1、英文原文名English for Die Mould Design and Manufacturing中文譯名模具設計與制造專業(yè)英語英文原文版出處:模具設計與制造專業(yè)英語,劉建雄 王家惠 廖丕博 主編,北京大學出版社2006年3月第1版 譯文:33壓鑄壓鑄是通過壓力作用下使熔融金屬進入金屬模具,是快速生產精密產品的一部分。這個術語同時適用于所得的鑄件。壓鑄件因為具有有良好的表面而可以經濟地應用于批量和大批量生產中。只需要相對小的加工,就可以實現(xiàn)很好的公差保證,這些原則在一些壓鑄操作中都得到了很好的檢驗。壓鑄模具是永久性的,不會由于金屬的引入而影響到他們,除正常磨損或損耗。在相同的大小和形狀的條
7、區(qū)別主要在于溢流井通常圍繞壓鑄型腔的周邊,如前面所提到的,在鑄造時它們可以減少氧化物的量,最先進入模具的合金,通過排氣孔把型腔內的空氣排出,隨后注射的合金和模具有更高的溫度,從而減少金屬凝固過早的機會,這種過早凝固形成的表面缺陷稱為冷料,是由于金屬流動時還沒有相遇熔接在一起就已經凝固所致,當壓鑄模較小時,溢流槽大幅增加熔融金屬也可以使模具保持一定的溫度。3.3.4壓鑄機1.熱室壓鑄機 一個典型的熱室注射系統(tǒng)如圖3-12所示,由氣缸、柱塞、流道和噴嘴組成,注塑周期開始時的柱塞在相應的位置上,熔融金屬流入保溫爐內,通過進氣口并進入壓力缸,然后,當模具合模并鎖緊時,液壓柱塞移動到氣缸和密封進氣口,熔
9、當模具打開,在注射筒端多余的金屬,被稱為料柄,是被逼出來的,因為它是連接到缸體鑄件。在壓鑄周期中料柄是需要的,用于保持液態(tài)金屬的壓力鑄造、凝固和收縮。第4章 鍛造模具4.1 簡介鍛造是一個通過各種模具和工具施加壓力到工件加工的方法,這是最古老的金屬加工方法,至少可以追溯到公元前4000年,也許早在公元前8000年,鍛造通過用石頭錘擊金屬用來制造珠寶、錢幣和各種器具。簡單的鍛造操作,傳統(tǒng)上由鐵匠用重錘子和砧進行。然而,大多數(shù)鍛件需要一套模具和壓力機或鍛錘等設備完成。典型的鍛造產品有螺栓和鉚釘、連桿、渦輪機軸、齒輪、有手柄的工具、機械構件、飛行器、鐵路和各種其它運輸設備。通過控制金屬的流動和晶粒結
11、2 開式模鍛開式模鍛是最簡單的鍛造工藝,雖然大多數(shù)開放式模鍛一般重達15公斤500公斤,但是也有鍛重300噸的,大小的范圍可以從非常小的零件到長達23米(如螺旋槳)。開模鍛過程可以描述為由固體工件放置在兩個平面之間通過壓縮它降低高度(如圖4-2),這個過程也被稱為鐓粗或平鍛。模具表面在開式模鍛可以簡單鑄造,生產相對簡單的鍛件。在理想的條件下對工件的變形如圖4-2(b)所示,因為鍛件體積恒定,在高度方向減少,在直徑方向就會增加。需要注意的是,在圖4-2(b)中,所述工件是均勻地變形,而在實際操作中,工件變成桶形(如圖4-2 (c),這種變形也被稱為鐓鍛。快速移動造成主要由摩擦力形成接口,反的材料
13、 模鍛和閉式模鍛在模鍛里,工件通過在兩個有所需形狀的模具型腔(鍛模)中成形(如圖4-4所示),需要注意的是一些材料向外流動,并形成一些飛邊。飛邊有一個顯著的作用在流動的材料進入模鍛時:薄的飛邊快速冷卻,并且由于其摩擦力,這使得材料在模具型腔中受到高的壓力,從而促進模具型腔的填充。坯件通過這些方法制備(a)切割或剪切一條擠壓或拉伸的棒料(b)粉末冶金制作型坯(c)鑄造或者(d)在鍛造前預先成形毛坯。坯件放在下模,然后上模開始下降,坯件的形狀逐漸改變,如圖4-5(a)所示為一個連桿鍛造。預制坯鍛造過程如拔長和滾壓(如圖4-5(b)和(c)通常用于將材料分配到不同坯件區(qū)域,就像它們是面團制作餡餅。拔
16、為該工件接近最終所需的形狀。因此,以往的鍛造與精密鍛造之間的選擇需要一個經濟分析,特別是在考慮到生產數(shù)量時。4.3.2 精壓精壓基本上是一個閉式模鍛過程,通常用來鑄造硬幣、獎章和珠寶(如圖4-8(a)(b)所示),鍛造毛坯在一個完全封閉的模腔里精壓。為了生產精細所需的壓力可以是五或六倍的材料強度,例如,在新鑄幣的細致部分。對于某些工件可能需要幾個精壓操作,潤滑油不能用于精壓中,因為它們能陷入模具型腔中,并且是不能壓縮的,阻止充分再現(xiàn)模具表面細節(jié)。在精壓過程中也使用鍛件和其他的產品,以改善表面光潔度和賦予所需的尺寸精度,這一過程被稱為按尺寸加工,涉及高壓的同時在工件形狀按尺寸加工使用小的變形。制
17、造帶有字母和數(shù)字的工件能夠類似于精壓過程快速完成。原文:3.3 Die Casting Die casting is the art of rapidly producing accurately dimensioned parts by forcing molten metal under pressure into metal dies. The term also applies to the resultant casting. Die castings can be used economically in designs having moderate to large activ
18、ity because the completed piece has a good surface, requires relatively little machining, and can be held to close tolerances. The principles of die casting follow those of good practice in any casting operation. The steel dies are permanent and should not be affected by the metal introduced into th
19、em, except for normal abrasion or wear. Die-casting dies are usually more expensive than those used in plastic or permanent molding of a part of similar size and shape. The rapidity of operation depends upon the speed with which the metal can be forced into the die, cooled, and ejected; the casting
20、removed; and the die prepared for the next shot.3.3.1 The Die Casting Cycle In the casting cycle, first the die is closed and locked. The molten metal, which is main tained by a furnace at a specified temperature, then enters the injection cylinder. Depending on the type of alloy, either a hot-chamb
21、er or cold-chamber metal-pumping system is used. These will be described later. During the injection stage of the die casting process, pressure is applied to the molten metal, which is then driven quickly through the feed system of the die while air escapes from the die through vents. The volume of
