1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.The culture differences between Sony and B&OThe focus of our comparative analysis lies on two multinational corporations competing within the business of audio-video equipment. The two corporations are the Japanese company, Sony, a
2、nd the Danish company, Bang&Olufsen (B&O). These two corporations were chosen primarily because the two were in the same business which sets the basis for our comparison. Secondly, we feel that the Japanese and the Danish culture appear to be very dissimilar. Finally, we chose the two because of the
3、 accessibiliy of useful information regarding them.As Sony and B&O are in the same business, one can discuss to some degree, that these two companies are competing for same customer groups; Sony is high volume orientated, whereas B&O is using a strategy of focus. B&O is differentiating itself by off
4、ering distinctive products with focus on design that appeal to high-scale customers. Although the two companies are not targeting on the same market, their business environment is similar in the aspect that they both produce high quality audio-video equipment targeted to the global market. Because o
5、f the distinct difference in national backgrounds of the two and despite somewhat different marketing strategies, we believe it will be interesting to compare the two.Powerr diistaanceeThe ffirsst ddimeensiion in a natturaal cullturre, callledd Poowerr Diistaancee, iindiicattes to whaat eexteent the
6、e soocieety accceptts tthatt ann orrgannizaatioons is conntroolliing thee poowerr, aand thee orrgannizaatioon iis ddisttribbutiing thiis ppoweer iin iits parrticculaar wway. Thhis bellieff iss reefleecteed iin tthe minnds of botth ppoweerfuul aas wwelll ass leess powwerfful memmberrs oof tthe soccie
7、tty. Thee diimennsioon ccan be connsiddereed aas tthe deggreee off innequualiity amoong peooplee inn a couuntrry tthatt iss aacceepteed by thee peeoplle oof tthatt sppeciificc coounttry. Thhis ranngess frrom rellatiivelly eequaal tto eextrremeely uneequaal. We havve cchossen thee foolloowinng eexamm
8、plees aas eextrremee exxamppless off hoow tthe minndseet oof tthe soccietty oof aa coounttry couuld be. Thhis is as saiid thee exxtreemess, theerefforee, aalmoost eveerybbodyy shhoulld ffit intto ssomeewheere bettweeen tthe twoo exxtreemess: Tablee 2.1: Thee Poowerr Diistaancee DiimennsioonSmalll Po
9、owerr DiistaanceeLargee Poowerr DiistaanceeSuperriorrs cconssideer ssuboordiinattes to be peooplee liike me.Superriorrs cconssideer ssuboordiinattes to be a ddifffereent kinnd oof ppeopple.The ppoweer sshouuld be leggitiimatte aand is subbjecct tto tthe juddgmeent as to wheetheer iit iis ggoodd orr
10、evvil.Powerr iss a bassic facct oof ssociietyy thhat anttedaatess goood or eviil. Itss leegittimaacy is irrreleevannt.The wway to chaangee thhe aa soociaal ssysttem is to reddisttribbutee poowerr.The wway to chaangee a socciall syysteem iis tto ddethhronne tthosse iin ppoweer.The sscorres forr thhe
11、PPoweer DDisttancce ddimeensiion aree reespeectiivelly; 20 forr Deenmaarks cconccernn, aand 54 forr Jaapann. HHofsstedde hhas cattegoorizzed thee reesullts on eveery dimmenssionns oof tthe couuntrriess innto thee foolloowinng tthreee ccateegorriess: hhighh, mmediium andd loow. Onee thhirdds oof aall
12、 thee coounttriees iis rreprreseenteed iin eeachh caateggoryy. TThe ressultts iin tthe Powwer Disstannce dimmenssionn puuts Dennmarrk iintoo thhe ccateegorry oof llow Powwer Disstannce cullturre, altthouugh Dennmarrk iis nnearr too thhe ccateegorry ccallled meddiumm inn whhichh Jaapann iss prreseent
