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1、論文格式示例CONTENTS(Times New Roman,三號字,加粗,居中 )上下各空一行Abstract (一級標(biāo)題 Times New Roman, 小三號字, 加粗,下同 )1Introduction.2Chapter 1 The Emotional Connotation in English Teaching4( 1前后各空一個英文字符)若標(biāo)題太長,回行時空4個英文字符1.1 DefinitionofEmotion ( 二級標(biāo)題TimesNewRoman,四號字)41.2 Introduction to Emotional Teaching.51.3 Relevant Theo

2、ries of Emotional Teaching6Chapter 2 The Significance of Emotional Education in EnglishTeaching.82.1 Theoretical Significance.82.2 Practical Significance .9Chapter 3 The Application of Emotional Education in MiddleSchool EnglishTeaching103.1 Characteristics.103.2 Present Teaching Situation.11Conclus

3、ion.21Notes.23Bibliography.24Acknowledgements.25(1. 目錄中一般只到二級標(biāo)題且為名詞詞組;2. 所有實(shí)詞首字母大寫;3. 目錄頁不參與標(biāo)頁。)The Application of Emotional Educationin Middle School English Teaching(標(biāo)題 Arial 二號字,加粗,居中;標(biāo)題與作者姓名之間空一行)Qiu Moumou(作者 TimesNewRoman 四號字 , 居中)( College of Foreign Languages, Hunan City University, Yiyang,

4、Hunan 413000)(作者單位 TimesNewRoman 五號字 , 居中; 作者單位與摘要之間空一行,1.5倍行距,段后間距一行 )(首行空 4個英文字符 )Abstract( Times New Roman 四號字,加粗) :(用冒號隔開,摘要內(nèi)容用小四號字, 1.5倍行距 )Quality education is a hot topic in todays society and even in the whole world, while emotional education is also a level of quality education. Healthy per

5、sonality is the elementary quality for modernizing talents, and is also the hot issue for quality- oriented education, which canbet ignored. Theimplementation of emotional education i s beneficial to cultivate students innovative quality. It is a trend of tendency imperative to increase the value of

6、 emotional education in English teaching, cultivate the students creative quality and make full implementation of emotional education in English. The article discusses the questionabout the emotional connotation in English teaching from three aspects, thus proving that emotional education plays an i

7、mportant role in middle school English teaching. The thesis is focused on the emotional education that probes into the function of applying positive emotional factors and mobilizing students non-intelligence factors, while putting forward some specific ways to utilize emotional factors. Therefore, q

8、uestions about how teachers make a self-introspect to improve the teaching attitude and methods, and how to create a positive language learning environment to help students learn in a relaxing atmosphere so as to stimulate students interestand the enthusiasm and enhance the teaching efficiency are v

9、ery severe issues for English teachers.(首行空 4 個英文字符 ) Key words( TimesNewRoman 四號字, 加粗,首字母大寫 ):(用冒號隔開, 關(guān)鍵詞內(nèi)容用小四號字,1.5 倍行距, 除專有名詞外, 首字母一律小寫)(兩個關(guān)鍵詞之間用分號隔開)emotional education; emotional factor; quality-oriented1education; middle school English teaching(英文關(guān)鍵詞與中文摘要之間空一行)(首行空 2個漢字字符)摘 要(五號字,黑體,加粗):(用冒號隔開

