1、-情情態(tài)動(dòng)詞、虛擬語(yǔ)氣氣專(zhuān)練600題從A、B、C、D四四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中中,選出可可以填入空空白處的最最佳選項(xiàng)。1. Donnt fforgeet too briing mmy neew boooks tomoorroww aftternooon. No, I. A. donnt B. ccantt C. wonnt D. ccoulddnt 2. I hhear youve ggot aa sett of Austtraliian ccoinss.I haave aa loook? Yess, ceertaiinly. A. Do B. May C.SShalll D. Shoould3. Hee
2、selldom listtens to ootherrs. HHeannswerr forr whaat hee hass donne. A. shaall B. wwill C. can D. woulld4. Mayy I lleavee thee offfice befoore 55 occlockk in the afteernooon? No, Imm afrraid you. A. neeedntt B. shouuldnt C. musstntt D. wonnt5. Shaall II telll Joohn aaboutt it? No, youu. I dont knnow
3、 hhis ttelepphonee nummber. A. neeedntt B. wwoulddnt CC. muustnt D. sshoulldntt6. Mrr Bussh iss on timee forr eveerythhing. Howwiit bee thaat hee wass latte foor thhe oppeninng ceeremoony? A. cann B. shoould C. may D. mustt7. Thhe trraffiic liight is red, so Isstop my car. AA. muust B. hhave to C. c
4、can D. mmustnnt 8. Whaat haappenned tto thhe yooung treees wwe pllanteed? Thee treeeswelll, buut I didnnt wwaterr theem. A. migght growwB. nneednnt hhave growwn C. wouuld ggrowD. wwouldd havve grrown9. I was reallly aanxioous aaboutt youu. Yoouhomee witthoutt a wordd. A. musstntt leeaveB. sshoulldnt
5、t havve leeft C. couuldnt haave lleftD. nneednnt lleavee10. CChilddreniin puublicc verry offten. A. sshoulld bee praaisedd B. shoouldnnt hhave praiised C. sshoulldntt havve beeen ppraissed D. sshoulldntt bee praaisedd11. LLetss cleean tthe cclasssroomm, ? A. wwontt yoouB. sshalll we C. ddo weeD. wwi
6、ll nott yoou12. TTomshoow hiis exxam rresullts tto hiis paarentts. A. ddare notB. ddaredd C. ddare toD. ddaress nott to13. II donnt tthinkk he aa neww bikke. A. nneed to bbuyB. neeeds buyy C. nneedD. nneed buyy14. Naacy the lettter ffrom her mothher. Noo, shhe caant havee. Thhe poostmaan haasntt com
7、me yeet. A. ccan rreceiiveB. ccan hhave receeivedd C. mmust havee recceiveedD. mmust receeive15. SShethhe fiilm. She knowws noothinng abbout it. A. ccantt seeeB. ccantt havve seeen C. mmust seeD. mmustnnt hhave seenn16. TThey mustt havve beeen hhere the day befoore yyesteerdayy,? A. mmustnnt ttheyB.
