1、最終版本條條款范本 Finnal VVersiion Sampple CClausses ffor 中國(guó)-德國(guó)國(guó)合資經(jīng)營(yíng)營(yíng)合同SINO - GEERMANN JOIINT VVENTUURE CCONTRRACT 制作人:EElaboorateed byy: 中中德雙邊政政府委員會(huì)會(huì)下設(shè)的中中德法律工工作組Sino-Germman LLegall Worrkingg Grooup uunderr thee Billaterral SSino-Germman GGoverrnmennt Coommisssionn 合同背景說(shuō)說(shuō)明:德國(guó)聯(lián)邦經(jīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)與技術(shù)術(shù)部和中華華人民共和和國(guó)商務(wù)部部共同發(fā)布布了中
3、公司奠奠定堅(jiān)實(shí)的的基礎(chǔ)。”中德法律律工作組成成員不僅包包括德國(guó)工工商總會(huì)大大中華區(qū)的的中德法律律專家,來(lái)來(lái)自德 國(guó)泰樂(lè)信信律師事務(wù)務(wù)所的Maagdallena Harnnischhfegeer-Kssol女士士也是其中中一員,且且起到了主主導(dǎo)作用。在Harrniscchfegger-KKsol女女士的努力力下,中德德雙方進(jìn)行行了多次成成功的會(huì)議議磋商,并并最終在友友好并具有有建設(shè)性的的合作氛圍圍下達(dá)成共共識(shí),確定定了該示范范條款的最最終版,從從而保證了了兩國(guó)企業(yè)業(yè)的平等利利益在條款款中均有體體現(xiàn)。 目錄Tabble oof coontennts目錄I TTablee of conttentss
4、 I附件清單 IIII Liiste of AAppenndicees III章節(jié)標(biāo)題 Chhapteer Heeadinng第一章 定定義和釋義義 Chaapterr 1 DDefinnitioons aand IInterrprettatioon第二章 合合同雙方 Chaapterr 2 PPartiies tto thhe Coontraact第三章 注注冊(cè)資本和和出資Chhapteer 3 Regiisterred CCapittal aand CCapittal CContrributtionss第1條 投投資總額和和注冊(cè)資本本 Arrticlle 1 Totaal Innvestt
5、mentt andd Reggisteered Capiital第2條 出出資Artticlee 2 CCapittal CContrributtionss第3條 注冊(cè)資本本的增加或或減少Arrticlle 3 Incrreasee andd Deccreasse off Reggisteered Capiital第四章 股股份轉(zhuǎn)讓CChaptter 44 Traansfeer off Shaares 第五章 小小股東保護(hù)護(hù)條款 【可可選條款】 CChaptter 55 Minnoritty Shharehholdeers PProteectioon Cllausees第1條條 跟售權(quán)權(quán) Ar
6、rticlle 1 Tag-alonng Riight第2條 賣賣出期權(quán) Artticlee 2 PPut OOptioon第六章 董事事會(huì)和經(jīng)營(yíng)營(yíng)管理機(jī)構(gòu)構(gòu)Chappter 6 Booard of DDirecctorss andd Mannagemment第七章 第11條 董事事會(huì)的組成成 Arrticlle 1 Compposittion of tthe BBoardd of Direectorrs第八章 第22條 董董事會(huì)的職職責(zé) Artiicle 2 Reesponnsibiilitiies oof thhe Booard of DDirecctorss第九章 第33條 董董事會(huì)會(huì)議
7、議和董事會(huì)會(huì)決議 Articcle 33 Meeetinggs annd Reesoluutionns off thee Boaard oof Diirecttors第4a條 管理委員員會(huì) Artticlee 4a Manaagemeent BBoardd 第5條 管管理委員會(huì)會(huì)及其成員員的職責(zé) Arrticlle 5 Respponsiibiliitiess of the Manaagemeent BBoardd andd itss Memmberss 第6條 管管理委員會(huì)會(huì)會(huì)議和決決議 AArticcle 66 Meeetinggs annd Reesoluutionns off thee
