General Expressions 商務(wù)談判一般用語_第1頁
General Expressions 商務(wù)談判一般用語_第2頁
General Expressions 商務(wù)談判一般用語_第3頁
General Expressions 商務(wù)談判一般用語_第4頁
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1、PAGE PAGE 18General Expressions 商務(wù)談判一般用語1、Sarting a talk 開始會談Now that we are all here,lets begin the talk,shall we?現(xiàn)在人都到場了,我們開始,怎么樣?What do youu thhinkk iff wee beeginn noow?我我們現(xiàn)在在開始,好好嗎?If yoou ddont mmindd,I thiink wed bbettter beggin rigght awaay.你你要是不不介意,我我么就開開始吧。Suppoose we gett doown thee buus

2、innesss noow?現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在我們們開始怎怎么樣?Letss geet sstraaighht ddownn too thhe pprobblemm.我們們直接談?wù)剢栴}吧吧。Well I kknoww yoouer alll exxtreemelly bbusyy,soo whhy ddont wwe gget staarteed?我我知道你你們都特特別忙,干干嘛不開開始呢?As wee arre ffamiiliaar wwithh eaach othher,letts ccomee sttraiightt too thhe ppoinnt.大大家都是是熟人,我我們就開開門見山山吧。Wev

3、ee goone tooo faar ooff thee poointt.Leets reeturrn tto tthe toppic undder disscusssioon.咱咱們離題題太遠了了,還是是回到正正題來上上吧。Letss haave a wwordd abboutt deelivveryy,OKK?咱們們談?wù)劷唤回泦栴}題,好不不好?Letss haave a ttalkk ovver thee quuesttionn off paaymeent terrms,if youu doont mmindd.你要要是不反反對,我我們就談?wù)劯犊顥l條件吧。Speakkingg off mo

4、ode of payymennt,ccan youu addvisse mme oof yyourr geenerral praactiice in thiis rresppectt.談到到付款方方式,能能否告訴訴我,你你們在這這方面通通常是怎怎么做呢呢?2、Outtlinningg onnes ttalkk 介紹紹談話輪輪廓Beforre II beeginn,leets mmakee itt cllearr thhat its oonlyy a nonn-foormaal ttalkk.在開開始,我我先說明明一下,這這只是個個非正式式會談。To beeginn wiith,Id llike

5、e too maake a bbrieef iintrroduuctiion oof tthe currrennt mmarkket sittuattionn.一開開始,我我想簡單單介紹一一下當前前市場情情況。Id llikee too beeginn byy teelliing youu abboutt thhe llateest devveloopmeent of thee maarkeet. 我想先先向大家家談?wù)勈惺袌龅淖钭钚掳l(fā)展展情況。Firstt,leet mme ooutllinee thhe ccurrrentt prrobllem we aree faacinng.首首先,我我

6、來大概概介紹一一下當前前面臨的的問題。Afterr thhat,well tryy too fiind outt thhe wwayss too soolvee thhesee prrobllemss.這以以后,我我們將設(shè)設(shè)法尋找找解決這這些問題題的方法法。Folloowinng tthatt,weell go intto ddetaailss off thhesee accciddentts.再再往下,我我們將對對這些事事故進行行深入研研究。Folloowinng iin ffromm thheree,Ill sugggesst ssomee poossiiblee sooluttionns

7、.繼繼而,我我將提出出一些可可能解決決的辦法法。Last butt noot lleasst,wwell disscusss hhow to carrry outt thhe cconttracct ssmooothlly.最最后但并并非最不不重要的的是,我我們將討討論如何何順利執(zhí)執(zhí)行合同同。3、Movvingg thhe ttalkk onn too thhe nnextt isssuee 談話話轉(zhuǎn)入了了下一個個議題Now llets mmovee onn tii thhe nnextt isssuee,whhichh iss hoow tto ccomppenssatee foor tth

8、e losss.現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在我們們轉(zhuǎn)到下下一個議議題:如如何賠償償損失。If yooull alllow me,lett mee goo onn too thhe qquesstioon oof iimprrovinng ssalees pperfformmancce.如如果可以以的話,我我想接著著談?wù)劯母纳其N售售的問題題。Now tthatt thhe pprobblemm off paaymeent terrms hass beeen deaalt witth,IIm eeageer tto kknoww iff yoou ccan efffectt shhipmmentt inn maay?現(xiàn)

9、現(xiàn)在付款款方式解解決了,我很想知道能否五月份裝運。Im ggladd wee haave arrriveed aat aa coomplletee aggreeemennt oon tthe claaisees ddisccusssed so farr.Thheree reemaiins onlly tthe queestiion of pacckinng.很很高興我我們各項項條款討討論取得得完全一一致意見見,剩下下就只是是包裝問問題了。What shaall we disscusss nnextt?I sugggesst wwe hhavee a worrd aabouut iinsuura

10、nnce.接下來來我們討討論什么么呢?我我建議談?wù)務(wù)劚kU險問題。Now,IId llikee too tuurn to thee poossiiblee sooluttionns.現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在我想想把話題題轉(zhuǎn)向能能夠采用用的解決決問題的的方法。Next,wed llikee too heear thee coommeentss byy evveryyonee prreseent at thee meeetiing.下面我我想聽取取每一位位出席會會議的先先生的意意見。4、Refferrringg too thhe pprevviouus ttalkk 提及及前面談?wù)勥^的話話題I thiink I hh

11、avee maade it verry ccleaar tthatt D/A iis aabsooluttelyy immposssibble.我想我我已經(jīng)說說得很明明白了,承承兌交單單絕對不不行。 You ssaidd juust noww thhat commpettitiion couuld be verry ssharrp.你你剛剛說說競爭可可能會是是極其激激烈的。Did yyou prooposse aa chhangge iin tthe matteriial of pacckaggeinng?剛剛剛你曾曾建議改改換包裝裝材料是是嗎?Correect me if I aam wwr

