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1、Language points of unit 1-2Unit 1in the case of 至于,就來說 The rise in interest rate will be disastrous in the case of small firms.Formal training will take at least three years in the case of interior decoration.in case 假使;免得,以防(萬一)(引導(dǎo)條件從句) in case of假使;免得,以防(萬一)(跟名詞或名詞短語) in any case 無論如何;總之 in no cas

2、e 無論如何;決不 a case in point 有關(guān)的事例,例證 raw adj. 1) (of weather) cold and wete.g. raw north-east winds a raw February morning 2) not cooked, refined, processed, organized or analyzede.g. This cutting board is only used to cut raw meat. Industrial plants processed the raw material into finished products f

3、or export and for domestic consumption.launchvt. 1) startE.g. launch an inquiry into the incident launch an attack / invasion, a strike2) send (sth.) on its courseE.g. On October 4, 1957, Soviet scientists launched the worlds first artificial satellite.conquestn. conquering, defeat The year 1939 had

4、 witnessed the conquest of Poland by Germany.Hitler badly miscalculated when he assumed the conquest of the USSR would be simple.decisivea. producing a definite result or conclusion; having or showing the ability to decide quicklyMost of the decisive land campaign of World War I occurred on the cont

5、inent of Europe.The adoption of the euro is widely viewed as a decisive step toward a single European government.be/get bogged downbe unable to make progress That country is bogged down in political crises.The local government got bogged down in problems of how to handle the emission of hazardous ch

6、emicals by industrial plants.engage (sb.) in sth.: (cause to) take part in sth.e.g. They are currently engaged in lengthy trade negotiations.be engaged in sth.: be busy be engaged to sb. : having agreed to marrytake the gambletake a riskThe company took a gamble by cutting the price of their product

7、s, and it paid off.I think shes taking a gamble investing all the money in stocks.press on/ahead /upon (with)continue doing sth. In a determined wayOrganizers of the strike are determined to press on.Our school authorities are keen to press on with educational reform.presson/upon硬給,把強(qiáng)加給I wish hed st

8、op trying to press his political views upon his students.bide ones timewait patiently for a chanceHis political rivals are biding their time for an attack on his policies.He bided his time until Harvard University offered him a professorship.minusprep. 1) below zero -10 2) made less by201010 adj. 1)

9、 (mathematics) negative a minus quantity 2) slightly lower than the mark statedI got B- in the final test.stroken. any of a series of repeated movements; single successful or effective action or occurrence; belowI saw a chance of solving all my problems at a stroke.He won a car in the lottery last w

10、eek. Thats his first stroke of good luck.limpvi. walk with difficulty, esp. when one foot or leg is hurt.That dog must be hurt its limping.I injured my ankle and had to limp.weakenv. (cause to) become weak or weakerThe Asian financial crisis severely weakened some countries.Pneumonia often proves fa

11、tal to people with a weakened immune system.catch sb. off guardtake sb. by surpriseThe invitation to his wedding caught me off guard.The manager didnt know what to say. It was clear that my question had caught him off guard.off ones guard 沒有提防地on ones guard 站崗,值班;警惕,提防instruct1) give orders or direc

12、tions to (sb.) instruct sb. to do sth; instruct sb.that; instruct sb. with quote He instructed me to deliver it to John.My agent has instructed me that you still owe me 150.2) teach (sb.) instruct sb. in/on sth He instructed family members in nursing techniques.casualtyn. a person who is killed or i

13、njured in war or in an accident.The precise number of casualties in yesterdays bomb explosion is not known.First reports of the traffic accident tell of more than 50 casualties.siegen. a military operation in which an army tries to capture a town, etc. by surrounding it and stopping the supply of fo

14、od to the people inside.They are hopeful of bringing the siege to a peaceful conclusion.The city was under siege for 6 months.offensiven. aggressive action, attack The new general immediately launched an offensive against the enemy.adj. offensive weaponsoffensive remarks, language, behavioran offens

15、ive smellturn the tide (against)change what looks like defeat into victory (over)Soviet victory in Stalingrad turned the tide of the war in Europe.Their persistence turned the tide against their opponents.reckonv. count, consider, think The existence of the U.S. is reckoned from the Declaration of I

16、ndependence.Many people reckon Liu Xiang to be/as a national hero.Looking up at the sun, I reckoned that it must be about three oclock.be reckoned withbe taken into consideration All these problems had to be reckoned with as they arose.She is a woman to be reckoned with.take its/a tollcause damage,

17、injuries or deaths (often followed by of/on)His hard work has taken its toll on his stomach.The war took a heavy toll of human life.Useful Expressions發(fā)動襲擊給某人一個教訓(xùn) 決定性的勝利陷入泥潭 面對,面臨 冒險(xiǎn) (不顧困難)繼續(xù)進(jìn)行 decisive victory L19 launch an attack L7teach/give sb. a lesson L11become/be bogged downbe faced with L27ta

