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1、PAGE PAGE 66天津大學高級管理人員工商管理碩士(EMBA)入學考試復復習題()天津大學管管理學院院EMBAA教育中中心 第一部分 英語(共共40分分)I. Voocabbulaary andd Sttruccturres Direcctioons: Theere aree 200 seenteencees iin tthiss seectiion. Foor eeachh seenteencee thheree arre 44 chhoicces marrkedd A, B, C aand D. Chooosee thhe oone thaat eeithher besst eexp

2、llainns tthe undderllineed ppartt inn thhe ssenttencce oor bbestt coomplletees tthe senntennce. Thhen blaackeen tthe corrressponndinng llettter witth aa peenciil/ppen.1. Maany of novveliist Carrsonn MccCulllerrs chaaraccterrs aare isoolatted, diisapppoiinteed ppeopple. ( A )A) ssoliitarry B) glloomm

3、y C) feeeblle D) frrugaal 2. Thhe wworkkerss fiinallly callledd offf tthe strrikee. ( C )A) pput offf B) enndedd C) caanceelleed D) paartiicippateed iin 3. Joohn hass maade up hiss miind nott too goo too thhe mmeettingg . ( CC )A) wwantted B) prromiisedd C) deecidded D) aggreeed 4. I cattch colld nn

4、ow andd thhen. ( B )A) aalwaays B) occcassionnallly C ) cconsstanntlyy D) reegullarlly 5. Hee offtenn fiindss faaultt wiith my worrk. ( AA )A) ccritticiizess B) prraisses C) evvaluuatees D) taalkss abboutt 6. Thhesee twwo cchemmicaals _ A _witth eeachh ottherr att a cerrtaiin ttempperaaturre tto ppr

5、odducee a subbstaancee whhichh coouldd caausee ann exxploosioon. A) intteraact B) atttraact C) reeactt D) exxpell7. _ B _ttheyy caan gget peooplee inn thhe oorgaanizzatiion to do whaat mmustt be ddonee, ttheyy wiill nott suucceeed. A) Sinnce B) Unnlesss C) Iff D) Whhethher8. Onnce youu haave staarte

6、ed aa joob, youu shhoulld ddo iit_ C_. A) in praactiice B) inn thheorry C) inn eaarneest D) inn a hurrry9. Allthooughh thhe nnew libbrarry sservvicee haas bbeenn veery succcesssfuul, itss fuuturre iis _B_ceertaain. A) at anyy raate B) byy noo meeanss C) byy alll mmeanns D) att anny ccostt10. TTo mmy

7、 ssurpprisse, at yessterrdayys meeetinng hhe aagaiin _C_thhe pplann thhat hadd beeen dissappprovved a wweekk beeforre. A) brooughht aabouut B) brrougght outt C) brrougght up D) brrougght dowwn11. TThe conncluusioon ccan be dedduceed ffromm thhe ppremmisees. ( BB )A) alllowwed B) deerivved C) peermii

8、tteed D) coome 12. FFruiits succh aas aapplles andd orrangges aree veery whoolessomee, aand mayy bee eaatenn att anny ttimee. ( B )A) noormaal B) heealtthy C) appproopriiatee D) prropeer 13. TTherre aare onlly ffivee miinuttes lefft, butt thhe ooutccomee off thhe mmatcch iis sstilll iin ddoubbt.( D

9、) A) ennd B) juudgmmentt C) esstimmatiion D) reesullt 14. LLongg beeforre tthe conncerrt bbegaan, bigg crrowdds oof ppop fanns hhad asssembbledd inn thhe sstaddiumm. ( C )A) coonceentrrateed B) reesemmbleed C) gaatheeredd D) diispeerseed 15. IIt iis hhardd foor tthe youung peooplee too immagiine wha

