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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)4 Reasons I Respect Everyone, Even My Enemies為何要尊重每一個人,甚至是對手I have been a woman of principle for many years. On the one hand I found it a very good quality that helped me keep my dignity; on the other hand, it was difficult to deal with

2、people, because I couldnt respect those whom I disliked, especially my enemies. That trait of character made me burn already existent bridges and lose opportunities to make new acquaintances. I didnt know what to do thats why I tried to talk to a wise man about my problem. I visited my grandpa and a

3、sked him for a valuable advice on how to tame my temper and start treating this world with respect. He told me that the problem was inside me. It was impossible and pointless to run away from myself.多年來,我一直是一名有原則的女性。一方面,我發(fā)現(xiàn)這種非常優(yōu)秀的品質(zhì)可以幫我維護尊嚴;另一方面,與人相交非常困難,因為我難以尊重自己不喜歡的人,尤其是我的對手。這種性格導(dǎo)致我焚毀了原本已經(jīng)存在的人際關(guān)系橋

4、梁,也失去了結(jié)交新人的機會。我不知該怎么辦,因此向一位智者講述了我的問題。我探訪了我的祖父,請他提出寶貴的建議,如何馴服我的脾氣,以尊重的態(tài)度對待這個世界。他告訴我,問題在于我的內(nèi)心。自我逃避是不可能的,也是毫無意義的。After a considerable reflection on my life, I decided to advance my mindset, and made respect my new priority. It was difficult to change myself at first, but I did it, because I knew that w

5、ork at self-improvement was not an easy thing. It cost me a great deal of effort and time. Since Ive prioritized respect, I noticed many positive changes in my life.對生活進行認真反思后,我決定改變心態(tài),把尊重作為最重要的事。最初要改變自己非常困難,但是我做到了,因為我知道,自我提高并非易事。這耗費了我大量的時間和努力精力。自從把尊重放在首位之后,我發(fā)現(xiàn)我的生活發(fā)生了許多積極的改變。I think that respect is a

6、 powerful tool to deal with my enemies. Moreover, tensed relationships with enemies help me grow and develop that makes me more mature and knowledgeable. My respect is both my weapon and defense. It doesnt give my enemies a chance to hurt my feelings, because they lack reasons to do it.我認為,尊重是應(yīng)對對手非常

7、有力的工具。而且,與對手之間的緊密關(guān)系幫助我成長和發(fā)展,讓我更加成熟,更加博學(xué)。我的尊重既是武器,又是防御。尊重并未給對手傷害我感情的機會,因為他們沒有理由這樣做。Nowadays many people cannot realize this little, but significant truth. They waste nerves and time, feeling hatred and harboring a grudge against others. Negative thinking and destructive emotions usually bring sufferi

8、ngs and misery. I think that the sooner people admit and realize this truth, the quicker theyll learn to live with this world in accord. I hope my life experiences will help you improve your life.現(xiàn)在,許多人難以意識到這個細微而重要的事實。他們浪費精力和時間,對他人飽含憎恨情緒。消極的想法和破壞性的情緒總是會造成痛苦和煎熬。我認為,人們越快承認和意識到事實,就越快學(xué)會如何在這個世界生存。我希望自己的生

9、活經(jīng)驗?zāi)軌驇湍阕屔钭兊酶篮?。Respect is Not a Sign of Weakness尊重不是軟弱的標志For a quite long period of time, different hesitations about respect captured my mind. I was not used to yield or follow ones tastes. I thought that my respect towards enemies would show that I wasnt strong enough. Now I understand that I was

10、 mistaken.相當(dāng)長一段時期,我的腦海里總是對關(guān)于尊重的做法猶豫不決。我不喜歡遵從或屈服于別人的品味。我認為對對手的尊重會顯得我不夠強大?,F(xiàn)在我明白,我錯了。My respect doesnt make me obliged to somebody. When I feel complete antipathy towards my enemies, I try to stay cold and emotionally neutral. I believe that with the help of respect people can handle every situation. I

