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1、名 稱項(xiàng)目Unit 6課時(shí)課時(shí)分配基礎(chǔ)課Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan61,2Warming-uplistening andspeaking3,4Reading課型New特 點(diǎn)5,6Real life skills&writing授課班級地 點(diǎn)5號(hào)樓教學(xué)目標(biāo)能力(技能)目標(biāo)知識(shí)目標(biāo)素質(zhì)目標(biāo)To improve Ss ability of getting information through reading & listening.To know how to scheduleanappointment.To master new words and phrase

2、s; to finish exercises.To get the main idea of the whole passage.To learn to complete tasks more effectively.To identify time wasters and save time.重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn) 及解決方法Key points: to get the main idea of the reading passage. 全面理解閱讀材料,了解日常工作的一天,學(xué)會(huì)在工作中進(jìn)行實(shí)踐與 反思,來提高工作效率。Difficult point: to use the patterns to mak

3、e appointments and give possible responses.能夠通過瀏覽時(shí)間計(jì)劃表來確定并商討會(huì)面時(shí)間。教學(xué)策略 與方法圍繞學(xué)生在實(shí)習(xí)初期工作效率低下的問題,創(chuàng)設(shè)工作,情景引導(dǎo)學(xué)生主 動(dòng)探索阻礙工作效率提升的各種因素,并鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生針對自身情況在輕 松、愉快、合作的語言交流環(huán)境中探討提升工作效率的建議和措施, 讓他們迅速成為職場的生力軍。教學(xué)資料 及教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備Exercise book and students booksTest papers Some example sentences板書設(shè)計(jì)Unit SixNew words and expressions:langu

4、age points:教學(xué)后記本單元通過讓學(xué)生瀏覽時(shí)間計(jì)劃表來確定并商討會(huì)面并能提出適當(dāng) 建議來提升工作效率學(xué)生能夠針對自身情況制定時(shí)間管理日志析確定其 中不合理的因素,找到了提升工作效率的方法。教學(xué)過程1教學(xué)程序與內(nèi)容教師活動(dòng)-導(dǎo)學(xué)生活動(dòng)-演設(shè)計(jì)意圖Unit Six 第一課時(shí) (安排一次會(huì)面 Warming-up&Speaking AStep One: Warm-upRead John s schedule for Monday as shown below, and thencomplete the table.Step Two: Listening Activity1 : Extensi

5、ve listening Listentotheconversation and tick who are talking on the phone.Activity2 Intensive listeningListen again. Then underline the sentence suggestinga change of time.Step Three Discussion Mary and Nicola are cooperating on a project. They need to arrange a meeting this week.Read theirschedule

6、sas shownbelow and find when they can arrange the meeting. Step Four: Role-play Mary and Nicola are talking on the phone t arrange their meeting. Completetheconversation and then role-play it with your partner.Step Five: SummaryUsefulexpressionsibout schedulean appointment. Making Appointments: *I d

7、 like to make an師生問答互動(dòng)T: How much time doe Johnspendon studyand related activities?S: John spends 6 hoi on study and related activities.T: How much time doe John spend on meals? S: One houranda half. T: Howaboutleisureind sports?3 hours.And sleep?S: 9 hours.s初聽(泛聽) 精聽并伴有畫線練習(xí) No,she s busyall Tuesday

8、 afternoon, t I could change some hermeetingto freeher up on Tuesday mornin if that helps.Unfortunately , Tuesdaymorningis out.What about 3:00 on Wednesday?Discussion in group Theycanmeeton Friday omorning this week.完成對話填寫后進(jìn)行口 表達(dá)訓(xùn)練掌握重點(diǎn)單詞用法,做 課后復(fù)習(xí)。教師通過左 s欄問題逐步引導(dǎo)學(xué)生理 解時(shí)間表,鼓 硼相互討論 后得出正確 答案并完成 $表格。通過聽錄音,