10、at sseveere conndittionns ttheiir ppareentss onnce livved undder. ( B )A) siinceere B) haard C) sttricct D) tiightt 16Moore thaan oone-thiird of thee Chhineese B iin tthe Uniitedd Sttatees llivee inn Caaliffornnia, prredoominnanttly in Sann Frrancciscco.A) prreviioussly B) coonceealC) deeny D) addmi

11、tt17Thhe ooffiicerrs wweree grrantted a A to havve ffamiiliees sstayy wiith theem ttogeetheer.A) prriviilegge B) saatissfacctioonC) waarraant D) reegullatiion18Unnempployymennt iinsuurannce hass grraduuallly A iintoo a fedderaal sstatte ssysttem commpossed of fiffty sepparaate proograams.A) evvolvve

12、d B) reevollveddC) reeveaaledd D) evvadeed19. TThe Priime Minnistter reffuseed tto ccommmentt onn thhe rrumoor tthatt hee haad pplannnedd too C .A) diischhargge B) diismiissC) reesiggn D) reesumme20. DDaviidss wiife Bettty D tto pplannt aa loot oof ggreeen vvegeetabbless inn heer ggardden.A) haas bb

13、eenn liikinng B) iss liikinngC) allikee D) liikessII. RReaddingg Coomprreheensiion Direcctioons: Thheree arre 44 paassaagess inn thhis parrt. Eacch ppasssagee iss foolloowedd byy soome queestiionss orr unnfinnishhed staatemmentts. Forr eaach of theem ttherre aare 4 chhoicces maarkeed AA, BB, CC, aan

14、d D. Youu shhoulld ddeciide on thee beest chooicee annd bblacckenn thhe ccorrrespponddingg leetteer.Passaage 1If sommeonne aaskeed yyou, WWhatt coolorr iss thhe ssky? II exxpecct tthatt yoou wwoulld aanswwer, BBluee. I aam aafraaid thaat yyou wouuld be wroong. Thhe ssky hass noo coolorr. WWhenn wee

15、seee bbluee, wwe aare loookinng aat bbluee suunliightt. TThe sunnligght is shiininng oon llitttle bitts oof ddustt inn thhe aair. We knoow tthatt thheree iss aiir aall arooundd thhe wworlld. We couuld nott brreatthe witthouut aair. Aiirpllanees ccoulld nnot flyy wiithoout airr. TTheyy neeed airr too

16、 liift theeir winngs. Aiirpllanees ccannnot flyy veery higgh bbecaausee ass thhey go higgherr thhe aair getts tthinnnerr. IIf wwe ggo ffar enooughh awway froom tthe earrth, wee fiind theere is no airr. Whaat iis tthe skyy? TThe skyy iss sppacee. IIn tthiss sppacee thheree iss noothiing excceptt thhe

17、 ssun, thhe mmoonn annd aall thee sttarss. Scienntissts havve aalwaays wanntedd too knnow morre aabouut tthe othher worrldss inn thhe sspacce. Theey hhavee loookeed aat tthemm thhrouugh tellesccopees aand in thiis wway theey hhavee fooundd ouut aa grreatt deeal. Thee mooon is aboout 3844,0000 kkiloo

18、metterss awway froom tthe earrth. Ann aiirpllanee caannoot ffly to thee thhat cann flly eevenn whhen theere is no airr. TThiss iss roockeet. I aam ssuree thhat youu arre aaskiing, HHow doees aa roockeet ffly? iif yyou wannt tto kknoww, gget a bballloonn annd tthenn bllow it up unttil it is quiite bi

19、gg. DDo nnot tiee upp thhe nneckk off thhe bballloonn. LLet go! Thhe bballloonn wiill flyy offf tthrooughh thhe aair verry qquiccklyy. TThe airr innsidde tthe balllooon ttriees tto gget outt. IIt rrushhes outt thhrouugh necck oof tthe balllooon aand thiis ppushhes thee baallooon thrrouggh tthe airr.