8、 ddidnt thhey C. mmustnnt hhave theeyD. hhad tthey17. I didnnt ssee hher yyesteerdayy. OOh, bbut yyou . A. mmust haveeB. ooughtt to C. sshoulld haaveD. ccannoot haave18. Muust II takke a bus ? Noo, yoou. YYou ccan wwalk fromm herre. A. mmust notB. ddontt C. ddontt havve tooD. hhad bbetteer noot too1
9、9. Whhy doo youu makke mee do so? I am ssorryy thaat yooudo suchh a tthingg. A. wwouldd B. can C. sshoulld D. mayy20. Wiill yyou sstay for luncch? Soorry, . My bbrothher iis coomingg to see me. A. II musstnttB. II cannt C. II neeednttD. ?wont21. WWhat woulld haave hhappeened, as far as tthe rriverr
10、bannk? A. iif Boob haas waalkedd farrtherr B. iif Boob shhouldd wallk faartheer C. hhad BBob wwalkeed faartheer D. iif Boob waalkedd farrtherr22. YYou ddidnt leet mee driive. If weinn turrn, yyou soo tirred. A. ddrovee; diidntt gett BB. drrove; woouldnnt gget C. wwere drivving; wouuldnt geet D. hhad
11、 ddriveen; wwoulddnt havee gott23. WWithoout eelecttriciity hhumann liffequitte diifferrent todaay. A. iisB. wwill be C. wwouldd havve beeenD. wwouldd be24. OOh, JJannee, yoouvee brooken anotther glasss. YYou ooughtt wheen yoou waashedd it. A. bbe caarefuulB. tto caare C. hhave careedD. tto haave bb
12、een careeful25. IIofften go ffishiing wwhen I liived in tthe ccounttrysiide. A. sshoulld B. wouuld CC. coould D. mmightt26. HHerratheer sttay aat hoome tthan go tto thhe ciinemaa witth yoou. A. sshoulld B. migght CC. woould D. hhad bbetteer27. IIts highh timme wee to tthe ttheatter. A. wwill B. ssha
13、lll C. are goinng too D. wentt28. Coould I use yourr tellephoone? Yees, oof cooursee youu . A. ccouldd B. willl C. ccan DD. miight29. IIts straange thatt theeynoothinng abbout thiss mattter. A. kknow BB. woould knoww C. kknowss D. kknew30. II wissh yoouggo wiith mme toomorrrow. A. wwill B. wwouldd C
14、. shalll D. cann31. Doo youu stiill rrememmber the day whenn we wentt to the Greaat Waall? I cant reemembber iit weell, butsommetimme laast aautummn? A. mmightt itt beB. ccouldd it havee beeen C. ccouldd it beD. mmust it hhave beenn32. I cant geet thhrouggh too thee gennerall mannagerrs oofficce ann
15、yhoww. Thhe liine iis buusy. Someeonethe teleephonne. A. mmust useB. uuses C. mmust havee beeen ussingD. mmust be uusingg 33. HHe suuggessts wwetto thhe ciinemaa at oncee, ottherwwise we wwill be llate. A .mmust go BB. goo C. willl go D. wwouldd go34. WWhen a peencill is parttly iin a glasss off wat
16、ter, it llookss as if . A. bbreakksB. hhas bbrokeen C. wwere brokkenD. hhad bbeen brokken35. TThe ggenerral oorderred tthat the thieef. A. bbe puunishhedB. wwouldd punnish C. wwouldd be puniisheddD. sshoulld puunishh 36. IIf onnly IIhoww to operrate a coomputter aas yoou doo! A. hhad kknownnB. wwou歟
