1、 SUBJECT * MERGEFORMAT TITLE * MERGEFORMAT Project Management PlanVerssionn Notte: Thee foolloowinng ttempplatte iis pprovvideed ffor usee inn Xaavorr prrojeectss. Texxt eenclloseed iin ssquaare braackeets andd diispllayeed iin bbluee ittaliics (sttylee=InnfoBBluee) iis iinclludeed tto pprovvidee gu
2、uidaancee too thhe aauthhor andd shhoulld bbe ddeleetedd beeforre ppubllishhingg thhe ddocuumennt.Reviisioon HHisttoryyForr evveryy reevissionn off thhis doccumeent, prroviide thee reevissionn hiistoory thaat sshouuld inccludde tthe datte oof rreviisioon, verrsioon nnumbber, deescrripttionn off thhe
3、 cchanngess inn thhe ddocuumennt, andd auuthoor oof tthe doccumeent forr thhat parrticculaar vverssionn.DateeVerssionnDesccripptioonAuthhorDisttribbutiion LisstStaate thee peersoons/teaams/grooupss too whhom thiis ddocuumennt sshouuld be disstriibutted wheenevver thee doocummentt iss reevissed. AAls
4、oo sttatee thhe nnamee off thheirr paarennt oorgaanizzatiion.Docuumennt RReciipieentOrgaanizzatiionTablle oof CConttenttsTOC o 1-31.Inntrooducctioon Projjectt Maanaggemeent PlaanIntrroduuctiionThee inntrooducctioon oof tthe Proojecct MManaagemmentt Pllan shoouldd prroviide an oveerviiew of thee ennt
5、irre ddocuumennt. It shoouldd inncluude thee puurpoose, sccopee, ddefiinittionns, acrronyyms, abbbreeviaatioons, reeferrencces andd ovvervvieww off thhis Proojecct MManaagemmentt Pllan.PurpposeeSpeeciffy tthe purrposse oof tthiss Prrojeect Mannageemennt PPlann.ScoppeA bbrieef ddesccripptioon oof tth
6、e scoope of thiis PProjjectt Maanaggemeent Plaan; whaat PProjjectt(s) itt iss asssocciatted witth, andd annythhingg ellse thaat iis aaffeecteed oor iinflluenncedd byy thhis doccumeent.Defiinittionns, Acrronyyms andd AbbbreeviaatioonsThiis ssubssecttionn shhoulld pprovvidee thhe ddefiinittionns oof a
7、all terrms, accronnymss, aand abbbrevviattionns rrequuireed tto iinteerprret prooperrly thee Prrojeect Mannageemennt PPlann. Thiis iinfoormaatioon mmay be proovidded by reffereencee too thhe pprojjectt Gllosssaryy.RefeerenncessThiis ssubssecttionn shhoulld pprovvidee a commpleete lisst oof aall docc
8、umeentss reeferrencced elssewhheree inn thhe PProjjectt Maanaggemeent Plaan. Eaach doccumeent shoouldd bee iddenttifiied by tittle, reeporrt nnumbber (iff apppliicabble), ddatee, aand pubblisshinng oorgaanizzatiion. SSpeccifyy thhe ssourrcess frrom whiich thee reeferrencces cann bee obbtaiinedd. TTh
9、iss innforrmattionn maay bbe pprovvideed bby rrefeerennce to an apppenddix or to anootheer ddocuumennt. Foor tthe Proojecct MManaagemmentt Pllan, thhe llistt off reeferrencced arttifaactss maay iinclludee: Riskk Maanaggemeent Plaan Userr Innterrfacces Guiidellinees Conffiguurattionn Maanaggemeent Pl
10、aan Softtwarre QQuallityy Asssurrancce PPlann, eetc.Docuumennt TTitllePubllishhingg OrrgannizaatioonOverrvieewThiis ssubssecttionn shhoulld ddesccribbe wwhatt thhe rrestt off thhe PProjjectt Maanaggemeent Plaan cconttainns aand expplaiin hhow thee doocummentt iss orrgannizeed.Projjectt OvvervviewwPr
11、ojjectt Naame, Coode andd LeeadeerSpeeciffy tthe proojecct nnamee, pprojjectt coode andd prrojeect leaaderr (pprojjectt maanagger).Projjectt Naame: Projjectt Coode: Projjectt Leeadeer: Projjectt Puurpoose, Sccopee annd OObjeectiivessA bbrieef ddesccripptioon oof tthe purrposse aand objjecttivees oof
12、 tthiss prrojeect, annd aa brrieff deescrripttionn off whhat delliveerabbless thhe pprojjectt iss exxpecctedd too deelivver.Assuumpttionns aand ConnstrrainntsA llistt off asssummptiionss thhat thiis pplann iss baasedd onn, aand anyy coonsttraiintss (ee.g. buudgeet, staaff, eqquippmennt, schheduule,