20、 IIt ddoess noot nneedd wiingss liike an airrplaane. Thiis iis hhow a rrockket worrks. Itt iss noot mmadee off ruubbeer llikee a balllooon, of couursee. IIt iis mmadee off meetall. TThe mettal musst nnot be heaavy butt itt muust be verry sstroong. Thheree iss gaas iinsiide thee roockeet wwhicch iis

21、mmadee veery hott. WWhenn itt ruushees oout of thee ennd oof tthe rocckett, tthe rocckett iss puusheed uup iintoo thhe aair. Roccketts ccan flyy faat oout intto sspacce. Roccketts wwithh meen iinsiide theem hhavee allreaady reaacheed tthe mooon. Sevveraal rrockketss, wwithhoutt meen iinsiide theem,

22、havve bbeenn seent to othher worrldss muuch farrtheer aawayy. OOne dayy roockeets mayy bee abble to go anyywheere in thee sppacee. 1. Whhat collor is thee skky? ( DD )A) Itt iss bllue. B) Itt iss whhitee. C) Itt iss grrey. D) Itt haas nno ccoloor. 2. Whhen an airrplaane fliies tooo hiigh, ( A )A) th

23、he aair willl bbe ttoo thiin tto ssuppportt itts wwinggs. B) thhe aair willl bbecoome thiickeer. C) thhe aair willl eexerrt ppresssurre oon iit. D) thhe aair willl ddisaappeear in no timme. 3. A rocckett caan ffly to thee mooon beccausse ( D )A) itt loookss liike a bballloonn. B) itt iss muuch liggh

24、teer tthann ann aiirpllanee. C) itt dooesnnt havve wwinggs. D) itt woorkss liike an unttiedd baallooon. 4. Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing staatemmentts aabouut aa roockeet iis NNOT truue? ( AA ) A) Itt caan ffly wheen ttherre iis nno aair. B) Itt caan ffly witthouut wwinggs. C) Itt iss maade of strro

25、ngg meetall. D) Itt iss prropeelleed bby bburnningg gaas iinsiide it. Passaage 2In thhe UUnitted Staatess maany havve bbeenn toold thaat aanyoone cann beecomme rrichh annd ssucccesssfull iff hee woorkss haard andd haas ssomee goood lucck.Yet, wheen oone beccomees rrichh, hhe wwantts ppeopple to knoo

26、w iit. Andd evven if he doees nnot beccomee veery ricch, he wannts peooplee too thhinkk thhat he is. Thhat is whaat “KKeeppingg upp wiith thee Joonesses” is aboout. Itt iss thhe sstorry oof ssomeeonee whho ttriees tto llookk ass riich andd ass suucceessfful as hiss neeighhborrs.The eexprresssionn wa

27、as ffirsst uusedd inn 19913 by a yyounng AAmerricaan bby tthe namme oof AArthhur Mommandd. HHe ttoldd thhis stoory aboout himmsellf: He beggan earrninng $1255 a weeek aat tthe agee off 233. TThatt waas aa loot oof mmoneey iin tthosse ddayss. YYounng MMomaand wass veery prooud of hiss riichees. He go

28、tt maarriied andd moovedd wiith hiss wiife to a vveryy weealtthy neiighbborhhoodd ouutsiide Neww Yoork Citty. Butt juust movvingg thheree waas nnot enooughh. WWhenn hee saaw tthatt riich peooplee roode horrsess, MMomaand wennt hhorssebaack riddingg evveryy daay. Wheen hhe ssaw thaat rrichh peeoplle

29、hhad serrvannts, Moomannd aand hiss wiife alsso hhireed aa seervaant andd gaave bigg paartiies forr thheirr neew nneigghboors.It waas llikee a racce, butt onne ccoulld nneveer ffiniish thiis rracee beecauuse onee waas aalwaays tryyingg keeep up. Moomannd aand hiss wiife couuld nott doo thhat.The rra

30、cee enndedd foor tthemm whhen theey ccoulld nno llongger payy foor ttheiir nnew wayy off liife. Thhey lefft ttheiir wweallthyy neeighhborrhoood aand movved bacck tto aan aaparrtmeent in Neww Yoork Citty.Momannd llookked arooundd hiim aand notticeed tthatt maany peooplee doo thhinggs jjustt too keeep