13、lly rreprreseenteed.The pprobblemm-foormuulattionn liisteed ffivee hyypotthesses. Thhe hhypootheesess arre oour exppecttatiionss peertaainiing diffferrencces in thee HRRM aapprroacch oof SSonyy annd BB&O. Buut hhow exaactlly wwilll thhesee diiffeerenncess reeveaal tthemmsellvess inn reelattionn too
14、huumann reesouurcee maanaggemeent in thee reespeectiive commpanniess annd HHofssteddess fiive dimmenssionns?Our ffirsst hhypootheesiss exxpeccts thee poowerr diistaancee inn Soony to be larrgerr thhan thaat iin BB&O We asssumee thhis willl rreveeal itsselff byy thhe ffolllowiing chaaraccterristticss
15、:Sony hass a higgherr paay ddifffereentiialss beetweeen bosss aand empployyeess. Sony hass moore forrmall reelattionnshiip aand forrmall coommuuniccatiion. B&Oss emmplooyeees ggeneerallly havve mmoree innforrmall reelattionnshiip wwithh thheirr emmplooyerr. Indivviduualiism The ssecoond dimmenssionn
16、 iss inndivviduualiism. Itt coonceernss thhe ddegrree to whiich peooplee inn a couuntrry ppreffer to actt ass ann inndivviduual or as a mmembber of a ggrouup. Thee opppossitee exxtreeme to inddiviiduaalissm iis ccolllecttiviism. Coolleectiivissm iis ccharractteriizedd ass loow iindiividduallismm. II
17、n aa coolleectiivisst-oorieenteed ccultturee onne llearrns to resspecct tthe grooup. Itt iss tyypiccallly ffamiily, orrgannizaatioon, or claan tthatt seervees aas aa pllatfformm foor aa grroupp, aand onee leearnns tto rresppectt thhe mmembberss. OOne exppectts aa grroupp too prroteect theemseelvees
18、aas iits memmberrs. As a mmembber of a ccolllecttiviistiic ccultturee, oone diffferrenttiattes bettweeen iin-ggrouup mmembberss annd oout-grooup memmberrs. In couuntrriess wiith a iindiividduallisttic cullturre, onee iss edducaatedd too thhinkk off onneseelf as I innsteead of as a ppartt off wwe. On
19、ne llearrns howw too sttandd onn onness owwn ffeett, aand acccorddinggly, feeelss a verry llow loyyaltty tto tthe grooup. Onn thhe ootheer hhandd, oone alsso ddoessntt exxpecct tthatt thhe ggrouup wwilll sttandd upp foor oone in rettuenn. TThe exttremmes on thee Inndivviduualiism-colllecctivvismm di
20、imennsioon, in a nnegootiaatioon ppersspecctivve iis ddesccribbed in thee foolloowinng:Tablee 2.2: Thee Inndivviduualiism DimmenssionnColleectiivisstIndivviduualiistiicFrienndshhip aree prredeeterrminned by staablee soociaal rrelaatioonshhipss, bbut theere is neeed ffor preestiige witthinn thhesee r
21、eelattionnshiipsThe nneedd iss foor sspeccifiic ffrieendsshippWe connsciioussnesss hholdd swwayI cconsscioousnnesss hoold swaayTheree iss emmotiionaal ddepeendeencee off inndivviduual on orgganiizattionns aand insstittutiionTheree iss emmotiionaal iindeepenndennce of inddiviiduaal oon oorgaanizzatii
22、onss annd iinsttituutioonTheree iss allso a ddifffereencee beetweeen thee Inndivviduualiism dimmenssionn. DDenmmarkk haas sscorred 75 on thiis ddimeensiion. Ass Deenmaark is connsiddereed aas aa hhighh inndivviduual cullturre, Deenmaark diffferred sommewhhat froom JJapaan wwhicch oonlyy sccoreed 446
23、, whiich inddicaatedd a meddiumm coolleectiivissticc cuultuure. In reelattionn too ouur hhypootheesiss, tthe valluess off B&O ccomppareed wwithh thhat of Sonny iis mmoree inndivviduualiistiic; we exppectt foolloowinng ffinddinggs:Sony is, too a higgherr exxtennt, loookinng ffor pottenttiall emmplooy
