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1、 教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課程名稱教 師教 研 室新生代英語高級(jí)教程 2教 材 新生代英語高級(jí)教程 21 教學(xué)計(jì)劃“My schedule is crazy.” ReadingI aced my chemistry test.Schedules and routines教學(xué)目標(biāo)教學(xué)活動(dòng)建議Warm-upFocus students attention on the learninggoals for the unit and explain that thefocus of this unit is on time management.Ask students to look at the picture

2、and todescribe what they see. (A student isworking on an assignment very late atnight.) Read the words in the boxes aloud,modeling the correct pronunciation andeliciting their meanings. Give studentsseveral minutes to complete the passage.2 Nominate students to read the passagearound the class. Ask

3、students: Do youhave a schedule as busy as this? Whatsyour schedule like? Have students listen and repeat the wordsand the expression, teaching the definitionfor each one. You can check theircomprehension by asking questions, suchas: What is another word for homework?(assignment) What is the verb we

4、 use todescribe missing a class? (skip) What isanother word for student accommodation?(dormitory) Once students seem comfortable with thenew words and the expression, have themcomplete Exercise B and then switchbooks. Go through the answers, calling ondifferent students each time. Correct anyerrors.

5、 If you want to, you can start each classC Tell students they will hear a conversationbetween a man and a woman who arediscussing their semester schedules. There are a few words in the conversationyou may need to teach. They are physics,students: Which one is a famous writer?(Shakespeare) You can al

6、so ask studentsto tell you the names of some famousShakespeare plays. Then ask students:Which one is a kind of science? (physics)You may want to add that Newton is themost famous figure in the history ofphysics. Students will probably have heardof the story of an apple falling on his head.Tell stude

7、nts that we use elective to talkabout subjects that we choose. Askstudents if they have any elective classes. Play the audio, twice if necessary. Pausethe audio so that students have time to fill3 D Read the rubric aloud and check that Organize students into pairs. Challengethem to see who can be th

8、e first tocomplete the puzzle, but dont allow fastfinishers to reveal their answers to theirclassmates. As a possible extension task, get studentscontaining the words from this activity.A Tell students to look at the pictures andask some basic comprehension questions,such as: Who are these people? W

9、here arethey? What are they doing? Ask students to guess what happened inthis video and to match the pictures to thesentences according to their ownunderstanding.entirety. Ask them to check their answers For Exercise B, ask students to readthrough each statement and to decide if itis true or false.

10、For Exercise C, play the video again. Havea pair of students read out the conversationwith one student playing the role of Hectorand the other as Naomi. For an extensionactivity, you can also have students rewritethe conversation, using the words andexpressions learned in this unit. Check the answer

11、s for Exercises B, C, andD. Students can exchange books and listenas you go through the answers.Exercise AReadingA and B Ask students to describe the picture. Thenread the headline aloud. If students dontknow the meaning of the wordTo improve studentsreading4 procrastinating, tell them to guess what

12、they think it means. Elicit thatprocrastinate means putting off doingsomething until a later date. Ask studentsto tell you whether or not theyprocrastinate and get them to describe thesituations in which they are most likely toprocrastinate. Give students several minutes to read thetext. Encourage s

13、tudents to refer toWORDS & EXPRESSIONS. Ask students to complete the exercise.Allow them to check their answers with apartner before conducting class feedback.Exercise B Get students to look at the statements.They should then read the text again, anddecide whether the statements are true orfalse. Ch

14、allenge students to see who can be thefirst to match the words to the definitions. Fast finishers should write sentencescontaining the words in the left column.They should then blank out the words andread the sentences aloud to another fastfinisher, who should listen and provide themissing words. Ch

15、eck answers orally, focusing on correctpronunciation of the words.Exercise D Read the words and expressions in theboxes aloud. Ask students to complete thesentences. Allow them to check theiranswers with a partner before reading thesentences around the class. Personalize the new language by askingbe