8、 Mannagemment Boarrd第4bb條 總經(jīng)經(jīng)理 Arrticlle 4bb Gennerall Mannagerr第七章 技技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)讓 Chaapterr 7 TTechnnologgy Trransffer第1條 技技術(shù)提供 Artticlee 1 PProviisionn of Techhnoloogy第2條 商商標(biāo)Artticlee 2 TTradeemarkks 第3條 合合資產(chǎn)品(可可選條款)AArticcle 33 JV Prodductss (opptionnal) 第八章 保保密 CChaptter 88 Connfideentiaalityy第1條 保保密信息 A
9、rtticlee 1 CConfiidenttialiity IInforrmatiion第2條 除除外情形 Artticlee 2 EExcepptionns第3條 保保密信息的的安全保護(hù)護(hù) Arrticlle 3 Safeeguarrdingg of Conffidenntiallity Infoormattion第第4條 違違反保密義義務(wù) Artticlee 4 BBreacch off Connfideentiaalityy Oblligattionss 第5條 終終止后的保保密義務(wù) Artticlee 5 CConfiidenttialiity OObliggatioon uppon
10、 TTermiinatiion第九章 不不競(jìng)爭(zhēng) CChaptter 99 Nonn-Commpetiitionn第十章 違約約責(zé)任 Chaapterr 10 Liabbilitty foor Brreachh 第十一章 期限限/終止 Chaapterr 11 Duraationn/Terrminaationn第1條 期限限 AArticcle 11 Terrm第2條 終止止 Arrticlle 2 Termminattion第3條 購(gòu)買買價(jià)格的確確定Artticlee 3 DDeterrminaationn of Purcchasee Priice第4條 清算算 AArticcle 44 Li
11、qquidaationn第4條 股權(quán)權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓時(shí)采采取的行動(dòng)動(dòng) Articcle 55 Acttionss to be ttakenn in Equiity IInterrest Trannsferr第6條 其他他權(quán)利 Artticlee 6 OOtherr Rigghts第7條 持續(xù)續(xù)義務(wù) Artticlee 7 CContiinuinng Obbligaationns第十二章 爭(zhēng)議議解決 Chaapterr 12 Disppute Resoolutiion 第1條 友好好協(xié)商解決決 AArticcle 11 Amiicablle Seettleementt第2條 仲裁裁 AArticcle 2
12、2 Arbbitraationn 附件清單LList of AAppenndicees章節(jié)標(biāo)題CChaptter HHeadiing合資經(jīng)營(yíng)合合同Joiint VVentuure CContaact 第一章 定定義和釋義義Chappter 1 Deefiniitionns annd Innterppretaationn 第二章 合合同雙方CChaptter 22 Parrtiess to the Conttractt 第三章 注注冊(cè)資本和和出資Chhapteer 3 Regiisterred CCapittal aand CCapittal CContrributtionss第1條 投投資總額
13、和和注冊(cè)資本本Artiicle 1 Tootal Inveestmeent aand RRegisstereed Caapitaal1.1 雙雙方同意公公司的投資資總額為.人民幣/美元/歐歐元(RMMB/USSD/EUUR).1.1 TThe PPartiies aagreee thaat thhe ammountt of totaal innvesttmentt of the Comppany shalll bee . Rennminbbi/Unnitedd Staates Dolllar/EEuro (RMBB/USDD/EURR .). 1.2 公公司注冊(cè)資資本的金額額為.人民民幣/美元
14、元/歐元(RRMB/UUSD/EEUR .)可選選方案:相相當(dāng)于投資資總額的百百分之.(%).1.2 TThe aamounnt off thee Commpanyys rregisstereed caapitaal shhall be . Rennminbbi/Unnitedd Staates Dolllar/EEuro (RMBB/USDD/EURR .) OOptioonal:,equualinng . perccent (%) oof thhe tootal amouunt oof innvesttmentt. 1.3 每每一方應(yīng)按按以下方式式認(rèn)繳注冊(cè)冊(cè)資本:1.3 TThe ccap
15、ittal ccontrributtion to tthe rregisstereed caapitaal suubscrribedd by eachh Parrty sshalll be as ffolloows: 1.3.11 甲甲方應(yīng)出資資.人民幣幣/美元/歐元(RRMB/UUSD/EEUR .),相當(dāng)當(dāng)于注冊(cè)資資本的. %。1.3.11 PPartyy A sshalll conntribbute . RRenmiinbi/Unitted SStatees Doollarr/Eurro (RRMB/UUSD/EEUR .), eequivvalennt too . % of the r
