新陜旅版五年級(jí)下冊(cè)小學(xué)英語 Unit 8 單元測(cè)試卷(含聽力音頻)_第1頁
新陜旅版五年級(jí)下冊(cè)小學(xué)英語 Unit 8 單元測(cè)試卷(含聽力音頻)_第2頁
新陜旅版五年級(jí)下冊(cè)小學(xué)英語 Unit 8 單元測(cè)試卷(含聽力音頻)_第3頁
新陜旅版五年級(jí)下冊(cè)小學(xué)英語 Unit 8 單元測(cè)試卷(含聽力音頻)_第4頁
新陜旅版五年級(jí)下冊(cè)小學(xué)英語 Unit 8 單元測(cè)試卷(含聽力音頻)_第5頁




1、Unit Have a Good Habit!滿分:100分時(shí)間:60分鐘得分: 聽力部分一、聽錄音,選出聽到的單詞。(10分)()1. A. floorB. fullC. habit()2. A. noiseB. mouthC. close ()3. A. waitB. quiet C. listen()4. A. tidyB. clean C. brush ()5. A. careB. litterC. keep二、聽錄音,給下列圖片排序。(10分)三、聽錄音,給下列句子排序。(10分)()Dont read in bed. Its bad for your eyes.()What are

2、 you doing?()But I like reading.()Im reading.()You shouldnt have the book so close to your eyes.四、聽錄音,完成短文。(10分)Its a Sunday afternoon. Im 1. the bus. 2. some time, the bus 3. at a small town. An old man is 4. 5. to the bus. The driver wants to wait for(等候) him. When he 6. on the bus, the driver is

3、going to 7. the door. But the old man says, 8.“ a minute. My 9.is 10.”筆試部分五、看圖,寫短語。(10分)六、單項(xiàng)選擇。(10分)( )1. You should go to school.A. on timeB. in timeC. at time ( )2. You should yourself.A. take care B. take care ofC. care of( )3. I have no time to eat.A. anything B. somethingC. nothing( )4. Dont .

4、Its bad for your eyes.A. eat too many candiesB. read in bedC. make a noise( )5. Youd better a big noise at night.A. make B. not makeC. not to七、選擇適當(dāng)?shù)拇鹫Z。(10分)()1. Do you get up early?()2. Dont litter on the floor.()3. Is it a good habit? ()4. What do you have for lunch?()5. My school is far from here.

5、A. Yes, it is.B. No, I dont.C. Nothing.D. Youd better take a bus.E. Sorry.八、判斷下列是好習(xí)慣(G)還是壞習(xí)慣(B)。(10分)()1. Make a big noise at night.()2. Keep quiet in the library.()3. Wash hands before meals.()4. Go to school on time.()5. Wait in line.()6. Listen to the teacher carefully.()7. Do your homework first

6、.()8. Go to school late.()9. Speak with mouth full.()10. Eat too many candies.九、閱讀短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。(10分)Good Ways to Keep Healthy We should keep healthy. How can we keep healthy? Here are some good ways to keep healthy. We should eat healthy food every day, such as vegetables, fruits Dont eat fast food

7、 or too much meat. It can be very harmful. Playing sports is very important. We should do some exercise instead of staying at home. After dinner, we can go for a walk. A sleep of eight hours is necessary. And we should often laugh or smile. Its important! Do you have any of these ways? Lets keep hea

8、lthy!()1. We should eat healthy food every day.()2. Its harmful to eat fast food.()3. After supper, we should have a rest.()4. We shouldnt do any exercise. ()5. Enough(足夠的) sleep is bad for people.十、作文。(10分)請(qǐng)為班級(jí)制訂“文明公約”,明確我們?cè)谛?yīng)該遵守的文明禮儀。提示:按時(shí)到校、不亂丟垃圾、課堂上禁止大聲喧嘩、不說謊、聽老師的話可能用到的句型: We should/shouldntWe s

9、hould follow the rules in school.參 考 答 案Unit 8Have a Good Habit!單元測(cè)試聽力部分一、聽力材料1. habit2. noise3. wait4. clean5. litter答案:1. C2. A3. A4. B5. B二、聽力材料1. Wed better keep quiet and we should have a good habit.2. Dont litter on the floor.3. We shouldnt make a noise in the library.4. Tell them to wait in l

10、ine. 5. You shouldnt speak with mouth full.答案:2 1 5 3 4三、聽力材料A: What are you doing? B: Im reading.A: Dont read in bed. Its bad for your eyes.B: But I like reading.A: You shouldnt have the book so close to your eyes.答案:3 1 4 2 5四、聽力材料Its a Sunday afternoon. Im on the bus. After some time, the bus sto

11、ps at a small town. An old man is walking slowly to the bus. The driver wants to wait for him. When he gets on the bus, the driver is going to close the door. But the old man says, “Wait a minute. My father is coming.”答案:1. on2. After3. stops4. walking5. slowly6. gets7. close8. Wait9. father10. coming筆試部分五、1. litter on the floor2. wait in line3. make a noise4. keep quiet5. read in bed 六、1. A2. B3. A4. B5. B七、1. B2. E3. A4. C5. D八、1. B2. G3. G4. G5. G6. G7. G8. B9. B10. B九、1. T2. T3. F4. F5. F十、例文:We should follow t


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