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1、 四 下 學 一根句和字補單。1. This my teachers o_. It in And is snowy My c_ big and We in H up! s time to have dinner.5. Its r_. go out.6. Be c_. It dangerous.二選能達圖意的詞短。A.PE class B. C. D. rainy ( ) 1.This .( ) 2.s for .( ) 3.s time to .( ) 4. in Harbin.( ) 5. in 三找與線分類選將序填題括里 ( ) 1.It time for class. music B.1

2、ibrary floor( ) 2.It in Japan England B. C. lunch( ) 3.Let to gym. B. ten C. art room( ) 4.It second B. no hot( ) . It oclock cat eleven C. beautiful四單選。( ) 1. -Your very nice.-_ Thank Its C. on( ) 2. -How in your -Thirty-one. student B. girl ( ) Its 9:30. Time to bed. B. Hello. C. Hurry ( ) 4. -Do

3、you class today?-Yes, I do.A Ban Csome( ) weather like? rainy can fly Its ( ) books?-_A. Yes, they are B. Yes, they t C. No, they are( ) to the Say Hello.A. teachers office B. playground C. garden( ) 8. Does nice dress? have having( ) 9. I have_ an B. some ( ) 10. Its sunny _ Beijing. in B. C. at五用給

4、的當式空 is my office. I _ (have) an apple? She often_ with her friends. I like _ (play) s _ in the city. Do you often go (fish) It time classes.8. Its _ (wind). go outside. s _ (go) to school.10. They always_ (have) meals on 六補對。 -_-s seven clock. -_Oh! s sunny and warm. Hurry up! Its 7:30. Is it your

5、-_-Yes, you I put on my new coat? it C. s time to play basketball. Whats weather like?E. What is it now?七找下各中錯將號在號并橫上正 ( ) Dont play football.A B C( ) I dont like some tea.A B ( ) Hurry Its time go park.A B C( ) two floor.A B ( ) s glass of water. _ A C八句轉。 teacher has a nice office. 改一般疑問)the teach

6、er a nice office? I drink Chinese tea.(劃線部分提問 _ _ 3. Its time to have breakfast. 改同義句)s I have boxes of chocolate. 用 替代 I ) _ some are people in my 對線部分提)are in family? My mother shopping 改否定句 mother shopping on 九完填。Hello! Im Lin Tao. Look, this is 1. _ school. s big and beautiful. This is my _. Its

7、 on the floor. 4. _ teachers office. Wheres room? Oh, its first floor. That is our 6. there. Its 4:30. School is over. I play 7. Look, 8. _, Mike. We are in same likes _ football much. can together.( )1.A. B. our C. us( )2.A. B. bedroom room( )3.A. B. one ( ) B. next ( )5.A.in on C. to( )6.A. basket

8、ball B. sing and C. games( )7.A. in at C. ( )8.A.friend B. mother( ) plays playing( )10.A.play playing to 十閱短并斷(T)()。Im Alice Green. Its 6:30. s time to up. I wear my new It red. And I wear my white shoes. Theyre old. But I them very much. I today. I like singing At 7:00, I egg porridge for Then I a

9、t with friend, Anna.( )、I get up five thirty.( )、I have red ( )、I white shoes.( )、I have today.( )、I have at seven oclock.十、讀解根短的思選擇合的案Hi, everyone! My name Jim. get up at six oclock. I have breakfast 7:00. And go to school. I have four classes in the morning and in I have lunch in at school. I home

10、 at five clock. dinner six oclock. to bed at eight thirty.( 、 at ( 、 _ at lunch B. breakfast ( 、 _ classes all six( 、 lunch _. B. in fathers C. at ( 、 go at _. seven clock B. thirty C. five thirty十、作以 題寫一篇作文。( 字左右)我們的教室很大很漂亮。窗戶很,墻很白。前面墻上有個黑板。老師的桌子在面。教室有 40 張桌椅。 是我們學生用的。后面墻上有張中國地圖。每天我們在教室上課。我們喜歡我們的教室