16、egiisterred ccapittal. 1.3.22 乙乙方應(yīng)出資資.人民幣幣/美元/歐元(RRMB/UUSD/EEUR .),相當(dāng)當(dāng)于注冊(cè)資資本的. %。1.3.22 PPartyy B sshalll conntribbute . Reenminnbi/UUniteed Sttatess Dolllar/Euroo (RMMB/USSD/EUUR .), eqquivaalentt to . % of tthe rregisstereed caapitaal. 1.4 除除非雙方另另有約定,一一旦一方全全額繳納出出資,其不不應(yīng)被要求求通過(guò)出資資、擔(dān)保、貸款或其其他方式向向公司或代代表
17、公司提提供任何進(jìn)進(jìn)一步的資資金。除第第_條違約條款款提及的的外,根據(jù)據(jù)本合資經(jīng)經(jīng)營(yíng)合同,對(duì)對(duì)于公司的的任何損失失或針對(duì)公公司提出的的任何權(quán)利利主張,任任何一方對(duì)對(duì)另一方、公司或任任何第三方方均不承擔(dān)擔(dān)任何責(zé)任任。1.4 UUnlesss thhe Paartiees aggree otheerwisse, oonce a Paarty has paidd-in its conttribuutionn to the regiisterred ccapittal iin fuull, it sshalll nott be requuiredd to provvide any furtther fu
18、ndds too or on bbehallf off thee Commpanyy by way of ccapittal ccontrributtion, guaaranttees, loaan orr othherwiise. Otheer thhan aas meentiooned in AArticcle _ AArticcle oon Brreachh of conttractt, ppursuuant to tthis Joinnt Veenturre Coontraact, no PPartyy shaall hhave any liabbilitty toowardds th
19、he otther Partty, tthe CCompaany oor anny thhird partty foor anny loossess by or aany cclaimms aggainsst thhe Coompanny. 第2條 出出資Artticlee 2 CCapittal CContrributtionss可選方案案1:以現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金出資OPTIION 11: Caapitaal Coontriibutiions in CCash 2.1 雙雙方應(yīng)以現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金出資。2.1 TThe PPartiies sshalll conntribbute the regiisterred
20、ccapittal iin caash. 2.2 甲甲方應(yīng)以人人民幣繳納納出資。2.2 PPartyy Ass conntribbutioon shhall be mmade in RRenmiinbi. 2.3 除除第2.33.2條的的規(guī)定外,乙乙方應(yīng)以美美元或歐元元繳納出資資。2.3 PPartyy Bss conntribbutioon shhall be mmade in UUniteed Sttatess Dolllar or EEuro exceept aas prrovidded iin Arrticlle 2.3.2. 2.3.11 用于于確定人民民幣出資金金額的匯率率應(yīng)為繳款
21、款當(dāng)日中國(guó)國(guó)人民銀行行公布的美美元或歐元元的中間匯匯率。2.3.11 Thhe exxchannge rrate whicch shhall be uused for deteerminning the amouunt oof thhe caapitaal coontriibutiions in RRenmiinbi shalll bee thee midd poiint ppricee of Unitted SStatees Doollarr or Euroo pubblishhed bby thhe Peeoplees BBank of CChinaa on the datee wheen
