the payme nt from the guestsBy say in g: Mr. Wang, may I know how youd like to settle your room accou nt by credit card or cash? For credit card, take the card & pr int on the card slip or the RC. For cash, cou nt as XXX.
22、 Take the cash and issue a receipt from the computer to guest and rem ind him hand it back to cashier upon check out.En sure we get a valid credit card guara ntee or deposit in the guests accou nt.宜灌.勒和i人許曲Guest Service Agent 宜灌.勒和i人許曲Guest Service Agent #HiltonMny迎& 旨puHILTON SANYA RESORT & SPA FRO
23、NT OFFICE STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE MANUALDEPARTMENT: FRONT DESKTASK:CHECK-IN A GUEST WITH BOOKING IN ADVANCEEQUIPMENT:WHAT (STEPS)HOW (KEY POINTS)WHY (REASONS)8 Select a roomPress F3 key to display the room select ing scree n, press page dow n, the referri ng room type will show on the scree n.
24、The GSA should ask the guest prefere nee for the room if the availability is approved, the n highlight the selected room and press en ter; the room n umber will be matched on the guests reservati on automatically.En sure the selected room is matched for the guests requisiti on.9 Check-i n guest in c
25、omputerPress ESC key, the system will show a talking window check in this room? Yes or Not. Highlight YES and press en ter, Fidelio asks Make keys for this room? No, 1 Select 1 and press en ter, Fidelio says check in successful. At the same time, the Onity machi ne is light, in sert the Onity with t
26、he top side up and take it out. The key is made.En sure the room is checked in to avoid double check-i n and make a correct key for the selected room.10 Make a key folderTake one clean and empty key folder, write down the guest name, room number, room rate, and the departure date, put the room Onity
27、 key into the folder and hand it to guest by say in g: Mr. Wang, your room is XXX on the fifteenth floor, this is your room key card.En sure the guest enjoy the convenience to sig n bills in hotel by this key folder. And the key folder is also one passport in hotel.11 Finish check-i nBy say in g: Mr
28、. Wang is there any thi ng else I can do for you? And wish you enjoy your stay with us. Thank you!To show the courtesy to guest and hint him the check in procedure is fini shed. #HiltonSanja& 旨pu Guest Service AgentHILTON SANYA RESORT & SPA FRONT OFFICE STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE MANUALDEPARTMENT:
29、 FRONT DESKWHAT (STEPS)TASK:WALK IN A GUESTHOW (KEY POINTS)EQUIPMENT:WHY (REASONS)1 Greeti ng guestBy say in g: Good morni ng/afterno on/eve ning, sir/madam/miss? or Is there anything I can do for you?Show the courtesy to guest and guide him to state the n eeds.THE GUEST SAID HE NEEDS A ROOM BUT WIT
30、HOUT BOOKING IN ADVANCE2 Check the room availabilityPress F5, select Rate Quarry and en ter the room ni ghts, adults and en ter /RAK in the Rate Code and press Page Down to see the room type availability.En sure the room is not overbooked and the state in the computer is correct.3 Barga in the room
31、rate with guestSee the room availability to sell the room rate accord in gly. Always from top to low and expla in the room differe nee. Give guest suggesti ons and ask ing Mr. Wang, which kind of room do you prefer? After get the an swer con firm the rate with guest Mr Wang, you room rate is our hot
32、el Summer Rate XXX per ni ght for a superior room.IN THIS SECTION, ALWAYS TRY TO UPSELLTry to up sell high rate rooms to guest to in crease the hotel reve nue.4 Chose a room type in Rate Availability categoryHighlight the selected room type and press En ter, you will hear a beep and at the same time
33、, the system will escape to the original screen automatically.En sure this room is selected from the hotel room availability Its easy for room con trol and keep correct static5 Make a walk-i n reservati onIn Fidelio, go into Front Desk and en ter Walk-i n, update the guest n ame in the field, chose
34、a correct profile, press enter, the system will give you a reservation screen, complete the necessary fields same as the procedures of Make a reservation in the SOP Manual of RSVN dept.Complete the n ecessary in formatio n in Fidelio to make a correct book ing.6 Check in the guestSAME PROCEDURE AS T
35、HECHECK-IN A GUEST WITH BOOKINGIN ADVANCE STEPS 4 TO 11.Finish the check-i n procedure accord ing to the sta ndards7 Note relate departme ntMake a phone call to housekeeping department after guest left front desk to pass the walk-in information to them inclusive the number of room and pers on.As the
37、WHY (REASONS)1Obta in the guest ID or PassportBy say in g: Mr. Wang, may I kin dly see your ID or passport for the registrati on n eeds?We n eed to check the registrati on in formati on accord in gly.2Fill the registrati on cardAsk the guest to fill the registration card by saying Mr. Wang, would yo
38、u please help us fill this registration card? Thank you very much!For get the information from guestself.3 Check the registrati on card filli ng qualityAfter the guest finished filling, we need to hold the ID/Passport and the registration card to check the follow information:-The spelling of the fam
39、ily name and first name-Correct sex-Clear n ati on ality-Correct birthday-Correct ID/Passport n umber and valid date-Correct passport Visa type and valid date (ONLY FOR FOREIGNERS)-Full and clear guest con tact address-The room bill payme nt-Guest sig natureEn sure the in formati on on the registrat
40、i on card is correct, clear and league.4 Check weather all the n ecessary bla nks on the registrati on card has bee n completed.Sometimes, the guest forget to fill some blanks on the registration card especially for the Sign ature bla nk. After guest retur ns back the RC to GSA, he or she should che