9、 能夠根據(jù)語 言信息和語 音語調(diào)判斷 出對話中的 人物關(guān)系。精聽中,對話 呈現(xiàn),學(xué)生聽 并畫線找出 更改約會(huì)時(shí) u間的表達(dá)方 。式。為學(xué)生創(chuàng)設(shè) gT個(gè)真實(shí)的會(huì)話情境,并 檢測學(xué)生是 否能夠?qū)φ?計(jì)劃表找出 會(huì)面時(shí)間,為 sT個(gè)活動(dòng)做準(zhǔn)備。鞏固并檢查 t學(xué)生在前三個(gè)活動(dòng)中的 好學(xué)習(xí)效果。鞏固并總結(jié) 重點(diǎn)句型的 意思及其用 法。及時(shí)掌握課 堂所學(xué)知識(shí)。2appointmentwithsomebody. *Is somebody availabl some time?* Does somebody have any time on some time?enw dPossible Responses:

10、* Whattimeis bestfor you?* When would be a good time for you?* Somebody s scheduleis openall day.* Some time is not possible.* Sorry, somebody s calendar is full o1 some day.* Some time will be fine.Step Six: HomeworkTry to remember the ne words and expressions.Notes:1. 1) schedulen.日程 安排e.g. He has

11、 been force to adjust his schedule 他被迫調(diào)整了日程安排。 大on schedule按時(shí),按預(yù)定時(shí)間* ahead of schedule 預(yù)定時(shí)間提前e.g. Thetrainarrivedin Shanghai two minutes ahead of schedule.火車比預(yù)定時(shí)間提前兩分 鐘抵達(dá)上海。2)Scheduler.計(jì)劃,安排e.g. Schedule an3appointment 安排一次會(huì)面2. 1) appoint 丫.任命 e.g. An experienced detective was appointe to look into

12、that case and we believe that th thief will be caught soon.一位資深偵探受命調(diào)查這 個(gè)案子我們相信賊不久將 落網(wǎng)。2) appointment.約會(huì), 預(yù)約* make an appointment with sb和某人預(yù)約* make an appointment for sb為某人預(yù)約* make an appointment to do sth預(yù)約做某事3. freeup把空出來 4. pencil sb/sth 臨時(shí) 記下make mistakes出錯(cuò), 犯錯(cuò)green han(Mtime 卜8日志one by one逐一run

13、 late遲到,晚點(diǎn) 10. for 9。亞目前,眼下, 暫時(shí)deUnit Six第二課時(shí) (哦,你還在這里!Listening &Speaking :B. Oh, You Are Still Here!Step One: revisionReview some useful expressionsiboutmaking appointments.BStep Two: ListeningActivity 1: Extensive ListeningListentothereciting 初聽(泛聽) Ben: Lisa? You are still here? Lisa: HmmT, I, h

14、aven t finished my work today.精聽Reasons:及時(shí)復(fù)習(xí),查 漏補(bǔ)缺。通過讓學(xué)生 聽錄音,判斷 對話的發(fā)生 地,鍛煉學(xué)生 的預(yù)測能力 和捕捉關(guān)鍵 詞的微技能。 訓(xùn)練學(xué)生辨4conversation and tick where it takes place. Activity 2: Intensive Reading Listenagainandtickthe reason why Lisa is working late.Activity 3 : Listening purposefullyIn order to help Lisa out, Ben give

15、s her twc suggestions. Listen againand write down the suggestions.Step Four: Discussion Discuss in groups to thinkotherways to help Lisa out.Step Five: Role-play Suppose you are workin with Lisa. Complete th conversation and then role-play it with your partner.Step Six: Summary & Homework 1. New wor

16、ds2. Useful expressions Notes:1. prepare v.prepare sth準(zhǔn)備某 事e.g. She is preparingthe food.她在準(zhǔn)備食物。prepare sth for st: 為某事準(zhǔn)備某物e.g. He prepared much food for the picnic. 他為野餐準(zhǔn)備了很多食物 * prepare for sthShehasn t finished today s work.Sheis slowin doing things.再聽聽前引導(dǎo):T: When did Ben give Lisa suggestions, a

