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1、For GEM listed issuersNextt Daay DDiscclossuree Reeturrn (Equuityy isssueer - chhangges in isssuedd shharee caapittal andd/orr shharee buuybaackss)Namee off liisteed iissuuer: FAAVA Intternnatiionaal HHolddinggs LLimiiteddStocck ccodee:081008 Datte ssubmmittted:27/05/20009Secttionn I musst bbe ccomp

2、pletted by a llistted isssuerr whheree thheree haas bbeenn a chaangee inn itts iissuued shaare cappitaal wwhicch iis ddiscclosseabble purrsuaant to rulle 117.227A of thee Ruuless (tthe “GEEM LListtingg Ruuless”) Govvernningg thhe LListtingg off Seecurritiies on thee Grrowtth EEnteerprrisee Maarkeet

3、oof TThe Stoock Excchannge of Honng KKongg Liimitted (thhe “EExchhangge”).Secttionn III muust alsso bbe ccomppletted by a llistted isssuerr whheree itt haas mmadee a reppurcchasse oof ssharres whiich is dissclooseaablee unnderr ruule 13.13(1).Desccripptioon oof ssecuurittiess: OOrdiinarry SSharres o

4、f HK$0.0002 eacchI.Issuues of shaaress(Nottes 6 aand 7)No. of shaaressIssuued shaaress ass a % oof eexisstinng iissuued shaare cappitaalbeeforre rreleevannt ssharre iissuue(Nottes 4, 6 aand 7)Issuue ppricce pper shaare (Nootess 1 andd 7)Clossingg maarkeet ppricce pper shaare of thee immmeddiattelyy

5、prreceedinng bbusiinesss dday (Notte 55)% diiscoountt/premmiumm off isssuee prricee too maarkeet ppricce (Notte 77)Openningg baalannce as at27 MMay 20009(Notte 22)1,2002,7799,9700Allootmeent of orddinaary shaaress onn27 MMay 20009 ppurssuannt tto tthe Plaacinng AAgreeemeent datted 18 Mayy 20009(Nott

6、e 33)182,0000,0000Apprrox. 155.133%HK$00.1002HK$00.1556Apprrox. 344.622% ddisccounntSharre rrepuurchhaseesN/AClossingg baalannce as at27 MMay 20009(Notte 88)1,3884,7799,9700Notees tto SSecttionn I:1.WWherre ssharres havve bbeenn isssueed aat mmoree thhan onee isssuee prricee peer ssharre, a wweigght

7、eed aaverragee isssuee prricee peer ssharre sshouuld be givven. 2.PPleaase inssertt thhe cclossingg baalannce datte oof tthe lasst NNextt Daay DDiscclossuree Reeturrn ppubllishhed purrsuaant to rulle 117.227A or Monnthlly RRetuurn purrsuaant to rulle 117.227B, whhichheveer iis tthe latter.3.PPleaase

8、 sett ouut aall chaangees iin iissuued shaare cappitaal rrequuiriing disscloosurre ppurssuannt tto rrulee 177.277A ttogeetheer wwithh thhe rreleevannt ddatees oof iissuue. Eacch ccateegorry wwilll neeed to be disscloosedd inndivviduuallly wwithh suuffiicieent infformmatiion to enaablee thhe uuserr t

9、oo iddenttifyy thhe rreleevannt ccateegorry iin tthe lisstedd isssueerss Moonthhly Retturnn. FFor exaamplle, mulltipple isssuess off shharees aas aa reesullt oof mmulttiplle eexerrcisses of shaare opttionns uundeer tthe samme ssharre ooptiion schhemee orr off muultiiplee coonveersiionss unnderr thhe

10、 ssamee coonveertiiblee noote musst bbe aaggrregaatedd annd ddiscclossed as onee caateggoryy. HHoweeverr, iif tthe isssuess reesulltedd frrom exeerciisess off shharee opptioons undder 2 ssharre ooptiion schhemees oor cconvverssionns oof 22 coonveertiiblee nootess, tthesse mmustt bee diisclloseed aas

11、 22 seeparratee caateggoriies.4.TThe perrcenntagge cchannge in thee liisteed iissuuers iissuued shaare cappitaal iis tto bbe ccalcculaatedd byy reeferrencce tto tthe lisstedd isssueerss tootall isssueed ssharre ccapiitall (eexclludiing forr suuch purrposse aany shaaress reepurrchaasedd orr reedeeeme

12、dd buut nnot yett caanceelleed) as it wass immmeddiattelyy beeforre tthe earrlieest rellevaant eveent whiich hass noot bbeenn diisclloseed iin aa Moonthhly Retturnn orr Neext Dayy Diiscllosuure Retturnn.5.WWherre ttraddingg inn thhe ssharres of thee liisteed iissuuer hass beeen susspenndedd, “ccloss

13、ingg maarkeet ppricce pper shaare of thee immmeddiattelyy prreceedinng bbusiinesss dday” shoouldd bee coonsttrueed aas “cclossingg maarkeet ppricce pper shaare of thee buusinnesss daay oon wwhicch tthe shaaress weere lasst ttradded”.6.Inn thhe cconttextt off a reppurcchasse oof ssharres:“isssuess of

14、f shharees” shoouldd bee coonsttrueed aas “rrepuurchhasees oof ssharres”; annd“isssuedd shharees aas aa % of exiistiing isssuedd shharee caapittal befforee reelevvantt shharee isssuee” sshouuld be connstrruedd ass “rrepuurchhaseed ssharres as a % off exxisttingg isssueed ssharre ccapiitall beeforre

15、rreleevannt ssharre rrepuurchhasee”.7.Inn thhe cconttextt off a reddempptioon oof ssharres:“isssuess off shharees” shoouldd bee coonsttrueed aas “rredeempttionns oof ssharres”;“isssuedd shharees aas aa % of exiistiing isssuedd shharee caapittal befforee reelevvantt shharee isssuee” sshouuld be conns

16、trruedd ass “rredeeemeed ssharres as a % off exxisttingg isssueed ssharre ccapiitall beeforrereelevvantt shharee reedemmptiion”; annd“isssue priice perr shharee” sshouuld be connstrruedd ass “rredeempttionn prricee peer ssharre”.8.TThe cloosinng bbalaancee daate is thee daate of thee laast rellevaan

17、t eveent beiing disscloosedd. 適用於創(chuàng)業(yè)板上市發(fā)行人II.A.PPurcchasse rrepoortTraddinggdatteNumbber ofssecuurittiesspurrchaaseddMethhod of purrchaase(Notte)Pricce pper shaare or higghesstprricee paaid $Loweest priice paiid $Totaal ppaidd $N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ATotaalB.AAddiitioonall innforrmattionn1. Nummberr off s

18、uuch seccuriitiees ppurcchassed on thee Exxchaangee inn thhe yyearr too daate (siincee orrdinnaryy reesollutiion)(a) NN /AA2. % oof iissuued shaare cappitaal aat ttimee orrdinnaryy reesollutiion passsedd accquiiredd onn thhe EExchhangge ssincce ddatee off reesollutiion( (aa) xx 1000 )issuued shaare

19、cappitaalN/A%We hhereeby connfirrm tthatt thhe rrepuurchhasees sset outt inn A aboove whiich werre mmadee onn thhe EExchhangge wweree maade in acccorddancce wwithh thhe GGEM Lisstinng RRulees aand thaat ttherre hhavee beeen no matteriial chaangees tto tthe parrticculaars conntaiinedd inn thhe EExpllanaatorry SStattemeent datted N/AA whii


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