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1、Today. Lets see something happened you may think for granted in history. 歷史想當然”12Rumor:It is Columbus found that the earth is round。 The firstThe sphericity of the earth(地圓說)The ancient myth is believed by millions of people. We are told that Columbuss contemporaries believed that his voyage was doo

2、med to failure, because they believed he would fall from the edge of the earth. In fact ,though it was in 1490s, many people have already known the earth is round, and two thousand years ago, the Greek philosopher ,Pythagoras first proposed this theory, when Spain did not exist. Whats more, Columbus

3、 did not reach the original-envisaged destination, but he took the opportunity to discover the Americas. Its not a bad result for the failure navigation. Sphericity of the earth have been widely recognized at that time, and all methods of the navigations were based on the fact that the earth is roun

4、d.這是個被千百萬人深信的古老神話了。我們是這樣被告訴的,哥倫布的同時代人都相信他的航行注定失敗,因為他們認定他會從地球的邊緣掉下去。實際上雖然那是在15世紀90年代,但人們已經(jīng)知道地球是圓的了,自從2000年前希臘哲學(xué)家畢達哥拉斯第一次提出這個學(xué)說,那時候西班牙還不存在。哥倫布沒有到達最初設(shè)想的目的地,但是他順道發(fā)現(xiàn)了美洲。對一次失敗的航行來說實在不算個壞結(jié)果。當時地圓說已經(jīng)被廣泛認可,所有的導(dǎo)航方法都是基于地球是圓的這個事實。傳言:哥倫布發(fā)現(xiàn)地球是圓的。34The secondNewtons Apple Rumor: Newton was sitting under the apple t

5、ree when the apple hit his head, then he came up with the law of gravity.A great discovery as random event was born In the blink of eyes, We would think if not a right person in the right time and a right place, he has lost an important research results incredibly. Based on this idea, we believe tha

6、t an apple hit Newton head so that he discovered the law of gravity. But in fact, the first time with the rumor came up, Newton had gone 60 years, In 1666, he left the University of Cambridge again and returned to the mother house located in Lincolnshire. When he was walking while thinking deeply in

7、 garden, he suddenly thought of gravity (its role making an apple from the tree fell to the ground) will not be confined to a limited distance around the Earth, but will extend to the wider than usual place. (John, Newtons assistant when he worked at the Royal Mint and husband of Newtons niece, read

8、 in biography about the memories of Newton.)傳言:牛頓坐在蘋果樹下時被掉下的蘋果砸到了腦袋,于是想出了萬有引力定律。 在眨眼之間因為一起偶然的事件誕生了一個偉大發(fā)現(xiàn),這種事自然令人感慨萬千。我們感慨,如果不是一個正確的人出現(xiàn)在一個正確的時間和一個正確的地點,人類將會喪失一項令人難以置信的具有重要意義的研究成果?;谶@樣的想法,大家深信因為一個蘋果砸中了他的腦袋讓牛頓發(fā)現(xiàn)了萬有引力定律。但是事實上,第一次把一個蘋果和牛頓扯到一起還是在他死了60年以后的事情:“1666年,他再次離開了劍橋大學(xué),回到了住在林肯郡的母親身邊。當他在一座花園中沉思散步時,他突

9、然想到重力(它的作用讓一顆蘋果從樹上掉到地上)不會僅局限于地球周圍的有限距離里,而會延伸到比平常認為的更遠的地方?!保s翰康杜特,牛頓在皇家造幣廠時的助理及牛頓外甥女的丈夫,在回憶牛頓的傳記中這樣寫道。) 56Fun Fact: Although he was known for his science achievements, the Bible is the belief of Newton. His time spending on Scripture study was much more than science. He added: I have a basic faith, t

10、he Bible as Gods revelation, written by those who believe. I study day and night, He spent a lot of time trying to crack secret hidden in the Bible 有趣的事實:雖然他以熱愛科學(xué)聞名于世,但圣經(jīng)才是艾薩克牛頓爵士的信仰。他致力于經(jīng)文研究的時間比科學(xué)多得多。他還說:“我有一個基本的信念,圣經(jīng)作為上帝的啟示,是那些信奉者所寫。我日夜研究圣經(jīng)?!彼舜罅康臅r間試圖去破解隱藏在圣經(jīng)中的秘密啟示。7The thirdAlbert Einstein Rumor

