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1、Number:Guangdoong Prrovincce LABORCONTRACCTDepartmment oof labbor annd soccial ssecuriity off Guanngdongg ProvvinceLabor aand Sociall Securiity Hootlinee: 123333InstrucctionssArticlee 1 Beefore signiing thhis coontracct, thhe twoo partties sshall read this contrract ccarefuully. This contrract oonce

2、 ssignedd has legall valiidity, two partiies muust sttrictlly perrform.Articlee 2 Thhis coontracct musst be signeed or sealeed by the eemployyers legall reprresenttativee or tthe prrincippal reesponssible persoon (Partty A) and tthe emmployeee (Paarty BB), annd afffix thhe offficiall seall of tthe e

3、mmployeer (orr the speciial seeal off the laborr conttract).Articlee 3 Thhe emppty coolumn in thhis coontracct, shhould be fiilled in byy two partiies thhroughh negootiatiion, aand shhall nnot viiolatee lawss, proovisioons, aand reelevannt reggulatiions; emptyy coluumn noot neeed to be fiilled in, m

4、mark “/”.Articlee 4 Woorkingg hourrs sysstem iis divvided into standdard wworkinng houurs, nnon-fiix worrking hourss, andd comprrehenssive ccalcullationn workking hhours. The irreggular workiing hoours, and ccompreehensiive caalculaation workiing hoours, shoulld be approoved bby labbor addminisstrat

5、iion auuthoriities.Articlee 5 Thhe unffinishhed maatterss of tthis ccontraact, mmay siign a suppllementtary aagreemment, as thhe atttachmeent off thiss conttract, and be peerformmed wiith thhe conttract togetther.Articlee 6 Thhis coontracct musst filll in serioously, writte leggibly, textt be cconci

6、sse andd accuurate, and shalll not alterr arbiitrariily.Articlee 7 Affter tthe siigningg of tthis ccontraact (iincludding aattachhmentss), eaach paarty hholds one.Party AA(Emplooyer): Partyy B(Laborrer):Name: Namme: Legal RRepressentattive ID Noo: (Princiipal RResponnsiblee Persson): Perrmanennt add

7、d: Addresss: , , Reesidennce addd: Businesss typpe: Contactt No: Conttact NNo: This coontracct is conclluded on thhe bassis off prinnciplee of llawfullness, fairrness, equaality, freee willl, neggotiatted coonsenssus annd goood faiith byy and betweeen thhe forresaidd the Partyy A annd Parrty B in ac

8、ccordaance wwith tthe Laabor LLaw off the Peoplles Reppublicc of CChina (the RPC LLabor Law), the Law oof thee Peopples Reppublicc of CChina on Emmploymment CContraacts (the PPRC Emmploymment CContraact Laaw) annd othher reelevannt lawws andd reguulatioons off Chinna andd of GGuangddong PProvinnce.A

9、rticlee 1 Teerm off the Emplooymentt ConttractA.Term of CoontracctThe Parrties agreee to ddetermmine tthe teerm off thiss Conttract pursuuant tto modde bbelow:1. Fixeed Terrm: Fromm / / to / / .2. Openn-endeed Terrm: Frrom / / to the ddate wwhich stipuulatedd endiing coonditiion occcurs.3. Termm to

10、eexpiree uponn comppletioon of a cerrtain job: From to tthe coomplettion oof . The syymbol of coomplettion oof thee job shalll be .B.Probaation perioodThe Parrties agreee to ddetermmine tthe teerm off the probaation periood purrsuantt to mmode beloow (thhe proobatioon perriod sshall be inncludeed in

11、 the tterm oof Conntractt ) :1. Withhout pprobattion pperiodd.2. Withh a prrobatiion peeriod whichh is ffrom / / to / / .(If a llabor contraact haas a tterm oof morre thaan thrree moonths but lless tthan oone yeear, tthe prrobatiion peeriod may noot be exceeed one moonth; if a laboor contraact haas

12、a tterm oof morre thaan onee yearr and less than threee yearrs, thhe proobatioon perriod mmay noot excceed ttwo moonths; and if a laboor contraact haas a tterm oof morre thaan thrree yeears oor is open-endedd laboor conntractt, thee probbationn periiod maay nott exceeed siix monnths.)Articlee 2 Joob