17、t the very beginning, themiddleorat theend of the conversation? Answer:1. You can make a li認(rèn)關(guān)鍵信息 的能力。訓(xùn)練學(xué)生捕 捉關(guān)鍵信息 以及速記的能力。本活動(dòng)旨在 引領(lǐng)學(xué)生設(shè)i身處地的主 動(dòng)思考自己 踏上工作崗 位后即將面s臨的問題,幫 助他們做好e職前的心理 準(zhǔn)備。f讓學(xué)生通過 對話的形式, 綜合以上所 學(xué)知識(shí)并現(xiàn) 場運(yùn)用,為下 面課文學(xué)習(xí) 做鋪墊,并且;使學(xué)生熟知 提高工作效 率的方法和 措施,有助于;學(xué)生將來快 速適應(yīng)工作 崗位。)n;kand a time 10g at th beginning

18、of work.2. Don t be afraid o asking others.討論。gAnswer eShe shoulddo tasks step by step.Make sure she has done each step right before entering the next step.She should have more communicatio with her colleagueslnthis way, shewouldknow1 who she should as for help when necessary.。 She should be relaxed

19、 and work5為做準(zhǔn)備e.g. I have to prepare for the exam 我得為考試做準(zhǔn)備。* be prepared for st 為杲事做好了準(zhǔn)備e.g. I m prepared for the exam.我已經(jīng)為考試做好準(zhǔn)備了confidently. She should make a schedule and stic h to it. She should make a timemanagemenlog to find where she 。haswastedhertimeand then try toavoid the wasters 角色扮演,進(jìn)行對話

20、 Practice & try to remember the key points.L;kL!;.Unit Six 第三、四課時(shí) (我的星期:)ReadingMy TuesdayStep One: Lead- inWhat are your internship days like, challenging boring or upsetting?Step Two: Reading Activity One:Scanning Read the passage and answer the following questions.Activity Two Skimming Here are s

21、ome tips for workingmoreeffectively. Read the passage again and tick the ones the bloggerhas used.StepThree:Post-reading In order to improve he work efficiency, the bloggerusedareflective cycle to reviewher workwith the reports. PleasehelpherDiscussion 查讀 Whatdidtheblogger ,do while the compute was

22、loading?Thebloggerhadmorning tea and a quicook at the newspaper. Whendid she prepare the informationorthe meeting?When she went back t workafterhavinganice meal. When did she fini her work today?At 6:30. What was the last rthingshedidbeforeshe left the office?She made a to-do lis for the next day s

23、work. 選擇讓學(xué)生回顧 自己實(shí)習(xí)期 間的感受,更 r易與本文作者產(chǎn)生情感 共鳴,從而更 好的理解文 *早。通過仔細(xì)閱 讀文章,了解 文章大意。通過選擇的 形式,考查學(xué) 生對文中提s到的如何提 高工作效率 問題上的理 解。本活動(dòng)基于 實(shí)踐與反思t循環(huán)周期,讓 學(xué)生歸納作 者對打字速 度的態(tài)度并6to complete it.Step Four: ExercisesCompletethe sentences with correct words and expressions from the box. Change the form i necessary.Step Five: Summar

24、y Step Six: HomeworkReview the important wordsand expressionsin thereadingtext, as well as the ways to improve the work efficiency.Notes:. puton穿上(衣服、鞋 帽),強(qiáng)調(diào)“穿”的動(dòng)作; wear穿著,戴著(衣帽、 飾物、獎(jiǎng)?wù)拢┍硎緺顟B(tài); dress給某人穿衣服* dress oneself給自己 穿衣服大 get dressed給自己穿 衣服have on穿著,帶著 bein穿著,后接表示衣服 或顏色的詞著重于服裝的 款式和顏色。.be ready t