17、?knoww C. sshoulld knnowD. kknew37. IIt iss surrprissing thaat heeat tthe mmeetiing. A. wwas BB. bee C. is DD. weere38. IIf yoouwaiit a momeent, Illl go and findd ourr mannagerr. A. ccan BB. shhouldd C. willl D. mustt39. Doo youu thiink hhe wiill ddo mee a ffavorr? Ass farr as I knnow, he iis thhe l
18、aast oone tto heelp ootherrs. HHebe prepparedd to givee youu a hhand,thouugh. A. mmightt B. mustt C. can D. sshoulld40. EEven thouugh IId hhurt my lleg, I swimm bacck too thee rivver bbank. A. ccouldd B. mighht C. hadd to DD. waas abble tto41. YYougo to tthe ppartyy if you dont fiinishh youur hoomew
19、oork ffirstt. A. wwontt B. dont C. ougghtnt D. shaant42. Itt is rathher ccold heree. Shhall we llightt a ffire? Noo, weebeecausse thhingss aree eassy too cattch ffire. A. wwontt B. cant C. musstntt D. needdnt43. IIPrrofesssor Jonees haad taaughtt me thiss queestioon. A. bbelieeveB. ddeeplly thhink C
20、. wwishD. ssuppoose44. TThe cchairrman requuesteed thhat . A. tthe mmembeers sstudiied tthe pprobllem mmore careefullly B. tthe pprobllems weree morre caarefuully studdied C. tthe pprobllems coulld bee stuudiedd witth moore ccare D. tthe mmembeers sstudyy thhe prrobleem moore ccareffullyy45. IIitt a
21、gaain. A. wwouldd liike yyou tto reead B. wwouldd likke thhat yyou rread C. wwouldd liike yyou rreadiing D. wwouldd likke yoou reead46. IIf yoou reeallyy wannt yoourseelf tto bee in goodd heaalth, youu musstalwaaysso muchh. A. nnot; be ssmokiingB. nnot; havee smooked C. nnot; to ssmokeeD. bbe noot;
22、ssmokiing47. IIf Iyoou, IImoree atttentiion tto Ennglissh iddiomss andd phrrasess. A. wwas; shalll paayB. aam; wwill pay C. wwouldd be; wouuld ppayD. wwere; wouuld ppay48. “Woulld yoou haave ttold him the answwer hhad iit beeen ppossiible?” “I wwouldd havve, bbut II so busyy theen.” A. hhad bbeen B.
23、 wwere C. wwas DD. woould be49. HHe haad ann exppresssion of rresenntmennt(不高高興), as iif Maartinnaa foool off himm. A. hhad mmadeB. mmakess C. mmadeD. wwouldd makke 50. tthe ffog, we sshoulld haave rreachhed oour sschoool. A. BBecauuse oofB. IIn sppite of C. IIn ccase ofD. BBut ffor51. TTheree wass
24、a hhalf smille onn hiss facce whhich sugggestted tthat hehaappy to hhave giveen hiis liife fforhhis ccounttry. A. wwas B. shoould be C. wouuld bbe D. weree52. WWe alll aggreedd to her sugggestiion tthat weto tthe GGreatt Walll foor siightsseeinng(觀光光 ). A. wwill goB. ggo C. sshalll goD. sshoulld haa
25、ve ggone53. YYou mmust be aa sttudennt, yyou? A. wwasnt B. aree C. musttnt D. aarent54. TThe yyoungg mann inssisteed thhat hhenoothinng wrrong andfrree. A. ddid; setB. hhad ddone; shoould be sset C. ddo; bbe seetD. hhad ddone; musst bee sett55. WWithoout yyour helpp, I the examm lasst teerm. A. ffai