22、 thhe caapitaal coontriibutiions are madee. 2.3.22 盡管管存在第22.3條的的規(guī)定,乙乙方也可以以其自己在在中國(guó)境內(nèi)內(nèi)的投資產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生的人民民幣利潤(rùn)繳繳納其注冊(cè)冊(cè)資本份額額,如果適適用中國(guó)法法律和法規(guī)規(guī)要求獲得得政府批準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)的,以取取得相關(guān)政政府批準(zhǔn)為為前提。2.3.22 Nootwitthstaandinng Arrticlle 2.3 Paarty B maay allso uuse RRenmiinbi proffits fromm itss ownn invvestmmentss in Chinna too makke itts coontr
23、iibutiions to iits ssharee of the regiisterred ccapittal, subjject to rrelevvant goveernmeentall appprovaals, if rrequiired by aappliicablle PRRC laaws aand rregullatioons. 2.4 雙雙方應(yīng)根據(jù)據(jù)第0條到到第0條的的規(guī)定,按按照各自的的股權(quán)比例例,同時(shí)分分期繳納出出資。2.4 TThe PPartiies sshalll conntribbute the regiisterred ccapittal aaccorrdingg
24、 to theiir eqquityy rattio bby paayingg in simuultanneoussly tthe iinstaallmeents in aaccorrdancce wiith AArticcle 00 to Artiicle 0. 2.4.11 每一一方應(yīng)在公公司營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)之之日起【三三(3)】個(gè)個(gè)月內(nèi)繳納納百分之( %)的的出資,即即甲方繳納納.人民幣幣 (RRMB),乙方方繳納. 美元/歐歐元 注注:目前法法律規(guī)定為為在營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)之之日起3個(gè)個(gè)月內(nèi)繳納納15%2.4.11 peercennt ( %) off eacch Paartys coont
25、riibutiion tto thhe reegistteredd cappitall, beeing . Reenminnbi (RMB) byy Parrty AA andd Uniited Stattes DDollaar/Euuro (USD/EUR .) bby Paarty B shhall be ppaid in wwithiin tthreee (3) monnths of the datee of issuuancee of the Comppanys buusineess llicennse. NOTTE: SStatuutoriily aat thhe moomentt
26、15% witthin 3 moonthss of the datee of issuuancee of the busiinesss liccencee 可選方案案2:以實(shí)實(shí)物和現(xiàn)金金出資OOPTIOON 2: Conntribbutioons iin Kiind aand iin Caash 2.5.11 甲甲方應(yīng)按以以下方式繳繳納出資:2.5.11 PPartyy A sshalll conntribbute the folllowinng too thee reggisteered capiital: a. 價(jià)值值為.人民民幣 (RRMB)的機(jī)械械設(shè)備。a. Maachinnery a
27、nd equiipmennt wiith aa vallue oof . Renmminbii (RMMB .). b. 價(jià)值為為.人民幣幣 (RRMB)的技術(shù)術(shù)、專利和和專有技術(shù)術(shù)以及相關(guān)關(guān)文件。b. Tecchnollogy, pattentss andd knoow-hoow annd reelateed doocumeentattion withh a vvaluee of . Reenminnbi (RMB .). c. 相當(dāng)于于金額為.人民幣 (RMBB)的.人人民幣現(xiàn)金金。c. Cassh inn Rennminbbi eqquivaalentt to the amouunt o
28、of . Renmminbii (RMMB .). 以上第a)和和b)項(xiàng)所所述的作為為實(shí)物出資資的資產(chǎn)在在附件中列出出。The aassetts too be conttribuuted in kkind as sstateed inn a) and b) aabovee aree lissted iin Annnex . 2.5.22 乙乙方應(yīng)按以以下方式繳繳納出資:2.5.22 PPartyy B sshalll conntribbute the folllowinng too thee reggisteered capiital: a. 價(jià)值值為.人民民幣 (RRMB)的機(jī)械械設(shè)備。a.