13、ettc.) thhat appply to thee prrojeect. MMakee a disstinnctiion bettweeen ccritticaal aand nonn-crritiicall faactoors.Critticaal AAssuumpttionns aand ConnstrrainntsStaate thee crritiicall asssummptiionss annd cconsstraaintts aaffeectiing thee prrojeect.Non-Criiticcal Asssumpptioons andd Coonsttraiint
14、ssStaate thee noon-ccritticaal aassuumpttionns aand connstrrainnts afffecttingg thhe pprojjectt.Projjectt MiilesstonnesTabbulaar llistt off maajorr miilesstonnes to be achhievved durringg thhe pprojjectt, wwithh taargeet ddatees.MileestooneTargget Achhievvemeent DatteProjjectt DeelivveraableesTabbul
15、aar llistt off thhe aartiifaccts to be creeateed dduriing thee prrojeect, wiith tarrgett deelivveryy daatess.DeliiverrabllesTargget Delliveery DatteTailloriing GuiidellineesSpeeciffy tthe taiilorringg guuideelinnes forr thhe pprojjectt.Softtwarre DDeveeloppmennt LLifee CyycleeSpeeciffy tthe Sofftwaa
16、re Devveloopmeent Liffe CCyclle tthatt iss too bee foolloowedd inn thhe pprojjectt.Projjectt OrrgannizaatioonOrgaanizzatiionaal SStruuctuureDesscriibe thee orrgannizaatioonall sttruccturre oof tthe proojecct tteamm, iinclludiing mannageemennt aand othher revvieww auuthoorittiess. TThiss shhoulld iin
17、clludee iddenttifiicattionn off alll pprojjectt orrgannizaatioonall unnitss annd aa deescrripttionn off thheirr fuuncttionn annd rrespponssibiilitty. A diaagraam oof tthe orgganiizattionnal strructturee shhoulld aalsoo bee atttacchedd foor ffurttherr illlusstraatioon.Exammplees oof pprojjectt orrgan
18、nizaatioonall unnitss arre:Projjectt Immpleemenntattionn CoommiitteeeProjjectt Stteerringg CoommiitteeeProjjectt Maanaggemeent TeaamArchhiteectuure GrooupUserr Exxperriennce Dessignn TeeamRequuireemennts TeaamAnallysiis aand Dessignn TeeamImpllemeentaatioon GGrouupDeveeloppmennt TTeammDataabasse MMa
19、naagemmentt TeeamTesttingg TeeamInfrrasttruccturre TTeammConffiguurattionn Maanaggemeent TeaamSofttwarre QQuallityy Asssurrancce TTeamm, eetc.Orgaanizzatiionaal UUnittDesccripptioonExteernaal IInteerfaacessDesscriibe howw thhe pprojjectt innterrfacces witth eexteernaal ggrouups. FFor eacch eexteerna
20、al ggrouup, ideentiify thee innterrnall/exxterrnall coontaact nammes.Exteernaal OOrgaanizzatiionExteernaal RRoleeExteernaal RRolee HooldeerRespponssibiilitty oof EExteernaal RRolee HooldeerInteernaal CConttactt Roole andd Peersoon, Rolees aand RessponnsibbiliitieesSpeeciffy tthe rolles, reespoonsiib
21、illitiies andd roole hollderrs wwithhin eacch oorgaanizzatiionaal uunitt off thhe pprojjectt.RoleeRespponssibiilittyRolee HooldeerManaagemmentt PrroceessWorkk Brreakkdowwn SStruuctuure (WBBS)Lisst tthe acttiviitiees nneceessaary forr coomplletiing thee prrojeect.Projjectt EsstimmateesEstiimattionn T
22、eechnniquueSpeeciffy tthe esttimaatioon mmethhod andd thhe rreasson forr itts cchoiice. PProvvidee thhe eestiimatted cosst aas wwelll ass thhe bbasiis ffor thoose esttimaatess, aand thee poointts/ccirccumsstanncess inn thhe pprojjectt whhen re-esttimaatioon wwilll occcurr.SizeeStaate thee siize of e
23、acch aactiivitty aas ccalcculaatedd acccorrdinng tto tthe esttimaatioon ttechhniqque. Unnitss off siize mayy bee inn LOOC, FP, ettc.EffoortSpeeciffy tthe amoountt off effforrt rrequuireed tto pperfformm eaach acttiviity on thee baasiss off thhe ssizee esstimmatiion. Unnitss maay bbe mman-houurs, maa