22、metal must be large enough to overflow the die cavities and fill overflow wells. These overflow wells are designed to receive the lead portion of the molten metal, which tends to oxidize from contact with air in the cavity and also cools too rapidly from initial die contact to produce sound castings
23、. Once the cavities are filled, pressure on the metal is increased and held for a specified dwell time during which solidification takes place. The dies are then separated, and the part extracted, often by means of automatic machine operation. The open dies are then cleaned and lubricated as needed,
24、 and the casting cycle is repeated. Following extraction from the die, parts are often quenched and then trimmed to remove the runners, which were necessary for metal flow during mold filling. Trimming is also necessary to remove the overflow wells and any parting-line flash that is produced. Subseq
25、uently, secondary machining and surface finishing operations may be performed. 3.3.2 Die Casting Alloys The four major types of alloys that are die-cast are zinc, aluminum, magnesium, and copper-based alloys. The die casting process was developed in the 19th century for the manu- facture of lead/tin
26、 alloy parts. However, lead and tin are now very rarely die-cast because of their poor mechanical properties. The most common die casting alloys are the aluminum alloys. They have low density, good corrosion resistance, are relatively easy to cast, and have good mechanical properties and dimensional
27、 stability. Aluminum alloys have the disadvantage of requiring the use of cold-chamber machines, which usually have longer cycle times than hot-chamber machines owing to the need for a separate ladling operation. Zinc-based alloys are the easiest to cast. They also have high ductility and good impac
28、t strength, and therefore can be used for a wide range of products. Castings can be made with very thin walls, as well as with excellent surface smoothness, leading to ease of preparation for plating and painting. Zinc alloy castings, however, are very susceptible to corrosion and must usually be co
29、ated, adding significantly to the total cost of the component. Also, the high specific gravity of zinc alloys leads to a much higher cost per unit volume than for aluminum die casting alloys.Zinc-aluminum (ZA) alloys contain a higher aluminum content (82.7%) than the standard zinc alloys. Thin walls
30、 and long die lives can be obtained, similar to standard zinc alloys, but as with aluminum alloys, cold-chamber machines, which require pouring of the molten metal for each cycle, must usually be used. The single exception to this rule is ZA8 (8% Al), which has the lowest aluminum content of the zin
31、c-aluminum family. Magnesium alloys have very low density, a high strength-to-weight ratio, exceptional damping capacity, and excellent machinability properties. Copper-based alloys, brass and bronze, provide the best mechanical properties of any of the die casting alloys; but they are much more exp
32、ensive. Brasses have high strength and toughness, good wear resistance, and excellent corrosion resistance. One major disadvantage of copper-based alloy casting is the short die life caused by thermal fatigue of the dies at the extremely high casting temperatures. Die life is influenced most strongl
33、y by the casting temperature of the alloys, and for that reason is greatest for zinc and shortest for copper alloys. However, this is only an approximation since casting size, wall thickness, and geometrical complexity also influence the wear and eventual breakdown of the die surface.3.3.3 Die Casti