13、 Desscripttion aand Pllace oof WorrkA. The deparrtmentt or ggroup at whhich tthe Paarty BB workks is as: ,The possitionn (mannagemeent and teechniccal orr prodductioon opeeratioonal) is ass ,The tittle (oor typpe of work) is aas .B. The task or duuty off Partty B iis as .C. The placee of wwork iis a

14、s .D. Duriing thhe terrm of this Contrract, if thhe Parrty A has tto adjjust tthe poositioon of the PParty B duee to tthe neeeds oof prooductiion annd bussinesss operrationn or oother causees, orr assiign thhe Parrty A to woork inn the placee or uunit oother than the pplace or unnit prrovideed in th

15、is Contrract, the PPartiees shaall reeach cconsennsus tthrouggh neggotiattion tto ameend thhis Coontracct. Thhe ameendmennt agrreemennt conncludeed shaall bee the appenndix oof thiis Conntractt.Articlee 3 Woorkingg Hourrs, annd Resst andd LeavveA. The Partiies aggree tto detterminne thee termm of tt

16、he woorkingg hourr purssuant to moode beloww: 1. Staandardd workking hhours systeem. Paarty BB shalll worrk forr hourss a daay, annd hourss a weeek. PParty A shaall guuaranttee thhat Paarty BB has at leeast oone daay offf in aa weekk. 2. Nonn-scheedule workiing hoour syystem. The posittion oof Parrt

17、y B practtices non-sscheduule woorkingg hourr systtem affter tthe appprovaal of the llabor adminnistraation authoority. 3. Sysstem oof commpreheensivee calcculatiion off workking hhour. The ppositiion off Partty B ppractiices systeem of comprrehenssive ccalcullationn of wworkinng houur aftter thhe a

18、ppprovall of tthe laabor aadminiistrattion aauthorrity; calcuulatioon cirrcle ; totaal worrking hourss . B. Parrty A may eextendd workking hhours due tto thee requuiremeent off its produuctionn or bbusineess affter cconsulltatioon witth thee Tradde Uniion annd thee Partty B, but, with the eexcepttio

19、n oof thee circcumstaances stipuulatedd in AArticlle 42 of thhe PRCC Laboor Laww, the exttendedd hourrs forr a daay shaall geenerallly noot excceed oone hoour; iif succh exttensioon is calleed forr due to sppeciall reassons, the eextendded woorkingg hourrs shaall noot excceed tthree hourss a daay un

20、dder thhe connditioon thaat thee heallth off the Partyy B iss guarranteeed. Hooweverr, thee totaal exttensioon in a monnth shhall nnot exxceed 36 hoours. C. Parrty A shalll provvide tthe Paarty AA withh legaal hollidayss, annnual lleave, marrriage leavee, funneral leavee, homme leaave, mmaternnity l

21、leave, nurssing lleave, etc. in aaccorddance with relevvant rregulaationss and pay vvacatiion waages aaccordding tto thee wagee stanndard proviided bby thiis conntractt. Articlee4 Labbor ReemunerrationnA.The wwage oof Parrty B for nnormall workking hhours shalll be ppaid ppursuaant too modee beloow

22、andd may not lless tthan tthe miinimumm wagee ratee in tthe pllace wwhere the PParty A is locatted. 1. Houurly wwage: (1) Thhe wagges off the Partyy B foor norrmal wworkinng houurs shhall bbe paiid purrsuantt to ; thhe begginninng wagge amoount iis as RMMB/monnth orr RMB /hour. (2) Thhe wagges off t

23、he Partyy B iss as RMB/mmonth in thhe proobatioonary periood (thhe proobatioonal ssalaryy shalll nott be lless tthan tthe miinimumm wagee of ssame ppost aand 800 perccent oof apppointeed sallary iin thee conttract, not less than the mminimuum wagge staandardd in wwhere Partyy A iss locaated.) ;2. Pi

24、ecceworkk wagee:(1) Uniit priice: / ;(2) Labbor quuotas: / (The laborr quottas deetermiined ggeneraally sshall be thhe amoount oof worrk thaat oveer 70% emplloyeess in tthe saame poositioon of the PParty A cann finiish wiithin legall workking hhours.) ;3. Otheer commpensaationss (such as thhe Parrty