31、 up witth ttheiir nneigghboourss. HHe ssaw thee fuunnyy siide of it andd sttartted to wriite a sseriies of shoort stooriees. He callledd itt “KKeeppingg upp wiith thee Joonesses”, beecauuse “Jooness” iis aa veery commmonn naame in thee Unniteed SStattes. “KKeeppingg upp wiith thee Joonesses” camme t

32、to mmeann keeepiing up witth tthe peooplee arrounnd yyou. Moomanndss seeriees aappeeareed iin ddifffereent newwspaaperrs aacrooss thee coounttry forr ovver 28 yeaars.Peoplle nneveer sseemm too geet ttireed oof kkeeppingg upp wiith thee Joonesses. Thhat is onee reeasoon wwhy theey rreadd thhe “rrighh

33、t” boooks, goo too thhe “rrighht” uniiverrsittiess annd eeat in thee “rrighht” resstauurannts.Everyy ciity hass ann arrea wheere peooplee waant to livve bbecaausee ottherrs wwilll thhinkk beetteer oof tthemm iff thhey do. Annd ttherre aare “Joonesses” in eveery citty oof tthe worrld. Buut oone musst

34、 gget tirred of tryyingg too keeep up witth tthe Jonnesees, beccausse nno mmattter whaat oone doees, Mr. Jooness allwayys tto bbe aaheaad.5. Thhe wwritter of thee seelecctioon bbeliievees( D )A) annyonne iin tthe Uniitedd Sttatees ccan beccomee riichB) annyonne iin tthe Uniitedd Sttatees ccan beccom

35、ee riich if he worrks harrd aand hass goood lucckC) hee caan bbecoome ricch iin tthe futtureeD) maany peooplee inn thhe UUnitted Staatess thhinkk annyonne ccan beccomee riich if he worrks harrd aand hass soome goood lluckk6. Soome peooplee waant to keeep uup wwithh thhe JJoneesess beecauuse( B )A) t

36、hhey wannt tto bbe aas rrichh ass thheirr neeighhborrsB) thhey wannt ootheers to knoow oor tto tthinnk tthatt thhey aree riichC) thhey donnt wannt ootheers to knoow ttheyy arre rrichhD) thhey wannt tto bbe hhapppy7. Itt caan bbe iinfeerreed ffromm thhe sstorry tthatt riich peooplee( AA )A) liike to

37、livve ooutssidee Neew YYorkk CiityB) liike to livve iin NNew Yorrk CCityyC) liike to livve iin aaparrtmeentssD) liike to havve mmanyy neeighhborrs8. Arrthuur MMomaand useed tthe namme “JJonees” in hiss seeriees oof sshorrt sstorriess beecauuse Jonnes is( B )A) ann immporrtannt nnameeB) a poppulaar n

38、namee inn thhe UUnitted StaatessC) hiis nneigghgbbourrs nammeD) noot aa goood nammePassaage 3Certtainn annimaals andd pllantts ddeveelopp chharaacteerissticcs tthatt heelp theem ccopee wiith theeir envviroonmeent bettterr thhan othherss off thheirr kiind. Thhis natturaal bbiollogiicall prroceess is

39、callledd addapttatiion. Ammongg thhe ssupeerioor ccharractteriistiics devveloopedd thhrouugh adaaptaatioon aare thoose thhat mayy heelp in getttinng ffoodd orr shheltter, inn prroviidinng pprottecttionn, aand in prooduccingg annd pprottecttingg thhe yyounng. Thaat rresuultss inn thhe eevollutiion of

40、 morre aand morre oorgaanissms thaat aare bettterr fiitteed tto ttheiir eenviironnmennts.Eacch lliviing thiing is adaapteed tto iits wayy off liife in a ggeneerall waay, butt eaach is adaapteed eespeeciaallyy too itts oown disstinnct claass. A plaant, foor eexammplee, ddepeendss uppon itss roootss t

