




1、*公司* Co., Ltd合肥中瑞管道工程有限公司 Hefei Zhongrui Pipeline Construction CO., LTDLABOUR CONTRRACT勞 動(dòng) 合 同同CO., LTTD有限公司AND與*(人人名)INDEX 目目錄POSITIOON & TTASKS OF WOORK 職務(wù)及工作作職責(zé) TRIAL PPERIODD 試用期DURATIOON OF THE CCONTRAACT 合同同期限SALARY 工資PREMIUMM & BOONUS 獎(jiǎng)金及分紅紅PERSONAAL INCCOME TTAX 個(gè)人所得稅稅TRAININNG 培訓(xùn)WORKINGG HO
3、NTRRACT 合合同修訂APPLICAABLE LLAW 適用用法律SETTLEMMENT OOF DISSPUTESS 爭(zhēng)議的處處理及解決MISCELLLANEOUUS 其它事宜甲方(用人單位位)全 稱: 住 所: 聯(lián) 系 電 話:法 定 代代 表 人: Hereinaafter referrred tto as the “COMPANY”,以下簡(jiǎn)稱“本公公司”乙方(勞動(dòng)者) 姓 名:性 別: 出 生生 年 月: 出 生 地: 有效身份證件號(hào)號(hào)碼:(護(hù)照照)現(xiàn) 住 址:聯(lián) 系系 電 話:Hereinaafter referrred tto as the “EEMPLOYYEE”,以下簡(jiǎn)稱“
4、該員員工”Hereinaafter colleectiveely reeferreed to as the “PPARTIEES”. 甲方、乙方以下下統(tǒng)稱“合同雙方”。In accoordancce witth thee Laboour Laaw and oother relevvant llaws aand reegulattions of thhe Peoopless Repuublic of Chhina, the PPARTIEES havve conncludeed thee folllowingg laboour coontracct (heereinaafter referrre
5、d tto as the “CCONTRAACT”)合同雙方依照中中華人民共和和國(guó)勞動(dòng)法以及中華人人民共和國(guó)其其它相關(guān)法律律法規(guī),共同同約定以下勞勞動(dòng)合同(以下簡(jiǎn)稱“本合同”)。ARTICLEE 1: PPOSITIION & TASKSS OF WWORK第一條:職務(wù)及及工作職責(zé)The EMPPLOYEEE willl havee the folloowing posittion: 該員工將擔(dān)任以以下職務(wù):_ If neceessaryy due to thhe mannagemeent orrganissationn of tthe COOMPANYY and or thhe commpe
6、tennce annd abiilitiees of the EEMPLOYYEE thhe COMMPANY may aadjustt the posittion, dutiies annd ressponsiibilitties oof thee EMPLLOYEE.若由于本公司管管理編制的需需要及/或由于該員工本本人資格與能力的原因因,本公司可可在必要的情況下下對(duì)該員工的的職務(wù)和工作作職責(zé)進(jìn)行適當(dāng)調(diào)整整。ARTICLEE 2: TTRIAL PERIOOD第二條:試用期期The triial peeriod will startt on tthe daate off signnature
7、e of tthis CCONTRAACT. TThe duuratioon of the ttrial periood is threee (3) monthhs. Durinng thee triaal perriod tthe EMMPLOYEEE willl be boundd by aall arrticlees of this contrract. 試用期自本合同同簽署之日起起開(kāi)始,時(shí)間間為三個(gè)月。在試用用期間,該員員工受本合同全部部條款所約束束。After tthe sppecifiied trrial pperiodd and if noo notiice off termmi
8、natiion iss giveen thee EMPLLOYEE autommaticaally bbecomees empployedd undeer thee termms andd condditionns of this CONTRRACT.在約定的試用期期內(nèi),若該員工沒(méi)有收收到關(guān)于解除除勞動(dòng)關(guān)系的的通知,在試試用期滿后,該員工自自動(dòng)轉(zhuǎn)為本公公司正式員工工,執(zhí)行本合合同規(guī)定的條條款。ARTICLEE 3: DDURATIION OFF THE CONTRRACT第三條:合同期期限The durrationn of tthis CCONTRAACT iss twentty-fouur
9、(27) monthhs.本合同期限為227個(gè)月。This COONTRACCT mayybe exxtendeed upoon agrreemennt of both PARTIIES. An exxtensiion too thiss CONTTRACT shalll comee intoo forcce onlly aftter a writtten aggreemeent haas beeen siggned bby botth PARRTIES.本合同經(jīng)合同雙雙方同意后可可以續(xù)簽。只有在合同同雙方簽署書(shū)書(shū)面協(xié)議后,續(xù)續(xù)簽的合同方方能生效。ARTICLEE 4: SSALARYY第四條
