詞器廠話題口語文本college dropouts_第1頁




1、Some college students drop out of college in pursuit of their dreams. Would you consider it a good thing?1. 如今,越來越多的大學生心癢難耐,沒畢業(yè)就輟學,想快點尋找大好前途。(be tempted, in search of, sooner rather than later)1.Nowadays, more college students than everaretemptedto leave school without earning a college degreein sea

2、rch ofa bright futuresooner rather than later.2. 很多人認為自己就是下一個喬布斯,下一個比爾蓋茨這兩個人稱得上是世界上最成功的輟學者。(arguably, dropout)2.Many believe that they will be the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates,arguablythe most successful collegedropoutsin the world.3. 但是學生不該沖動行事。(on a whim)3.But students should never do thison a wh

3、im.4. 這種改變一生的決定值得謹慎思考。(life-changing decision)4.Instead, such alife-changing decisionis worth serious consideration.5. 例如,我的朋友Jim大二輟學了,因為想當歌手。(drop out)5.For example, one of my friends, Jim,dropped outof college in his second year because he wanted to be a singer.6. 他覺得他的專業(yè),市場營銷,對他沒用。(of no use)6.He

4、 thought his major, marketing, wasof no useto him.7. 在當?shù)鼐瓢神v唱了幾年,參加了數(shù)不清的唱歌比賽后,他還是沒什么名氣。(participate in, nameless)7.After spending years singing in local bars andparticipating innumerous singing competitions, he is still anamelesssinger.8. 他家境一般,很快就花完了微薄的積蓄。(born with a silver spoon in ones mouth, run

5、 out of)8.Notborn with a silver spoon in his mouth, he soonran out ofwhat little savings he had.9. 就連老婆也跟他離婚了,因為他養(yǎng)不了家。(divorce, provide for)9.His wifedivorcedhim because he could notprovideforthe family.10. 可惜,他對音樂的熱愛并不能說明他退學是正確的。(justify)10.Sadly, his love of music did notjustifyhis decision to dro

6、p out.11. 如果當年他拿到文憑,找一份穩(wěn)定的工作,業(yè)余時間再去追求音樂夢想,可能一切要比現(xiàn)在強。(get a college degree, spare time)11.Things could be easier if he hadgot a college degree, had a stable job and pursued his music dream in hisspare time.12. 我們經(jīng)常聽說輟學者的成功故事,這些故事激勵人心,具有傳奇色彩。(inspiring, legendary)12.We often hear aboutinspiringandlege

7、ndarysuccess stories of dropouts.13. 雖然,蓋茨等人的故事讓人覺得,從大學輟學了,也能成名、賺大錢,我們卻不能忽略一個殘酷的事實:(present cases of, rise to fame and fortune, the hard truth)13.While stories like that of Gatespresent cases ofcollege dropoutsrising tofame and fortune, thehard truthshould not be ignored:14. 大多數(shù)退學學生在事業(yè)上都不如有學歷的學生。(th

8、e vast majority, fare worse )14.The vast majorityof students who drop outfare worsein careers than those with degrees.15. 根據(jù)國家教育統(tǒng)計中心的數(shù)據(jù),進入職場幾年后,大學畢業(yè)生要比只有高中學歷的學生平均多掙兩萬美元。(National Center for Education Statistics, an average of, several years into)15.According to data from theNational Center for Educa

9、tion Statistics, college grads earnan average of$20,000 more than those with a high school education when both groups areseveral years intotheir careers.16. 有大學學歷的人也更容易在業(yè)內(nèi)立足,發(fā)展空間更大。(establish oneself, career prospects)16.People with a college degree can more easilyestablish themselvesin their jobs and have bettercareer prospects.17. 而且別忘了,喬布斯是從里德學院退學的,而比爾蓋茨是從哈佛退學的,這兩所學校都是世界知名學府。(prestigious institutions)17.And dont forget, Steve Jobs dropped out from


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