1、True/False/Not Given怎么破20%判斷題之 糾正思維定式五大題型1. List of Headings2. Matching 3. True/False/Not Given4. Blank Filling5. Multiple Choice大題定位法若題干信息豐富則在題干尋找定位信息掃讀段首句先掃后讀T18胖題干-肥肥型T10有小標題的 拿小標題定位T11T19Q:什么題型不能使用大定位法?LOH (不用定位)單選題 (不是一道大題)T/F/NG 判斷題 (題干沒有定位詞)Q:什么題型可以用大定位法?連連看配對題填空題多選題(是一道大題)切西瓜法(華麗麗的分割線)大題定位原則
2、:大題一般按順序偶爾有特例:全篇型 LOH ; 段子絕孫題Assignment:T10 T11 T17 T24 T19 T20True/False/Not Given怎么破判斷題之糾正思維定式兩套答案TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on thisYES if the statement agrees with the writers claims NO
3、if the statement contradicts the writers claims NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about thisTrue/False/Not GivenTure/Yes agree with 一致文:它三歲題:它不到四歲文題成立成立兩套答案TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if ther
4、e is no information on thisYES if the statement agrees with the writers claims NO if the statement contradicts the writers claims NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about thisTrue/False/Not GivenFalse/No contradicts 矛盾文: 他是中國人題: 他是日本人文和題不能同時成立既。又。True/False/Not GivenNOT GIVE
5、N 用排除法True/False/Not Given文:它三歲題:它不到四歲文: 他是中國人題: 他是日本人 虛擬假設or極端推理True/False/Not Given前戲 1. 畫出要求: TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN TRUE True true TYESNONOT GIVENNOT GIVENNot Givennot givenNGTrue/False/Not Given前戲 2. 每次同時查找兩道題 ? NOT GIVEN? 睜眼瞎? 潛規(guī)則潛規(guī)則潛規(guī)則配對題: 選項最多選三次段子絕孫題: 選項最多選兩次判斷題潛規(guī)則 一段1-3個題 每題對應1-2句話 一題對應一原則Tr
6、ue/False/Not GivenTrue/Yes agree with 一致文:它三歲題:它不到四歲文題成立成立True/False/Not GivenFalse/No contradicts 矛盾文: 他是中國人題: 他是日本人文和題不能同時成立解法一:最靠譜1.文:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from Europe. 題:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from the UK.2.文:Yona喜歡Sister Lotus. 題:Yona ONLY喜歡Sister Lotus.3.文:張柏芝離婚是因為陳冠希很好 題:張柏芝離
7、婚是因為謝霆鋒不好4.文:She bought three Prada bags yesterday. 題:She bought two Prada bags yesterday.True/False/Not Given原因考點具有排他性文:A因為B題:A因為C選F 解法一:最靠譜1.文:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from Europe. 題:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from the UK.2.文:Yona喜歡Sister Lotus. 題:Yona ONLY喜歡Sister Lotus.3.文:張柏芝離婚是因為陳冠希很
8、好 題:張柏芝離婚是因為謝霆鋒不好4.文:She bought three Prada bags yesterday. 題:She bought two Prada bags yesterday.解法一T 文直接推出題F 文、題不能同時成立NG 排除T、F解法一:最靠譜1.文:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from Europe. 題:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from the UK.2.文:Yona喜歡Sister Lotus. 題:Yona ONLY喜歡Sister Lotus.3.文:張柏芝離婚是因為陳冠希很好 題:張柏
9、芝離婚是因為謝霆鋒不好4.文:She bought three Prada bags yesterday. 題:She bought two Prada bags yesterday.一句話只有一個考點昨天車禍死了兩個人。昨天車禍死了兩個人,是因為路太滑。抓考點:動詞前加是否T32抓考點:動詞前加是否19.文:有一個急劇的上升 有一個緩慢的下降 有劇烈的波動解法一:抓考點: a.考點一般是句子中部的動詞 b.用非考點的部分定位判斷準則:T 文直接推出題 F 文、題不能同時成立SW 三部曲 劃掉(常用 主題 重復) 特殊(數(shù)字 字體 標點 符號) 獨特(名動形/副)T32你傾斜我順滑 /sl 傾
10、斜感slash v.猛砍 助記:sl傾斜+ash猛烈 clash n.碰撞聲 crash n.墜毀 smash n./v.打碎 ash 灰燼 ashamed be ashamed of cash cash cow 搖錢樹你傾斜我順滑sledge 雪橇 助記:sl+edge 傾斜的邊緣 滑下 pledge fledge hedge wedge你傾斜我順滑slip v.滑 slip ones mind 我忘了 forget it = 我拒絕 slipper n.拖鞋 slippery a.滑的 狡猾的slope n.斜坡sleek a.光滑的slide v.滑動 n.幻燈片你傾斜我順滑slump
11、v.脫落bumpgumplumpplumpslumphump n.駝峰 v.隆起pump n.泵 v.抽送T11True/Yes的基因: 同義轉(zhuǎn)換:詞;詞性;句式 文 具體 題 抽象、概括3. 正話反說 反話正說 impossible is nothing = everything is possible4. 題目模棱兩可 多T/Y may, maybe, can, could, possible, probable, likely, not all, not always, not necessarily不一定, some, sometimes, seemT11True/Yes的基因: 同義