41、oo fiix iitseelf firrmlyy annd tto aabsoorb watter andd innorgganiic cchemmicaals. Itt deepennds upoon iits greeen leaavess foor uusinng tthe sunns eneergyy too maake foood ffromm innorgganiic cchemmicaals. Thhesee arre ggeneerall addapttatiionss, ccommmon to mosst pplannts. Inn adddittionn, ttherre

42、 aare speeciaal aadapptattionns tthatt onnly cerrtaiin kkindds oof pplannts havve.Manny aanimmalss haave adaaptaatioons thaat hhelpp thhem esccapee frrom theeir eneemiees. Somme iinseectss arre hhiddden by theeir boddy ccoloor oor sshappe, andd maany loook llikee a leaaf oor aa liittlle bbrannch. Th

43、he ccoatts oof ddeerr arre ccolooredd too miix wwithh thhe ssurrrounndinngs. Maany aniimalls hhavee thhe aabillityy too reemaiin ccompplettelyy sttilll whhen an eneemy is neaar.Organnismms hhavee a greeat varrietty oof wwayss off addapttingg. TTheyy maay aadappt iin ttheiir sstruuctuure, fuuncttionn

44、, aand gennetiics; inn thheirr deevellopmmentt annd pprodducttionn off thhe yyounng; andd inn ottherr reespeectss. AAn oorgaanissm mmay creeatee itts oown envviroonmeent, ass doo waarm-blooodeed mmammmalss, wwhicch hhavee thhe aabillityy too addjusst bbodyy heeat exaactlly tto mmainntaiin ttheiir ii

45、deaal ttempperaaturre ddesppitee chhanggingg weeathher. Ussuallly adaaptaatioons aree ann addvanntagge, butt soomettimees aan oorgaanissm iis sso wwelll addaptted to a ppartticuularr ennvirronmmentt thhat if conndittionns cchannge, itt fiindss itt diiffiicullt oor iimpoossiiblee too reeadaapt to the

46、e neew ccondditiionss. 1. Soome plaantss annd aanimmalss deevellop supperiior chaaraccterristticss soo thhat theey mmay( C )A) heelp othherss off thheirr kiind gett foood, shheltter andd ottherr thhinggs nneedded.B) suurviive eveen iin eextrremeely sevveree coondiitioons.C) beecomme bbettter adaapte

47、ed tto tthe envviroonmeentss thhan othherss off thheirr kiind.D) reesullt iin tthe evooluttionn annd pprodducttionn off moore inttellligeent orgganiismss.2. Inn thhe ffirsst pparaagraaph, thhe wwordd eenviironnmennts coouldd beest be repplacced by( B )A) coonteextss.B) suurroounddinggs.C) neeighhbor

48、rs.D) Ennemiies.3. Itt caan bbe iinfeerreed ffromm thhis passsagge tthatt thhe ffeattherrs oof aa biird aree coolorred( D )A) too frrighhtenn itts eenemmiess.B) too atttraact itss ennemiies.C) too addjusst iits boddy hheatt.D) too maatchh itts eenviironnmennt4. Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing is nott

49、diirecctlyy meentiioneed iin tthe passsagge? ( DD )A) A livvingg thhingg waay aadappt iin iits strructturee.B) Ann orrgannismm maay aadappt iin iits funnctiion.C) A livvingg crreatturee maay aadappt iin iits gennetiic mmakeeup.D) A livvingg orrgannismm maay aadappt iin iits sleeepiing habbit.Passaag

50、e 4It loookeed jjustt liike anootheer aairccrafft ffromm thhe ooutssidee .TThe pillot tolld hhis youung passsenngerrs tthatt itt waas bbuillt iin 119644. Butt apppeaaranncess weere deccepttivee, aand thee 133 sttudeentss frrom Eurropee annd tthe USAA whho bboarrdedd thhe aairccrafft wweree inn foor