11、ts a great pleasure for me to communicate with people and have relationships built on common respect. They make me feel confident and contented.我的尊重不會讓我向他人屈服。當(dāng)我對對手非常反感時,我努力保持思想冷靜,情感中立。我相信,保持尊重的態(tài)度,人們可以處理任何情況。能夠在互相尊重的前提下與人溝通并建立關(guān)系對我來說是非常愉快的事。這讓我感到自信而滿足。I know that real weakness is to give way to negati

12、ve emotions all the time and hurt everyone on your way. Its important to start thinking efficiently. If you cannot respect others, then you should start from yourself.我知道,真正的軟弱是一味讓步于消極的情緒,傷害妨礙你的每一個人。開始有效地思考非常重要。如果你不能尊重他人,那你應(yīng)該從尊重自己做起。Every time I tried to understand myself, I noticed that I was my ow

13、n worst enemy. Step by step, I began treating myself with respect and when I became an absolutely confident person, I reflected the feeling of respect on others, even on my enemies.每次我試圖了解自己的時候,我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己是最大的敵人。我開始逐步以尊重的態(tài)度對待自己,當(dāng)我變成絕對自信的人,我就把尊重的態(tài)度反射給他人,甚至我的對手。I Become More Experienced我變得更有經(jīng)驗Enemies like o

14、ther life difficulties are wonderful teachers. Everyone knows that people can exert either positive or negative influence on each other. Unfortunately, we tend to focus more on negative experiences than on positive life surprises. Consequently, we learn more lessons from unsuccessful situations.像生活中

15、的其他困難一樣,對手是很出色的老師。大家都知道,人們相互之間會產(chǎn)生積極或消極的影響。不幸的是,我們總是更多地關(guān)注消極的經(jīng)歷,而不是積極的生活驚喜。因此,我們能夠從失敗的境遇中學(xué)到更多教訓(xùn)。Without a doubt, nobody wants me to get into a trap like my enemies do. I know it and I try to be more careful and tactful in my actions and words. In other words, enemies motivate me to develop without bre

16、aks in order to win the race. Ive met a lot of people who were even grateful to their enemies, because one day they had helped them reach their goals.毫無疑問,沒有人像我的對手那樣希望我陷入困境了。我深知這一點,因此我的言行更加謹慎,更加機智。換言之,對手激勵我為了贏得比賽而不斷進步。我遇到過許多人甚至對自己的對手表示感激,因為對手最終幫他們達到了目標。The same thing has happened to me a few times.

17、My former foreign language teacher was a private enemy of mine. She was an extremely exigent and strict teacher who made me and my groupmates learn languages in a proper way. We studied a lot of information day and night trying to achieve positive results. It seemed that in those moments of despair

18、my hatred for that teacher was limitless. Today Ive replaced this hatred by the feeling of gratitude. Im greatly thankful to her for everything she had done for me. When I travel around the world, I can freely use my skills and communicate with people from foreign countries. This life story proved m

19、e that my worst enemies can be good teachers. Now Im sure that having enemies isnt a bad thing, because therere many advantages and disadvantages of it.同樣的事曾多次發(fā)生在我身上。我以前的外語教師是我私下的對手。她是一位非??量潭鴩绤柕睦蠋煟屛液完犛褌円郧‘?dāng)?shù)姆绞綄W(xué)習(xí)語言。為了取得積極的成果,我們不分晝夜地學(xué)習(xí)了許多知識。在那些絕望的時刻,我對這位老師的憎恨似乎是無窮無盡的。今天,感激之情取代了憤恨情緒。我非常感激她和她對我所做的一切。當(dāng)我在

20、世界各地旅游的時候,我可以隨心所欲地發(fā)揮自己的技能,與外國人進行溝通。這個人生故事向我證明,最大的對手可以成為很好的老師?,F(xiàn)在,我確信,擁有對手并不是一件糟糕的事情,因為利弊共存。Respect is the Best World Currency尊重是世界上最寶貴的財富Respect is one of the most important human values that will never be replaced by money or something else. People usually spend much time searching for respect in or

