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1、We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden. ABB Ltd; CREATEDATE yyyy * MERGEFORMAT 2015We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therei

2、n. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden. ABB Ltd; 2014ABB IS Service & Supply IntegrationChangge MManaagemmenttProceess Opeerattionns MManuualConteentssTOC o 1-2 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc462303837 1.Inntrooducctioon PAGEREF _Toc462303837 h 6 H

3、YPERLINK l _Toc462303838 1.1PPurpposee off thhe ddocuumennt PAGEREF _Toc462303838 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303839 1.2AAudiiencce PAGEREF _Toc462303839 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303840 2.Chhangge MManaagemmentt prroceess PAGEREF _Toc462303840 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303841 2.1DDefiinittionn PAGEREF _Toc462

4、303841 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303842 2.2SScoppe PAGEREF _Toc462303842 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303843 2.3PProccesss Innputts aand Outtputts PAGEREF _Toc462303843 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303844 2.4RRelaatedd Prroceessees PAGEREF _Toc462303844 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303845 2.5PProccesss Obbjecctivves PAG

5、EREF _Toc462303845 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303846 2.6RRolees aand Ressponnsibbiliitiees PAGEREF _Toc462303846 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303847 2.7PPrinncippless annd PPoliiciees PAGEREF _Toc462303847 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303848 2.8CChannge Typpes PAGEREF _Toc462303848 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303849 2

6、.9EEnviironnmennt SScoppe PAGEREF _Toc462303849 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303850 2.10Chaangee Crreattionn PAGEREF _Toc462303850 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303851 2.11Appprovvalss PAGEREF _Toc462303851 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303852 2.12Chaangee Evvaluuatiion andd Asssesssmeent PAGEREF _Toc462303852 h 18

7、HYPERLINK l _Toc462303853 2.13Chaangee Pllannningg PAGEREF _Toc462303853 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303854 2.14Leaad TTimee PAGEREF _Toc462303854 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303855 2.15Chaangee Deevellopmmentt PAGEREF _Toc462303855 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303856 2.16Chaangee Teestiing PAGEREF _Toc462303856

8、 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303857 2.17Chaangee Prriorrityy PAGEREF _Toc462303857 h 25 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303858 2.18Chaangee Ouutagges PAGEREF _Toc462303858 h 25 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303859 2.19Chaangee Frreezze PAGEREF _Toc462303859 h 26 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303860 2.20Chaangee Addvissoryy Booardd (CCAB)

9、 PAGEREF _Toc462303860 h 26 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303861 2.21Emeergeencyy Chhangge PProcceduure PAGEREF _Toc462303861 h 32 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303862 2.22Posst IImpllemeentaatioon RReviiew PAGEREF _Toc462303862 h 34 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303863 2.23Chaangee Cllosuure PAGEREF _Toc462303863 h 34 HYPERLINK l

10、_Toc462303864 2.24Nottifiicattionns PAGEREF _Toc462303864 h 35 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303865 2.25Chaangee Maanaggemeent Proocesss FFlowws & Woorkfflowws PAGEREF _Toc462303865 h 36 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303866 2.26ADOONISS Leevell 4 Proocesss FFloww PAGEREF _Toc462303866 h 36 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303867 2.27S

11、NOOW WWorkkfloows perr chhangge ttypee PAGEREF _Toc462303867 h 37 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303868 3.Reeporrtinng (KPIIs + SLLAs) PAGEREF _Toc462303868 h 49 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303869 4.Toowerr Sppeciificcs PAGEREF _Toc462303869 h 50 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303870 4.1EEUC PAGEREF _Toc462303870 h 50 HYPERLINK l _

12、Toc462303871 4.2EEUS PAGEREF _Toc462303871 h 50 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303872 4.3CCoree Sooftwwaree Pllatfformm (CCSP) PAGEREF _Toc462303872 h 50 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303873 4.4NNetwworkk PAGEREF _Toc462303873 h 50 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303874 5.Sttakeehollderrs PAGEREF _Toc462303874 h 50 HYPERLINK l _Toc462

13、303875 6.Teempllatees PAGEREF _Toc462303875 h 50 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303876 6.1RRFC Temmplaate PAGEREF _Toc462303876 h 50 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303877 6.2FFuncctioonall Sppeciificcatiion PAGEREF _Toc462303877 h 50 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303878 6.3CChannge Tesst RResuultss PAGEREF _Toc462303878 h 51 HYPERLIN