16、st-selling books have you read? Whenyou make a plan, do you find it difficult tostick to it? When were you last tempted toprocrastinate?5 Focus students attention on the Bingogrid and check that they understand therules of the game. Ask students to write the words into the When everyone is ready, pl

17、ay the audio of When someone calls out“ Bingo”, see if he/ she can remember the definitions for thewords in their row. Read what Olivia says to the class. Thenget a student to read the advice aloud. Askstudents whether or not they agree with theadvice, and whether they have anydifferent or better su

18、ggestions. Focus students on what Nick says.Organize students into pairs and get themto discuss what advice they would giveNick. After they have shared their ideas,get a few students to report back.Encourage the rest of the class to givefeedback on each others advice.Exercise B Give students several

19、 minutes to read thequotes and sayings. Allow them to askquestions about any new or unfamiliarwords. Organize students into pairs to completethe task. Monitor as students share theirideas, offering support where necessary. For Exercise A, explain to students thatthey will hear a conversation in whic

20、h aman and a woman discuss midterm tests.Introduce the key words and expressionsfor this conversation.write down what they hear in the blanks. Ifnecessary, pause the audio so that studentshave time to write. Have students practice talking about6 studying using the questions in Exercise B. Have stude

21、nts read through LANGUAGENOTE, which teaches the idiom“ to turnover a new leaf. Ask students: Have youever turned over a new leaf? What did youwant to change? Were you successful?Why (not)? Read the rubric aloud and direct studentsattention to the clues. As a class, readthrough the expressions in Us

22、efullanguage, focusing on the correctpronunciation, sentence stress andintonation. Organize students into pairs and get themto work on their role-plays. Circulate asstudents do this, listening and makingnotes of any examples of good languageyou hear or any issues students need helpwith. Nominate a c

23、ouple of confident pairs toperform their role-plays to the rest of theclass. Conduct class feedback, taking timeto discuss any issues you have observedand any examples of good language andcommunicative skills. Tell students that they are going to putsome of the skills they have learned in thisunit i

24、nto practice, by writing a schedule. Give students several minutes to skim thenotes and to match them to the scheduleentries. Allow students to check their answers witha partner before conducting classfeedback. Focus students attention on the headingsand elicit their meanings. Read the rubric aloud

25、and challengestudents to see who can be the first tocomplete the task. Check answers orally. For each heading,7 Get students to look at Karas schedule.Read the rubric and make sure studentsknow they should only write the mostimportant information. Do the first schedule entry in Exercise Btogether, a

26、s an example. Students shouldcomplete the rest of the task alone.Monitor, offering support wherenecessary. Bring the class together again. Go throughthe schedule, asking students to tell youwhat they wrote and where they wrote it.Exercise D Ask students: What do you need to do thisweek? Ask them abo

27、ut their daily life,school and their part-time job. Tellstudents about some of the things you needto do this week. Get students to make notes under theheadings. Ask a couple of students toreport back on what they have written.Exercise E Get students to put their notes into theschedule. Remind them t

28、hat they onlyneed to write the most importantinformation. Monitor as students complete the task, When students have completed the task,display the schedules on the screen and getstudents to look at each others schedule.Ask students: Who has the busiestschedule? Start by explaining that tag questions

29、 areused in two situations. In the firstsituation, you are not sure something istrue, but want to make sure. In this casewhen you speak, your voice will rise.Write an example on the blackboard, such8 as: You arent my student, are you? Explain that we also use tag questionswhen we want to confirm som

30、ething weknow is true. In this case, your voice will go down whenyou speak. Write an example on theblackboard, such as: You dont have asister, do you? Once students seem comfortable with thegrammar, have them complete the exerciseand then switch books to correct theirmistakes. Ask students to look a

31、t the picture and todescribe what they see. (A sleepy boy whois finding it difficult to get up for school.His mom is making breakfast for him.) Elicit when we use tag questions. (Whenwe want to check conversation or elicit aresponse from our conversational partner.) Read the rubric aloud. Complete the firsttag question together with students as anexample. Get students to complete the rest of theconversation. Allow them to check theiranswers with a partner before choosingtw


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