21、der to build a good reputation.尊重是最重要的人類價值之一,永遠不能被金錢或其他物品所取代。人們總是花費大量時間尋求尊重,來建立良好的聲譽。Wherever youll go and whatever youll do, you should never forget about respect. This wondrous value can provide you many chances and opportunities. Peoples hearts are open to those who treat them with love and respe

22、ct.無論你要去哪里,無論你要做什么,永遠都不要忘記尊重。這種令人驚嘆的價值觀可以為你提供許多機遇。對于以愛和尊重對待他人的人,人們總是喜歡敞開心扉。My workmate always says that if people fear somebody, theyll respect them. I do not agree with this idea, because only weak and cruel people build artificial respect based on fear and violence. Obedience and respect have some

23、thing in common, but theyre different. Obedience can be reached by threats and intimidations. Respect can exist only in the relationships built on mutual understanding and benevolence. I think that companies that set respect as the main priority in their regular personnel usually succeed more often

24、than those who use fear and lies.我的同事總是說,如果人們害怕某個人,就會尊重他。我并不贊同這一點,因為只有軟弱和殘忍的人才通過恐嚇和暴力獲得虛假的尊重。順從和尊重有一些共同點,但也有不同之處。順從可以通過威脅和恐嚇獲得。而尊重只存在于基于互相理解和寬厚仁慈建立的關(guān)系中。我認為,將尊重置于人事關(guān)系優(yōu)先地位的公司總是比使用恐懼和謊言的公司更容易成功。Respect Destroys Enemies尊重可以摧毀對手I have always tried to find the way to get rid of my enemies. Frankly speakin

25、g, I havent found it yet, but Ive noticed an interesting thing. We are living in a civilized world where people should cooperate with each other. Thats why its necessary to find civilized ways to deal with enemies legally.我總是在尋找根除對手的方法。坦率地說,目前為止我還沒找到。但是我發(fā)現(xiàn)了一件有趣的事情。我們生活在一個人與人之間互相合作的文明世界。這也是有必要尋找文明的方法

26、合法地應(yīng)對對手的原因。Not long ago Ive understood that the only way to get rid of my enemies is to make them my friends. I know that I can make friends with many people, because Im an easy going person. The only problem is to develop a personalized approach to everyone. If I cannot make friends with them, I pr

27、efer just to stay in good relationships, because Im not used to swallow my pride and Ill never sacrifice my dignity. Sometimes it happens that my respectful treatment makes my enemies change their attitude towards me and they are often ready to go the extra mile(注1) for me.不久之前我終于明白,消除對手的唯一方法就是把他們變成

28、我的朋友。我知道我比較善于交朋友,因為我非常平易近人。唯一的問題是尋找對待每個人的個性化的方法。如果我不能和他們交朋友,我寧愿和他們保持比較好的關(guān)系,因為我不習(xí)慣低聲下氣,犧牲尊嚴。有時,我尊重地對待他們使他們改變了對我的態(tài)度,甚至愿意多做出一點努力。Respect is an essential part of my life. This precious value helps me to live my life in a greater peace and balance. Respect supports me in reaching goals and makes my life

29、easier. I prefer to use enemies to my advantage, because theyre my teachers and inspiration to move on and develop. I hope you learnt a good lesson from this little article and I hope you realize that respect is the choice of highly strong and confident people. What is respect for you? Do you treat

30、your enemies and rivals with respect? Share your thoughts with us, please.尊重是我生活的必要組成部分。這種寶貴的價值觀幫助我更加和平,更加平衡地生活。尊重支持我實現(xiàn)目標,讓我的生活更加輕松。我喜歡將對手為我所用,因為他們是我的老師,激勵我不斷前進,不斷發(fā)展。我希望你能從這篇文章中學(xué)到有用的經(jīng)驗教訓(xùn),也希望你能意識到,尊重是非常強大,非常自信的人的選擇。尊重對你來說意味著什么呢?你是否尊重你的對手?歡迎大家一起分享自己的看法。譯者注1:go the extra mile的原意是“多走一里路”??谡Z里面把它用來指“多付出一分代價”。A: No


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