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1、1Mucch tto LLivee FoorTherre iis sso mmuchhI hhavee noot bbeenn, sso mmuchh I havve nnot seeen. I hhavee nootthhougght andd haave nott doone or fellt eenouughthee eaarlyy suun, raiin aand theeseaasonnal dellighht oof ffloccks of duccks andd geeesee inn fllighht, thee myysteeriees ooflaate-at-nigght.

2、 I stiill neeed ttimee too reead a bbookk, wwritte ppoemms, paaintt a piccturre,llookk att sccenees aand facces deaar tto mme. Theere is sommethhingg moore to be ofvvaluuessomeethiing I sshouuld finnd wwithhin mysselffass peeacee off miind,pattiennce, grracee anndbeeingg kiind. I shaall takke aand I

3、 sshalll ggivee, wwhille yyet,theere is so mucch tto llivee foorrrainnbowws, staars thaat ggleaam, thee fiieldds, theehillls, thhe hhopee, tthe dreeamss, tthe truuth thaat oone musst sseekk. IIlll sttay herrettreaasurre eeverry dday andd loove thee woorlddin my ownn waay.2A TTalee off Twwo CCitiies

4、(exxcerrpt)It wwas thee beest of timmes, itt waas tthe worrst of timmes; itt waas tthe agge oofwiisdoom, it wass thhe aage of fooolisshneess; itt waas tthe epooch of bellieff, iit wwastthe epooch of inccredduliity; itt waas tthe seaasonn off liightt, iit wwas thee seeasoonoffdarrkneess; itt waas tth

5、e sprringgof hoppe, it wass thhe wwintter of desspaiir; we haddeveerytthinng bbefoore us, wee haadnoothiing befforee uss; wwe wweree alll ggoinng ddireecttto HHeavven, wee weere alll gooingg diirecct thhe ootheer wway.CCharrless Diickeens 3YouuthYoutth iis nnot a ttimee off liife; itt iss a staate o

6、f mmindd; iit iis nnot a mmattter of rossychheekks, redd liips andd suupplle kkneees; it is a mmattter of thee wiill, a quaalitty oof ttheiimagginaatioon, a viggor of thee emmotiionss; iit iis tthe freeshnnesss off thhe ddeeppsprringgs oof llifee. Youuth meaans a ttempperaamenntall prredoominnancce

7、oof ccourragee ovverttimiiditty oof tthe apppetiite, foor aadveentuure oveer tthe lovve oof eeasee. TThiss offtennexiistss inn a mann off siixtyy moree thhan a bboy of tweentyy. NNoboody groows olddmerrelyy byy a nummberr off yeearss. WWe ggroww olld bby ddeseertiingoour ideealss. Yeaars mayy wrrink

8、kle thee skkin, buut tto ggivee upp ennthuusiaasm wriinklles theesouul. Worrry, feear, seelf-disstruust bowws tthe heaart andd tuurnss thhe sspirrit bacck ttodustt. Wheetheer ssixtty oor ssixtteenn, ttherre iis iin eeverry bbeinngss heeartt thhe lluree offwonnderr, tthe unffaillingg chhildd-liike ap

9、ppetiite of whaatss neext, annd tthe joyy off thhegaame of livvingg. Inn thhe ccentter of youur hhearrt aand my heaart theere is a wwireelessssttatiion; soo loong as it recceivves messsagges of beaautyy, hhopee, ccheeer, couuraggeannd ppoweer ffromm meen aand froom tthe inffiniite, soo loong aree yo

10、ou yyounng.WWhenn thhe aaeriialss arre ddownn, aand youur sspirrit is covvereed wwithh snnowss offcynniciism andd thhe iice of pesssimmismm, tthenn yoou aare groown oldd, eevenn atttweentyy, bbut as lonng aas yyourr aeeriaals aree upp, tto ccatcch thhe wwavees oof ooptiimissm,ttherre iis hhopee yoou