26、leed innB. wwouldd havve faailedd C. wwoulddnt passsD. wwouldd faiil56. he comee, thhe prrobleem woould be ssettlled. A. WWouldd B. Shoould C. Shalll DD. Iff57. VVery loudd noiisemmake peopple iill oor drrive themm maad. A. sshoulld BB. caan CC. neeed D. mmust58. II losst yoour aaddreess, otheerwiss
27、e Iyyou llong befoore. A. hhad vvisittedB. hhave visiited C. wwouldd havve viisiteedD. sshoulld viisit59. Whhere ? I got stucck inn thee heaavy ttrafffic, or IIherre eaarlieer. A. ddid you go; hadd arrrivedd B. aare yyou; wouuld ccome C. wwere you; woould comee D. hhave you beenn; woould havee beeen
28、60. IIyou a beeautiiful pressent for yourr birrthdaay,buut I was shorrt off monney aat thhat ttime. A. wwouldd buuy B. hadd bouught C. wwouldd likke too havve booughtt D. muust havee bougght情態(tài)動(dòng)詞、虛擬語(yǔ)氣氣專(zhuān)練600題參考答答案與簡(jiǎn)析析1.C。wwill在在此表示“應(yīng)諾”。2.B。MMay II.?中的maay用以表表示“允許許、許可”。3.A。sshalll 用于第第二、三人人稱(chēng)的肯定定句或否定定句,
29、表示示說(shuō)話(huà)人的的意愿,有有“命令、警告、威威脅、強(qiáng)制制、允諾、決心”之之意。4.C。mmay表示示“允許”?;卮餸may引起起的問(wèn)句,肯肯定式一般般用 Yees, oof cooursee.Yees, ccertaainlyy.Suure.Yes, youu mayy.否定式式用No, youu musstntt. 5.A。nneednnt表示示“不必要要”;muustnt表示“禁止”;woulldntt表示“拒拒絕”。6.A。ccan表示示“可能性性”,通常常用于否定定句或疑問(wèn)問(wèn)句中,且且有時(shí)還帶帶有“驚奇奇、不相信信”等感情情色彩。7.B。mmust表表示說(shuō)話(huà)人人的主觀愿愿望,而hhave
30、 to多表表示客觀需需要。8.D。wwouldd havve doone表示示對(duì)過(guò)去已已發(fā)生的事事情的推測(cè)測(cè),表示“可能”。9.B。sshoulldntt havve doone表示示“過(guò)去本本來(lái)不應(yīng)該該做某事而而事實(shí)上已已經(jīng)做了”。10.D。shouuldsshoulld nootdoo,表示“(現(xiàn)在)應(yīng)應(yīng)該不應(yīng)應(yīng)該”。11.B。Lets doo sthh.表示“建議做某某事”,含含聽(tīng)話(huà)一方方在內(nèi),故故用 shhall we。如如果用Leet uss do sth.結(jié)構(gòu),則則用willl yoou?表示示請(qǐng)求對(duì)方方允許。12.A。情態(tài)動(dòng)詞詞daree的過(guò)去式式為darred,常常用于否定定句
31、、疑問(wèn)問(wèn)句及條件件句中,沒(méi)沒(méi)有人稱(chēng)和和數(shù)的變化化,否定式式是在daare后接接not,再再接動(dòng)詞原原形。daare作為為實(shí)義動(dòng)詞詞時(shí),有人人稱(chēng)和數(shù)的的變化,構(gòu)構(gòu)成否定句句時(shí),前要要加助動(dòng)詞詞,后接帶帶to或不不帶to的的動(dòng)詞不定定式。133.D。nneed作作為情態(tài)動(dòng)動(dòng)詞,一般般用于否定定句、疑問(wèn)問(wèn)句及條件件句中,后后接動(dòng)詞原原形。表示示“現(xiàn)在不不必干某事事”,用nneed not do ssth.;表示“過(guò)過(guò)去不必干干某事”,用用needd nott havve doone。nneed作作為實(shí)義動(dòng)動(dòng)詞,與其其它動(dòng)詞用用法相同,用用于否定句句或疑問(wèn)句句要加助動(dòng)動(dòng)詞。14.C。“musst ha
32、ave ddone”結(jié)構(gòu),表表示對(duì)過(guò)去去發(fā)生情況況的肯定推推測(cè)。15.B。cant haave ddone,表表示對(duì)過(guò)去去發(fā)生情況況的否定推推測(cè),意為為“不可能能已經(jīng)”。16.B。mustt havve doone表示示對(duì)過(guò)去發(fā)發(fā)生情況的的肯定推測(cè)測(cè),句中帶帶有明確的的過(guò)去時(shí)間間狀語(yǔ),故故附加疑問(wèn)問(wèn)句用“ddidnt thhey”。17.CC。shoouldoughht too havve doone表示示“本來(lái)應(yīng)應(yīng)該做的事事而事實(shí)上上并未做”。根據(jù)上上下文,句句中省去了了seenn herr。18.C。回答muust引起起的問(wèn)句,否否定回答用用needdnt或或dont haave tto.