29、 Maachinnery and equiipmennt wiith aa vallue oof . Renmminbii (RMMB .). b. 價(jià)值為為.人民幣幣 (RRMB)的技術(shù)術(shù)、專利和和專有技術(shù)術(shù)以及相關(guān)關(guān)文件。b. Tecchnollogy, pattentss andd knoow-hoow annd reelateed doocumeentattion withh a vvaluee of . Reenminnbi (RMB .). c. 相當(dāng)于于金額為.人民幣 (RMBB)的美元/歐元(UUSD/EEUR .)現(xiàn)金。c. Cassh inn Uniited Stattes
30、 DDollaar/Euuro (USD/EUR .) eequivvalennt too thee amoount of . Rennminbbi (RRMB .). 以上第a)和和b)項(xiàng)所所述的作為為實(shí)物出資資的資產(chǎn)在在附件中列出出。The aassetts too be conttribuuted in kkind as sstateed inn a) and b) aabovee aree lissted in AAnnexx . 2.5.33 各各方聲明并并保證其向向公司注冊(cè)冊(cè)資本出資資的所有資資產(chǎn)均不存存在任何請(qǐng)請(qǐng)求權(quán)、留留置權(quán)、抵抵押權(quán)和負(fù)負(fù)債。甲方方(注:為為中方合作作伙伴)聲
31、聲明并保證證其已經(jīng)遵遵守了有關(guān)關(guān)國(guó)有資產(chǎn)產(chǎn)評(píng)估和轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓的所有有相關(guān)法律律法規(guī)。2.5.33 EEach Partty reepressentss andd warrrantts thhat aall aassetts coontriibuteed byy it to tthe rregisstereed caapitaal off thee Commpanyy shaall bbe frree oof cllaimss, liiens, morrtgagges aand ddebtss. Paarty A (rremarrk: bbeingg thee Chiinesee parrtnerr)
32、 reepressentss andd warrrantts thhat iit haas coompliied wwith all releevantt lawws annd reegulaationns reegardding the evalluatiion aand ttranssfer of SStatee-ownned aassetts. 可選方案案2a:OPTIION 22a:2.5.44 如如果在繳付付上述實(shí)物物出資時(shí),根根據(jù)第2.5.2條條中的驗(yàn)資資報(bào)告所確確定的實(shí)物物出資價(jià)值值已經(jīng)發(fā)生生變化,出出資與本第第2.1條條所確定的的價(jià)值不符符的一方應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)向公司司支付所要要求的余額
33、額請(qǐng)與財(cái)財(cái)務(wù)顧問(wèn)核核對(duì):或者者應(yīng)各自從從公司領(lǐng)取取超出的金金額以確確保達(dá)到第第1.2條條要求的注注冊(cè)資本額額以及第11.2條中中所規(guī)定的的各方的股股權(quán)比例。2.5.44 IIn thhe evvent the valuue off thee conntribbutioons iin kiind aas deetermminedd in the veriificaationn repport accoordinng too Artticlee 2.55.2, has channged by tthe ttime the aforremenntionned ccontrributtionss in
34、 kindd aree madde, tthe PPartyy whoose ccontrributtion doess nott corrresppond to tthe vvaluee dettermiined in tthis Artiicle 2.1 shalll paay thhe reemainning amouunt rrequiired to tthe CCompaany checck wiith aaccouuntinng addvisoor: oor shhall receeive the exceeedinng ammountt resspecttivelly frrom
35、 tthe CCompaany to eensurre thhe reegistteredd cappitall as per Artiicle 1.2 and the Partties equuity ratiio ass sett outt in Artiicle 1.2 are attaainedd. 可選方案案2b:OPTIION 22b:如果任何評(píng)評(píng)估值超過(guò)過(guò)第2.55條中規(guī)定定的每一組組資產(chǎn)的價(jià)價(jià)值,任何何超出的數(shù)數(shù)額均應(yīng)被被視為是公公司的儲(chǔ)備備金。低于于第2.55條中規(guī)定定的每一組組資產(chǎn)價(jià)值值的任何評(píng)評(píng)估值應(yīng)由由各方在收收到出資證證明書后日內(nèi)采采用其現(xiàn)金金出資所用用貨幣以現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金進(jìn)
36、行補(bǔ)補(bǔ)足。If anny asssesssed vvaluee excceedss thee vallue sset fforthh in Artiicle 2.5 for eachh grooup oof asssetss, anny suurpasssingg amoount shalll bee treeatedd as reseerve of tthe CCompaany. Any asseessedd vallue lless thann thee vallue sset fforthh in Artiicle 2.5 for eachh grooup oof assset shal