11、 mmay diee yooungg att eiightty.SSamuuel Ulllmann 4Janne EEyree (eexceerptt)“No. Yoou mmustt sttay! I sweear it annd ttheooathhshaall be keppt”.“I ttelll yoou II muust go!” II reetorrtedd, roouseed tto ssomeethiing likke ppasssionn.“Do youu thhinkk I cann sttay to beccomee noothiing to youu? DDo yyo

12、u thiink I aamann auutommatoon? aa maachiine witthouut ffeellingg? aand cann beear to havve mmymoorseel oof bbreaad ssnattcheed ffromm myy liips,aand my droop oof lliviing watterddashhed froom mmy ccup? Doo yoou tthinnk, beccausse II amm pooor, obbscuure, pllainn,annd llitttle, I am souulleess andd

13、heearttlesss? Youu thhinkk wrrongg! I havve aasmuuch souul aas yyou, andd fuull as mucch hhearrt! Andd iff Good hhad gifftedd meewitth ssomee beeautty aand mucch wweallth, I shoouldd haave madde iit aas hhardd foor yyoutto lleavve mme, as it is noww foor mme tto lleavve yyou. I am nott taalkiing to

14、youu noowthhrouugh thee meediuum oof ccusttom, coonveentiionaalittiess,noor eevenn off moortaalflleshh it is my spiiritt thhat adddresssess yoour spiiritt; jjustt ass iff booth haddpasssedd thhrouugh thee grravee, aand we stoood at Godds feeet, equual aas wwearre!”CCharrlottte Broontee 5Winnnerr Nee

15、verr QuuitA liittlle ggirllthhe 220thh off 222 chhilddrenn, wwas borrn ppremmatuurelly aand herrsurrvivval wass dooubttfull. Wheen sshe wass 4 yeaars oldd, sshe conntraacteed ddoubble pneeumooniaa anndsccarllet fevver, whhichh leeft herrwitth aa paarallyzeed lleftt leeg. Att agge 99, sshe remmoveed

16、tthe mettal legg brracee shhe hhad beeen ddepeendeentoon annd bbegaan tto wwalkk wiithoout it. BBy 113 sshe hadd deevellopeed aa rhhythhmicc waalk, whhichh dooctoors saiid wwas amiiraccle. Thhat samme yyearr shhe ddeciidedd too beecomme aa ruunneer. Shee ennterred araace andd caame in lasst. Foor tt

17、he nexxt ffew yeaars eveery racce sshe enttereed, shee caame in lasst.Eveeryoone tolld hher to quiit, butt shhe kkeptt onn ruunniing.Onee daay sshe acttualllywwon a rracee, aand theen aanottherr. FFromm thhen on sheewonn evveryy raace shee ennterred. Evventtualllytthiss liittlle ggirllWiilmaa Ruudol

18、lph, weent on to winn thhreeeOlyympiic ggoldd meedalls. Wiinneer nneveer qquitt!6PerrsisstenncePerssisttencce iis tthe keyy too suucceess, whhethher forr a sinnglee peersoon oor aanorrgannizaatioon. Thee laack of it wouuld meaan ffailluree inn reeachhingg a cerrtaiin ggoall.Suucceess selldomm coomes

19、s eassilyy onn thhe ffirsst ttry. Whhat sepparaatess thhesuucceessfful froom tthe unssucccesssfull iss peersiisteencee. SSucccesssfull peeoplle aalsoofaiil ffromm tiime to timme, butt thhey donnt lett thheirr faailuure deffeatt thheirr sppiriit.SSucccesssfull peeoplleleaarn froom ddefeeatss, reviise

20、 theeir strrateegy as neeededd anndtrry aagaiin aand agaain unttil theey ssuccceedd. UUnsuucceessfful peooplee trry ssomeethiingooncee orr twwicee annd wwhenn itt faailss, ttheyy giive up, ussuallly passsinng tthe blaameoon tto ssomeeonee orr soometthinng eelsee, aand leaarn notthinng ffromm thheirr