12、轉(zhuǎn)換:詞;詞性;句式文: Few are more than five years old.題: Most are less than five years old.文:Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise.題:Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying.True/Yes的基因:文: The underlying assumption in creating t
13、he General Assembly was that the airing of disputes among nations could contribute to the pacific settlement of those disputes as well as to peaceful changes in the international system.題: The founders of the UN felt that debating in the General Assembly could help solve disputes.True/Yes的基因:文: Food
14、 production has kept pace with soaring populations mainly because of the expansion of artiticial irrigation systems that make possible the growth of 40% of the worlds food.題:Feeding increasing populations is possible due primarily to improved irrigation systems.同義改寫是靈魂!同義改寫是靈魂題:In addition, over two
15、 thousand years ago kites were used in China as weapons, as well as for sending.(NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS)文:.And other ancient civilisations certainly kew about kites; as early as 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes.True/Yes的特點總結(jié):2. 文 具體 題 抽象、
16、概括文: For example, it has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of an arrest only if responses are in the order of 1-2 minutes after a call is received by the police. When response times increase to 3-4 minutes, still quite a rapid response, the likelihood of an arrest i
17、s substantially reduced.題:A response delay of 1-2 minutes may have substantial influence on whether or not a suspected criminal is caught.解法一訓練T20False 技巧總結(jié)F1 絕對等于不對impossible, never, always, every, all, none, immediately, must(肯定的猜測)invariably不變的=alwaysinevitably不可避免的False 技巧總結(jié)文: Booking in advance
18、 is strongly mended as all Daybreak tours are subject to demand. Subject to availability, stand by tickets can be purchased from the driver.題: Tickets must be bought in advance from an authorized Daybreak agent.False 技巧總結(jié)F2 單一等于不對only, unique,single, exclusively排他的*only只有表示單一才能選FT10False 技巧總結(jié)題: Only
19、 Scandinavians have won gold medals in the mens winter Olympics.文: Since the Winter Games began, 55 out of 56 gold medals in the mens Nordic skiing events have been won by competitors from Scandinavia or the former Soviet Union.False 技巧總結(jié)F3 already+完成時 等于不對題: Biosilk has already replaced nylon in pa
20、rachute manufacture.文: Army scientists are looking at the possibilities of using biosilk for lightweight, bullet-proofing vests and parachutes.False 技巧總結(jié)文:It has been successfully used in the United States to provide input into resource exploitation decisions and assist wildlife managers and there i
21、s now enormous potential for using population viability to assist wildlife management in Australias forests.題: PVA has been used in Australia for many years.False 技巧總結(jié)F4 數(shù)字做考點 (mainly, largely)F5 best文:In the face of the frequently and vivid media coverage, it is likely that children wil have formed
22、 ideas about trainforests.題:The plight of the rainforests has largely been ignored by the media.NOT GIVEN 技巧總結(jié)NG1 形散神必散型文 : A. .B. .C.題:A + B + C題: Seasonal Affective Disorder is disrupting childrens education in Russia.文: This condition has been given the name SAD(SeasonalAffectiveDisorder). Suffer