24、eees wwithh teeamwworkk-skkillls. The oone timme aannuual hirringg doone by Sonny ccreaatess a bellonggingg too a grooup of a ccerttainn grroupp yeear. Bonuss annd ssalaary aree baasedd onn seeniooritty aand depparttmennt- andd coompaany-perrforrmannce. B&Oss saalarry aare bassed on inddiviiduaal pp
25、erfformmancce. Trainningg-seessiionss inn Soony tryy too crreatte tteammworrk bby eexcuursiionss, pparttiess ettc. Sony tryy too occcuppy ttheiir eemplloyeees in theeir spaare timme. MascuulinnityyThe tthirrd ddimeensiion is callledd maascuulinnityy, aand itss opppossitee poole is femminiinitty, jus
26、st aas tthe colllecctivvismm waas tthe oppposiite polle tto iindiividduallismm. TThe dimmenssionn exxplaainss too whhat deggreee thhe touugh vaaluees (masscullinee vaaluees) preevaiils oveer tthe teendeer valluess whhichh arre aassoociaatedd wiith thee roole of wommen. Thhe touugh/maascuulinne ccult
27、turaal vvaluues covver succh aareaas aas mmoneey, assserttiveenesss, perrforrmannce, suucceess andd coompeetittionn. TThe teendeer/femminiine valluess arre vvaluues likke qquallityy off liife, maainttainningg waarm perrsonnal rellatiionsshipps, serrvicce, a ccaree foor tthe weaak, andd sooliddariity
28、. Allthooughh rooless off woomenn annd mmen diffferr frrom couuntrry tto ccounntryy, tthe masscullinee soocieetiees aare chaaraccterrizeed bby tthe larrgerr diiffeerenncess beetweeen thee roole of menn annd wwomeen. Thee moost rellevaant andd exxtreeme polles on thee maascuulinnityy arre llistted be
29、llow:Tablee 2.3: Thee Maascuulinnityy DiimennsioonsFeminnineeMascuulinneSex rrolees iin ssociietyy arre mmoree flluiddSex rrolees iin ssociietyy arre eearlly ddifffereentiiateedPeoplle aand envviroonmeent aree immporrtanntMoneyy annd tthinngs aree immporrtanntOne ssymppathhizees wwithh thhe uunfoort
30、uunatteOne aadmiire thee suucceessfful achhievverThe mmarggin bettweeen tthe scooress foor DDenmmarkk annd JJapaan oon tthe massculliniity revvealls aa laargee diiffeerennce in rellatiion to thiis ppartticuularr caateggoryy. TThe scoore is 17 forr Deenmaark, inndiccatiing onee off thhe mmostt feemin
31、ninee coounttriees, wheereaas JJapaan iis tthe mosst mmascculiine couuntrry wwithh a scoore of 95. Assummingg thhat thee vaaluees oof SSonyy iss muuch morre mmascculiine commparred witth tthatt off B&O, by putttinng tthiss innto thee peersppecttivee off HRRM-sstraateggiess itt coouldd reeveaal iitse
32、elf by folllowwingg:In thhe mmanaagemmentt inn B&O ttherre iis aa hiigheer pperccenttagee off woomenn Womenn inn Soony aree noot rreciieviing thee saame amoountt off trrainningg ass thhe mmalee coountterppartts. Womenn inn Soony aree geettiing a lloweer ssalaary commparred to theeir malle ccounnterr
33、parrts Men aand wommen aree prroviidedd inn B&O eequaal ooppoortuunittiess foor pprommotiion Sonys eemplloyeee vvaluue ssalaary as thee moost impporttantt mootivvatoor Compeetittionn wiithiin SSonyy iss tooughher thaan iin BB&O Sony triies to creeatee a morre ccomppetiitivve aatmoosphheree wiithiin
34、tthe commpanny Uncerrtaiintyy AvvoiddancceThe ffourrth dimmenssionn iss laabelled unccerttainnty avooidaancee, aand refferss too thhe eexteent to whiich peooplee prrefeer sstruuctuuredd vaagaiinstt unnstrructtureed ssituuatiionss. AA sttruccturred sittuattionn iss onne ccharractteriizedd byy maany r
35、ulles, annd aan iindiividduall emmplooyeee allwayys kknowws wwhatt hee/shhe sshouuld behhavee annd wwhatt iss exxpecctedd off hiim/hher in a sspeccifiic ssituuatiion. Thhe rrulees ccan be wriitteen oor uunwrrittten, siimillar to traadittionns. Thee maain thiing is thaat iindiividdualls aare awaare o
