



1、2017.3.11 AB 班講義(試用版(2015seeking the limestoneops and dark waters of the Li River which byartistsinsomany (pa(2014 卷I49) While there2017.3.11 AB 班講義(試用版(2015seeking the limestoneops and dark waters of the Li River which byartistsinsomany (pa(2014 卷I49) While there are amazing stories of instant tran

2、sformation, for most of us the (change)are gradual andrequire alotofeffortand work,likecleaning upapolluted一般情況, 直接加-s:port-s, x, ch, sh 結尾發(fā)s、t、d音的詞,加busbuses,boxboxes,bushbushes,branch注:stomachstomachs(stomach詞尾發(fā)/k/,故復數(shù)直接加-輔音字母yyi,加-es:universityuniversities,city-cities, story元音字母y,直接加-s:boyboys, d

3、ay-【特例】 Mary-5. o 結尾加-o6. o 結尾加-s: zoozoos radioradios bamboo-bambooskilo(千克 sstudio-studios photophotos tobacco(煙葉【特例】 zero-zerosmotto(座右銘,箴言)-mottos7. f fef fe v,再加- gulfgulfs(海灣)scarf(圍巾)scarfshandkerchief(手帕)handkerchiefsman - men mouse-child-注:German-Germans除外sheep,deer, fish, girl student-girl

4、 students roomnumber-roomnumbersshoe factory-shoe factorieswomanteacher-womenman woman mandoctor-mendoctors集合名詞【特例】 zero-zerosmotto(座右銘,箴言)-mottos7. f fef fe v,再加- gulfgulfs(海灣)scarf(圍巾)scarfshandkerchief(手帕)handkerchiefsman - men mouse-child-注:German-Germans除外sheep,deer, fish, girl student-girl stu

5、dents roomnumber-roomnumbersshoe factory-shoe factorieswomanteacher-womenman woman mandoctor-mendoctors集合名詞的,cattle, class,family, team, worker ndentist scientist pianist 2tion activity beauty(8)tdifferent difference confidentconfidenceimportantimportance convenientilent silence weigh weight pleasep

6、leasurefailfailure fly flightproud high height speakspeechs 1Applesnewmachine ,theLisa ,proved tobean expensive (fail).2Hehad seasonticketsouldnt go to this (perform).he tune, he came suddenly upon a (home)beggarlyinghemidstofthe 4Lily has been to her (uncle) many times this month. 5Father went to h

7、is doctor for (advise)abouthishearttrouble6There are ten (woman)teachersandtwodred (girl)he their1Applesnewmachine ,theLisa ,proved tobean expensive (fail).2Hehad seasonticketsouldnt go to this (perform).he tune, he came suddenly upon a (home)beggarlyinghemidstofthe 4Lily has been to her (uncle) man

8、y times this month. 5Father went to his doctor for (advise)abouthishearttrouble6There are ten (woman)teachersandtwodred (girl)he theirtime8Ishall never fear difficulty and Ishall never knowthe (exist)oftheword“failure”.9Youllwanttoknowyour bodylanguageissayingandhowret other 10Not long ago he sent t

9、hewouldreturnwithhis She was inLondon and spent her (young)inThe (erupt)ofMountKilauea, oneofthemostactivevolcanoes inHawaii,isalways takingy13His (curious)madehimwonderaboExcept for some short songs and poems included in his plays, all of (Shakespeare)greatest poems are sonnet.The number of languag

10、es is getting smaller all the time because of the steady (grow) of bigger languages.Tightjeansand trousers, shortskirtsandeven sensibleflat shoesmayallcause (ill).17Reducetheamountofitifyou sufferedfrom ess or (sleep)aftertakingthemedicine.18I saw many (Japan)seatedhecornerand reading 19Youshouldtak

11、emore (exercise).Dontalways thedesk ng your 1Muchrareanimalsaredyingout. 2We dont need to do so many.3Heve furnitureinhisroom-justan olddesk.4It felt very strange to travel without any luggages. 5Imlookingforwardtohearingagoodnewsfromyou!6YouremindmesomanyofmymotherMayIhug擁抱ast,heoffered hisonhowtog

12、et ridofthe8Thefood waswonderfulwithreasonable, njoyedseverallocal9The fruits are small in size, but juicy and tasty. There are so much t we often share them with 1TheonlyclothesI hadwas thoseI had 2I was walking home with one of my friend. 3Hewastall,withbroadshoulderandabeard.4Hestoppedat aboxofgo