14、K l _Toc462303879 6.4IImpllemeentaatioon pplann PAGEREF _Toc462303879 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303880 6.5BBackkup Plaan PAGEREF _Toc462303880 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303881 6.6PPoinnt oof NNo rretuurn dettaills PAGEREF _Toc462303881 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303882 6.7CCommmuniicattionn Pllan PAGEREF _

15、Toc462303882 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303883 6.8BBackkoutt pllan PAGEREF _Toc462303883 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303884 6.9CCAB Reaadinnesss Chheckklisst PAGEREF _Toc462303884 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303885 6.10CABB Aggendda & Miinuttes PAGEREF _Toc462303885 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303886 6.11Depployym

16、ennt VVeriificcatiion Plaan PAGEREF _Toc462303886 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303887 6.12Posst IImpllemeentaatioon RReviiew PAGEREF _Toc462303887 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303888 6.13Weeeklyy CAAB mmeettinggs PAGEREF _Toc462303888 h 51 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303889 7.Voocabbulaary PAGEREF _Toc462303889 h 52 H

17、YPERLINK l _Toc462303890 8.Exxterrnall Reeferrencces PAGEREF _Toc462303890 h 53 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303891 8.1PProccesss Pooliccy DDocuumennt Chhangge MManaagemmentt PAGEREF _Toc462303891 h 53 HYPERLINK l _Toc462303892 8.2CChannge Mannageemennt wworkkfloows in SNOOW PAGEREF _Toc462303892 h 53 HYPERLI

18、NK l _Toc462303893 8.3CChannge Mannageemennt Sttakeehollderrs llistt PAGEREF _Toc462303893 h 53IntrooducctioonPurpoose of thee doocummenttThe ppurpposee off thhis doccumeent is to expplaiin CChannge Mannageemennt pproccesss deefinned andd immpleemenntedd wiithiin AABB IS RUNN. IIt ddesccribbes deffi

19、niitioons, sccopee, ppoliiciees, acttiviitiees, rolles & rrespponssibiilittiess annd mmanyy ottherr prractticaalittiess thhat willl hhelpp unnderrstaand andd ruun CChannge Mannageemennt pproccesss frrom opeerattionnal perrspeectiive. Thhis doccumeent outtlinnes thee opperaatinng gguiddeliiness foor

20、ddailly aactiivittiess annd pproccessses useed bby aall Chaangee Maanaggemeent staakehholdderss.AudieenceeThis doccumeent is inttendded to be useed bby AABB IS RUNN peersoonneel aand Serrvicce SSuppplieers. Sppeciificcallly SServvicee Suuppllierrs wwilll bee reespoonsiiblee too allignn thheirr innte

21、rrnall woorkiing praactiicess too thhis doccumeent in reggardds tto hhanddlinng CChanngess.Changge MManaagemmentt prroceessDefinnitiionA Chaangee iss deefinned as thee adddittionn, mmodiificcatiion or remmovaal oof aan aauthhoriizedd, pplannnedd orr suuppoorteed sservvicee orr Coonfiigurratiion Itee

22、m (CI). CChanngess maay ooccuur ddue to inttrodducttionn off a neww seerviice, moodifficaatioon tto aan eexisstinng sservvicee orr teermiinattionn off ann exxisttingg seerviice in an IT Inffrasstruuctuure or forr fiixinng aa prrobllem in an exiistiing sysstemm.Changge MManaagemmentt heelpss orrganni

23、zaatioons unddersstannd aand worrk tto mminiimizze rriskks oof cchanngess too thhe IIT eenviironnmennt. It is esssenttiallly a pproccesss foor mmanaaginng tthe peooplee-siide of chaangee. ScopeeChangge MManaagemmentt prroceess cann bee ussed to traack andd maanagge aall IT inffrasstruuctuure chaange

24、es. A ssofttwarre aappllicaatioon cchannge mayy inncluude enhhanccemeentss/moodifficaatioons to exiistiing apppliccatiionss too adddreess ideentiifieed pprobblemms, adddresss bbusiinesss nneedds oor aany othher reqquirremeent. Siimillarlly aa haardwwaree chhangge mmay inccludde cchanngess too coompu

25、utinng ddeviicess, nnetwworkk coompoonennts, sttoraage devvicees aand othher harrdwaare Connfigguraatioon IItemms (CI) too reeplaace mallfunnctiioniing harrdwaare, inncreeasee haardwwaree caapaccityy orr ottherr reequiiremmentts. In othher worrds, chhangges to alll Coonfiigurratiion Iteems willl bbe

26、 ggoveerneed bby tthiss prroceess. Proceess Inpputss annd OOutpputssUpdated CMDBPIR ReportsApproved and ImplementedChange DocumentationOther ProcessesPIR ReportsBusiness RequirementsChange PoliciesCI Data from Updated CMDBPIR ReportsApproved and ImplementedChange DocumentationOther ProcessesPIR Repo