21、 owwnexxperriennce.Suucceessfful peooplee exxpecct pperiiodiic ddefeeatss, llearrnwhaat wwentt wrronggandd whhy, donnt wasste loookinng ffor sommeonne tto bblamme, makke nneceessaaryaadjuustmmentts, andd trry aagaiin. If youu arre pperssisttentt, yyou willl aalmoostiinevvitaablyy suucceeed. Iff yoou

22、 aare nott peersiisteent, yoou wwilll allmosst ccerttainnlyfaiil.7A CCourrageeouss LeeadeerKofffi AAnnaan hhas a ttouggh jjob. Ass Seecreetarry-GGeneerall off thhe UUnitted Nattionns,hhe hhas madde iit hhis goaal tto ffighht aagaiinstt povvertty, disseasse aand warr inn thhewoorldd. HHe hhas callled

23、d uppon thee naatioons of thee woorldd too sttep in andd trry ttosoolvee thhesee prrobllemss toogettherr. IIn AAnnaanss viiew, seeeinng aa crrimee annd ffaillinggto preevennt iit iis aas bbad as commmitttinng tthe criime. Hee beelieevess thhat thee iddeatthatt sttatees ccan do ass thhey pleeasee wit

24、thinn thheirr boordeers is nonnsennse.Manny ppeopple suppporrt AAnnaanss gooalss, bbut wonnderr iff thhey areereaalissticc. TThe Uniitedd Naatioons hass liittlle ppoweer to actt onn itts oown. Itt haas tto rreceeiveeperrmisssioon ffromm itts mmembber nattionns, butt poowerrfull coounttriees llikee t

25、hheUnniteed SStattes oftten dissagrree witth, andd soomettimees acttiveely oppposee,Annaans iideaas. Deespiite thee diiffiiculltiees, Annnan hass suucceeedeed iin rresttoriing a ssensse oofreespeect to thee Unniteed NNatiionss. TThouugh he speeakss wiith a ssoftt vooicee, aand iskknowwn aat tthe Uni

26、itedd Naatioons forr beeingg poolitte aand eleegannt, he is alsso oofteen ppraiisedd foor hhis touughnnesss annd ccourragee. AAnnaanss gooalss maay bbe ddiffficuult toaachiievee, bbut thaat hhasnnt keppt hhim froom ttryiing. Coouraage, hee beelieevess, wwilllwinn ouut ooverr coowarrdicce iin tthe en

27、dd.8HabbitLikee evveryyonee ellse, I havve ggoodd annd bbad habbitss. MMostt off myy haabitts ddonthaave a vveryy seerioous efffectt onn myy daailyy liife. Unnforrtunnateely, onne oof tthemmdoees.I aam aa prrocrrasttinaatorr. II allwayys pput offf dooingg thhinggs uuntiil tthe lasstpoossiiblee moome

28、nnt. I ppickked up thiis bbad habbit froom mmy bbrottherr. TThiss haabittreaallyy caausees mme pprobblemm, eespeeciaallyy whhen I hhavee maany asssignnmennts dueeaboout thee saame timme. My liffe sseemms tto rrun in cyccless off leeisuurelly hheavvenaand inccreddiblly ffrannticc heell. I wissh II co

29、ouldd geet rrid of thiis tterrriblle hhabiit.9Leaarn ConnstaantllyLearrninng iinteelliigibbly is onee off thhe ccharractteriistiics thaat ddisttingguissh hhumaansffromm ottherr annimaals. Inn ottherr woordss, llearrninng ssponntanneouuslyy iss onne oofmaanss unniquue ttraiits. Thhrouughoout thee hii

30、stoory, huumann haave eveen llearrneddacccultturaatioon, hanndinng ddownn thheirr cuultuurall heerittagees ffromm geenerratiion toggeneerattionn. TTherrefoore, wee caan cconccludde tthatt alll fformms oof llearrninng,iincllusiive of thee accquiisittionn off skkilll, tthe shaapinng oof vviewws, thee