10、:工資The COMMPANY shalll defiine itts ownn salaary poolicy in acccordaance wwith rregulaationss stippulateed by the sstate and mmuniciipal ggovernnment. Thee COMPPANY sshall ensurre thaat thee montthly ssalaryy of tthe EMMPLOYEEE is not lless tthan tthe miinimumm pay standdard sset byy the locall gove
11、ernmennt.本公司將依照中中華人民共和和國(guó)和北京市市有關(guān)政策法法規(guī)制定本公公司的員工工工資標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。本本公司保證該該員工的月工工資將不低于于當(dāng)?shù)卣?guī)規(guī)定的最低工工資。The EMPPLOYEEE willl receeive aa grosss monthhly orr 口annuaal salarry of 3,0000.00 rennminbii (RMBB3,0000.00) and iincreaase thhereaffter tthe baasis oof thee stafff perrformaance, the eeconommic deeveloppment of th
12、he COMMPANY and aaccordding tto thee salaary poolicy of thhe COMMPANY approoved bby thee Boarrd of Direcctors of thhe COMMPANY, and etc.該員工稅前工資資將為 每月 或 口每年叁仟元人民幣幣,今后將按照該員工工的工作表現(xiàn)現(xiàn)、本公司的經(jīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)效益以及及由本公司制定定并經(jīng)董事會(huì)會(huì)批準(zhǔn)的工資資標(biāo)準(zhǔn)每年遞遞增。Such saalary shalll be ttransfferredd to tthe baank acccountt desiignateed by the
13、EEMPLOYYEE beetweenn the thirdd and fifthh day of eaach moonth.上述工資將于每每月3號(hào)至5號(hào)期間匯入入該員工所指定的銀行賬戶。ARTICLEE 5: PREMIIUM & BONUSS 第五條:獎(jiǎng)金及及分紅At the full discrretionn of tthe Chhairmaan andd baseed upoon hiss/her generral atttitudde andd the resullt of his/heer worrk andd fulffilmennt of his/heer objjectivv
14、es deetaileed witth hiss/her managger annd at the bbeginnning oof eacch callendarr yearr the EMPLOOYEE wwill bbe enttitledd to aan annnual bbonus not eexceedding oone (11) monnth off salaary annd shaall bee paidd to tthe EMMPLOYEEE forr eachh fulll caleendar year whichh the EMPLOOYEE wworks for tthe
15、 COOMPANYY in ttwo (22) insstalmeents tthe foollowiing yeear.經(jīng)本公司董事長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)同意,并且且根據(jù)該員工工的工作態(tài)度度、工作成果果及其上級(jí)主主管規(guī)定之工工作目標(biāo)的完完成狀況,該該員工將有權(quán)權(quán)在每個(gè)公歷歷年初享受年年終獎(jiǎng)金(獎(jiǎng)獎(jiǎng)金總額不超超過(guò)該員工的的月工資)。員工為公司司工作滿一年年時(shí),獎(jiǎng)金將將于次年分兩兩次發(fā)放給個(gè)個(gè)人。ARTICLEE 6: PERSOONAL IINCOMEE TAX第六條:個(gè)人所所得稅The EMPPLOYEEE shalll payy indiividuaal inccome ttax inn accoordan
16、cce witth thee releevant laws and rregulaationss of tthe Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina. Thee COMPPANY sshall withhhold ssuch aamountt and pay iit to the ccompettent ttax buureau.該員工須 按照照中華人民共共和國(guó)相關(guān)法法律法規(guī)繳納納個(gè)人所得稅稅。本公司將將為該員工代代扣代徼個(gè)人人所得稅,并并將應(yīng)納稅款款上交相應(yīng)稅稅務(wù)機(jī)關(guān)。ARTICLEE 7: TRAINNING第七條:培訓(xùn)The COMMPANY will estab