13、lden ballforChristmas 5Oneday,littleTonywenttoacenterwithhis6WhatI likedbestwere thefree high-ernethe7From thetimeI wasaboutfour untilI wasaboutsix,Idestroyed eachof my8Forle,we can doreadingfor one andahalf hourandplay sportsforonehour every 9Sincethen-foralltheseyear-wehavebeen allowingtomatoestos

14、elfseed wherethey1Iwas playing atmycousin 我你他她它I Treat toaglassofwinetohelpyourelaxatofthe1Isnt it amazinghow the human body heals afteran2Aman calling Robertcalledyouthismorningwhenyouwerenotin.3Catherine bought tcard of the pla t officehe was visiting, addressed to 1Iwas playing atmycousin 我你他她它I

15、Treat toaglassofwinetohelpyourelaxatofthe1Isnt it amazinghow the human body heals afteran2Aman calling Robertcalledyouthismorningwhenyouwerenotin.3Catherine bought tcard of the pla t officehe was visiting, addressed to (her) andtedthe4Surprisingly, Susans beautiful hair reached below her knees and m

16、ade almost an overcoat for her. 5Those who smoke heavily should remind of health, the bad smell and the feelings of other 1TheCDs are on sale! Buy oneand you get compleyforothers is a habit, youcanlearnevenatanearlyage.3Ifyourebuyingtodaysr from the stand, could you get forme?4Overthepast20years, er

17、net helped change our world in wayoranotherforthebetter.5Recycling is 6Wehavevariou7Ilikethishouse ay toprotecttheenvironment; reusing.mmersforyourholidays.Youcanbasedonyour beautifulgardeninfront,butI ve enough money to buy felt funny watching myself onTV.worriesmethewayhekeepschanginghismind. 10We

18、 feel our duty to make our country a bettAs the busiest woman in Norton, she madeher dutytolookafter alltheoth hat town.No matter where he is, he makes aruletogo forawalk before eoples13Why dont you bring tohisattentiontyoure tooilltowork 14He didnt make clearwhenandwhere themeetingwouldbeheld.15Sus

19、ancleartometshewished tomakea newlife for16Thetwogirlsare sot strangers find difficulttolonefrom the17IfIcan,Idontlikeworking othe18Idte ifyou couldletmeknowinadvancewhetherornotyou willcome.19How would you like ifyou were watchingyour favoriteTVprogram and someonecame the room and just shut it off

20、without asking you?o20I dont mind (she) criticizing me, but ishowshedoesittIobject 21One of the mostimportant questions they had toconsider was ofpublichealth.22Little joy can equal ofasurprisingendingwhenyoureadstories.23TheEnglishheUnitedes is only slightly different from spokeninEngland.24Thecost

21、of rentingahouseincentralXianis n inany otherareaofthecity.25Thetrafficonthemainstreetshas alongergreenn onthe22Little joy can equal ofasurprisingendingwhenyoureadstories.23TheEnglishheUnitedes is only slightly different from spokeninEngland.24Thecostof rentingahouseincentralXianis n inany otherarea

22、ofthecity.25Thetrafficonthemainstreetshas alongergreenn onthesmallones.26Thequalityofhissmall schoolis n insomelargerschools.27At ourfactory there are afew machines similartodescribedhis28Half of surveyed in 16 countries say they go wishes and darkest fears.to their closest friend to share their 1If

23、eltsobad allday t I decided this morning I couldnt face daylike2Themanager veswillnotrise by n fourpercent.3In somecountries, peopleeat with chopsticks, whilein ,knivesand 1Themayor has offered areward of$ 5000 to whocancapturethetiger aliveordead.2Jimsold mostof histhings. He has hardly lefthe3I go

24、t thisbicycle for ;Myfriend gaveittomewhen shebought anewone.1Janewas very tday.Beingaskedalotofquestions,shedidntof 2Of all the books on the desk, isofanyuseforourstudy. 3You may drop in or just give me a call. will do4They produced two reports, of which contained any useful suggestions. 5Ivelivedi

25、nNewYorkandChicago,butdontlikeofthemverymuch.6Hehad losthis temper andhis he war and never found ofthemagain.7It washard for himtolearn English ina family,inwhichoftheparentsspokethelanguage.8Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a work to do.ic with him, but of them wants to, because they have9If you cant decide which of the two books to borrow, why dont you take ? I wont read 10Its an either-or situation - we can buy a


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