23、ers can fight back by making the most of any sunlighting winter and bySome Russian scientists claim that children learn better after being exposed to light.題中3個KW在文中對應句數(shù)3NOT GIVEN 技巧總結(jié)NG2 最高級(除了best)NG3 隱含型 next second another other latter relative similarNOT GIVEN 技巧總結(jié)NG4 不存在的比較關系NOT GIVEN 技巧總結(jié)NG4
24、不存在的比較關系 不可比的對象:男女金錢外表主觀判斷*兩者之間的比較NOT GIVEN 技巧總結(jié)NG5 題目涉及的范圍比原文小, 更加具體。文:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from Europe.題:Tourists in Cyprus come mainly from the UK.文:Our computer club provides printer.題:Our computer club provides color printer.T34True/False/Not Given“全TRUE法”極端Trick救命稻草T34T/F/NG小結(jié)一夜情型 :1
25、.讀題2.先技巧F or NG ,后全T“速戰(zhàn)速決”末題少False, 首題少NG。T/F/NG小結(jié)婚姻型 :1.讀題,找考點,SW回文定位2.判斷考點T、F、剩NG“很傻很天真”3.必要時用技巧AssignmentsCam4全部-技巧Cam5 P19 T21Cam7 P76 T25/scribe 寫 script n.腳本 劇本 手跡 v.寫電影腳本conscribe v.征兵 助記:con+scribe 共同寫出來征兵 軍書十二卷 卷卷有爺名 conscription n. draft 起草征兵 draft card 征兵卡/scribe 寫 transcribe v.改編 助記:tran
26、s(change改變)+scribe transcription/scribe 寫 ascribe 歸因.于 助記:a(一再)+scribe ascribe to persistence ascription subscribe v.訂閱 助記:sub下+scribe Sorry the subscriber you dailed is power off. Please redail later. subscription/scribe 寫 prescribe v.開處方 助記:pre+scribe prescription 藥方 出國必備藥品清單circumscribe v.限制 circ
27、(圓)+um+scribe circum 圓周;環(huán)繞 circumscription 界限/scribe 寫 scribble v./n. 涂鴉describe 助記:de+scribe deny descriptionmental activities = cognitive processmortal vital digital total capital mortal 死亡-mortality n.moral 道德-morality n. oral 口頭的tal頭系列 選擇題解題步驟STEP 1 粗定位(定位到某個自然段):尋找題干定位詞(sw) Multiple Choice行文順序出
28、題順序(看上一題的定位區(qū)間)2022/9/2選擇題解題步驟STEP 2 細定位(縮小定位區(qū)間至一兩句話):去題干中尋找定位詞 去選項中尋找定位詞回大定位區(qū)間,每讀一兩句去對比選項,用排除法 Multiple Choice432式劍法 無中生有 偷換概念 斷章取義 反向干擾虛假比較 答非所問極端化 符合正常人推理 但原文未提及 正確選項往往寫的充分的不像選擇題解題步驟STEP 32022/9/2偷換概念文 : A. .B. .C.題:A + B + C2022/9/2無中生有A 在原文出現(xiàn),B不在原文出現(xiàn),A+B在選項出現(xiàn)。Growth, reproduction, and daily meta
29、bolism all require an organism to expend energy. The expenditure of energy is essentially a process of budgeting, just as finances are budgeted. If all of ones money is spent on clothes, there may be none left to buy food or go to the movies. Similarly, a plant or animal cannot squander all its ener
30、gy on growing a big body if none would be left over for reproduction, for this is the surest way to extinction. In paragraph 1 the author explains the concept of energy expenditure by A identifying types of organisms that became extinct. B comparing the scientific concept to a familiar human experie
31、nce.C arguing that most organisms conserver rather than expend energy. D describing the processes of growth, reproduction, and metabolism.BudgetingSimilarlyIn paragraph 1 the author explains the concept of energy expenditure by A identifying types of organisms that became extinct. B comparing the sc
32、ientific concept to a familiar human experience.C arguing that most organisms conserver rather than expend energy. D describing the processes of growth, reproduction, and metabolism.Growth, reproduction, and daily metabolism all require an organism to expend energy. The expenditure of energy is esse
33、ntially a process of budgeting, just as finances are budgeted. If all of ones money is spent on clothes, there may be none left to buy food or go to the movies. Similarly, a plant or animal cannot squander all its energy on growing a big body if none would be left over for reproduction, for this is the surest way to extinction. 2022/9/2斷章取義A+B在原文出現(xiàn),A或B在選項出現(xiàn)。2022/9/2反向干擾
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