17、blish an EMMPLOYEEE traainingg systtem annd proovide necesssary trainning tto thee EMPLLOYEE in acccordaance wwith tthe reelevannt lawws andd reguulatioons off the Peoplles RRepubllic off Chinna andd as tthe COOMPANYY needds.本公司將依照中中華人民共和和國(guó)有關(guān)法律律法規(guī)及公司司需求,為該該員工設(shè)計(jì)一一套培訓(xùn)體系系,向該員工工提供必要的的培訓(xùn)。ARTICLEE 8: WWOR
18、KINNG HOUURS第八條:工作時(shí)時(shí)間The COMMPANY will impleement workiing hoour syystem of foorty mminimuum(40) hourrs perr weekk in aaccorddance with the rrelevaant laaws annd reggulatiions eexclussive oof lunnch tiime.本公司依照相關(guān)關(guān)法律法規(guī)實(shí)實(shí)行每周400小時(shí)工作制制(每周工作作時(shí)間不得少少于40小時(shí)),不包包括午餐時(shí)間間。The worrking hourss are from Mondaay to
19、Fridaay froom 9:000AM tto 6:000PM wwith aa one (1) hhour ffor luunch tthat mmay vaary inn timee so aas to have at leeast oone sttaff mmemberr in tthe offfice durinng lunnch tiime.工作時(shí)間從周一一至周五,每每天上午9點(diǎn)至下午6點(diǎn),午餐時(shí)間間為一個(gè)小時(shí)。午午餐時(shí)間將根根據(jù)具體情況況進(jìn)行安排以確確保屆時(shí)至少少有一名員工工留守辦公室室。Subjectt to tthe opperatiion neeeds tthe COOM
20、PANYY may adoptt irreegularr workking hhour ssystemm or ccalcullate tthe woorkingg hourrs on synthhetic basiss.根據(jù)實(shí)際工作需需要,本公司司可能采用不不規(guī)則時(shí)間工工作制或依照照綜合標(biāo)準(zhǔn)計(jì)計(jì)算工作時(shí)間間。The COMMPANY may eextendd the workiing hoours oof thee EMPLLOYEE afterr conssultattion wwith tthe EMMPLOYEEE acccordinng to the rrelevaant laaws
21、 annd reggulatiions.依照有關(guān)法律法法規(guī),與該員工進(jìn)行協(xié)協(xié)商后,本公司可以延延長(zhǎng)該員工的的工作時(shí)間。The COMMPANY pays the EEMPLOYYEE 3000 perrcent of thhe sallary, basedd on aan houurly aamountt accoordingg to AArticlle 4, heretto forr workking dduringg offiicial publiic hollidayss.若需要員工在法法定節(jié)假日加加班,公司將將根據(jù)本合同第第4條中所列工資資標(biāo)準(zhǔn)計(jì)算出出該員工的每每小時(shí)工資,并并按照每小
22、時(shí)時(shí)工資標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的的3倍支付加班班工資。Notwithhstandding wwhat pprovidded heereof the CCOMPANNY shaall exxtend the wworkinng houurs reegardlless oof Artticle 8.1 aand Arrticlee 8.3 in anny of the ffollowwing ccases:若出現(xiàn)下列情況況,無(wú)論是否否符合本合同同第8.1條和第第8.3條中的規(guī)定,本公司司均可延長(zhǎng)工工作時(shí)間:Immediaate acction whichh mustt be ccarrieed outt in cc
23、ase oof nattural disassters, acciidentss or oother eventts thaat willl enddangerr the EMPLOOYEEss lifee, heaalth, propeerty, or saafety;由于發(fā)生自然災(zāi)災(zāi)害、事故或或其它危及該該員工生命、健健康、財(cái)產(chǎn)及及安全的事件件,必須采取取緊急措施;Urgent repaiir whiich muust bee carrried oout inn casee of bbreakiing doown off operrationn equiipmentt, commmunic