34、ng Dies Die casting dies consist of two major sectionsthe ejector die half and the cover die halfwhich meet at the parting line. The cavities and cores are usually machined into inserts that are fitted into each of these halves. The cover die half is secured to the stationary platen, while the eject
35、or die half is fastened to the movable platen (see Figs. 3-10, 3-11). The cavity and matching core must be designed so that the die halves can be pulled away from the solidified casting. The construction of die casting dies is almost identical to that of molds for injection molding. In injection mol
36、ding terminology, the ejector die half comprises the core plate and ejector housing, and the cover die half comprises the cavity plate and backing support plate. Side-pull mechanisms for casting parts with external cross-features can be found in exactly the same form in die casting dies as in plasti
37、c injection molds. However, molten die casting alloys are much less viscous than the polymer melt in injection molding and have a great tendency to flow between the contacting surfaces of the die. This phenomenon, referred to as “flashing”, tends to jam mold mechanisms, which must, for this reason,
38、be robust. The combination of flashing with the high core retraction forces due to part shrinkage makes it extremely difficult to produce satisfactory internal core mechanisms. Thus, internal screw threads or other internal undercuts cannot usually be cast and must be produced by expensive additiona
39、l machining operations. Ejection systems found in die casting dies are identical to the ones found in injection molds.“Flashing” always occurs between the cover die and ejector die halves, leading to a thin, irregular band of metal around the parting line. Occasionally, this parting line flash may e
40、scape between the die faces. For this reason, full safety doors must always be fitted to manual die casting machines to contain any such escaping flash material.One main difference in the die casting process is that overflow wells are usually designed around the perimeter of die casting cavities. As
41、 mentioned earlier, they reduce the amount of oxides in the casting, by allowing the first part of the shot, which displaces the air through the escape vents, to pass completely through the cavity. The remaining portion of the shot and the die are then at a higher temperature, thereby reducing the c
42、hance of the metal freezing prematurely. Such premature freezing leads to the formation of surface defects called cold shuts, in which streams of metal do not weld together properly because they have partially solidified by the time they meet. Overflow wells are also needed to maintain a more unifor
43、m die temperature on small castings, by adding substantially to the mass of molten metal.3.3.4 Die Casting Machines 1. Hot-Chamber Machines A typical hot-chamber injection or shot system, as shown in Fig. 3-12, consists of a cylinder, a plunger, a gooseneck, and a nozzle. The injection cycle begins
44、with the plunger in the up position. The molten metal flows from the metal-holding pot in the furnace, through the intake ports, and into the pressure cylinder. Then, with the dies closed and locked, hydraulic pressure moves the plunger down into the pressure cylinder and seals off the intake ports.