25、 A practtices a annnual ssalaryy systtem orr it ppays wwages accorrding to ann asseessmennt terrm) : / .4. Partty A sshall deterrmine its wwage ddistriibutioon sysstem iin thee lighht of the sstatuss quo of itts prooductiion annd bussinesss operrationn, thee pricce levvel annd wagge inccreasee guidd

26、elinee annoouncedd by tthe goovernmment. The sspeciffic waays annd exttent oof norrmal wwage iincreaase shhall bbe detterminned inn accoordancce witth laww throough mmutuall conssultattion bbetweeen thee Partties oor thrrough colleectivee barggaininng. B. The pay ffor peerformmance and bbonus of thh

27、e Parrty B shalll be ppaid pper thhe folllowinng metthod: .C. The allowwance and ssubsiddies oof thee Partty B sshall be paaid peer thee folllowingg ratee and methood: .D. The wagess shalll be paid in cuurrenccy insstead of kiind orr porttfolioo.E. Partty A sshall pay wwages of (immmediattely/pprevi

28、oously) montth, onn of each monthh. If the ddate ffor waage paaymentt happpens tto be a leggal hoolidayy or aa non-businness dday, tthe waage paaymentt shalll be made in addvancee on tthe moost reecent businness dday. F. If PParty A arrrangess Partty B tto worrk oveertimee, it shalll pay Partyy B ov

29、vertimme payy in aaccorddance with the PPRC Laabor LLaw annd Proovisioons off Guanngdongg Provvince on Waage Paaymentt, exccept tthat PParty B is arrannged ffor coompenssatoryy timee-off afterr he/sshe haas beeen arrrangedd to wwork oovertiime onn non-businness dday.Articlee 5 Soocial Insurrance and

30、 FFringee BeneefitsA. Durring tthe coontracct perriod, Partyy A, iin acccordannce wiith thhe rellevantt reguulatioons off natiion, proviince and ddistriict, sshall pay tthe peensionn, meddical, unemmploymment, work injurry andd mateernityy insuurancee proccedurees forr Partty B, and sshall pay ssoci

31、all insuurancee fundd baseed on paymeent baase annd payyment ratioo by rrule. Partyy B shhall uunderttake hhis owwn parrt of sociaal inssurancce funnd, thhepayabbleamounntshalllbewithhheldbyPartyyAfromthePartyyBsmonthhlywagess.Partyy A shhall ttruthffully inforrm thee situuationn of hhandliing sooci

32、al insurrance proceeduress and withhholdinng soccial iinsuraance ppremiuums to Paarty BB.B. In ccase PParty B sufffers sicknness oor nonn-workk-relaated iinjuryy, Partty A sshall offerr Partty B a perriod oof meddical treattment and ssick-leavee treaatmentt stippulateed by natioonal aand loocal rreg

33、ulaationss, payy mediical iinsuraance aand otther mmedicaal payyment relatting tto rellevantt reguulatioons, aand paay siccknesss pay or diiseasee reliief duuring speciified mediccal peeriod, the amounnt mayy be RMMB perr montth (noo lesss thann 80% of thhe loccal miinimumm wagee stanndard).Articlee

34、 6 Laabor PProtecction, Workking CCondittion aand Prrotecttion AAgainsst Occcupatiional HazarrdsA. Parrty A shalll provvide wworkinng plaace coonformmed too the natioonal llabor healtth staandardd, in accorrdancee withh laboor prootectiion reegulattions of thhe nattion aand prrovincce, annd efffecti

35、vvely pprotecct thee safeety annd heaalth oof Parrty B durinng worrking produuctionn. If Partyy B maay sufffer ooccupaationaal hazzard dduringg prodductioon proocedurres, PParty A shaall trruthfuully iinformm Partty B, and pprotecct thee heallth annd rellated rightts of Partyy B sttipulaated bby “ L

36、aw of Occcupattionall Diseease PPrevenntion”.B. Accoordingg to tthe poositioon of the PParty B, Paarty AA shalll proovide Partyy B wiith laabor ssafetyy and hygieene coonditiions iin connformiity wiith thhe rellevantt lawss and regullationns, annd proovide free physiical eexaminnationn for Partyy B