37、ll bee covveredd by the resppectiive PPartyy in cashh in the currrencyy of its cashh conntribbutioon wiithinn . ddays afteer reeceippt off thee Cappitall Conntribbutioon Ceertifficatte. 2.6 甲方應(yīng)應(yīng)以人民幣幣繳納其現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金出資。2.6 Parrty AAs ccash conttribuutionn shaall bbe maade iin Reenminnbi. 2.7 除第22.3條的的規(guī)定外,乙乙方應(yīng)以
38、美美元或歐元元繳納其現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金出資。2.7 Parrty BBs ccash conttribuutionn shaall bbe maade iin Unnitedd Staates Dolllar oor Euuro eexceppt ass proovideed inn Artticlee 2.33. 2.7.11 用用于確定人人民幣出資資金額的匯匯率應(yīng)為繳繳款當(dāng)日中中國(guó)人民銀銀行公布的的美元或歐歐元的中間間匯率。2.7.11 TThe eexchaange ratee whiich sshalll be usedd forr dettermiiningg thee amoount of t
39、the ccapittal ccontrributtionss in Renmminbii shaall bbe thhe miid pooint pricce off Uniited Stattes DDollaar orr Eurro puublisshed by tthe PPeoplles Bankk of Chinna onn thee datte whhen tthe ccapittal ccontrributtionss aree madde. 2.7.22 盡盡管存在第第2.3條條的規(guī)定,乙乙方也可以以其自己在在中國(guó)境內(nèi)內(nèi)的投資產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生的人民民幣利潤(rùn)繳繳納其注冊(cè)冊(cè)資本現(xiàn)金金出資份
40、額額,如果適適用中國(guó)法法律和法規(guī)規(guī)要求獲得得政府批準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)的,以取取得相關(guān)政政府批準(zhǔn)為為前提。2.7.22 NNotwiithsttandiing AArticcle 22.3 PPartyy B mmay aalso use Renmminbii proofitss froom itts owwn innvesttmentts inn Chiina tto maake iits ccash conttribuutionns too itss shaare oof thhe reegistteredd cappitall, suubjecct too rellevannt goovernnment
41、tal aapproovalss, iff reqquireed byy appplicaable PRC lawss andd reggulattionss. 2.8 雙方應(yīng)應(yīng)根據(jù)第00條到第00條的規(guī)定定,按照各各自的股權(quán)權(quán)比例,同同時(shí)分期繳繳納出資。2.8 Thee Parrtiess shaall ccontrributte thhe reegistteredd cappitall acccordiing tto thheir equiity rratioo by conttribuutingg simmultaaneouusly the insttallmmentss in acco
42、ordannce wwith Artiicle 0 too Artticlee 0. 2.8.11 每一一方應(yīng)在公公司營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)之之日起三(33)個(gè)月內(nèi)內(nèi)繳納百分分之( %)的的出資,即即甲方繳納納.人民幣幣 (RRMB),乙方方繳納. 美元/歐歐元 注注:目前法法律規(guī)定為為在營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)之之日起3個(gè)個(gè)月內(nèi)繳納納15%2.8.11 peercennt ( %) off eacch Paartys coontriibutiion tto thhe reegistteredd cappitall, beeing . Reenminnbi (RMB) byy Parrty AA andd Un
43、iited Stattes DDollaar/Euuro (USD/EUR .) bby Paarty B shhall be ccontrributted wwithiin thhree (3) montths oof thhe daate oof isssuannce oof thhe Coompannys busiinesss liccensee. NNOTE: Staatutoorilyy at the momeent 115% wwithiin 3 montths oof thhe daate oof isssuannce oof thhe buusineess llicennse
44、出資資時(shí)間表CContrributtion Scheedulee可選方案案 1:OPTIION 11:2.8.22 雙雙方應(yīng)根據(jù)據(jù)本合資經(jīng)經(jīng)營(yíng)合同附附件_中中規(guī)定的時(shí)時(shí)間表或者者董事會(huì)所所確定的其其它時(shí)間表表繳納公司司注冊(cè)資本本的其它部部分。董事事會(huì)應(yīng)有權(quán)權(quán)按照雙方方在注冊(cè)資資本中的比比例要求雙雙方繳納一一期或一期期以上的出出資,并及及時(shí)行使其其該要求權(quán)權(quán),使得全全部出資能能夠在公司司營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)照照頒發(fā)之日日起兩(22)年內(nèi)或或董事會(huì)所所確定的任任何其他時(shí)時(shí)間(須受受制于法律律的強(qiáng)制性性要求)內(nèi)內(nèi)繳足?!咀⒆ⅲ悍墒鞘侵溉魏我岩压疾⒖煽晒_(kāi)獲得得的中國(guó)法法律、法規(guī)規(guī)和規(guī)章?!?.8.22 TTh