45、 The molten metal is forced through the gooseneck channel and the nozzle and into the sprue, feed system, and die cavities. The sprue is a conically expanding flow channel that passes through the cover die half from the nozzle into the feed system. The conical shape provides a smooth transition from
46、 the injection point to the feed channels and allows easy extraction from the die after solidification. After a preset dwell time for metal solidification, the hydraulic system is reversed and the plunger is pulled up. The cycle then repeats.2. Cold-Chamber Machines A typical cold-chamber machine, a
47、s shown in Fig. 3-13, consists of a horizontal shot chamber with a pouring hole on the top, a water-cooled plunger, and a pressurized injection cylinder. The sequence of operations is as follows: when the die is closed and locked and the cylinder plunger is retracted, the molten metal is ladled into
48、 the shot chamber through the pouring hole. In order to tightly pack the metal in the cavity, the volume of metal poured into the chamber is greater than the combined volume of the cavity, the feed system, and the overflow wells. The injection cylinder is then energized, moving the plunger through t
49、he chamber, thereby forcing the molten metal into the die cavity. After the metal has solidified, the die opens and the plunger moves back to its original position. As the die opens, the excess metal at the end of the injection cylinder, called the biscuit, is forced out of the cylinder because it i
50、s attached to the casting. Material in the biscuit is required during the die casting cycle in order to maintain liquid metal pressure on the casting while it solidifies and shrinks.Chapter 4 Forging Die 4.1 Introduction Forging is a process in which the workpiece is shaped by compressive forces app
51、lied through various dies and tools. It is one of the oldest metalworking operations, dating back at least to 4000 B.C.perhaps as far back as 8000 B.C. Forging was first used to make jewelry, coins, and various implements by hammering metal with tools made of stone. Simple forging operations can be
52、performed with a heavy hand hammer and an anvil, as was traditionally done by blacksmiths. Most forgings, however, require a set of dies and such equipment as a press or a forging hammer.Typical forged products are bolts and rivets, connecting rods, shafts for turbines, gears, hand tools, and struct
53、ural components for machinery, aircraft, railroads, and a variety of other transportation equipment. Metal flow and grain structure can be controlled, so forged parts have good strength and toughness; they can be used reliably for highly stressed and critical applications (Fig. 4-1). Forg- ing may b
54、e done at room temperature (cold forging) or at elevated temperatures (warm or hot forging, depending on the temperature).Because of the higher strength of the material, cold forging requires greater forces, and the workpiece materials must have sufficient ductility at room temperature. Cold-forged
55、parts have good surface finish and dimensional accuracy. Hot forging requires smaller forces, but it produces dimensional accuracy and surface finish that are not as good. Forgings generally require additional finishing operations, such as heat treating, to modify properties, and then machining to o
56、btain accurate finished dimensions. These operations can be minimized by precision forging, which is an important example of the trend toward net-shape or near-net shape forming processes. This trend significantly reduces the number of operations required, and hence the manufacturing cost to make th
57、e final product.There are several forms of forging, but there is some disparity identifying processes with names in different references.4.2 Open-Die Forging Open-die forging is the simplest forging process. Although most open-die forging generally weighs 15 kg500 kg, forging as heavy as 300 tons ha
58、ve been made. Sizes may range from very small parts up to shafts some 23 m long (in the case of ship propellers).The open-die forging process can be depicted by a solid workpiece placed between two flat dies and reduced in height by compressing it (Fig. 4-2). This process is also called upsetting or
59、 flat-die forging. The die surfaces in open-die forging may have simple cavities, to produce relatively simple forgings. The deformation of the workpiece under ideal conditions is shown in Fig. 4-2 (b). Because constancy of volume is maintained, any reduction in height increases the diameter of the
60、forged part.Note that, in Fig. 4-2 (b), the workpiece is deformed uniformly. In actual operations, the part develops a barrel shape (Fig. 4-2 (c); this deformation is also known as pancaking. Barreling is caused primarily by frictional forces at the die-workpiece interfaces that oppose the outward f
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