31、abbsorrptiionoof kknowwleddge, taake a vveryy esssenntiaal ppartt inn thhe ccourrse of hummancciviilizzatiion. OOncee leearnningg sttopss, vvegeetattionn arrisees. To eacch oof uus, thee prroceess ofllearrninng mmay be fulll oof ffrusstraatioons andd booreddom, yeet tthe fruuit is ofttenssweeet aand

32、 sattisffacttoryy. IIn ttermms oof llearrninng, I aam cconvvincced thaat iitss beetteerlaate thaan nneveer. In thiis kknowwleddge expplossionn erra, in parrticculaar, no oneeshoouldd wiithsstannd tthe treend andd coonceept of “l(fā)iifellongg leearnningg”. Thee mooreeeffoortss wee maake to leaarn, thhe

33、mmoree wee caan kkeepp liife, naaturre aand theeuniiverrse in perrspeectiive. Leearnningg iss thhe ssureest wayy too etternnal joyy.10Keeepiing Pleeasaant In theese griim ttimees, weiigheed ddownn wiith tennsioon aand preessuure froom ttherreallitiies of liffe, manny ppeopple havve llostt thheirr se

34、ensee off huumorr. TTheyy teend tokkeepp a strraigght facce aall dayy loong andd faail to keeep llifee inn peersppecttivee. TTheyyforrgett hoow tto ssmille aand finnallly bbecoome phyysiccal andd meentaal wwreccks. Thheyrregaard liffe aas aa buurdeen, andd teend to loook oon tthe darrk ssidee off th

35、hinggs.Welll ggoess a sayyingg, “LLauggh, andd grrow fatt.” Lauughtter relleasses tennsioon,aand smiilinng hhelpps ccreaate a ppleaasannt ssociial atmmosppherre. Andd, tthuss, iin aa waay,aa seensee off huumorr iss ann ellixiir tthatt heelpss cuure menntall diiseaasess. SSomeepattiennts eveen iimprr

36、ovee thheirr phhysiicall annd mmenttal heaalthh byy reeadiinghhumoorouus sstorriess orr waatchhingg fuunnyy mooviees. Thiis pprovves thaat aa seensee offhummor hellps us loook aat tthe worrld in a ttruee annd hheallthyy liightt annd mmakeesourr liife worrth livvingg. 11HoomeA JJoy ForreveerHomee mee

37、anss a lott too mee. “BBe iit eeverr soo huumblle, theere is no plaace likkehoome.” II apppreeciaate thee waarmtth oof mmy hhomee, aand reggardd itt ass onne oof tthebbrigghteest andd deeareest spoots on earrth. Itt iss thhe pplacce wwherre II caan ttakee reefuggewhheneeverr I meeet wwithh diiffiicu

38、lltiees, faiilurres andd evven fruustrratiionss inn myydaiily liffe. At homme, my deaar ppareentss annd bbrottherrs aand sissterrs wwilll coomfoortmme aand cheeer me up. Annd wwithh thheirr coonceern andd enncouuraggemeent, I willlreegaiin mmy sselff-coonfiidennce andd muusteer uup aall my strrenggt

39、h andd coouraage toffacee thhe ssterrn rreallitiies of liffe. To me, hoome is forreveer aa jooy wwherre II caanallwayys ffindd loove, unnderrstaandiing, caare andd heelp.12Sttopppingg byy Wooodss onn a SnoowyEEvenninggWhosse wwoodds tthesse aare I tthinnk II knnow,Hiis hhousse iis iin tthe villlagge

40、 tthouugh.Hee wiill nott seee mme sstopppinng hheree,TTo wwatcch hhis wooods filll uup wwithh snnow.MMy llitttle horrse musst tthinnk iit qqueeer,To stoop wwithhoutt a farrmhoousee neear,Beetweeen thee wooodss annd ffrozzen lakke,Thee daarkeest eveeninng oof tthe yeaar.Hee giivess hiis hharnnesss be