51、tthe fliightt off thheirr liivess. Insidde, thee arrea thaat nnormmallly hhad seaats hadd beecomme aa loong whiite tunnnell. HHeavvilyy paaddeed(填填塞) froom fflooor tto cceillingg ,iit llookked a bbit strrangge. Theere werre aalmoost no winndowws, butt liightts aalonng tthe padddedd waallss illlummin

52、aatedd itt. MMostt off thhe sseatts hhad beeen ttakeen oout apaart froom aa feew aat tthe bacck wwherre tthe youung sciienttistts qquiccklyy toook theeir plaacess wiith a llookk off feear. For 112 mmontths, scciennce stuudennts froom aacrooss thee coontiinennts hadd coompeetedd too wiin aa pllacee o

53、nn thhe ffligght at thee innvittatiion of thee Euuroppeann Sppacee Aggenccy. Thee chhalllengge hhad beeen tto ssugggestt immagiinattivee exxperrimeentss too bee coonduucteed iin wweigghtllesss coondiitioons. For tthe nexxt ttwo houurs, thhe ffligght ressembbledd thhat of an enoormoous birrd wwhicch

54、hhad losse iits reaasonn, sshoootinng uupwaardss toowarrds thee heeaveens befforee ruushiing towwardds EEartth. Thee innvenntioon wwas to achhievve wweigghtllesssnesss ffor a ffew seccondds. The aairccrafft ttookk offf ssmooothlly eenouugh, buut aany feeelinngs thaat II annd tthe youung sciienttistt

55、s hhad thaat wwe wweree onn annythhingg liike a sscheedulled passsenngerr seerviice werre qquiccklyy diismiisseed wwhenn thhe ppiloot pput thee pllanee innto a 445 ddegrree cliimb whiich lasstedd arrounnd 220 ssecoondss. TThenn thhe eengiiness cuut oour andd wee beecamme wweigghtllesss. EEverrythhin

56、gg beecamme cconffuseed aand lefft oor rrighht, up or dowwn nno llongger hadd anny mmeanningg. AAfteer tten seccondds oof ffreee-faall desscennt (下降) thhe ppiloot ppullled thee aiircrraftt ouut oof iits nossediive. Thhe rretuurn of graavitty wwas lesss iimmeediaate thaan iits losss, butt waas sstill

57、l ssuddden enooughh too ennsurre tthatt soome stuudennts camme ddownn wiith a bbumpp. Each timme tthe pillot cutt thhe eengiiness annd wwe bbecaame weiighttlesss, a nnew teaam ccondductted itss exxperrimeent. Fiirstt itt waas tthe Duttch whoo waanteed tto ddisccoveer hhow it is thaat ccatss allwayys

58、 llandd onn thheirr feeet. Thhen thee Geermaan tteamm whho ccondductted a ssucccesssfull exxperrimeent on a ttradditiionaal bbuilldinng mmethhod to seee iff itt coouldd bee ussed forr buuilddingg a futturee sppacee sttatiion. Thhe AAmerricaans hadd ann iddea to creeatee soolarr saailss thhat couuld

59、be useed bby ssateelliitess. Afterr twwo hhourrs oof ggoinng uup aand dowwn iin tthe lanne ddoinng ttheiir eexpeerimmentts, thee prredoominnantt feeeliing wass onne oof eexciitemmentt raatheer tthann siicknnesss. MMostt off thhe sstuddentts tthouughtt itt waas aan uunfoorgeettaablee exxperriennce an

60、dd onne ttheyy woouldd bee keeen to reppeatt.5. Whhat didd thhe wwritter sayy abboutt thhe pplanne?. ( D )A) Itt haad nno sseatts. B) Itt waas ppainntedd whhitee. C) Itt haad nno wwinddowss. D) Thhe ooutssidee waas mmislleaddingg.6. Acccorrdinng tto tthe wriiterr ,hhow didd thhe yyounng sscieentiist


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