18、ke a gamble L30press on/ahead L30Useful Expressions對(城市)的占領(lǐng)提出休戰(zhàn) 等待時機(jī)零下四攝氏度 得病,染病 費(fèi)力緩慢行進(jìn),拖延 積聚力量 bide ones time L39the occupation of the city L36offer a truce L38minus 4 degrees Celsius L46get ill/take ill L49drag on L50gather ones strength L51Useful Expressions以為代價結(jié)成聯(lián)盟 流放,流亡宣戰(zhàn) 速戰(zhàn)速決 趁人不備 使變得無用 go int

19、o exile L61at the cost of L55form an alliance L60declaration of war L65quick victory L67catch sb. off guard L71render useless L73Useful Expressions大約使停止 扭轉(zhuǎn)潮流,局勢由于,因?yàn)?打破包圍 使加以考慮 造成傷亡,損失 turn the tide against L102close to L81bring to a halt L90thank to L103break the siege L105 be reckoned with L114tak

20、e a/its toll L116Unit 2turn sth. into/become a realityHer dreams of being a college student has turned into a reality.Working at home and communicating with fellow workers via their PCs has become a reality for some.vapor n.a mass of tiny drops of moisture forming a cloud or mistThe atmosphere alway

21、s contains some moisture in the form of water vapor.Pure steam is a dry and invisible vapor.Eliminate v. Get rid ofMany infectious diseases have been virtually eliminated.He has had to eliminate dairy products from his diet.Weve eliminated the possibility that someone started the fire deliberately.T

22、hey eliminated him as a suspect. (decide that he is not responsible for sth.)Half of the candidates were eliminated after the first round of interviews. (淘汰)In the airThere is a peculiar smell in the airOur vacation plans are still up in the air.There was a feeling in the air that it was time to cha

23、nge.Related phrases:On the air/on air -on radio/televisionThe program first went on air 28 years ago.Into/our of thin air disappear/appear suddenlyWhen I looked around he seemed to have vanished into thin air.It just happened out of thin air.Start up Switch on engineShe got into the car and started

24、up the engine.Put the key the ignition and turn it to start the car up.Bring a business into existenceThe agency helps many companies start up each year.He left the company last year to start up his own business.lane n.a division of a road, street, or highway wide enough for a single line of motor v

25、ehiclesThe newly-built highways have two lanes for each direction of travel.There are many different types of roads, from multilane freeways and expressways to two-way country road.Lucrative adj.Profitable, producing moneyMany ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.We m

26、ade a lucrative business deal with the American company on rice imports. Train sth at/on sb/sthTo aim a gun, camera,light,etc.at sb/sthHe carefully trained his gun on the suspect.The army trained its cannon on the fort. Get/be stuck inUnable to move or to be movedI was stuck in the traffic yesterday

27、 for about one hour. Thats why I missed the plane.The wheels get stuck in the mud. I was stuck at home with flu.Tune n./v. To adjust a musical instrument so that it plays at the correct PITCH to tune a guitar/piano To adjust the controls on a radio or television so that you can receive a particular

28、programme or channel Tune sth (in) (to sth) The radio was tuned (in) to the BBC World Service. Vibrate v.Shake very quickly with small movementsMicrowave ovens operate by agitating the water molecules in the food, causing them to vibrate, which produces heat.The walls vibrated with the music from ne

29、xt door.Correlate v. + with/toThe question correlates with age and gender.Attempts will be made to correlate our findings with various environmental factors.Correlation between personal wealth and healthA direct/close/clear/significant/high correlationBe poised to do sth. (adj.)Be ready to take acti

30、on at any momentThe automobile company is poised to launch its new advertising campaign.Japan was poised to become the biggest foreign investor in Vietnam.Behave in controlled and relaxed wayThe shy little girl has grown into a poised young woman.Poise n./v.Mary hoped ballet lessons would improve he

31、r poise and balance.Poising her skis on the edge of the hill, Larry looked cautiously down at the skiers below.Bunch v.Get close to/group together (active/passive)Guests all bunched together near the fireplace.The girls were bunched up on one side of the room.Well bunch these herbs and sell them.Thi

32、s skirt tends to bunch around my waist. (come together in small folds)n. A bunch of flowers, a bunch of keys, a bunch of bananas/grapes, a bunch of pepleMount v.Fix in a position, put into place, displaySome automobiles were designed with a transmission mounted on the rear axle.The diamonds are moun

33、ted in a gold setting.Each photograph is mounted on a cardboard backing. Useful Expressionsthe computer revolution (L2-3)the manufacturing industry (L7-8)long-distance driver (L31)be grossly underestimated (L32)life-threatening hazard (L32)cure the problem (L)計(jì)算機(jī)革命制造業(yè)長途司機(jī)被押重低估威脅生命的嚴(yán)重隱患解決問題as well: t

34、ooShe wanted to produce the play and to direct it as well.Ellens face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well.Useful Expressionsa positive impact (L39)be tuned to radio signals (L39)at any given time (L44) a precise frequency (L45) the laws of the quantum theory (L46)積極的影響與無線電信號調(diào)諧在任何一個特定時間 精確的頻率量子力學(xué)理論Useful Expressionssend out a radio signal (L48) be converted to (L52) navigational capability (L53) virtually limitless (L57) walking sticks (L60) remote control (L60) 發(fā)出無線電信號換算出導(dǎo)航能力幾乎無限手杖遙控Useful Expressionspotential use/application (L61)call for (


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