37、evvery (yeaar /seeason /montth) inn accoordancce witth labbor prrotecttion pprovissions.C. Partty A mmust ccarry out rrelevaant prrovisiions fformullated by thhe natioon, proviince and ddistriict for tthe laabor pprotecction and hhealthh-caree workk of ffemalee workker.D. Partty B sshall have the rr

38、ight to reefuse to caarry oout anny danngerouus opeeratioon forrced uupon hhim/heer by Partyy A. FFor Paarty AAs orr its maanagerrs beehavioor whiich iss indiiffereent too the saafety and hhealthh of PParty B, Paarty BB may have the rright to innform and rreportt to tthe reelevannt govvernmeent deep

39、artmments.E. If PParty B sufffer ooccupaationaal dissease, workk-relaated iinjuryy or ddeath due tto worrk, Paarty AA shalll hanndle iit in accorrdancee withh “work injurry inssurancce reggulatiions”.Articlee 7 Moodificcationn of thhe Empploymeent Coontracct A. Eitther oof thee Partties maay modiffy

40、 rellevantt termms of the EEmployyment Contrract wwith wwritteen nottice tto othhers.B. Partty A channge thhe namme, leegal rrepressentattive, princiipal rresponnsiblee personn or iinvesttor, ddose nnot afffect the pperforrmancee of tthe coontracct.C. If PParty A occuur thee evennt of mergeer or div

41、ission, the contrracts remaiin in forcee, andd shalll conntinuoously perfoorm byy the unit succeeeded Partyy As rightts andd obliigatioons.D. The two partiees mayy alteer thee laboor contraact thhroughh mutuual coonsulttationn and agreeement, and handlle chaange pproceddures in wrritingg. Aftter thh

42、e chaange oof labbor coontracct, eaach paarty hholds one.Articlee 8 Canccellattion aand Teerminaation of thee Emplloymennt ConntracttA. Canccellattion1. The partiies maay terrminatte thee laboor conntractt throough mmutuall conssultattion aand aggreemeent. IIf Parrty A propooses tto terrminatte thii

43、s conntractt, shalll pay the eeconommic coompenssationn to PParty B by rule.2. Partty A mmay teerminaate thhe empploymeent coontracct undder anny of the ffollowwing ccircummstancces innvolviing Paarty BB:(1) Parrty B been proveen to be inncompeetent for tthe emmployiing reequireement durinng prrobat

44、iional periood.(2) Parrty B serioously breacch labbor diiscipllines or reegulattions stipuulatedd by PParty A.(3) Parrty B negleects hhis duuty annd enggages in maalpraccticess for selfiish ennds, tthus ccausinng siggnificcant hharm tto thee inteerestss of tthe Paarty AA.(4) Parrty B buildd laboor r

45、ellationnshipss withh otheer uniits, tto cauuse a serioously impacct on the ccompleetion of thhe tassk of Partyy A, oor reffuse tto corrrect the rrules made by Paarty AA. (5) Wheere Paarty BB has conclluded or moodifieed thee laboor contraact aggainstt the true intenntionss of PParty A throough tthe

46、 usse of fraudd, coerrcion or exxploittationn of tthe unnfavorrable posittion oof Parrty A, as aa resuult off whicch thiis agreemment iis deeemed nnull aand vooid; (6) Parrty B is foound gguiltyy accoordingg to tthe laaws off P.R.C.(7) Parrty B is illl or injurred duue to non-wwork rrelatiion, aafte

47、r the ccompleetion of meedicall, stiill iss inccompettent ffor hiis oriiginall workk, or alterrnativve jobbs arrrangedd by PParty A.(8) Parrty B is inncompeetent for wwork aafter trainning oor adjjustmeent off jobss.(9) If the oobjecttive ssituattion cchangees siggnificcantlyy thiss conttract basedd

48、 on, to reesult the ccontraact unnable to peerformm, andd mutuual coonsentt can not bbe reaached in chharge of thhis laabor ccontraacts. Party AA termminatee thiss conttract accorrding to ittem (77), (88) andd (9), shouuld nootice Partyy B inn writting bbeforee 30 ddays (or exxtra ppay a monthh wage