24、cationn, traansporrtatioon andd otheer faccilitiies whhich wwill eendangger COOMPANYY busiiness or puublic interrest;由于運(yùn)營(yíng)設(shè)備、通通訊設(shè)備、運(yùn)運(yùn)輸設(shè)備及其其它設(shè)備發(fā)生生故障,危害到本公司司的業(yè)務(wù)或公公共利益,必必須進(jìn)行緊急維修修;Continuuous oof thee operrationn or bbusineess off the COMPAANY whhich sshall not bbe intterruppted oon stiipulatted hooliday
25、ys andd restt dayss.由于無(wú)法因?yàn)榉ǚǘㄐ菁俸碗p雙休日而中斷斷本公司持續(xù)續(xù)開(kāi)展的經(jīng)營(yíng)營(yíng)運(yùn)作或業(yè)務(wù)務(wù);Overhauul andd mainntenannce off the equippment whichh shalll onlly be made on sttipulaated hholidaays annd resst dayys; annd只能在法定休假假和雙休日進(jìn)進(jìn)行的設(shè)備檢修與維護(hù);Emergenncy opperatiion asssignmment cconcerrning natioonal ddefencce.由于國(guó)防原因需需要采取緊急急措施。ARTICL
26、EE 9: DDISCIPPLINE第九條:勞動(dòng)紀(jì)紀(jì)律Apart ffrom tthe prrovisiions oof thiis CONNTRACTT the EMPLOOYEE mmust rrespecct alll releevant laws and rregulaationss of tthe Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina ruless and regullationns of the CCOMPANNY andd provvisionns of any rrelevaant coollecttive llabourr conttract.除本合同所
27、規(guī)定定之條款外,該員工還須遵守中華人民共和國(guó)相關(guān)法律法規(guī)、本公司制定的規(guī)章制度,以及其它勞動(dòng)合同方面的相關(guān)規(guī)定。The EMPPLOYEEE mustt resppect aand exxecutee any and aall foormal instrructioons giiven tto himm/her regarrding the ddutiess and respoonsibiilitiees of his/heer tassks off workk.該員工須遵守并并執(zhí)行一切與與其工作職責(zé)責(zé)有關(guān)的正式式指令。In casees of an offfencee, grooss mii
28、scondduct, and oor anyy viollationn of llabourr discciplinne thee COMPPANY wwill nnormallly caarry oout thhe folllowinng proocedurre: 若該員工出現(xiàn)過(guò)過(guò)錯(cuò)、嚴(yán)重過(guò)失及/或其它違反反勞動(dòng)紀(jì)律的的行為,本公公司一般依照照以下程序?qū)?duì)該員工進(jìn)行行處罰:1 Oraal warrning 口頭警告2 Firrst wrrittenn warnning 第第一次書(shū)面警警告3 Finnal wrrittenn warnning 第第二次書(shū)面警警告4 Dissmissaal 開(kāi)除
29、Howeverr the COMPAANY reeservees thee righht to omit any oof theese sttages as thhe casse mayy be.然而,本公司有有權(quán)根據(jù)實(shí)際際情況對(duì)上述述某些步驟進(jìn)進(jìn)行調(diào)整。The EMPPLOYEEE has the rright to apppeal againnst wrrittenn warnnings or diismisssal too the Labouur Disspute Commiittee if anny.該員工有權(quán)針對(duì)對(duì)其受到的書(shū)書(shū)面警告或開(kāi)開(kāi)除決定向勞勞動(dòng)爭(zhēng)議委員員會(huì)提出申訴訴(如需)。
30、ARTICLEE 10: SICKKNESS & INJJURY LLEAVE第十條: 病假假及傷假The EMPPLOYEEE willl be eentitlled too sickkness and iinjuryy leavves inn accoordancce witth thee releevant laws and rregulaationss.該員工有權(quán)根據(jù)據(jù)相關(guān)法律法法規(guī)享受病假假及傷假。The EMPPLOYEEE appllying for ssickneess orr injuury leeave sshall fill in a leavve appplicatti