11、s: Einstein failed mathematics in school. 傳言:愛因斯坦在學(xué)校數(shù)學(xué)不及格。 Strangely, this thing has been misunderstood for a long time but still a lot of people believe. Rumor origin was from the 1935 comic magazine, Believe it or not, an article entitled the greatest living mathematicians failed mathematics. On t

12、hinking that Einstein failed mathematics but still could be a genius, making the children who were bad at mathematics see their hopes. Unfortunately, the fact is that Einstein was very young to show their talent, including in the areas of mathematics. When he saw the magazine article, laughed and sa

13、id: I have never failed math. before 5 years old I have mastered infinitesimal calculus. 很奇怪,這事被誤解很久了但還是很多人相信。傳言大概源自1935年黎普列的漫畫雜志信不信由你的一篇文章,標題是在世的最偉大的數(shù)學(xué)家數(shù)學(xué)不及格。一想到愛因斯坦數(shù)學(xué)不及格卻仍舊能成為天才,總是被數(shù)學(xué)弄得焦頭爛額的童鞋們看到了自己的希望。不幸的消息是,愛因斯坦在很小的年紀就展現(xiàn)了自己的天分,包括在數(shù)學(xué)的領(lǐng)域。當他看到雜志上的這篇文章時,愛因斯坦笑著說:“我數(shù)學(xué)從來沒有不及格過。5歲之前我就精通微積分了?!?89There is

14、 another saying: Thinking Einstein was a poor student, because of a misreading of Einsteins reports. When Einstein was in school, students score from one to six,one is the highest Results. That year Einstein graduated reversed the scoring, one became the worst results. 還有個說法。關(guān)于愛因斯坦是個差學(xué)生,是因為一個美國學(xué)者誤讀了

15、愛因斯坦的成績冊。當愛因斯坦上學(xué)的時候,學(xué)生們的評分從1到6,1分是最高的成績。愛因斯坦畢業(yè)那年這個評分標準倒過來了,1成了最差的成績。10ThenTyphoid Mary (傷寒瑪麗)Rumors: Typhoid Mary, the most dangerous woman in American history, making hundreds (if not thousands) of people infected with typhoid fever and died. 傳言:傷寒瑪麗,美國歷史上最危險的女人,讓數(shù)百(如果不是上千)人感染上傷寒而死亡。Typhoid Marys s

16、tory is very famous. She was carrying the incidence of typhoid bacteria, but shes not dead, which of course is true, Consequence was causing the death of people, is also the truth. But she caused a massacre is not true. In fact, Mary (she was a cook) resulted in 30 to 53 people were infected with ty

17、phoid fever, but only 3 of them died. When one began to find Mary, she was isolated. After a very short time she was thought to be unfair because other similar situations will not be isolated. So Mary was allowed to leave on condition that she was not to be cook out. She accepted the condition but c

18、an not find a better job than the income of the cook, and she chose a pseudonym while in the hospital to become a cook. Then she infected 25 people and caused one death. So she was arrested and quarantined 18 years until she died.傷寒瑪麗的故事很知名。她(瑪麗馬龍)攜帶了傷寒病菌但自己沒有發(fā)病,這當然是真的。后果是,她造成了人們的死亡,這也是真的。她造成了一場大屠殺可

19、不是真的。事實上,瑪麗(她是個廚娘)致使30至53人(來源不同統(tǒng)計數(shù)字也不同)感染了傷寒,但是只有其中的3人死亡。當一開始發(fā)現(xiàn)瑪麗讓這些人染病之后,她被隔離了。過了很短的時間有人覺得隔離她是不公平的,因為其他類似的情況下并不會被隔離?,旣惐辉试S離開但條件是她不要再做廚娘了。她接受了條件但是找不到一個比廚娘收入更好的工作了,她于是換了個假名而在醫(yī)院里當上了廚娘。她感染了25人并造成1人死亡。因此她被捕并被隔離檢疫直到18年之后死去。1112(不太)有趣的事實:傷寒是借助沙門氏菌病原體傳播,正常加熱烹調(diào)食物病菌就會被殺死。但是瑪麗的一道特別的菜肴(經(jīng)常被食客點單的)是桃子冰淇淋。 Not very

20、 interesting fact: This virus (caused fever) will be killed by normal-heating food ,but Mary was better at making peach ice-cream(and very popular). 13The last oneVegetarian evil (素食惡魔)Rumor: Hitler was a vegetarian and did not drink. 傳言:希特勒是個素食主義者而且不喝酒。 This is a very popular and wrong marketable rumor, probably because it has a very dramatic effect: a guy, who c


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