33、19.C。Im sorrrysuurpriiseddisaappoiintedd之后的從從句中,有有時(shí)采用虛虛擬語(yǔ)氣sshoulld doo來(lái)表示“難過(guò)、驚驚奇”等情情緒。20.B。“Willl yoou.?”在此此表示邀請(qǐng)請(qǐng)或請(qǐng)求,回回答時(shí)如果果用 I wont 顯得得極不禮貌貌,也不符符合下文; My brotther is. mee.表示“我不能來(lái)來(lái)的原因”。21.C。此題表示示與過(guò)去事事實(shí)相反的的假設(shè),主主句用woould havee donne,從句句用hadd donne,此處處用了倒裝裝的省略形形式,即省省去if, hadd提到句首首。22.D。參見(jiàn)上題題。23.D。此題表示示與
34、現(xiàn)在事事實(shí)相反的的假設(shè),主主句用shhouldd/wouuld/mmightt/couuld+ddo.24。D。參見(jiàn)注117。25。B。woulld在此表表示過(guò)去的的習(xí)慣、習(xí)習(xí)性、傾向向等,意為為常.,通常常與oftten,ssomettimess,forr houurs等表表示時(shí)間的的短語(yǔ)連用用。26.C。woulld raatherr do sth. thaan doo sthh.為固定定搭配,“寧愿做而不愿愿做”。27.D。Itss(higghabbout) timme thhat從句句的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)動(dòng)詞多用過(guò)過(guò)去式,有有時(shí)也可用用shouuld ddo。28.C。Coulld I.?問(wèn)問(wèn)句表
35、示委委婉的請(qǐng)求求,若允許許對(duì)方,應(yīng)應(yīng)用cann來(lái)作答,而而不用coould。29.A。在Its immporttantsurpprisiingddesirrableestrrangeeneccessaarynno woonderra ppitya shhamethatt 從句中中,從句謂謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用用(shoould ) doo。30.B。wishh后接從句句,如果從從句指將來(lái)來(lái)的愿望,謂謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用用woulldcooulddo;如如果表示過(guò)過(guò)去未能實(shí)實(shí)現(xiàn)的愿望望,從句謂謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用用had donee;如果表表示現(xiàn)在未未能實(shí)現(xiàn)的的愿望,從從句的謂語(yǔ)語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用過(guò)過(guò)去式,bbe動(dòng)詞用用weree。31
36、.B。coulld haave ddone表表示對(duì)過(guò)去去發(fā)生情況況的可能性性推測(cè)。32.D。mustt be usinng表示此此刻“一定定正在使用用”。33.B。在sugggestt, deemandd, reequesst,reequirre(要求求),orrder(命令),insiist(堅(jiān)堅(jiān)持),aadvisse(勸告告)等動(dòng)詞詞之后的賓賓語(yǔ)從句中中,謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)動(dòng)詞要用(shouuld) do,同同時(shí)還應(yīng)注注意語(yǔ)態(tài)。34.C。as iif引導(dǎo)的的從句,如如果所說(shuō)內(nèi)內(nèi)容與事實(shí)實(shí)不相符時(shí)時(shí),常用虛虛擬語(yǔ)氣。此題是一一種自然現(xiàn)現(xiàn)象,故應(yīng)應(yīng)用一般過(guò)過(guò)去時(shí)。注注意比較IIt seeemslookks ass if it iis gooing to rrain.(看起來(lái)來(lái)天將要下下雨。)35.A。參見(jiàn)注333。36.D。在if onlyy引導(dǎo)的感感嘆句中,謂謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞的的形式與wwish后后賓語(yǔ)從句句中謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)動(dòng)詞的形式式一樣。37.B。參見(jiàn)注229。38.C。willl在此為情情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,表表示“意愿愿”。39.A。根據(jù)上下下文可知句句意為“他他不愿意幫幫助別人,但但也許他會(huì)會(huì)幫你的忙忙”。用“mighht”,表表示“可能能性”比較較小。40.D。can表表示能力時(shí)時(shí)可用bee ablle too代替
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