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1、(外研版選修 6)高三英語一輪單元復(fù)習(xí)教案: Module 3 In terpersonal Relationships Friendship 學(xué)問詳解 1.raise v籌措;提高,增加;撫養(yǎng);飼養(yǎng);提出 回來課本 P31Last week our school had a big fair in order to raise money for a charity. 上周我校舉辦一場大型的義賣會(huì)為慈善事業(yè)籌錢; 【歸納總結(jié)】 【例句探源】 We must doeverythingwecan to raise the peoples living standards. 我們要想盡一切方法來提

2、高人民的生活水平; Heraisedhishand to catch the chairmans attention. 他舉起手來想吸引主席的留意; I wanted to raise a question to the chairman but didn 題,但又沒有這個(gè)士氣; t have the courage.我想向主席提一個(gè)問 高考大綱全國卷 A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your

3、 eating habits. 去年的一項(xiàng)爭論報(bào)告說明,飼養(yǎng)寵物狗不僅能使你精神興奮,也對你的飲食習(xí)慣有影響; 【易混辨析】 raise, lift ; rise, arise 1raise 和 lift 都是及物動(dòng)詞,后面確定要有賓語;假如表示抽象意義 如提高意識(shí),聲音, 生活水平, 位置等 要用 raise;如用機(jī)械力把重物從地面舉到確定的高度要用 lift ;raise 仍可 以表示飼養(yǎng)家禽,籌集資金,培育兒童等;而 起飛等 ”; 2rise 和 arise 都是不及物動(dòng)詞,在指人或動(dòng)物 lift 的名詞用法可表示 “免費(fèi)搭車 /電梯,飛機(jī) “起身 ”時(shí)可互換;另 arise仍可以表示

4、“顯現(xiàn); 發(fā)生 ”之意; rise可以表示 “升起,上升 ”,說明主語自身移向更高的位置; I am afraid a new problem will arise when we use a new type of fuel. Her temperature is sti ll rising.She must be sent to hospital. We have no plans to raise taxes at present. Can you help me lift the big boxes. 【即境活用】 1 高考江西卷 What is the price of petrol

5、 these days. Oh ,it sharply since last month. A is raised B has risen C has arisen D is increased 解析:選 B ;句意是: “這些日子汽油的價(jià)格怎么樣? ”“唉,自從上個(gè)月以來始終急劇上漲; ” 此處要用不及物動(dòng)詞 hasrisen表示 “上升;上漲 ”; raise是及物動(dòng)詞,要用 hasbeenraised; has arisen 顯現(xiàn);發(fā)生; is increased 要改為現(xiàn)在完成時(shí) has been increased; 2.After the terrible flood ,the w

6、ater level in the river by 50 centimetres. A rises B raises C is risen D is raised 解析:選 A ;此處需用不及物動(dòng)詞,作 “上升了 ”講;句中的 by表示 “增減的程度 ”,而不是 表被動(dòng); 1 / 6 第 1 頁,共 6 頁2.regret n & v 后悔,遺憾,愧疚 回來課本 P33Liao Mei really regrets these quarrels. 廖梅對那些爭執(zhí)感到后悔; 【歸納總結(jié)】 【例句探源】 朗文 P1718I regret to inform you that your contr

7、act will not be renewed. 我很遺憾地通知你, 你的合同不能續(xù)簽; She deeply regretted losing her temper. 她為自己發(fā)了脾氣而深感后悔; 牛津 P1673If youdont do it now, youllonlyregret it. 你假如現(xiàn)在不做,以后確定會(huì)后悔的; 朗文 P1718He regrets that he never went to college. 他為自己從未上過高校感到遺憾; He left the company with great regret. 他特殊遺憾地離開了那個(gè)公司; 【即境活用】 3. Ro

8、bert is indeed a wise man. Oh ,yes.How often I have regretted his advice. A to take B taking C not t o take D not taking 解析:選 D ;說話者以前沒 有聽他的忠告而現(xiàn)在感到后悔,所以此處要用 not taking 形式; scar will be lasting , but to this day , I have never what I did. A forgot B recognized C considered D regretted 解析:選 D ;regret