24、n-ddayss, eetc.Projjectt ScchedduleeDiaagraams/tabbless shhowiing tarrgett daatess foor ccompplettionn off itteraatioons andd phhasees, relleasse ppoinnts, deemoss, aand othher millesttonees. Crritiicall paath musst bbe sspeccifiied. UUsuaallyy enncloosedd byy reeferrencce tto MMS PProjjectt fiile.P
25、re-Devveloopmeent SchheduuleThiis sscheedulle wwilll caaterr foor pprojjectt pllannningg, rrequuireemennts, annalyysiss annd ddesiign acttiviitiees.Deveeloppmennt SScheedulleThiis sscheedulle wwilll caaterr coodinng, tesstinng aand depployymennt aactiivittiess.Projjectt Phhasees, Iteerattionns aand
26、RelleassesProjjectt PhhaseesIdeentiify phaasess annd mmajoor mmileestooness wiith theeir achhievvemeent criiterria.Projjectt ItteraatioonsSpeeciffy tthe nummberr off itteraatioons andd liist thee obbjecctivves to be acccompplisshedd foor eeachh off thhe iiterratiionss.ReleeaseesBriief desscriiptiion
27、ss off eaach sofftwaare relleasse, wheetheer ddemoo, bbetaa, eetc.Projjectt ReesouurciingStafffinngIdeentiify herre tthe nummberrs aand typpe oof sstafff rrequuireed (inccluddingg annd sspecciall skkillls oor eexpeerieencee), schheduuledd byy prrojeect phaase or iteerattionn. Staate whaat rresoourcc
28、es aree crritiicall.Resoourcce AAcquuisiitioonDesscriibe howw yoou wwilll appprooachh fiindiing andd accquiirinng tthe staaff neeededd foor tthe proojecct.TraiininngLisst aany speeciaal ttraiininng pprojjectt teeam memmberrs wwilll reequiire, wiith tarrgett daatess foor wwhenn thhis traainiing shoou
29、ldd bee coomplleteed.Projjectt BuudgeetAlllocaatioon oof ccostts aagaiinstt thhe WWBS andd thhe pprojjectt phhasees.Projjectt Moonittoriing andd CoontrrolScheedulle CConttrollDesscriibess thhe aapprroacch tto bbe ttakeen tto mmoniitorr prrogrresss aggainnst thee pllannned schheduule andd hoow tto tt
30、akee coorreectiive acttionn whhen reqquirred.Budgget ConntroolDesscriibess thhe aapprroacch tto bbe ttakeen tto mmoniitorr sppenddingg aggainnst thee prrojeect buddgett annd hhow to takke ccorrrecttivee acctioon wwhenn reequiiredd.MeassureemenntsDesscriibe thee tyypess off meeasuuremmentts tto bbe t
31、takeen, theeir freequeencyy, aand ressponnsibble worrkerrs/eentiitiees ffor thiis ppurpposee.Riskk Maanaggemeent PlaanEncclossed by reffereenceeProjjectt CllosuureDesscriibe thee acctivvitiies forr thhe oordeerlyy coomplletiion of thee prrojeect, inncluudinng sstafff rreasssiggnmeent, arrchiivinng o
32、of pprojjectt maaterrialls, posst-mmorttem debbrieefinngs andd reeporrts etcc.Techhniccal Proocesss PPlannsUserr Exxperriennce DessignnDesscriibe thee appprooachh thhat willl bbe aadopptedd wiith dettaills oof pproccessses, prroceedurres, annd gguiddeliiness too bee foolloowedd.RequuireemenntsDesscr
33、iibe thee appprooachh thhat willl bbe aadopptedd wiith dettaills oof pproccessses, prroceedurres, annd gguiddeliiness too bee foolloowedd.Anallysiis aand DessignnDesscriibe thee appprooachh thhat willl bbe aadopptedd wiith dettaills oof pproccessses, prroceedurres, annd gguiddeliiness too bee foollo
34、owedd.Deveeloppmennt PPlannEncclossed by reffereenceePeerr Reevieew PPlannSpeeciffy tthe worrk pprodductts tto bbe ppeerr reevieewedd, ttypee off peeer revvieww, ttheiir ffreqquenncy, ettc.MainntennancceDesscriibe dettaills oof aany sofftwaare maiinteenannce forr thhe wwarrrantty pperiiod of thee pr
35、rojeect.Testt PllanEncclossed by reffereenceeToolls, Tecchniiquees aand StaandaardssToollsProjjectt Maanaggemeent TooolsSpeeciffy tthe proojecct mmanaagemmentt tooolss thhat aree too bee ussed in thee prrojeect andd thhe rreassonss foor ttheiir sseleectiion. EExammplees oof aareaas tto bbe ccoveered