45、e PPartiies sshalll conntribbute the furtther porttionss of the regiisterred ccapittal oof thhe Coompanny inn acccordaance withh thee schhedulle seet foorth in AAnnexx . to thiss Joiint VVentuure CContrract or aas ottherwwise deteerminned bby thhe booard of ddirecctorss. Thhe booard of ddirecctorss
46、shaall bbe enntitlled tto caall ffor tthe ccontrributtionss in one or mmore insttallmmentss froom booth PPartiies iin prroporrtionn to theiir paarticcipattion in tthe rregisstereed caapitaal annd shhall exerrcisee itss callls sso tiimelyy thaat alll thhe coontriibutiions are to bbe maade wwithiin tw
47、wo yeears of tthe ddate of iissuaance of tthe CCompaanyss bussinesss liicensse orr witthin any otheer peeriodd dettermiined by tthe BBoardd of Direectorrs suubjecct too manndatoory rrequiiremeents of LLaw. Noote: Law shalll meean aany ppubliishedd andd pubbliclly avvailaable PRC lawss, reegulaationn
48、s annd ruules. 可選方案案 2:OPTTION 2:2.8.33 根據(jù)據(jù)第2.55條和第22.10條條,雙方應(yīng)應(yīng)根據(jù)項(xiàng)目目的實(shí)際進(jìn)進(jìn)展繳付雙雙方的其余余出資。董董事會(huì)將在在收到總經(jīng)經(jīng)理的提議議后起草出出資時(shí)間表表。繳付出資的的日期應(yīng)由由董事會(huì)基基于其根據(jù)據(jù)項(xiàng)目建設(shè)設(shè)進(jìn)度準(zhǔn)備備的預(yù)算以以及根據(jù)法法律的強(qiáng)制制性要求所所規(guī)定的任任何最后期期限而決定定。2.8.33 Suubjecct too Artticlee 2.55 andd Artticlee 2.110 thhe Paartiees shhall pay in tthe rrest of ttheirr cappitall c
49、onntribbutioons aaccorrdingg to the actuual pprojeect pprogrress. Thee Boaard oof Diirecttors willl preeparee thee conntribbutioon sccheduule uupon receeipt of aa prooposaal byy thee Gennerall Mannagerr.The ddatess of paymment of ccapittal ccontrributtionss shaall bbe deecideed byy thee Boaard oof D
50、iirecttors baseed onn thee buddgetss preepareed acccordding to tthe pprogrress of tthe pprojeect cconsttructtion and any deaddlinees prrovidded ffor uunderr manndatoory rrequiiremeents of LLaw. 可選方案案3:OOPTIOON 3: 2.8.44 雙雙方應(yīng)根據(jù)據(jù)第2.110條的規(guī)規(guī)定自公司司營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)照照頒發(fā)之日日起繳付以以下比例的的出資:2.8.44 TThe PPartiies sshalll connt
51、ribbute subjject to AArticcle 22.10 the folllowinng peercenntagee of the regiisterred ccapittal sstartting fromm thee datte off isssuancce off thee Commpanyys bbusinness liceense: a. 公司司營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)照照頒發(fā)之日日后的第 . ()個(gè)營(yíng)營(yíng)業(yè)日繳納納注冊(cè)資本本總額的百百分之( %);a. Onn thee . (tth) BBusinness Day folllowinng thhe daate oof thhe isss
52、uannce oof thhe Coompannys busiinesss liccensee: peercennt ( %) off thee tottal RRegisstereed Caapitaal; b. 公司營(yíng)營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)照頒頒發(fā)之日后后的第 . ()個(gè)月月的第 . ()個(gè)營(yíng)營(yíng)業(yè)日繳納納注冊(cè)資本本總額的百百分之( %)。b. On the (th) Busiinesss Dayy of the (rd) montth foollowwing the datee of the issuuancee of the Comppanys buusineess llicennse: perccen