31、on fform and gget appprovaal froom hiss/her managger. Leavee for more than two (2) daays shhall bbe appprovedd by tthe Chhief EExecuttive OOfficeer of the CCOMPANNY andd submmittedd to tthe Offfice Managger, HHuman Resouurces Managger orr theiir Mannager for vverifiicatioon andd filiing beefore goin
32、gg for leavee. 申請(qǐng)病假或傷假假時(shí),該員工工應(yīng)填寫(xiě)“休假申請(qǐng)表表”,并必須得到其上上級(jí)主管的準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)許。若該員員工的休假超超過(guò)兩(2)天,則需經(jīng)本公公司首席執(zhí)行行官允許,且應(yīng)在在休假前將“休假申請(qǐng)表表”提交至行政經(jīng)理、人力資源部部經(jīng)理或直屬上級(jí)經(jīng)經(jīng)理以供審核及存檔。In casee of aany suudden sicknness oor injjury tthe EMMPLOYEEE shaall innform his/heer mannager no laater tthan tthe ennd of the ffirst day. A wrrittenn conffirma
33、ttion sshall be suubmittted too the Officce Mannager and HHuman Resouurces Managger foor verrificaation and ffilingg withhin twwo (2) dayss afteer he or shhe commes baack too workk.若該員工突發(fā)疾疾病或受傷,需需在當(dāng)天結(jié)束束前通知其上上級(jí)經(jīng)理,并在返返回崗位后的的兩(2)個(gè)工作作日內(nèi)將書(shū)面面說(shuō)明提交行行政經(jīng)理及人人力資源部經(jīng)經(jīng)理以供審核及存檔。If the EMPLOOYEE iis abssent ffor moo
34、re thhan onne (1) weekk he/shee mustt ensuure thhat thhe Chiief Exxecutiive Offficerr are kept inforrmed oof thee proggress at weeekly interrvals.若該員工的病假假超過(guò)一周,該員工必須每每周向首席執(zhí)執(zhí)行官報(bào)告其其病情狀況。The EMPPLOYEEE takiing siicknesss or injurry leaaves ffor moore thhan onne (1) day must proviide a mediccal ceertifii
35、cate issueed by a quaalifieed docctor. Faillure oor reffusal to prrovidee the certiificatte or proviiding falsee or iinaccuurate inforrmatioon willl be deemeed as a grooss miiscondduct.若該員工休病假假或傷假超過(guò)過(guò)一天,必須提供供由專業(yè)醫(yī)師師出具的病假假條。若該員員工無(wú)法或拒拒絕提供病假假條或提供虛虛假信息,將被視為嚴(yán)重重過(guò)失。ARTICLEE 11: LABOUUR SAFFETY & HYGIIENE第十一條
36、:勞動(dòng)動(dòng)安全及勞動(dòng)動(dòng)衛(wèi)生保障The COMMPANY will estabblish a souund laabour safetty andd hygiiene ffaciliities and sshall stricctly iimplemment rrules and sstandaards oof labbour ssafetyy and hygieene off the Peoplles RRepubllic off Chinna, coonductt laboour saafety and hhygienne eduucatioon, prreventt acciidentss
37、and reducce occcupatiional hazarrds.本公司將建立一一套合理的勞勞動(dòng)安全衛(wèi)生生保護(hù)措施,嚴(yán)嚴(yán)格落實(shí)中華華人民共和國(guó)國(guó)勞動(dòng)安全衛(wèi)衛(wèi)生制度和標(biāo)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),開(kāi)展勞勞動(dòng)安全衛(wèi)生生教育,防止止事故發(fā)生,減減少職業(yè)病危危害。The COMMPANY shalll provvide tthe EMMPLOYEEE witth labbour ssafetyy and hygieene coonditiions aand neecessaary arrticlees in confoormityy withh the relevvant llaws aand reegulattio