49、e to PParty B), aand paay ecoonomicc comppensattion tto Parrty B subjeect too reguulatioons. IIf Parrty A termiinate this contrract aaccordding tto iteem (7), alsso shaall paay meddical treattment allowwancess to PParty B connformiing too releevant regullationns.3. Undeer anyy of tthe foollowiing ci

50、ircumsstancees, Paarty AA can make redunndanciies sttipulaated bby reggulatiions aand prroceduures, and ppay ecconomiic commpensaation to Paarty BB by rrule:(1) Parrty A restrructurred puursuannt to the EEnterpprise Bankrruptcyy Law;(2) Prooductiion annd bussinesss operrationn of PParty A mett serii

51、ous ddifficcultiees;(3) Prooductiion, ttechnoologiccal innnovattion oor bussinesss methhod off Partty A aadjustted;(4) If otherr objeectivee situuationn thiss conttract basedd on, changges siignifiicantlly, too resuult thhe conntractt unabble too perfform.4. Partty B mmay teerminaate thhe labbor coo

52、ntracct witth 30 days priorr writtten nnoticee to PParty A; duriing thhe proobatioonary periood witth 3 ddays prioor wriitten noticce to Partyy A.Party BB may termiinate his eemployyment contrract uunder any oof thee folllowingg circcumstaances invollving Partyy A. Partty A sshall pay tthe ecconomii

53、c commpensaation to Paarty BB by rrule:(1) Parrty A has ffailedd to pprovidde labbor prrotecttion oor worrking condiitionss as sstipullated in thhe labbor coontracct;(2) Parrt A hhas faailed to paay remmuneraation on tiime orr in ffull;(3) Parrty A has ffailedd to ccontriibute sociaal inssurancce fu

54、nnd on behallf of Partyy B inn accoordancce witth thee law;(4) Parrty As polliciess viollate llaws oor reggulatiions, therreby iinfrinnging upon Partyy Bs rigghts aand innteressts;(5) Parrty A has cconcluuded oor moddifiedd the laborr conttract againnst thhe truue inttentioons off Partty B tthrouggh

55、 thee use of frraud, coerccion oor takking aadvanttage oof Parrty Bs unffavoraable ppositiion, as a resullt of whichh thiss conttract or thhe chaangingg agreeementt is ddeemedd nulll and void; (6) Parrty A is exeemptedd fromm its legall liabbilityy and Partyy Bs rightts, as a resullt of whichh thiss

56、 conttract is deeemed null and vvoid;(7) Parrty A violaates oobligaatory proviision in laaws annd reggulatiions, as a resullt of whichh thiss conttract is deeemed null and vvoid;(8) If Partyy A usses viiolencce, intiimidattion, or ann unlaawful restrraint of inndividdual ffreedoom to compeel Parrty

57、B to woork, or iif Parrty A instrructs Partyy B too viollate tthe laaw or engagge in hazarrdous work that endanngers his ppersonnal saafety.(9) Othher ciircumsstancees forr termminatiion byy Partty B aas speecifieed undder laaws annd reggulatiions.If the situaation of iteem (8) occuurs, PParty B has

58、 the rright to teerminaate thhe conntractt immeediateely wiithoutt notiice Paarty AA in aadvancce.5. Of tthe anny of the ffollowwing ccircummstancces, Party A cann not termiinate the llabor contrract oon thee basiis of articcle 400 and 41 off the “Laborr Conttract Laws”;(1) Parrty B that conduucts o

59、operattions expossing hhim/heer to occuppationnal diiseasee hazaards hhas noot gonne thrrough an occcupattionall heallth exxaminaation beforre leaviing hiis posst, orr is ssuspeccted oof havving aan occcupatiional diseaase annd is underr diaggnosiss or meddical obserrvatioon.(2) Injjured due tto the

60、e occuupatioonal ddiseasse or work-relatted reeasonss, andd was confiirmed as haaving lost or paartiallly loost thhe abiility to woork.(3) Illlness or noon worrk-rellated injurry witthin tthe prrescriibed pperiodd of mmedicaal treeatmennt.(4) Wommen woorkerss in ppregnaancy, childdbirthh, breeastfee


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