9、的意思是 “后悔 ”;從本句的句意可以看出, “我 ”對過去做過的事始終不 后悔; 回來課 vt. 原諒,寬恕 本 P37.I couldnt forgiveDanny for leaving me. 我不能原諒丹尼離 開我; 【歸納總結(jié)】 【例句探源】 Forgive my ignorance , but what does the company do. 請?jiān)徫业臒o知,這家公司是干什么的? Forgive me for interrupting 同意那一點(diǎn); , but I reallydont agreewith that. 請?jiān)徫掖虿?不過我的確不 牛津 P686I llnever

10、forgiveher for whatshedid. 我絕不會(huì)原諒她所做的事; 朗文 P761If anythinghappened to the kids, Idneverforgive myself. 假如孩子們出了什么事,我永久也不能原諒自己; 【易混辨析】 forgive ,excuse, pardon 1forgive 側(cè)重指在感情上原諒了某人的過錯(cuò)或?qū)ψ约旱拿胺?不再憤恨或不滿; 2excuse 側(cè)重指原諒略微的過錯(cuò),失禮等,不涉及到處理或懲戒; 3pardon 原諒不予追究,指寬恕嚴(yán)肅的過失,罪責(zé)或嚴(yán)肅的冒犯,尤指反法律,反道德的 2 / 6 第 2 頁,共 6 頁過失; The

11、y forgave us for our rudeness. Please excuse me for interruption. The governor pardoned the two offenders. 【即境活用】 5 Mary did do some bad things about me ,but I have her for that. A regretted B freed C relaxed D forgiven 解析:選 D;句意 “瑪麗對我做了些不好的事,但是我原諒了她; ” 4.mention v 涉及,提及 n 提及,說起 回來課本 P41Then the web

12、site was mentioned on a radio programme and suddenly the site became very popular. 之后這一網(wǎng)站被電臺(tái)的一個(gè)節(jié)目提到,頃刻之間便流行起來; 【歸納總結(jié)】 【例句探源】 Hementioned that hewashavingproblems,but hedidnt explain.他提到他遇到一些問題, 但 沒有作說明; 朗文 P1230I mentioned the idea to Joan , and she seemed to like it.我向瓊說起過這個(gè)想法, 她似乎很寵愛; 朗文 P1230It s

13、 worth mentioning that the newregulationsdont actually com einto force untilnext year. 值得一提的是新的規(guī)章制度要到明年才真正生效; 網(wǎng)絡(luò) He has a large house and an expensive car, not to mention a villa in Franc e. 他有一所大房子和一輛昂貴的汽車,且不說在法國仍有一座別墅了; 【即境活用】 hear they vepromoted Tom , but hedidnt mention A to promote B having be

14、en promoted C having promoted D to be promoted whenwetalkedon the phone.解析:選 B ;句意是:我聽說他們提升了湯姆,但我們在電話談話時(shí)他并沒有提到被晉升的 事情; “被提升 ”發(fā)生在 “提到 ”之前,所以要用動(dòng)名詞的完成式和被動(dòng)語態(tài); 7 武漢市質(zhì)檢 My boy is always making trouble at school.It makes me upset. theres nothing to worry about. ”以及下文 “沒什么可擔(dān)憂 A Dont mention it B I hope not

15、C What a shame D Calm down 解析:選 D ;依據(jù)上文 “我的孩子在學(xué)校總是惹麻煩,這讓我擔(dān)憂 的”的語境可知,這里表示勸慰,所以選 D; out 突然發(fā)生 ;突然 起來 回來課本 P30When he reached the final line , everyone burst out laughing. 當(dāng)他說到最終一句的時(shí)候,大家都哄堂大笑起來; 【歸納總結(jié)】 【例句探源】 The baby burst out laughing when he saw his mother. 3 / 6 第 3 頁,共 6 頁看到他的媽媽,嬰兒突然大笑起來; Hearing t

16、hat their team won the first prize , they burst out cheering. 聽到他們隊(duì)贏得一等獎(jiǎng)的消息時(shí),他們歡呼起來; 牛津 P261The aircraft crashed and burst into flames. 飛機(jī)墜毀后猛烈地燃燒起來; Firefigh ters burst the door open and rescued them. 消防戰(zhàn)士猛然打開門去營救他們; 【即境活用】 8On hearing the news that she failed to pass the final examination ,Mary an