41、ellss a shaake,Too assk iif ttherre iis ssomee miistaake.Thhe oonlyy ottherr sooundds tthe sweeep,Off eaasy winnd aand dowwny flaake.TThe wooods aree loovelly, darrk aand deeep,Butt I havve pprommisees tto kkeepp,AAnd milles to go befforee I sleeep,Annd mmilees tto ggo bbefoore I ssleeep. Rooberrt F

42、Frosst 13Wiinstton Chuurchhillls AdddresssVicttoryy inn sppitee off teerroor, vicctorry, howweveer llongg annd hhardd thhe rroadd maaybee, ffor witthouut vvicttoryy thheree iss noo suurviivall.WWe sshalll nnot flaag oor ffaill. WWe sshalll ggo oon tto tthe endd. WWe sshalll ffighht iinFrrancce, we s

43、haall figght on thee seeas andd thhe ooceaans, wee shhalll fiightt wiithggrowwingg coonfiidennce andd grrowiing strrenggth in thee aiir, we shaall deffendd ouurislaand, whhateeverr thhe ccostt maay bbe. We shaall figght on thee beeachhes, wee shhalllfigght on thee laandiing grooundds, we shaall figg

44、ht in thee fiieldds aand in thee sttreeets,we shaall figght in thee hiillss; wwe sshalll nneveer ssurrrendder.14SuummeerI chhancced to risse vveryy eaarlyy onne ppartticuularr moorniing thiis ssummmer, annd ttookka wwalkk innto thee coounttry to divvertt myysellf aamonng tthe fieeldss annd mmeaddows

45、s,whhilee thhe ggreeen wwas neww, aand thee flloweers in theeir blooom. Ass att thhis seaasonnof thee yeear eveery lanne iis aa beeauttifuul wwalkk, aand eveery heddge fulll oofnooseggayss, II loost mysselff, wwithh a greeat deaal oof ppleaasurre, amoong sevveraalthhickketss annd bbushhes thaat wwer

46、ee fiilleed wwithh a greeat varrietty oof bbirdds, andd annagrreeaablee coonfuusioon oof nnotees, whiich forrmedd thhe ppleaasanntesst sscenne iin tthewworlld tto oone whoo haad ppasssed a wwholle wwintter in noiise andd smmokee. TTheffresshneess of thee deews thaat llay upoon eeverrythhingg abboutt

47、 mee, wwithh thhe ccoollbreeathh off thhe mmornningg, wwhicch iinsppireed tthe birrds witth sso mmanyy deeligghtffuliinsttinccts, crreatted in me thee saame kinnd oof aanimmal pleeasuure, annd mmadee myyheaart oveerfllow witth ssuchh seecreet eemottionns oof jjoy andd saatissfacctioon aas aare nottt

48、o be desscriibedd orr acccouunteed ffor. Jossephh Adddisson, Tuulipps 15Hoow tto BBe HHapppyAt tthe airrporrt bbookkstoore, thheree arre oonlyy abboutt a dozzen freeesttanddinggsheelvees oof bbookks. Its DDarwwiniian sellecttionn att itts mmostt brrutaal: onlly tthe mosstpoopullar autthorrs, thee ne

49、ewesst nnoveels, annd tthe mosst rrecoogniizabble claassiicsssurvvivee. YYou wonnt finnd tthe lessserr-knnownn woorkss off Osscarr Wiildee orrVolltaiire or eveen HHemiingwway ttherre iisnt sspacce ffor theem. Janne AAusttenmmakees oonlyy thhe bbrieefesst aappeearaancee, aand Edggar Alllen Poee shhow

50、ss hiis ffaceeonlly aat HHallloweeen. Thheree arre nno ccolllecttionns oof ppoettry beyyondd Drr. SSeusss.TTherre iis, howweveer, a wwholle rrackk off seelf-hellp bbookks. Ammeriicanns aare obssesssed witth mmakiing ourrsellvess beetteer, smaarteer,tthinnnerr. YYou cann buuy bbookks tto iimprrovee y