36、d arre pprojjectt pllannningg, pprojjectt scchedduliing, prrojeect monnitoorinng, staatuss reeporrtinng, meaasurremeentss, eetc. EExammplees oof tthesse ttoolls aare MS Proojecct, etcc.Requuireemennts Mannageemennt TToollsSpeeciffy tthe reqquirremeentss maanaggemeent toools thaat aare to be useed ii
37、n tthe proojecct aand thee reeasoons forr thheirr seelecctioon. Exaamplles of areeas to be covvereed aare reqquirremeentss gaatheerinng, reqquirremeent isssue ressoluutioon, reqquirremeent chaangee maanaggemeent, meeasuuremmentts, etcc. Exaamplles of theese toools aree Raatioonall Reequiisitte PPro,
38、 EIINS, ettc.Systtem Anaalyssis & DDesiign TooolsSpeeciffy tthe sysstemm annalyysiss annd ddesiign toools thaat aare to be useed iin tthe proojecct aand thee reeasoons forr thheirr seelecctioon. Exaamplles of toools in thiis aareaa arre VVisiio, Rattionnal Rosse, Powwer Dessignner etcc.LangguaggesSp
39、eeciffy tthe lannguaagess thhat aree too bee ussed forr sooftwwaree deevellopmmentt inn thhe pprojjectt annd tthe reaasonns ffor theeir sellecttionn. Exaamplles of lannguaagess arre HHTMLL, JJavaa, eetc.Userr-Innterrfacce DDeveeloppmennt TToollsSpeeciffy tthe toools thaat aare to be useed ffor UI de
40、vveloopmeent in thee prrojeect andd thhe rreassonss foor ttheiir sseleectiion. EExammplees oof tthesse ttoolls ccan be Dreeamwweavver, Fllashh, eetc.Dataabasse MManaagemmentt Syysteem SSofttwarreSpeeciffy tthe dattabaase mannageemennt ssysttem sofftwaare thaat iis tto bbe uusedd inn thhe pprojjectt
41、annd tthe reaasonns ffor theeir sellecttionn. Exaamplles of theese toools aree Orraclle, SQLL Seerveer, etcc.Thirrd PPartty SSofttwarreSpeeciffy aany thiird parrty sofftwaare thaat iis tto bbe uusedd inn thhe pprojjectt annd tthe reaasonns ffor theeir sellecttionn. Exaamplles aree Innktoomi, Innfraa
42、nett, eetc.Softtwarre TTesttingg TooolssSpeeciffy tthe sofftwaare tesstinng ttoolls tthatt arre tto bbe uusedd inn thhe pprojjectt annd tthe reaasonns ffor theeir sellecttionn. Exaamplles of theese toools aree WiinRuunneer, LoaadRuunneer, etcc.Defeect andd Chhangge MManaagemmentt TooolssSpeeciffy tt
43、he deffectt annd cchannge mannageemennt ttoolls tthatt arre tto bbe uusedd inn thhe pprojjectt annd tthe reaasonns ffor theeir sellecttionn. EExammplees oof tthesse ttoolls aare CleearQQuesst, etcc.Conffiguurattionn Maanaggemeent TooolsSpeeciffy tthe connfigguraatioon mmanaagemmentt tooolss thhat ar
44、ee too bee ussed in thee prrojeect andd thhe rreassonss foor ttheiir sseleectiion. EExammplees oof tthesse ttoolls aare CleearCCasee, eetc.Inteegraatedd Deevellopmmentt EnnvirronmmenttSpeeciffy tthe opeerattingg syysteems (pllatfformms), weeb sservverss, aappllicaatioon sservverss, ddeveeloppmennt s
45、servverss thhat aree too bee ussed in thee prrojeect andd thhe rreassonss foor ttheiir sseleectiion. EExammplees oof tthesse ttoolls aare Sunn Soolarris, iPPlannet, JBBuillderr, WWebSSpheere, ettc.Techhniqquess annd SStanndarrdsLissts thee doocummentted proojecct ttechhniccal staandaardss ettc bby r
46、refeerennce. EExammplees mmay be:Userr-Innterrfacce GGuiddeliinessProggrammminng GGuiddeliinessTestt Guuideelinnes, ettc.InfrrasttruccturreSpeeciffy hharddwarre, nettworrk cconnnecttiviity, baandwwidtth, etcc., reqquirred in thiis pprojjectt. Makke aa cllearr diistiincttionn abboutt whhat facctorrs aare criiticcal.FaciilittiessDesscriibe thee faacillitiies reqquirred forr thhe eexeccutiion of thee prrojeect.
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