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1、高中英語Unit4Astronomythescienceofthestarspuzzle單詞精講素材新人教版必修3高中英語Unit4Astronomythescienceofthestarspuzzle單詞精講素材新人教版必修3高中英語Unit4Astronomythescienceofthestarspuzzle單詞精講素材新人教版必修3puzzle v.pzl( puzzles; puzzled; puzzling ) 雙解釋義 vt。使迷惑,使難解 cause difficulty in the effort to explain or understand vi.為難,傷腦筋,苦思 m

2、ake a great effort of the mind in order to understand or find the answer to a difficult question 基本要點1.puzzle的基本意思是“使困惑”“使難解”,指對某事物感到迷惑或傷腦筋,不知道該怎么解決。引申可表示“為難”“傷腦筋”“苦思”等。2.puzzle既可用作及物動詞,也可用作不及物動詞。用作及物動詞時接名詞、代詞作賓語。如果主語指外界原因,常用主動結(jié)構(gòu),如果主語指感覺困惑的人,常用于被動結(jié)構(gòu)。3.puzzle的過去分詞puzzled作表語時,后面可接帶或不帶疑問詞的動詞不定式或由疑問詞引起的

3、從句。 詞匯搭配+名詞puzzle the beginners使初學(xué)者感到困惑不解puzzle the doctor難住了醫(yī)生puzzle the meaning of the sentence不能理解句中的含義puzzle the meanings of the two words混淆了這兩個詞的意思puzzle the students使學(xué)生們困惑不解+副詞puzzle bewilderingly使人迷惑不解puzzle completely使人徹底地迷惑不解puzzle steadily略有為難puzzle superficially表面上地為難puzzle utterly 使完全迷惑不

4、解puzzle out an answer猜出答案puzzle out a truth研究出真理puzzle through摸索著通過+介詞puzzle aboutover為大傷腦筋,對冥思苦想puzzle ones brain about a problem絞盡腦汁以求解決某一問題puzzle over the matter對那事絞盡腦汁puzzle over the question對此問題迷惑不解puzzle ones brain upon a problem絞盡腦汁以求解決某一問題puzzle sb with a question使某人對某問題無以對答 常用短語puzzle about

5、(v。+prep.)想找出 want to findpuzzle about sthHe was studying the map and puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains.他在仔細察看地圖,想找出最容易穿過山區(qū)的道路.puzzle about whtovWe puzzled for two months about where to put you。為了安置你,我們苦思了兩個月。puzzle sth about sthThey all puzzled their brains about the problem。他們都

6、冥思苦想這個問題。puzzle sb about whtov 用于be ed 結(jié)構(gòu)The student was puzzled about what to do next.這個學(xué)生對下一步做什么而傷透了腦筋.puzzle out(v。+adv。)推測出 infer sth; conjecture sth; guess sthpuzzle sb/sthoutWe could not puzzle out Marys intention。我們猜不出瑪麗的意圖.He puzzled out the mystery story before he finished the book。他在讀完那本神秘

7、小說前推測出它的結(jié)局。Its good for students to puzzle things out for themselves.讓學(xué)生們自己思索解決難題很有好處。I puzzled it out and made a translation of it.我研究出其意義并把它翻譯出來。Ive never been able to puzzle her out, and still cant.我一直對她捉摸不透,到現(xiàn)在還是這樣。puzzle out whto-vWe finally puzzled out how to open the box。我們最后終于想出怎樣打開盒子。puzzle

8、 out wh-clauseIve tried for weeks to puzzle out what could have made Mary so angry that she hasnt written to us。幾個星期以來,我一直在思索,究竟什么事使瑪麗生這么大的氣,連信都不給我們寫。Ive been trying to puzzle out which piece of work is most urgent.我一直想弄清楚哪一件工作最緊迫.puzzle over(v。+prep.)苦苦思考 think long and hardpuzzle over sthHe was pu

