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1、Ode to the West Wind-Percy Bysshe ShelleyLyrica short poem; expresses an emotion;illustrates life principleMy love is like a red,red roseOdethe noblest kind of lyric; describe inte-rlectually; a praiseOde on a Gr-ecian Urn Terza Rima Italian verse;three-line stanzas; spec-ial rhymeOde to the W-est W

2、ind Free Verse not follow any structure or style; no f- ixed meter Leaves of Gr-assSatiremake fun of human vice or weakness; Satire IV Stanza : The west wind both as a destroyer and a preserver.Stanza :The heavy storm arose by west wind.The terrifing waves stirred by the wind Expression of the poets

3、 wishes.Resolution of the poet.Stanza :Stanza :Stanza :If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear; If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee; A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share The impulse of thy strength, only less free Than thou, O uncontrollable! the poet is sufferingI fall upon the thorns

4、of life! I bleed! A heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud. The poet admires the power of the west wind. 1. yesterday vs today 2. characteristic clarification of west wind 3. emphasis my leaves withered leaves winged seeds It will be circleto qu

5、icken a newbirth.Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is: What if my leaves are falling like its own!Be thou , spirit fierce, my spirit! be thou me, impetuous one! his determination to melt with west wind by two becoming one, all his aspirations would become true; to sweep all the anti-regime.Drive

6、my dead thoughts over the universe Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth! And, by the incantation of this verse, Scatter, as from an unextinguished hearth Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind! Be through my lips to unawakened earthThe trumpet of a prophecy!stress his resolution of sacrific

7、ing for the revolution.Like west wind, Shelley thinks the poem should promote the rebirth of new world and sends “sparks” to the mankindMake me thy lyre, even as the forest is: What if my leaves are falling like its own!my leaves withered leavesdead thoughtsprovokedcreativitywingedseedsoptimismIf Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? Its an abstract expression or many manifestation of the spirit within nature, a driving force behind the turning wheel of the seasons and circles of the life and death. The “West Wind” symbolizes the spirit


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