38、ns.本公司將依照有有關(guān)法律法規(guī)規(guī)為該員工提提供勞動(dòng)安全全衛(wèi)生條件以以及必要的設(shè)設(shè)備。The EMPPLOYEEE shalll havve thee righht to refusse to carryy out any ddangerrous ooperattion fforcedd uponn him/her bby mannagemeent peersonnnel inn viollationn of tthe reelevannt reggulatiions.若該員工的上級(jí)級(jí)主管違反相相關(guān)法律法規(guī)規(guī),要求其從事事危險(xiǎn)性工作作,該員工有有權(quán)拒絕。ARTICLEE 12: SOCIAAL
39、 INSSURANCCES第十二條:社會(huì)會(huì)保險(xiǎn)The COMMPANY must join sociaal inssurancce schhemes for tthe EMMPLOYEEE in accorrdancee withh the relevvant llaws aand reegulattions of thhe Peoopless Repuublic of Chhina aand shhall ppay onn timee sociial innsurannce prremiumms to the ssociall insuurancee insttitutiions aacco
40、rdding tto thee stanndardss set by thhe loccal auuthoriities.本公司嚴(yán)格遵守守中華人民共共和國(guó)有關(guān)法法律法規(guī)為該該員工繳納社社會(huì)保險(xiǎn),并并且依照當(dāng)?shù)氐卣块T(mén)制制定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)將將保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)按時(shí)時(shí)、全額支付付給社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)險(xiǎn)機(jī)構(gòu)。ARTICLEE 13: HOLIIDAYS 第十三條:休假假The EMPPLOYEEE enjooys sttatutoory hoolidayys forr offiicial publiic hollidayss, weddding, and funerrals iin linne witth thee relee
41、vant laws and rregulaationss of tthe Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina.該員工依照中華華人民共和國(guó)國(guó)有關(guān)法律法法規(guī)享受法定定休假,包括括法定節(jié)假日日、婚假、喪喪假、產(chǎn)假。The EMPPLOYEEE is eentitlled yeearly (for a fulll yeaar worrked) to a paid annuaal vaccationn of tten (110) worrking days excluusive of thhe staatutorry hollidayss.該員工在本公司司工作滿一年年后有權(quán)享受受
42、每年十個(gè)工作日的的帶薪年假,不不含法定節(jié)假假日。The hollidays refferencce perriod iis froom thee firsst dayy of JJanuarry to the tthirtyy firsst dayy of DDecembber. Holiddays aaccrueed durring oone peeriod have to bee takeen on the ffollowwing hholidaay perriod. For the ffirst year of emmploymment, holiddays wwill bbe accc
43、rued at prro ratta temmporiss.每年1月1日至至12月31日作為一個(gè)休休假年度,當(dāng)當(dāng)年未休的假假期只可累積積到次年使用用。在本公司司工作未滿一一年的新員工工可在次年享受年假,具具體的年假天天數(shù)按照其實(shí)實(shí)際工作時(shí)間間計(jì)算。 After tthe EMMPLOYEEE commpletees fivve (5) yearrs of contiinuouss workk for the CCOMPANNY thee EMPLLOYEE is enntitleed yeaarly (for aa fulll yearr workked) tto onee (1) furth
44、her woorkingg day of paaid annnual vacattion ffor eaach fuull yeear whhich tthe EMMPLOYEEE worrks foor COMMPANY, but the ppaid aannuall vacaation shalll not exceeed tweenty (20) wworkinng dayys in the aaggreggate.該員工在本公司司任職滿五年年后,在本公公司每工作滿滿一年,每年年可以增加一一個(gè)工作日的的帶薪年假,但但每年帶薪年年假累積最多多不超過(guò)二十十個(gè)工作日。All leaave mu
45、ust bee takeen at timess agreeed wiith thhe Chiief Exxecutiive Offficerr of tthe COOMPANYY ten days in addvancee.所有休假必須提提前10天向本公司申申請(qǐng)并獲得首首席執(zhí)行官的的同意。ARTICLEE 14: EXCLLUSIVIITY & NON-CCOMPETTITIONN第十四條:唯一一性及非競(jìng)爭(zhēng)爭(zhēng)協(xié)定The EMPPLOYEEE mustt devoote inn fulll all his/heer worrking time to thhe COMMPANY.該員工在本公司司