11、。 答案與解一、答案: office 2. 3. 4. 5. rainy 6. 解析: 這是老師的辦公室。 冬經常下,主語單數(shù)第三人稱謂語加 s。 這我們的教室。 固短語 hurry up快點 現(xiàn)在下形容詞作表語。 根后句判“小心be careful二、答案: A 3. B 5. D解析: 根據(jù)圖片可知:這是電腦,選 C。 根圖片可知:該上體育課, 選 A。 根圖片可知:該上音樂課, 選 E。 根圖片可知:哈爾濱有雪, 選 B 根圖片可知:石家莊有雨, 選 D。三、答案: A A 3. C 4. C 解析: 劃線詞語文”,選科目名詞。 劃詞“本,應選國家名稱。 劃詞“育館,選地音樂教室。 劃詞

12、“快的,選描述天氣情況的形容詞。 劃詞是數(shù),應選數(shù)詞 11.四、答案: A C B A A 7. A 8. A B 10. A解析: 對于對方的稱贊應表示有禮貌的謝意。 How 后名詞復數(shù)。 根后句“該睡覺了”判斷表示催促。 元音素前用冠詞 an。 問提問天氣狀況。 考一般疑問句的答,語氣一致。 根后句要問好可以判斷所去的場所是老師辦公室。 一疑問句中助動詞后加動詞原形。 根名詞復數(shù)可知應用 some 修。10. 考介的使“在北京”用介詞 。五、答案: teacher 2. 3. goes 4. playing rainy6. fishing 7. 8. 10. have解析: 根據(jù)其后名詞可

13、以判斷應用名詞所有格。 情動詞后加動詞原形。一般現(xiàn)時主語是第三人稱,動詞單三式 goes。 喜做某事用 like doing 形天氣情,形容詞作表語。 去魚,短語 go fishing。 否祈使句句型結構 t+動詞原形。 形天氣情,形容詞作表語。 考句型 s time to 。10. 一現(xiàn)主語是復數(shù),語用動詞原形。六、答案: E 2. D 4. B A解析:根據(jù)答“點可知,一句提問時間。 根據(jù)答“天氣晴朗溫暖”可知提問天氣情況。根據(jù) “現(xiàn)在 7:30 可知后句要表達該做某事了。前句是般疑問用 yes/no 作。根據(jù)下可知上句是 開的一般疑問句。七、答案: A rainy B 3. B to B

14、 解析: 形容天氣情況用形容詞作表語。 該是否定, 變 。 該句型 It do sth.根據(jù) 判斷 for 應為 。 根名詞 floor 可知前應用序數(shù)詞。 考 let 的法:let 后動詞原形。八、答案: Does; 2. want; to; 3. for; class She; has 6. 解析:此句為一般現(xiàn)在時第三人稱單變般疑問句要加 Does 動詞變原形。對劃線分提,先找疑問詞,加一般疑問句。此句為你做什么?3. Its time t sth.= s time for sth.主語是三人稱單數(shù)謂語動詞變成單三式。對劃線分提,先找疑問詞,加一般疑問句。此句疑問詞為 how , 后復數(shù)名

15、詞,加一 般疑問句。此句為般現(xiàn)在時第三人稱單,變否定句要加 doesn,詞變原形。九、答案: B 2. A 3. 4. A 5. B B 7. C A 9. C A解析:根據(jù)名詞 school 可應填形容詞性物主代詞。 根全文在介紹 可應選 classroom。 根 floor 可應填序數(shù)詞。 考短“著next to。 在層應用介詞 。 根前句音樂教室可以判斷“在那唱歌跳舞”。 “操場上 。 根后“們在同一個班可 Milk 我的朋友。 考 like 的法 like doing 。10. 情動 加詞原形。十、答案: F 2. T 3. T T 5. F解析: 根據(jù)短文 s 6:30. s tim

16、e to get 可是 。 根短文 I wear my new dress. Its 可是 。 根短文 I wear my white shoes. Theyre old. like them 可知是 。 根短文 I a music today.可知是 T。 根短文 Then I at with friend, Anna.知是 。十一、答案: B 2. B B 4. A B解析: 根據(jù)短文中 I get up six o可知選 。 根短文中 I breakfast 7:00.可知選 根短文中 I in the three in the afternoon. 可選 。 根短文中 I lunch in the 可知選 A。 根短文中 I go to at eight 可選 B十二、答案: This is our classroom. It a nice big The


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