27、rtsBusiness RequirementsChange PoliciesCI Data from CMDBChange Management processRelatted ProocesssessProceess Inputt too Chhangge MManaagemmentt Outpuut ffromm Chhangge MManaagemmentt Inciddentt MaanaggemeentTriggger forr ChhanggeReporrt oon iinciidennts ariisinng oout of thee faaileed cchanngessAp

28、proovalls, Rissk AAsseessmmentt annd cconttroll off chhangge rrequuireed tto bbe iimpllemeenteed ffor inccideent ressoluutioon.Probllem MannageemenntTriggger forr ChhanggeReporrt oon pprobblemms aarissingg ouut oof tthe faiiledd chhanggesApproovalls, Rissk AAsseessmmentt annd cconttroll off chhangge

29、 rrequuireed tto bbe iimpllemeenteed ffor proobleem rresooluttionn.Serviice Assset anddConfiigurratiion MannageemenntCI VeerifficaatioonInforrmattionn onn chhangges to CIss foor uupdaatess of CMDDBKnowlledgge MManaagemmenttInputt foor pproccesss immproovemmenttChangge RRepoortss Serviice Cattaloogue

30、e MaanaggemeentServiice ReqquesstsUpdattes to Serrvicce CCataaloggueTablee SEQ Table * ARABIC 1Rellateed PProccesssesProceess ObjjecttiveesThe ggoall off Chhangge MManaagemmentt prroceess is to maiintaain thee innteggritty oof tthe conntroolleed IIS eenviironnmennt. Chaangee Maanaggemeent is thee “g

31、gateewayy” tthrooughh whhichh evveryy chhangge mmustt paass on itss waay tto tthe conntroolleed eenviironnmennt. Chaangee Maanaggemeent proocesss pprimmariily aimms aat eensuurinng tthe impplemmenttatiion of chaangees wwithh miinimmum rissk tto tthe bussineess. The oobjeectiivess off Chhangge MManaa

32、gemmentt prroceess aree: Ensurre eeffiicieent andd prromppt hhanddlinng oof cchanngessProviide acccuraate andd reegullar infformmatiion aboout alll pllannned chaangeesEnsurre cconssisttentt prroceedurres forr chhangge iimpllemeentaatioon tto mminiimizze tthe rissk oof ffaillureeMinimmizee Innciddent

33、ts rresuultiing froom tthe inttrodducttionn off ChhanggesEnsurre rriskk annd iimpaact anaalyssis to asssesss riisk of chaangees aand minnimiize rissk oof iimpllemeentaatioonMonittor andd trrackk thhe llifeecyccle of alll chhanggesEnsurre ppropper cattegoorizzatiion of chaangees aand thaat ppropper p

34、rooceddurees aare folllowwed forr eaach typpe oof cchanngeReducce bbureeauccraccy wwithhoutt coomprromiisinng oon cconttrolls ffor impplemmenttatiion of chaangeesRoless annd RRespponssibiilittiessThis secctioon ddesccribbes rolles andd reespoonsiibillitiies witthinn Chhangge MManaagemmentt prroceess

35、.Changge RRequuestter (ABBB, Serrvicce PProvvideer)This rolle iis ppartt off cuurreent ADOONISS prroceess. Thhe CChannge Reqquessterr iss thhe ppersson whoo crreattes thee chhangge rrequuestt annd ssubmmitss itt foor ffurttherr prroceessiing.Majorr reespoonsiibillitiies inccludde:Creattingg annd ssu

36、bmmitttingg a Chaangee Reequeest witth aaccuuratte aand dettailled levvel of infoormaatioonObtaiininng aaddiitioonall innforrmattionn, aas nneedded, foor ssubmmittted Chaangee ReequeestssWorkiing witth tthe OTLL Chhangge CCoorrdinnatoor tto rresoolvee anny ddataa innconnsisstennciees wwithh thhe rre

37、quuesttIdenttifyyingg paartiies to be nottifiied andd deefinningg nootifficaatioon ccritteriiaTestiing andd veeriffyinng CChannge wass immpleemenntedd acccorrdinng tto rrequuesttProceess RolleOrgannizaatioonall RooleServiiceNNow FieeldChangge RRequuestter (ABBB, Serrvicce PProvvideer)Serviice Proovi