9、zzling over the old map.他在苦苦思考這幅舊地圖。They puzzled over the question for quite a while.這問題他們想了很久.puzzle oneself/sb over sthHe puzzled himself over the matter.他對那件事絞盡腦汁。 用于be ed 結(jié)構(gòu)She was puzzled over the decision.她覺得這個決定難以理解。She was puzzled over his strange behaviour.他奇怪的舉止使她大惑不解。puzzle through(v。+pre

10、p.)鉆研 cudgel ones brains to evolve an ideapuzzle sth through sthThe boy puzzled his way through geometry.那男孩煞費苦心地鉆研幾何學(xué)。 句型例句用作不及物動詞S+(+A)The spelling of English is often puzzling。 英語的拼寫法常常使人傷腦筋。用作及物動詞S+n./pron.The letter puzzled me.這封信使我迷惑不解.His recent behavior puzzles me。他最近的行為使我感到費解.How the cat go

11、t out puzzled us.我們弄不清貓是怎么跑出來的。Waking up in strange surroundings puzzled her.她醒來時看到一片陌生的環(huán)境,這把她都搞糊涂了。The question puzzled students.這個問題使學(xué)生們困惑不解。There are several points that tend to puzzle beginners。有幾個地方容易使初學(xué)者感到困惑。The womans illness puzzled the doctor; he couldnt find the cause。那女人的病難住了醫(yī)生,他找不出病因。He

12、puzzled the meaning of the sentence.他不能理解句中的含義。You have puzzled the meanings of the two words。你混淆了這兩個詞的意思。He puzzled his brains to find an answer.他冥思苦想尋求答案。They puzzled their wits to find a solution。他們絞盡腦汁想找個解決辦法. 用于be ed 結(jié)構(gòu)Didnt you remark that he was puzzled?你沒注意到他被弄糊涂了嗎?They were puzzled by the m

13、ove。這一行為使他們莫名其妙.Tom was puzzled by the examination questions.考題把湯姆難住了。Sister Carrie was puzzled by the crowd and traffic in the city.嘉莉妹妹被城里眾多的人群和繁忙交通弄得暈頭轉(zhuǎn)向。I was puzzled with the question.這個問題把我難住了。I felt very puzzled at the words。聽了這話我感到有些迷惑不解。其他S+be ed+to-vIn fact we Europeans are always puzzled

14、to see the almost total Americanization of Japan。事實上,我們歐洲人看到日本幾乎全盤美國化時感到困惑.They were puzzled to bag nothing except a rabbit。他們對僅獵獲了一只兔子感到迷惑.S+be ed+wh-to-vHe was puzzled how to act。他不知如何才好。He was puzzled what to do next.他不知道下一步干什么。I am utterly puzzled what to do with it.我全然不知道該如何處置它.S+be ed+wh-claus

15、eI am puzzled why you didnt try for a university scholarship.我不理解你為什么不申請獎學(xué)金。They are puzzled in their minds what that word means.他們在仔細思考那個詞的意思。The children are puzzled how the world came into being.孩子們對世界是怎樣形成的感到莫名其妙。 puzzle n.pzl( puzzles ) 雙解釋義 S迷惑,困惑confusion C智力測驗,智力玩具,謎problem or toy that is de

16、signed to test a persons knowledge, ingenuity, skill, etc. S難題,令人費解的事人question that is difficult to understand or answer; mystery 詞匯搭配動詞+constructsolve, undo puzzles解難題explainpresent puzzles解釋提出難題形容詞+impenetrable puzzle費解的難題unexplained puzzle不解之謎介詞+in a puzzle about對迷惑不解answer to the puzzle謎題的答案+介詞puzzle in words字謎puzzle to對來說困惑不解 常用短語in a puzzle aboutas to對(某事)困惑不解sth that one cant understand or explainThe firemen were in a puzzle about the cause of the fire.消防隊員對


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