17、d ran back to her room. A burst into tears B burst out tears C laughed with tears D wiped her tears 解析:選 A ; burst into tears 突然大哭; return 作為回報(bào);作為交換 回來課本 P40This poem describes the painful feelings of a man in love with someone who does not love him in return. 本詩描寫了一個(gè)男人愛上一個(gè)女人,但女人卻不愛他的痛楚感受; 【歸納總結(jié)】 【例

18、句探源】 If youdomeafavour, Illdoone for youin return. 假如你幫我,我也會(huì)幫你的; If we smile at life , life will smile on us in return. 假如我們微笑面對生活,生活也會(huì)回報(bào)我們以微笑; He is always helping others without expecting anything in return. 【易混辨析】 in return , in turn 1inreturn意為 “作為對 的回報(bào) ”,常與介詞 for 連用; 2in turn 意為 “反過來,轉(zhuǎn)而,按次序 ”;

19、He gave her some roses in return for her kindness. The girls called out their names in turn. 【即境活用】 他總是樂于助人,不求回報(bào); 9 高考江西卷 We give dogs time , space and love we can spare, and , dogs give us their all.A in all B in fact C in short D in return 解析:選 D;句意:我 們把可以抽出來的時(shí)間,騰出的空間和留出的愛都給了狗;作為回 報(bào),狗也向我們奉獻(xiàn)出它們的一切;

20、 作為回報(bào); in all 總共; in fact 事實(shí)上; in short 簡言之; in return 10.People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their o wn cars , and this creates further proble ms. A in short B in case C in doubt D in turn 4 / 6 第 4 頁,共 6 頁解 析:選 D;句意 “人們想通過開私家車來防止公共交通的耽擱, 句型梳理 而這 反過來更加大了問題; ” 1.【教材原句】 Having l

21、eft something in the cloakroom ,I went inside to get it ,and found Roy goingthrough the pockets of peoples coats.P30 由于我把東西落在衣帽間了,我就進(jìn)去取,這時(shí)我發(fā)覺羅伊正在翻別人的衣服袋; 【句法分析】 find 后接復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu), 形式作賓補(bǔ);除此之外, find 仍可跟形容詞,過 去分詞,副詞,介詞短語等作賓補(bǔ); He found his parents waiting to meet him at the airport that morning. 他發(fā)覺那天早晨他的父 母在

22、機(jī)場等他; They found the soldiers badly wounded in the cave. 他 們在山洞里發(fā)覺士兵們傷得很重; I hope to find you in better spirits when we meet again. 期望我們再見面時(shí)能看到你的心情好些; I found it difficult to get there. 我發(fā)覺很難到達(dá)那兒; I found himto behonest. 我發(fā)覺他很懇切; 【即境活用】 11.A cook will be immediately fired if he is fou A smoke B smok

23、ing C to smoke D smoked nd in the kitchen. 解析:選 B;句意為 “假如廚師當(dāng)場被發(fā)覺在廚房吸煙會(huì)馬上被開除; ”find sb.doing sth. found doing sth. 發(fā)覺某人在做某事; 12 高考湖南卷 Listen !Do you hear someone for help. A callingB call C to call D called 解析:選 A ;句意:聽!你聽到有人正在求救嗎?此題考查非謂語動(dòng)詞作賓補(bǔ);設(shè)空處與賓 語之間為規(guī)律上的主謂關(guān)系,故排除 D 項(xiàng);不定式作感官動(dòng)詞或使役動(dòng)詞的賓補(bǔ)要省去 to 且不表示動(dòng)作正在進(jìn)行, 故排除 C 項(xiàng);由于表示動(dòng)作正在進(jìn)行, 故排除 B 項(xiàng);現(xiàn)在分詞 calling 表示主動(dòng)且表正在進(jìn)行,故為答案; 2.【教材原句】 It would have been impossible to find my daughter without the help of Friends Reunited.P41 要是沒有老友重聚網(wǎng)站的幫忙,我就不行能找到女兒; 【句法分析】 would have been 是


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