46、工作期間必必須勤奮敬業(yè)業(yè)。It is sstricttly foorbiddden foor thee EMPLLOYEE to haave anny othher prrofesssionall actiivity for hhimsellf/herrself or annd rellativees or and tthird partiies evven frree off charrge.嚴(yán)格禁止該員工工在本公司任任職期間為其其自身及/或親屬及/或第三方提提供任何有償償或無(wú)償專業(yè)業(yè)勞動(dòng)。The EMPPLOYEEE undeertakees nott to eexerciise diir
47、ectlly or indirrectlyy on bbehalff of aany coompetiitor tto thee COMPPANY eeven aas freee of chargge or for hhimsellf/herrself any aactiviity whhich mmay coompetee withh the businness oof thee COMPPANY ffor onne (1) yearr afteer thee termminatiion off the preseent COONTRACCT. TThis AArticlle 14.3 is
48、 not aappliccable if teerminaation of thhe CONNTRACTT is ddue too COMPPANY ffor otther rreasonns thaan thee oness coveered bby Artticle 14 annd Artticle 15. 該員工與本公司司解除本合同同后一年內(nèi)不不得直接或間間接地代表本本公司的任何競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)對(duì)手從事任何何可能傷及本本公司利益的的有償或無(wú)償償活動(dòng)。若由由于其它原因因而非本合同同第14條和第15條解除本本合同的,不不適用本合同同第14.33條。The EMPPLOYEEE shalll payy
49、the COMPAANY ann amouunt off RMB110,0000 to RMB1000,0000 as aa penaalty cclausee if hhe/shee doess not complly witth Artticle 14.1., Artticle 14.2., andd Artiicle 114.3. heretto. TThis aamountt doess not incluude thhe posssiblee actuual daamagess whicch mayy be cclaimeed by the CCOMPANNY.若該員工違反本本合同第
50、144.1條、第第14.2條及第14.3條的的規(guī)定,其必必須向本公司司支付1萬(wàn)-10萬(wàn)人民幣作為賠償償。該筆賠償償不包括本公公司對(duì)可能造造成的實(shí)際損損害進(jìn)行索賠賠的金額。ARTICLEE 15: CONFFIDENTTIALITTY第十五條:保密密協(xié)定The EMPPLOYEEE shalll keeep strrictlyy secrret annd connfidenntial and nnot too discclose to anny thiird PAARTY aany annd alll techhnicall, ecoonomicc, finnanciaal, cllient o
51、r maarketiing innformaation acquiired ffrom tthe COOMPANYY and or obbtaineed beccause of hiis/herr actiivitiees in the CCOMPANNY.該員工須嚴(yán)守公公司機(jī)密,不不得向任何第第三方透露自自本公司處獲得的及/或由于該員工工在本公司任任職而獲得的任何何技術(shù)、經(jīng)濟(jì)濟(jì)、財(cái)務(wù)、客客戶或市場(chǎng)信信息。The EMPPLOYEEE shalll nott use any ssuch iinformmationn for any ppurposse whaatsoevver exxcept
52、withiin andd for the ttasks, dutiies, aand reesponssibiliities proviided iin thiis CONNTRACTT.該員工亦不得得將上述信息息用于本合同同規(guī)定之工作作職責(zé)以外的的一切活動(dòng)。The EMPPLOYEEE agreees thhat anny dissclosuure orr non authoorisedd use of suuch innformaation shalll be cconsiddered as a serioous miiscondduct eexceptt in tthe caase wh