53、t ( %) of tthe ttotall Reggisteered Capiital. 董事會(huì)可以以,通過(guò)董董事的多多數(shù)票/三三分之二票票/一致同同意/表決,推推遲出資時(shí)時(shí)間表;但但是,所有有出資必須須自營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)之之日起. ()個(gè)月月內(nèi)繳足。如果工廠廠建設(shè)的實(shí)實(shí)際進(jìn)度加加快,董事事會(huì)可以,通通過(guò)董事的的多數(shù)票票/三分之之二票/一一致同意/表決決,根據(jù)公公司的財(cái)務(wù)務(wù)需要加快快出資時(shí)間間表。在任任何此種情情況下,董董事會(huì)應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)確定修改改后的出資資時(shí)間表的的確切出資資額和日期期。The BBoardd of Direectorrs maay, bby mmajorrity/two thir
54、rd/unnanimmous/ vvote of tthe DDirecctorss of the Boarrd, ppostppone the conttribuutionn schhedulle prrovidded tthat all conttribuutionns shhall be ppaid in wwithiin () montths ffrom the datee of issuuancee of the busiinesss liccensee. Inn thee eveent tthat the actuual pprogrress of tthe cconsttruct
55、tion of tthe PPlantts iss acccelerratedd thee Boaard oof Diirecttors may, by majjoritty/twwo thhird/unannimouus/ votte oof thhe Diirecttors of tthe BBoardd, accceleeratee thee conntribbutioon sccheduule bbasedd on the finaanciaal neeeds of tthe CCompaany. In aany ssuch evennt thhe Booard of DDirecct
56、orss shaall ddeterrminee thee exaact aamounnts aand ddatess of the reviised capiital conttribuutionn schhedulle. 2.9 每一方方均應(yīng)支付付因其出資資而產(chǎn)生的的其各自的的稅費(fèi)和其其它收費(fèi),包包括但不限限于印花稅稅等。2.9 Eacch Paarty shalll paay itts reespecctivee taxxes aand cchargges iincurrred due to iits ccapittal ccontrributtion, inccludiing bbut
57、 nnot llimitted tto, sstampp dutties etc. 2.10 只有有當(dāng)下述各各項(xiàng)前提條條件已經(jīng)實(shí)實(shí)現(xiàn)或者雙雙方通過(guò)書書面形式進(jìn)進(jìn)行豁免,各各方才有義義務(wù)對(duì)公司司的注冊(cè)資資本進(jìn)行出出資:2.10 Noo Parrty sshalll havve anny obbligaationn to makee anyy conntribbutioon too thee Commpanyys rregisstereed caapitaal unntil eachh of the folllowinng coondittionss preecedeent hhas bbeen
58、fulfillled oor waaivedd by the Partties in wwritiing: a. 主管管機(jī)關(guān)已經(jīng)經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)了項(xiàng)項(xiàng)目報(bào)告、本合資經(jīng)經(jīng)營(yíng)合同和和公司章程程,且沒(méi)有有變更其條條款或條件件或施加額額外條款或或條件(除除非經(jīng)雙方方書面同意意);a. Thhe coompettent authhoritty haas appprovved tthe PProjeect RReporrt, tthis Joinnt Veenturre Coontraact aand tthe AArticcles of AAssocciatiion oof thhe Coompanny wiit
59、houut vaaryinng thheir termms orr connditiions or iimpossing any addiitionnal ttermss or condditioons uunlesss coonsennted by tthe PPartiies iin wrritinng; b. 主管的的國(guó)家工商商行政管理理局已經(jīng)頒頒發(fā)了反映映本合資經(jīng)經(jīng)營(yíng)合同下下經(jīng)營(yíng)范圍圍的約定內(nèi)內(nèi)容的公司司營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)照照(但是不不必使用相相同的措詞詞)。b. Thee commpeteent SStatee Admminisstrattion of IIndusstry and Commme
60、rcee hass isssued the Comppanys buusineess llicennse refllectiing tthe aagreeed coontennt, bbut nnot nnecesssariily tthe ssame wordding, of the busiinesss scoope uunderr thiis Jooint Ventture Conttractt; 可選方案案:根據(jù)特特定情況(包包括_等)所所增加的其其它前提條條件OPTIIONS: othher ccondiitionns prreceddent to bbe addded accoor
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