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1、Module 71Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles2Unit 3Language in use3Have you ever been to another country?Warming up4Have you ever made friends with foreigners?5Will you have dinner with a foreign family?6Would you like to stay with a host family?7Is living in a foreign family good for improving your Engl

2、ish?81. When are you leaving _ how long are you going to stay there?2. It sounds crazy, _ I dont know what to take.3. Shorts are good, _ you can wear light trousers.Language practice用適當(dāng)?shù)倪B詞補(bǔ)全句子。butandor9I would like to go to EnglandYou should wear a raincoat You can go by plane I didnt bring my sungl

3、asses I have bought my ticket You can take two bags 1. Join the two parts of the sentences with and,but or or.I have got my passport.practise my English.I can buy a new pair.they must not weigh too much.you can carry an umbrella.you can take the train.10Join the two parts of the sentences with and,b

4、ut or or.For example:1 I would like to go to England and practise my English.11Answers:You should wear a raincoat or you can carry an umbrella.You can go by plane or you can take the train.I did not bring my sunglasses but I can buy a new pair. I have bought my ticket and I have got my passport.6 Yo

5、u can take two bags but they must not weight too much. 12Now work in pairs and say the sentences.1 I would like to go to England and practise my English.2 You should wear a raincoat or you can carry an umbrella.3 You can go by plane or you can take the train.134 I did not bring my sunglasses but I c

6、an buy a new pair. 5 I have bought my ticket and I have got my passport.6 You can take two bags but they must not weight too much. 142. Complete the passage with and,but and or. There are many English language courses all over the world. You can go to the UK (1)_ take lessons at a language school. T

7、here are usually classes in the morning, (2)_ in the afternoon you can go sightseeing. andand15You can stay in a cheap hotel,(3)_ you can stay with a family. With a family, you get a lot more speaking and listening practice, (4)_ you may not be so close to the school or the city centre.orbut163. Wor

8、k in pairs.Student A: Say a sentence about travel.New York is a long way from Beijing.Student B: Add to Student As sentence with another sentence beginning with but.But London is closer.17Student A: Add to Student Bs sentence with another sentence beginning with but.But the weather isnt as good as i

9、n New York.Continue to add sentences.184. Read the advertisement.Want to learn about the culture in the UK?Come and join us!Let a British family teach you all about the culture in the UK.Students study together in groups.After-school activities for students.For students from all over the world.Cost:

10、800 for a four-week course.19The _ of the course is 800.It is a great way to learn about British _.Students _ from all over the eculturecostcome cost culture progress studies take part inNow complete the sentences with the words or expression in the box.204 In the course, each group _ together.5 All

11、 students will be able to _ different activities.6 During the course, students will make lots of new friends and good _ in English!take part instudiesprogresscome cost culture progress studies take part in215. Work in pairs. Imagine that you are going to take a summer English course in Australia.Wri

12、te down questions about the course.Use the words or expression in the box in Activity 4 to help youHow long does the course last? -How long does the course last? -It lasts for four weeks.Now ask and answer.22Mrs Smith: Excuse me.David: Yes, how can I help you?Mrs Smith: Id like to get some (1)_ abou

13、t your summer camp.chance experience grow up information last provide take part ininformation6. Complete the conversation with the words and expressions in the box.23David: Yes, of course. Our summer camp is a great (2)_ for children. They learn about themselves, live close to nature and make new fr

14、iends.Mrs Smith: It sounds wonderful. And how long does it (3)_? experiencelastchance experience grow up information last provide take part in24David: Three weeks, starting from the beginning of July.Mrs Smith: How many students are there in each group?David: Eight. Through the small group size, we

15、(4)_ students with the chance to make new videchance experience grow up information last provide take part in25Mrs Smith: Thats great. And do you plan different activities?David: Yes, of course. Students can (5)_ different activities to get close to nature and try out new ideas.Mrs Smith:

16、 Sounds good.chance experience grow up information last provide take part intake part in26David: Yes, and it gives your child the (6)_ to live away from home.Mrs Smith: Thats true. Summer camping is always good to help children (7)_.chancegrow upchance experience grow up information last provide tak

17、e part in277. Listen and answer the questions.Who has left the message?Where is Wang Feng now?What does he think of his American family?What is his American family going to watch on the beach this afternoon?What does his American family think of the French group?28Who has left the message? Wang Feng

18、 has left the message.2 Where is Wang Feng now? Hes at home with his American family.3 What does he think of his American family? He thinks that theyre really nice.294 What is his American family going to watch on the beach this afternoon? Theyre going to watch a beach volleyball match.5 What does h

19、is American family think of the French group? They think that theyre really good.308. Listen again and complete the advertisement.This evening Concert in the park Come and listen to some fantastic music by the group, (1)_. They are from (2)_.Price:(3)_-with a (4)_!Come and join us!The Music PlanetFr

20、ance $5free drink31Summer camps Summer camps for children are very popular in many countries. In Canada and the US, some of the summer camps are in the countryside or on lakes. Children stay there for one to four weeks and sleep in cabins. They do arts and crafts and play sports or music. Sometimes

21、they go for long walks in forests or trips on rivers or lakes. They learn many useful outdoor skills.32T or F.1. Children like the summer camps very much in many countries.2. Summer camps are usually in the city.3. Children stay in the summer camps for one to four weeks. 4. Children can only learn s

22、ome indoor skills from summer camps.TFTF33Module task: Having a class discussion about summer courses34Have you ever taken a summer course? How was it?Is it better to take a summer course or do something completely different?Do you like taking summer courses in subjects you are not doing well in?Do summer courses make it easy to start school again in autumn?9. Plan what you want to say about summer courses.Think about the answers to the following questions.35Now write two good things and two bad things about taking summer courses.3610. Take part


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