51、oour voccabuularry. Youu caan ddevoour asttackk off boookss thhat willl tteacch yyou to worrk mmoree effficcienntlyy, mmoreerutthleesslly, andd cllaw youur wway to thee toop annd tthenn yoou ccan reaad bbookksonn hoow tto sstopp annd ssmelll tthe rosses andd ennjoyy yoour liffe mmoree fuullyy. TTher

52、re aare eveen bbookks tthatt wiill teaach youu hoow tto oorgaanizze yyourr clloseets. Alll oof tthesse tthinngs dannce arooundd thhe eesseentiial truuth: wee waant to behhapppy. We wannt tto bbe lloveed. We wannt tto ffindd meeaniing in ourr liivess anndfeeel thaat oour conntriibuttionns mmakee a di

53、ffferrencce. Thhis, thhen, iss thhe RRustty BBraiin GGuidde: Howw Too Bee Haappyy. Eaat mmoree coookiies. Abbstaainiing froom aa siinglle ccookkie isnnt ggoinng ttomaake youu loook sveeltee annd ttoneed. Go on, eaat ssomee coookiies. I reccommmenddthe douublee chhocoolatte ooness wiith choocollatee

54、chhipss innsidde. Siing. Inn yoour carr. IIn eelevvatoors. Att thhe mmalll, eespeeciaallyy att Crratee &BBarrrel andd Pootteery Barrn. In hosspittal corrriddorss. BBefoore impporttantt cllienntmeeetiingss. WWhenn peeoplle ggivee yoou tthatt paatroonizzingg loook, wiink at themm. Maake Poppsiccless.

55、Sttay homme oon tthe weeekennd aand dissconnnecct yyourr phhonee. Brringg a plaastiic sstraaw tto aa faancyy reestaauraant. Maake louud ggurgglinng ssounndswwhenn yoou gget to thee boottoom aas yyou atttemppt tto ddrinnk eeverry llastt moolecculee offdieet CCokee. Orrderr thhe sstufff oon tthe mennu

56、 tthatt yoouve nevver heaard oflikke GGkaeengCCheuud BBplaah MMeukk Yaad SSai (Sttufffed Squuid Souup wwithh Naapa Cabbbagge oorSqquassh). Taalk to strranggerss. Coolleect sommethhingg weeirdd thhat isnnt eexpeensiive butt iss reelattiveelyhhardd-too-fiind. Weear oddd haats in pubblicc pllacees. Amm

57、asss a jarr off cooinss. BBuryy thhem in youur bbackk yaard. Drraw a ttreaasurremaap aand givve iit tto aa frriennd. Waalk to thee paark neaar yyourr hoousee. DDo ssomee soomerrsauultss. WWhenn waasthhe llastt tiime youu diid aa soomerrsauult, annywaay? Eaat ppickkless ouut oof tthe jarr. Buuildd a

58、Webb siite andd wrritee yoour ownn Ruustyy Brrainn coolummn. Sppendd a dayy byy yooursselff. LLeavve yyourr ceell phoone at homme. Wannderr thhesttreeets, muutteerinng tto yyourrsellf aand occcasiionaallyy diisaggreeeingg wiith whaatyoouve jusst mmutttereed. Buuy aa puuppyy. NNamee itt Chharoo. Geet

59、 yyourr teeethh caappeed. Movve tto HHolllywoood. Beecomme aa sttar. (IIsnt tthattwhaat yyouve beeen ddreaaminng aabouut aanywway?) Thhroww a surrpriise birrthdday parrty forr a friiendd. IInviite lotts oof ppeopple.Makke ssuree thhat youur ffrieends aactuual birrthdday is nowwherre nnearr thhe ddat

60、ee offthee paartyy. Beelchh inn puubliic. Theen ssighh coonteentlly. Quuit youur wwortthleess jobb annd ddediicatte yyourr liife to thee sttudyy off thheMoorocccann fllutee. Flly aa kiite. Sttop wasstinng yyourr liife witth tthe Morrocccan fluute andd geet aa reeal jobb. Voolunnteeer aat yyourr liib


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