41、ck weather all the blanks have been filled item by item.Avoidi ng lost some n ecessary in formati on.5 Update this in formati on into guest profile in FidelioOpen the guest profile screen in system. And update the information ontothe bla nks:-Guest full n ame-Language type-Title-Full address-Nati on
42、 ality-ID or Passport n umber-Birthday-Telephone number and fax number (IF POSSIBLE)-The guest compa ny n ame and his post (IF POSSIBLE)The full and correct guest in formati on record in our system is very n ecessary and importa nt in case we have to con tact guest for whatever reas ons.Hiltonsanja&
44、 the eye con tact skills, the n ecessary body Ian guage is also n eeded.By teleph one: Liste n the in quisiti on from guests carefully and use your voice regularly to give the hint to guest that you are liste ning carefully.En sure the GSA can un dersta nd the guest needs fully2 Immediate reacti onT
45、he GSA should give the reacti on to guest withi n two sec on ds, the reacti on could be Well, Mr. Wan g, I un dersta nd your problem is. or A mome nt please, Mr. Wang, please let me make a short n ote for your problem. i.e.Such reacti on can show our atte nti on on the problem of guests.3 Take suita
46、ble acti onAccord ing to the kinds of in quisiti on to take n ecessary acti on. In clusive help guest conn ect ing a phone call to guest room, provid ing some hotel in formati on or give guest a route guide.Resolve the guests problem4 Follow the in quisiti onSometimes the guests problem can not be r
47、esolved immediately, the GSA needs to help guests to follow the problem and inform the resolution to guest in time. The GSA should take the following in formatio n,-Note dow n the problem on a note pad-Con tact related departme nt to pass the in formatio n-Try to get the con tact n umber and address
48、 from the guests.By say ing to guests: Mr, Wang, may I kin dly get your con tact teleph one n umber? We will give your an an swerEn sure all the problems guest raised could be resolved and tak ing care.會(huì)魄.鼻勒和th許MGuest Service Agent 會(huì)魄.鼻勒和th許MGuest Service Agent #HiltonSAnya& 囂puHILTON SANYA RESORT &
49、 SPA FRONT OFFICE STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE MANUALDEPARTMENT: FRONT DESKTASK:CHECK AND ACTION THE TRACE REPORTEQUIPMENT:WHAT (STEPS)HOW (KEY POINTS)WHY (REASONS)1Pr int a trace reportThe front desk trace report is included in the front desk shift hand-over report.The preparati on for the check of
50、 the trace report2 Check the trace reportCheck ing procedure:-Check the trace report date-Check the traces piece by piece-Fou nd out all the un resolved traces-Ide ntify the propriety of the un resolved tracesAvoid los ing any importa nt and urge nt traces3 Follow up the un resolved tracesAccord ing
51、 to the urge nt and importa nt level of the un resolved traces, the GSA needs to follow the traces with related departments in the shortest time.En sure all traces have bee n resolved.4 Resolve traces in computerAfter the trace has been resolved, the GSA need to press the resolved key, the trace sta
52、tus will cha nge to Resolved.Cha nge the status to let the GSA knows which one has bee n resolved5 Double check the Resolved tracesFront desk needs to print the Shift Hand-over report for three times per day, and the GSA n eeds to check the reports for at least three times, make sure all the traces
53、have been resolved in time. For the Resolved traces, the GSA n eeds to double check, make clear who resolved it and at what time.En sure all the traces have bee n resolved correctly HiltonS&nja Km?rt & 囂puGuest Service AgentHILTON SANYA RESORT & SPA FRONT OFFICE STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE MANUALDE
54、PARTMENT:FRONT DESKWHAT (STEPS)TASK:ENTER GUEST MESSAGE AND LOCATORHOW (KEY POINTS)EQUIPMENT:WHY (REASONS)FOR ENTERING A GUEST MESSAGE1 Find out the guest in the computer-Press fun cti on key: Ctrl + F7-En ter the guest n ame in the Guest Name category -Press En terGet the correct guest2 En ter into
55、 the Message scree n-Press M for messageThe system shows: No message on file, create a new one?-Press YESOr the system shows the guests latest message, press In sert toa new message.Get the right to go into the message leav ing categorycreate3 Update the message contentUpdate the message content ste
56、p by step by follow ing the in structi on of the computer.Finish the message by the sta ndard style4 Review the messageReview the message content like: guests n ame, room n umber, i.e.Double check the message quality5 Pr int out the messageAfter finish the message, press Esc the computer shows , Pri
57、nt, aveThough away. High light Print and press Enter THE MESSAGE WILL BE PRINTED OUT.Print out the checked message.6 Deliver the message to guestFor in-house guest, Bell boy will deliver the message directly to the stated room.For todays arrival guest, get the prin ted message back from con cierge d
58、esk and attach it on the RC.For future arrival guest, file in the trace file and leave a related trace in the guests reservation screen on the arrival date.En sure the pr in ted message can be received by the guest.Hiltonsanja& 靜puGuest Service AgentHILTON SANYA RESORT & SPA FRONT OFFICE STANDARD OP
59、ERATION PROCEDURE MANUALDEPARTMENT: FRONT DESKWHAT (STEPS)TASK:ENTER GUEST MESSAGE AND LOCATORHOW (KEY POINTS)EQUIPMENT:WHY (REASONS)FOR LEAVING A GUEST LOCATOR1 Take the locator no tice paper from guestTake the Locator notice paper which is filled by the guest self in their room, and check weather
60、the in formati on is completed.Get clear guest locator in formati on2 Repeat the locator with guestIn the face of guest, repeat the n ecessary in formati on to guest, -The guest n ame-The room n umber-The locator n ame-The holding time period of this locatorEn sure the in formati on is correct3 Remi
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