10、,摘要內(nèi)容用五號宋體字 ,1.5倍行距)素質(zhì)教育是當(dāng)今社會乃至全世界都關(guān)注的熱點(diǎn)話題,而情感教育也是素質(zhì)教育的一個層面。健全人格是現(xiàn)代化人才必備的基本素質(zhì),也是素質(zhì)教育不容忽視的熱點(diǎn)問題。 情感教育的實(shí)施有利于學(xué)生創(chuàng)新素質(zhì)的培養(yǎng),提高情感教育在英語教學(xué)中的價值、培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的創(chuàng)新素質(zhì)、全面實(shí)施英語情感教育是當(dāng)前勢在必行的趨勢。本文從三個方面對情感教學(xué)在中學(xué)英語課堂中的應(yīng)用進(jìn)行了論述,由此證明了情感教育在中學(xué)英語教學(xué)中的重要作用。 以情感教育為切入點(diǎn), 探究中學(xué)英語教學(xué)中應(yīng)用積極情感因素和調(diào)動學(xué)生非智力因素的作用, 同時提出在中學(xué)英語教學(xué)中利用情感因素的具體途徑。因此,如何反省教師自身改善教學(xué)態(tài)度和

11、方法,如何營造積極的語言學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境使學(xué)生在輕松、愉悅的氣氛中學(xué)習(xí),從而激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣和熱情并提高學(xué)習(xí)效果,是當(dāng)今英語教師必須深思的問題。( 首行空 2個漢字字符 )關(guān)鍵詞 (五號字,黑體,加粗) :(用冒號隔開,關(guān)鍵詞內(nèi)容用五號宋體字) (兩個關(guān)鍵詞之間用分號隔開) 情感教育;情感因素;素質(zhì)教育;中學(xué)英語教學(xué)注意:1標(biāo)題: 標(biāo)題應(yīng)該簡短、明確、有概括性。標(biāo)題字?jǐn)?shù)要適當(dāng),不宜超過20 個字。如果有些細(xì)節(jié)必須放進(jìn)標(biāo)題,可以分成主標(biāo)題和副標(biāo)題。所有標(biāo)題都應(yīng)為名詞性詞組。2摘要: 扼要敘述本設(shè)計的主要內(nèi)容、特點(diǎn),文字要精練。中文摘要約300 漢字;英文摘要與中文摘要在內(nèi)容和形式上要對等,在英文語法、

12、用詞上應(yīng)正確無誤。3關(guān)鍵詞: 從標(biāo)題或正文中挑選3 5 個最能表達(dá)主要內(nèi)容的詞作為關(guān)鍵詞,同時中、英文要對應(yīng),分別附于中、英文摘要之后。2(空一行)Introduction 上下各空一行(三號字)( Introduction及 Chapter 1 等標(biāo)題:標(biāo)題本身用Times New Roman 三號字 ,加粗,居中。 )(內(nèi)容另起一行,空四個英文字符,正文用Times New Roman 四號字, 1.5倍行距 )Emotional education, as a component of integrated education, is animportant part in improv

13、ing studentscomprehensive quality so as to better implement quality education. The application of emotional education in teaching English can coordinate with students, stimulate students interest in studies, promote teaching effect and improve teachingquality. However,a considerable number of Englis

14、h teachers who are influenced by traditional education ideas and teaching methods are still accustomed to the traditional cramming teaching method. This has caused the students to be unable to adapt to the requirements of English learning under the new curriculum standard and become passive knowledg

15、e receivers. The purpose of emotional education is not merely confined to transferring knowledge to students but also helping them to foster the correct world outlook, outlook on life and a good learning attitude. That plays a very important role to promote students personality development and lays

16、the foundation for students to develop their interpersonal ability in the future. Consequently, the research of this topic has a great theoretical significance and important practical significance.3(空一行)(每章另起一頁) Chapter 1 (章節(jié)號單獨(dú)一行,上空一行,三號字,居中,下不空行)The Emotional Connotation in English Teaching( Intro

17、duction 及 Chapter 1 等標(biāo)題:標(biāo)題本身用Times New Roman 三號字,加粗,居中)(章標(biāo)題與正文內(nèi)容之間空一行,且有過渡段 )This chapter mainly describes the definition of emotion in English teaching and the connotation of emotional teaching. Emotional education is conducive not only to individual development but also to social development(.內(nèi)容另起