38、dderssABBB IIS RRUNRequeesteed bbyOTL CChannge Cooordiinattor (ABBB)This rolle iis ppartt off cuurreent ADOONISS prroceess. Thhe OOTL Chaangee Cooorddinaatorr iss reespoonsiiblee foor sseeiing thaat CChannge Mannageer aand othher speeciaalissts briing thee Chhangge tto aa cllosee.Majorr reespoonsiib

39、illitiies inccludde:Monittoriing thee liifeccyclle oof aan aassiigneed CChanngeVeriffyinng tthe suppporrtinng ddocuumenntattionn acccommpannyinng tthe Chaangee Reecorrd iis ccomppletteAssisstinng CChannge Reqquessterr wiith chaangee crreattionnPerfoormiing Chaangee Asssesssmeent (baasedd onn quuestt

40、ionns aand ansswerrs)Confiirmiing Chaangee Pllannningg doone by BTLL Chhangge MManaagerrAssisstinng CChannge Reqquessterr wiith tesst iimpllemeentaatioon wwhenn reequiireddChairringg CAAB/EECABB meeetiingssConduuctiing Posst IImpllemeentaatioon RReviiew to verrifyy immpleemenntattionn whhen reqquirr

41、edManaggingg esscallatiionss reelattingg too a Chaangee Makinng ssuree alll rrequuireed sstakkehooldeers aree nootiffiedd abboutt thhe cchanngeProceess RolleOrgannizaatioonall RooleServiiceNNow FieeldOTL CChannge Cooordiinattor (ABBB)IS Toowerr Seerviice CooordiinattorChangge TTaskk Asssiggnmeent Gr

42、ooup/Changge TTaskk Asssiggnedd TooBTL CChannge Mannageer (Serrvicce PProvvideer)This rolle iis ppartt off cuurreent ADOONISS prroceess. BTTL CChannge Mannageer iis rrespponssiblle ffor carrryiing outt vaarioous acttiviitiees iin oordeer tto iimpllemeent thee chhangge.Majorr reespoonsiibillitiees ii

43、nclludee:Plannningg annd ccoorrdinnatiing tecchniicall exxecuutioon oof tthe ChaangeeImpleemenntinng/ddeveeloppingg fuullyy auuthoorizzed ChaangeeAttemmptiing to ressolvve aany isssuess wiith thee immpleemenntattionn/deevellopmmenttCreattingg Fuuncttionnal andd Teechnnicaal SSpeccifiicattionnsPerfoo

44、rmiing uniit & innteggrattionn teestiing aftter Chaangee immpleemenntattionn/deevellopmmenttConduuctiing Posst IImpllemeentaatioon RReviiew to verrifyy immpleemenntattionn whhen reqquirredUpdattingg maanuaals andd opperaatinng iinsttrucctioons wheen aappllicaableeDocummenttingg Chhangge iimpllemeent

45、aatioon/ddeveeloppmennt rresuultss (PPostt Roolloout Doccumeentaatioon)Veriffyinng ppropper autthorrizaatioons havve bbeenn obbtaiinedd annd ddocuumenntedd inn thhe CChannge Reccordd prriorr too scchedduliing thee chhanggeCoorddinaatinng tthe impplemmenttatiion/devveloopmeent of thee ChhanggeBackiin

46、g outt ann unnsucccesssfuul CChannge, iff reequiireddVeriffyinng tthe upddatee off thhe CCMDBB too reefleect thee immpleemenntedd ChhanggeProceess RolleOrgannizaatioonall RooleServiiceNNow FieeldBTL CChannge Mannageer (Serrvicce PProvvideer)Serviice ProovidderChangge AAssiignmmentt Grroupp/Changge A

47、AssiigneeeOTL CChannge SMEE (ABBB)This rolle iis ppartt off cuurreent ADOONISS prroceess. OTTL CChannge SMEE iss thhe oone ressponnsibble to tecchniicallly revvieww annd aasseess thee chhangge bbefoore it goees tto pprodducttionn ennvirronmmentt.Majorr reespoonsiibillitiies inccludde:Revieewinng ffu

48、ncctioonall sppeciificcatiionss crreatted by BTLL Chhangge MManaagerrRevieewinng cchannge befforee chhangge ddeplloymmentt frrom tecchniicall poointt off viiewUpdattingg trranssporrt nnumbberss, iif rrequuireedSettiing Posst RRollloutt Doocummenttatiion reqquirremeent, iff neecesssarryMakinng ssuree

49、 reequiiredd doocummenttatiion is in plaaceProceess RolleOrgannizaatioonall RooleServiiceNNow FieeldOTL CChannge SMEE (AABB)Subjeect Mattterr ExxperrtChangge TTaskk Asssiggnmeent Grooup/Changge TTaskk Asssiggnedd TooBTL DDeplloymmentt Maanagger (Seerviice Proovidder)This rolle iis ppartt off cuurree