36、f theese rulles. Coounttriees wwhicch sscorre hhighh onn unncerrtaiintyy avvoiddancce hhavee muuch nerrvouus eenerrgy towwardds tthe unkknowwn. Couuntrriess whhichh sccoree loow oon tthe dimmenssionn coonsiistss off peeoplle tthatt arre ccharractteriizedd ass moore eaasy goiing. AA weeak unccerttain
37、nty avooidaancee caan bbe ccharractteriizedd ass moore fleexibble cullturre. Tablee 2.4: Thee Unncerrtaiintyy Avvoiddancce DDimeensiionWeak unccerttainnty avooidaanceeStronng uunceertaaintty aavoiidannceThe uunceertaaintty iin llifee iss moore eassilyy acccepptedd annd eeachh daay iis ttakeen aas ii
38、t ccomees.The uunceertaaintty iinheerennt iin llifee iss feelt as a cconttinuuouss thhreaat tthatt muust be fouughtt.Deviaatioon iis nnot connsiddereed tthreeateeninng; greeateer ttoleerannce is shoownDeviaant perrsonns aand ideeas aree daangeerouus ; inntolleraancee hooldss swwayTheree iss a morre
39、wwilllinggnesss tto ttakee riiskss inn liifeTheree iss grreatt coonceern witth ssecuuritty iin llifeeThe UUnceertaaintty aavoiidannce dimmenssionn inndiccatees aa laargee diiffeerennce bettweeen DDenmmarkk annd JJapaan, andd peerhaaps ulttimaatelly bbetwweenn Soony andd B&O. Dennmarrk iis ccateegorr
40、izeed aas aa loow ccerttainnty avooidaancee coounttry (a scoore of 26) annd JJapaan ffallls uundeer tthe labbel of higgh ccerttainnty avooidaancee coounttriees (a sscorre oof 992). The HHRM polliciies in B&OO iss reefleectiing a lloweer ddegrree of unccerttainnty avooidaancee thhan in Sonny. Somme a
41、areaas oof HHRM thaat wwe aare ablle tto mmeassuree a lowwer deggreee off unncerrtaiintyy avvoiddancce aare:The SSonyy emmplooyeee haas aa hiigheer eexteent of guiidannce durringg trrainningg. Sony cheeckss thhe pperfformmancce oof ttheiir eemplloyeee mmoree frrequuenttly. B&Oss ETTD iis lleftt too
42、thhe iindiividduall emmplooyeee. Long-terrm eemplloymmentt iss reelattiveely morre iimpoortaant forr ann emmplooyeee off Soony Long terrm oorieentaatioonThe ffiftth aand lasst ddimeensiion in thee eexteendeed fraamewworkk iss loong-terrm vvs. shoort-terrm oorieentaatioon. Couuntrriess whhichh sccore
43、e hiigh on thiis ddimeensiion vallue futturee obbliggatiionss, aand futturee oppporrtunnitiies. Thhe ccounntriies whiich scoore loww caan bbe ccharractteriizedd ass shhortt-teerm oriientted. Thhey aree orrienntedd toowarrds thee prreseent andd coonsiiderr thhe ffolllowiing as impporttantt: eexpeerie
44、encee annd ffulffilllingg soociaal oobliigattionns. We finnd tthe folllowwingg thhreee faactoors as thee moost impporttantt poolarr exxtreemess reegarrdinng tto HHRM. Tablee 2.5: Lonng TTermm OrrienntattionnLong Terrm OOrieentaatioonShortt Teerm OriienttatiionOpporrtunnitiies andd reelattionnshiips
45、is evaaluaatedd onn fuuturre pposssibiilittiessOpporrtunnitiies andd reelattionnshiips is evaaluaatedd onn paast expperiiencceRelattionnshiips is morre iimpoortaant theen eexpeerieencee Experriennce is morre iimpoortaant theen rrelaatioonshhipss.Opporrtunnisttic behhaviior is oftten ex-posstOpporrtu
46、nnisttic behhaviior is oftten ex-antteAs thhis dimmenssionn haas nnot yett beeen meaasurred in Dannishh coorpoorattionns, we makke aan aassuumpttionn thhat Dennmarrk lliess inn beetweeen Holllannd aand Gerrmanny iin tthe inttervval of 31 to 44, whhichh Hoofsttedee caateggoriizess ass thhe mmediium grooup. Thhe ddifffereencees bbetwweenn Deenmaark andd Jaapann onn thhis dimmenssionns iis rrelaativve
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