18、一行, 空四個英文字符, 正文用 Times New Roman 四號字, 1.5倍行距 )1.1 Definition of Emotion (二級標(biāo)題本身用 Times New Roman 小三號字,加粗)序號頂格,序號與標(biāo)題正文間空一個英文字符(內(nèi)容另起一行,空四個英文字符,正文用Times New Roman 四號字, 1.5倍行距The word emotion dates back to 1579, when it was adapted fromthe French word mouvoir, which means to stir up. However, the earlie

19、st precursors of the word likely date back to the very origins of language .1.1.1 Constructivism Theory(三級標(biāo)題本身用Times New Roman 四號字,加粗)(內(nèi)容另起一行,空四個英文字符,正文用Times New Roman 四號字, 1.5倍行距“Constructivism is a theory to explain how knowledge is constructed in the human being when information comes into conta

20、ct with existing knowledge that has been developed by experiences” .4(空一行)(每章另起一頁) Chapter 2 (章節(jié)號單獨(dú)一行,三號字,居中,上空一行,下不空行)The Significance of Emotional Educationin English Teaching(章標(biāo)題與正文內(nèi)容之間空一行, 且有過渡段)There are two kinds of significance for emotional education inEnglish teaching, which are the theoret

21、ical significance and practicalsignificance.(內(nèi)容另起一行,空四個英文字符,正文用Times New Roman 四號字, 1.5 倍行距 )2.1 Theoretical SignificanceQuality education reform is the key to promote all-round development of human society and national integral quality. Nowadays education s hot issues mainly focus on quality educat

22、ion, and affectiveeducation is an important part of quality education2.2 Practical SignificanceThe 21 century is the age when comprehensive national power competes with high quality talents. With the development of the globalization of the world economy and trade, the English language has become the

23、 most important all over the world .5(空一行)Conclusion (Times New Roman 三號字,加粗,居中,上下各空一行)To sum up, middle school English teachers should be devoted to making full use of the positive emotional factors in teaching and turning negative emotions into positive emotional factors at the same time. It is no

24、 doubt that the importance of student-centered education mode has made considerable progress in English language teaching for the past fewyears.( 正文用 Times New Roman 四號字, 1.5 倍行距 )6(空一行 )Notes(用 Times New Roman三號字,加粗,居中 )(標(biāo)題與內(nèi)容之間空一行) Ekman, Paul. An argument for basic emotionsM.Oxford: Oxford Univer

25、sity Press, 1992:156-209.Glaserfeld, E . Constructivism in educationM . Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1989: 136-178 .Krashen, Stephen. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language LearningM .Oxford: Pergamon, 1981: 76-143 .Richards , J et al Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and AppliedLinguistic

26、sZ Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000: 211-212 賈冠杰.中學(xué)英語教學(xué)心理研究M.長沙 :湖北大學(xué)出版社, 1998: 16-20. 王黎麗.以情感教育促進(jìn)英語教學(xué)J.內(nèi)蒙古農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)學(xué)報, 2005, (4): 102-105. 文虹 . 在初中英語教學(xué)中實(shí)施情感教育J.成功 ( 教育 ), 2009, (8): 45-48.(中文宋體五號字,1.5 倍行距,英文Times New Roman 五號字, 1.5倍行距。下同)注意:“編號”是按文章中出現(xiàn)的先后為序,編號以圓圈包圍,標(biāo)明出處所在頁碼范圍,