53、herebyy the EMPLOOYEE hhas reeceiveed a pprior writtten peermisssion ffrom tthe COOMPANYY manaagemennt.該員工認(rèn)同,除除非該員工已已事先收到本本公司管理部部門(mén)發(fā)出的書(shū)書(shū)面許可,否否則,泄露上述信息息或在未被授權(quán)的情況下下使用上述信信息將被視為為嚴(yán)重過(guò)失行行為。The EMPPLOYEEE shalll commply wwith hhis/heer connfidenntialiity obbligattions pursuuant tto thiis Artticle 15 foor the
54、e wholle terrm of this CONTRRACT aand duuratioon of five (5) yeaars affter tthe teerminaation of thhe CONNTRACTT.該員工在本公司司任職期間以以及在本合同同解除后五(5)年內(nèi)應(yīng)當(dāng)按按照本合同第第15條的規(guī)定定遵守保密協(xié)協(xié)議。The EMPPLOYEEE shalll payy the COMPAANY ann amouunt off RMB110,0000 to RRMB1000,000 as a penallty iff he/shee doess not complly witth
55、 hiss/her confiidentiialityy obliigatioons puursuannt to this Articcle 155. Thhis ammount does not iincludde thee posssible actuaal dammages whichh may be cllaimedd by tthe COOMPANYY.若該員工違反本本合同第155條的規(guī)定,沒(méi)沒(méi)有盡到其應(yīng)盡的的保密義務(wù),則該員工必須向本公司支付1萬(wàn)-10萬(wàn)人民幣作為賠償。該筆賠償不包括本公司對(duì)可能造成的實(shí)際損害進(jìn)行索賠的金額。ARTICLEE 16: RESPPONSIBBILITI
56、IES OFF THE PARTIIES第十六條: 雙雙方職責(zé)Either of thhe PARRTIES shalll perfform iits reesponssibiliities underr thiss CONTTRACT stricctly iin acccordannce wiith thhe proovisioon herreof.合同任何一方都都應(yīng)按照本合合同所規(guī)定的條款款嚴(yán)格履行各各自職責(zé)。Either of thhe PARRTIES shoulld beaar ressponsiibilitties ffor coompenssationn if iit viool
57、atess thiss CONTTRACT, infrringess uponn the interrests of thhe othher PAARTY aand caauses damagges too the otherr PARTTY. 若合同任何一方方違反本合同同以及損害本本合同另一方方的利益并給給本合同另一一方造成損害害,該方承擔(dān)違違約責(zé)任。ARTICLEE 17: TERMMINATIION OFF THE CONTRRACT第十七條:合同同終止Either of thhe PARRTIES shalll be eentitlled too termminatee thiss C
58、ONTTRACT for rreasonns exppresslly proovidedd by tthe reelevannt lawws andd reguulatioons off the Peoplles RRepubllic off Chinna. SSuch tterminnationn of tthis CCONTRAACT shhall ccomplyy withh the proceeedinggs proovidedd by tthe reelevannt lawws andd reguulatioons.合同任何一方均均有權(quán)依照中中華人民共和和國(guó)相關(guān)法律律法規(guī)終止履履行本
59、合同。本本合同的終止止須遵照有關(guān)關(guān)法律法規(guī)操操作進(jìn)行。Furtherrmore the CCOMPANNY mayy termminatee the CONTRRACT ffor anny onee of tthe foollowiing reeasonss:此外,在下列情情況下,本公公司可隨時(shí)解解除本合同:The EMPPLOYEEE has a connflictt betwween ppersonnal innteresst andd the interrest oof thee COMPPANY iin deaaling with suppllier, custoomers, and
60、indivvidualls of otherr orgaanisattions doingg or sseekinng to do buusinesss witth thee COMPPANY.該員工在與本公公司的供貨商商、客戶及其其它機(jī)構(gòu)的人人員開(kāi)展業(yè)務(wù)務(wù)或收集業(yè)務(wù)務(wù)信息期間發(fā)發(fā)生其個(gè)人與與本公司利益益上的沖突。The EMPPLOYEEE has askedd for or reeceiveed anyy advaantagee or bbenefiits eiither in moonetarry or non mmonetaary teerm off any kind form per
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