25、o do stlH 備好做某事(強(qiáng)調(diào)狀態(tài) )get ready to do sth 做好 干某事的準(zhǔn)備(強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作 3.大regret doing st后 悔做過某事*regret not doing sth 后悔沒做過某事*regret that clauses 悔做過某事大regret to do sth 某事感到抱歉遺憾V Love what you do.V Write out a to-do list each day.V Improve your typi speed to save time.f讀后StepOne: WhatdidI do?I prepared some給出相應(yīng)的

26、建議。通過選詞填 n空的形式,讓學(xué)生鞏固復(fù) 習(xí)重點(diǎn)詞匯。mrereports.Step Two What proble did I have?Mytypingspeedisslow. StepThree WhatcouldI have done?I shouldhavepractice( :enough in school.StepFour: WhatcanI do next?Attend a trainingcourse on typing.練習(xí) The snow is lightly falling, covering the earth with pureness. If you rea

27、lly wanttosucceed, you need to learn how to get on )well with youteam members. To be honest, you re not as cool as you think you are Janehasstaredatherself in th74.* get on well with sb和某人相處融洽*getonbadlywithsb 和某人相處得不好* get on well with sth 某事進(jìn)展的順利*get on badly with st 某事進(jìn)展不順利mirror for a long timeI

28、 regret to tell you that your application hforthejobwasunsuccessful.Choosing the right jewelry can make you look great evenifyouare wearing an ordinary dress.She know her looks do not help her. For this reason, she decides t start form th bottom and workherwayup to a high position.Practice & try to

29、remember the key points.Consolidate what they ve learned in class.oeUnit Six 第五課時(shí) (備忘錄寫作)WritingStep One: RevisionReview the language points of reading.Step Two: ReadingRead the memo below an identify the five sectionsit consistsof.Step Three Writing閱讀FiveSectionofamemo:ReceiverSenderd DateSubjectBo

30、dy仿寫通過閱讀,讓 學(xué)生了解和 掌握工作備 忘錄的基本 寫作要素,為 下個(gè)活動(dòng)做 好準(zhǔn)備。模仿上一個(gè)8Lisa took a sick leave yesterday. She is writing a memo to Juli Wang at Human Resource concerning her sick leave. Pleasehelpherto complete the memo.Step4: Homework Supposeyou are a manager in HumanResourcesof an international company. Not long ago,

31、 you appointed Ms Smith as Sales Manager of the headquarter. Now you need to write a memo t all staff. It should contain the following points.Announce the appointment of Ms Smit as the Sales Manager c the HeadquarterThe time when she starts workingA preparation to welcome her.Notes:1. keep in mincHE

32、住 2. assign sb to do st: 指派某人做杲事be pleasedto do sth 樂意做某事take a sick leave 請 病假consist of 由組成Practice & try toremember the key apoints.soh fi活動(dòng)中的工 作備忘錄,完 成一份請病 假的工作備 忘錄。注意總結(jié),幫 助學(xué)生查漏 補(bǔ)缺。Unit Six 第六、七課時(shí) (時(shí)間管理日志) Real Life SkillsReal Life SkillsStep One:In the boxesbelow, list what you do in an師生問答互動(dòng)T:

33、 How is your internship going?T: Whatisyour working讓學(xué)生能在 忙碌的實(shí)習(xí) 過程中學(xué)著 梳理自己日9& Further Readingordinaryinternshipday.Step Two:Allocateyourwork hours to eachactivityyou ve listed above. And then make a pie chart.Step Three:Analyzeyour timelog and thepiechart. Whichtask has takentoo much time, and why? C

34、omplete the table below.Step Four:What are you going to do to make a more efficientuse of your time?Further Reading Step One: Pre-reading Do you know how to tak back your time?StepTwo:While-readingWith the abovequestion, scan the whole text an work out the suggestions for reducing stress at the workplace.StepThree:Post-reading Ask studentsto read the passage again and pay attention to the suggestionforreducing the stress at the workplace.Step Four: Homework1. Reviewusefulphrases 2. How to reduce stres at the workplace.Notes:day like?T: Whatdo youdo in one worki


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