



1、文檔編碼 : CM3F9M4O8I3 HI9S9F6D10W6 ZN8F2K3X6S9英語(yǔ)故事邯鄲學(xué)步邯鄲學(xué)步 中文邯鄲學(xué)步相傳在兩千年前, 燕國(guó)壽陵地方有一位少年; 這位壽陵少年不愁吃不愁穿, 論長(zhǎng)相也算得上中等人材, 可他就是缺乏自信心, 經(jīng)常無(wú)緣無(wú)故地感到事事不如人, 低人一等衣服是別人的好,飯菜是人家的香,站相坐相也是人家高雅; 他見(jiàn)什么學(xué)什么,學(xué)一樣丟一樣,雖然花樣翻新,卻始終不能做好一件事,不知道自己該是什么模樣;家里的人勸他改一改這個(gè)毛病,他以為是家里人管得太多; 親戚、鄰居們,說(shuō)他是狗熊掰棒子,他也根本聽(tīng)不進(jìn)去;日久天長(zhǎng),他竟懷疑 自己該不該這樣走路, 越看越覺(jué)得自己走路的姿勢(shì)

2、太笨,太丑了;有一天,他在路上遇到幾個(gè)人說(shuō)說(shuō)笑笑,那叫美;只聽(tīng)得有人說(shuō)邯鄲人走路姿勢(shì)他一聽(tīng),對(duì)上了心病,連忙走上前去,想打聽(tīng)個(gè)明白;不料想,那幾個(gè)人觀看他, 一陣大笑之后揚(yáng)長(zhǎng)而去; 邯鄲人走路的姿勢(shì)究竟怎 樣美呢?他怎么也想象不出來(lái); 這成了他的心病; 最終有一天, 他瞞著 家人,跑到遙遠(yuǎn)的邯鄲學(xué)走路去了;一到邯鄲,他感到處處新穎,簡(jiǎn) 直令人眼花繚亂;看到小孩走路,他覺(jué)得活潑、美,學(xué);觀看老人走路,他覺(jué)得穩(wěn)重,學(xué);看到婦女走路,搖擺多姿,學(xué);就這樣,不過(guò)半月光景,他連走路也不會(huì)了,路費(fèi)也花光了,只好爬著回去了;生活中,勤于向別人學(xué)習(xí)是應(yīng)當(dāng)確定的, 但是,確定要從自己的實(shí)際動(dòng)身, 取人之長(zhǎng),補(bǔ)己

3、之短;假如象燕國(guó)壽陵人那樣,盲目鄙薄自己,一味崇辭別人,生搬硬套,亦步亦趨,結(jié)果必定是人家的優(yōu)點(diǎn)沒(méi)學(xué)來(lái),自己的長(zhǎng)處卻丟光了;邯鄲學(xué)步英文Imitating Another without Success and Losing What Used to Be OnesOwn Ability Tradition has it that more than 2,000 years ago,there lived a young man in the Shouling area of the State of Yan yn gu 燕國(guó) . He was at a loss as to how to b

4、ehave all the time.His family members advised him to overcome this shortcoming,but he thought they were fond of poking their noses into his business and were unwilling to provide him with tuition fee. His relatives and neighbours sneered at him,saying that he would never be able to learn anything.As

5、the days went by,he even began to doubt whether he should walk the way he did,for he felt more and more that his walking gestures were too clumsy and awkward.One day,he met some people on the road who were chatting and laughing.One of them said that people in Handan walked most gracefully.And that w

6、as just what he was most concerned about,so he hurreed towards themand wanted to make further inquiries.To his surprise,when these people saw him,they stalked off laughing.He could not picture to himself in what way their walking gestures were graceful,no matter how hard he racked his parents one da

7、y.He went to Handan which was far away to learn how to walk.As soon as he arrived in Handan,he was dazzled learned from the children to find that everything was novel.He there how to walk,because he thought that the children s walking gestures were lively and pleasing to the eye.He learnd from the o

8、ld people there how to walk,because he thought the old peoples walking gestures were steady .He learnd from the women there how to walk,because he thought the womenswaying walking gestures were beautiful.That being the case with him ,in less than half a month he even forgot how to walk.As he had already used up his traveling expenses,he had to crawl back home.Later the set phrase ” initating another without success and los


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