27、并在文章中以“上標(biāo)”即的形式標(biāo)出。2不同文獻(xiàn)類型標(biāo)識為:期刊J、專著 M 、論文集 C 、學(xué)位論文 D 、報告 R 、專利、標(biāo)準(zhǔn) S 、報紙文章 N 、電子文獻(xiàn) EB/OL 、詞典 Z 。3外文參考文獻(xiàn)的作者,一律采取先姓后名、姓后加逗號的形式著錄;如果有兩名及以上作者,作者與作者之間用逗號隔開,在最后兩位作者之間用逗號加and 連接,且注意第二名及以后作者都按先名后姓的正常順序,四名作者以上也可以只寫第一人,然后加逗號,再加et al;中文參考文獻(xiàn)的作者,如果有兩名及以上作者,作者與作者之間加逗號。中英文參考文獻(xiàn)中的句號統(tǒng)一用加粗的實(shí)心圓點(diǎn),其它標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號統(tǒng)一用在英文狀態(tài)下輸入,英文文獻(xiàn)為 T

28、imes New Roman 五號,中文文獻(xiàn)為宋體五號。標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號前面不空格,后面一律空一個字符。文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識:英文文獻(xiàn)中的文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識用Times New Roman 五號,如 M J ;中文文獻(xiàn)中的文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識用宋體五號,如M J。7(空一行)Bibliography (用Times New Roman三號字,加粗,居中)(標(biāo)題與內(nèi)容之間空一行)1 . Ekman, Paul. An argument for basic emotionsM . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Coats, Alfred W . , and Ross M.Robertson,

29、 EdsAmerican EconomyC . London: Edward Arnold, 1969 .3 . Krashen, Stephen. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language LearningM. Oxford:Pergamon, 1981. Walker, Stephen A. , et al. Phonetics. New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1967. 陳安福 . 漫談教學(xué)的情感性 N . 光明日報 , 2000, (6). 程曉堂 . 英語學(xué)習(xí)策略 M . 北京 : 外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 ,

30、2002 . 戴曼純 . 情感因素及其界定 J . 外語教學(xué)與研究 , 2000, (6) . 賈冠杰 . 中學(xué)英語教學(xué)心理研究 M . 長沙 : 湖南大學(xué)出版社 , 1998 . 盧家楣 . 情感教學(xué)心理學(xué) M . 上海 : 上海教育出版社 , 1993 . 皮亞杰 . 教育科學(xué)與兒童心理學(xué) M . 北京 : 中國文化教育出版社 , 1981 . 王黎麗 . 以情感教育促進(jìn)英語教學(xué) J . 內(nèi)蒙古農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)學(xué)報 , 2005, (4) .12 . 文虹 . 在初中英語教學(xué)中實(shí)施情感教育J . 成功(教育), 2009, (8) .(英文 Times New Roman 五號字、中文宋體五號字,

31、1.5倍行距。 )注意:1. . 不同文獻(xiàn)類型標(biāo)識為:期刊J 、專著 M 、論文集 C 、學(xué)位論文 D 、報告 R 、專利、標(biāo)準(zhǔn) S 、報紙文章 N 、電子文獻(xiàn) EB/OL、詞典 Z 。2外文參考文獻(xiàn)的作者,一律采取先姓后名、姓后加逗號的形式著錄;如果有兩名及以上作者,作者與作者之間用逗號隔開,在最后兩位作者之間用逗號加and 連接,且注意第二名及以后作者都按先名后姓的正常順序,四名作者以上也可以只寫第一人,然后加逗號,再加 et al; 中文參考文獻(xiàn)的作者,如果有兩名及以上作者,作者與作者之間加逗號。3.參考文獻(xiàn)的順序排列為先英文后中文,且以英文字母順序為序,定稿要求15條以上,并以英文文獻(xiàn)為主。4中英文參考文獻(xiàn)中的句號統(tǒng)一用加粗的實(shí)心圓點(diǎn)(英文狀態(tài)句號加粗即可);其它標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號統(tǒng)一用在英文狀態(tài)下輸入,英文文獻(xiàn)為Times New Roman五號,中文文獻(xiàn)為宋體五號。標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號前面不空格,后面一律空一個字符。6文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識:英文文獻(xiàn)中的文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識用Times New Roman五號,如 M J;中文文獻(xiàn)中的文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識用宋體五號,如M J7 Bibliography中應(yīng)包


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