50、nt ADOONISS prroceess. BTTL DDeplloymmentt Maanagger perrforrms thee daay-tto-dday mannageemennt oof tthe depployymennt aactiivittiess.Majorr reespoonsiibillitiies inccludde:Definningg immpleemenntattionn appprooachh foor ddeplloymmentt acctivvitiiesConfiirmiing thaat ddeplloymmentts aare carrrieed

51、oout on schheduuleImpleemenntinng aauthhoriizedd Chhangges to thee prroduuctiion envviroonmeentCarryyingg ouut tthe depployymennt pplann too itts ccompplettionnAttemmptiing to ressolvve aany isssuess arrisiing durringg thhe ddeplloymmenttExecuutinng tthe Chaangee reemeddiattionn prroceedurres, inn c

52、aase of a ffailluree duurinng oone of thee immpleemenntattionn prroceedurresUpdattingg maanuaals andd opperaatinng iinsttrucctioons wheen aappllicaableeRaisiing upddatees tto CCMDBB foor CCI sstattus chaangeesVeriffyinng tthe Connfigguraatioon IInfoormaatioon iis uupdaatedd ass appproopriiateeProcee

53、ss RolleOrgannizaatioonall RooleServiiceNNow FieeldBTL DDeplloymmentt Maanagger (Seerviice Proovidder)Serviice ProovidderChangge TTaskk Asssiggnmeent Grooup/ Chhangge TTaskk AsssiggneeeCI OwwnerrThis rolle iis ppartt off cuurreent ADOONISS prroceess. Seerviice Ownner is ressponnsibble forr inndivvid

54、uual Bussineess Serrvicce.Majorr reespoonsiibillitiies inccludde:Beingg thhe oowneer oof BBusiinesss SServvicee inn SNNOWEvaluuatiing andd appproovinng cchanngess duurinng PPre-Appprovval, Fuuncttionnal Appprovval andd forr SOOX rrelaatedd chhanggesProceess RolleOrgannizaatioonall RooleServiiceNNow

55、FieeldCI OwwnerrSysteem/AAppllicaatioon OOwneerServiice Ownner bassed on Bussineess SerrvicceSD&A AppprovverThis rolle iis nnot parrt oof ccurrrentt ADDONIIS pproccesss. IIn ccasee whheree chhangges aree prroceesseed wwhicch iimpaact ABBB ISS RUUN ccusttomeers, thhe SSD&AA fuuncttionn shhalll bee in

56、nvollvedd inn thhe aapprrovaal pproccesss beeforre tthe chaangee iss deeplooyedd innto prooducctioon. Thiis aapprroacch eensuuress coonsiisteent deccisiion makkingg prroceessees aand alllowss foor aa prro-aactiive commmunnicaatioon ttowaardss thhe AABB IS RUNN cuustoomerrs.Majorr reespoonsiibillitii

57、es inccludde:Evaluuatiing andd appproovinng cchanngess (eemerrgenncy, maajorr & minnor witth CCritticaal/HHighh riisk) beeforre cchannge depployymenntManagges Cliientt Reelattionnshiip aand Bussineess intterffacee Acts as a SSinggle Poiint of Conntacct ffor commmunnicaatioon tto aand froom BBusiines

58、ss sstakkehooldeersProceess RolleOrgannizaatioonall RooleServiiceNNow FieeldSD&A AppprovverSD&A MannageersApprooverr Grroupp meembeerTechnnicaal SServvicee Owwnerr (AABB)This rolle iis nnot parrt oof ccurrrentt ADDONIIS pproccesss. TTechhniccal Serrvicce OOwneer hholdds tthe ressponnsibbiliity forr

59、maanaggingg thhe TToweer CConttroll.Majorr reespoonsiibillitiies inccludde:Beingg acccouuntaablee foor TToweer CConttroll chhanggesApproovinng CChanngess duurinng CCABECAAB mmeettinggProceess RolleOrgannizaatioonall RooleServiiceNNow FieeldTechnnicaal SServvicee Owwnerr (AABB)Towerr Coontrrol LeaadC

60、hangge TTaskk Asssiggnmeent Grooup/ Chhangge TTaskk AsssiggneeeChangge PProccesss Maanagger (ABBB)This rolle iis nnot parrt oof ccurrrentt ADDONIIS pproccesss. CChannge Proocesss MManaagerr hooldss opperaatioonall reespoonsiibillityy foor mmanaaginng tthe whoole proocesss.Majorr reespoonsiibillitiie


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