12、onng,bbut werrent yyou sugggesstinng tthatt wee puut tthesse wwordds ddownn inn thhe cconttracct aas aa seeparratee cllausse?如如果我說說的不對對請指正正,不過過你剛剛剛是否建建議這些些文字在在合同中中另列條條款?A mommentt aggo,yyou menntioonedd soometthinng aabouut tthe dessignn off thhe ppackkingg.Wiill youu deetaiil iit aa biit?剛剛才你提提到包裝裝

13、設(shè)計的的問題,能能否詳細細談?wù)勀啬??As I saiid jjustt noow,aany monney speent noww woouldd giive youu grreatter savvinggs iin tthe lonng rrun.如我剛剛才所說說,從長長運看,今今天花費費的錢會會為你以以后節(jié)省省更多的的錢。5、Askkingg foor rrepeetittionn orr exxplaanattionn 請求求重復(fù)或或解釋W(xué)ill youu reepeaat iit,ppleaase?請再說說一遍,好好嗎?Wouldd yoou mmindd saayinng iit aa

14、gaiin?你你介意再再說一遍遍嗎?I begg yoour parrdonn?我可可以請再再說一遍遍嗎?Im ssorrry II diidnt ccatcch yyourr meeaniing.Willl yyou sayy itt aggainn?對不不起,我我沒明白白你的意意思。請請再說一一遍。I donnt uundeersttandd whhat youu saay.我我不明白白你說什什么。Im ssorrry II doont ffolllow youu.對不不起我不不懂你的的話。Will youu sppeakk a litttlee moore sloowlyy?請說說慢一點

15、點好嗎?Will youu sllow dowwn aa biit?II coont ffolllow youu.請說說慢一點點,我聽聽不懂。Will youu exxplaain whaat yyou meaan?請請解釋一一下你的的意思好好嗎?Couldd yoou bbe mmoree sppeciificc?能否否在具體體些?6、Inttherrrupptinng ootheer ppeopples ttalkk 打斷斷別人談?wù)勗扴orryy too inntheerruupt youu,buut wwilll yoou ffirsst llet us knoow yyourr idd

16、ea of annnuall saaless?對不不起打斷斷您的話話,不過過請先談?wù)務(wù)勀赇N銷售的看看法。May II innterrruppt yyou a mmomeent?打斷你你一會,可可以嗎?Excusse mme ffor inttherrruppt yyou.I hhopee yoou wwilll exxplaain youurseelf in morre ddetaail.對不起起打斷你你的話,希希望你解解釋能更更詳細點點。If yoou ddont mmindd,maay II saay oone worrd hheree?請別別介意,我我可以插插幾句話話嗎?Just a m

17、momeent,pleeasee.Allloww mee too saay ssomeethiing herre.請請稍停一一下,允允許我插插幾句話話。7、Askkingg foor oopinnionns 征征求意見見What do youu thhinkk off itt?你認認為怎樣樣?Whats yyou opiinioon oon tthiss maatteer?你你對這個個問題有有什么看看法?Pleasse ttelll mee frrankkly youur oopinnionn.請?zhí)固孤手毖匝阅愕囊庖庖?。How ddo yyou seee thhinggs llikee thh

18、is?你對這這類事情情怎么看看?How ddid youu fiind/likke/eenjooy tthe perrforrmannce?你認為為演出怎怎樣?How ddo yyou likke cchannginng tthe collor to ligght bluue?把把顏色改改為淡藍藍色,你你認為怎怎樣?What do youu saay tto (makkingg) ttrannsshhipmmentt att Hoong Konng?在在香港轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)船,你你意見怎怎樣?How wwoulld yyou likke tto bbe?你你希望是是怎樣?Do yoou aagreee t

19、to tthiss chhangge?IId llikee too heear youur oopinnionn abboutt itt.你同同意這樣樣改嗎?我想聽聽聽你的的意見。We arre oold friiendds.PPleaase donnt hhesiitatte tto sspeaak oout youur mmindd.都是是老朋友友了,有有什么就就說什么么,不用用顧慮。Will youu leet mme kknoww yoour commmennts on ourr neew ddesiign?請把你你對我們們新設(shè)計計的意見見告訴我我。Your commmennts an

20、dd crritiicissms aree allwayys wwelccomee.我們們歡迎各各種批評評。Wed likke yyou to givve uus yyourr suuggeestiionss.希望望把你的的建議告告訴我。8、Exppresssinng oones vvieww 表達達自己意意見I thiink thee maarkeet iis ggoinng tto ttakee a dowwnwaard treend.我認為為市場將將呈現(xiàn)下下跌趨勢勢。In myy oppiniion,we shoouldd deeferr a deccisiion unttil we k

21、noow mmoree abboutt thhe ffactts.我我認為,我我們在了了解更多多實施之之前,暫暫不作出出決定。My oppiniion is youu shhoulld llookk affterr thhe nnew cusstommerss ass weell as thee olld ooness.我認認為你們們在觀照照老客戶戶的同時時也要關(guān)關(guān)照新客客戶。To myy miind,hiss suuggeestiion worrth tryyingg ouut.我我認為他他的建議議值得一一試。Quitee frrankkly,Idoont tthinnk tthe coll

22、or is to ourr cuustoomerrs taastee.坦率率地說,我我認為顏顏色不符符合客戶戶的愛好好。Dontt yoou tthinnk tthe delliveery couuld be advvancced?你不認認為交貨貨期可以以提前嗎嗎?I shoouldd saay yyourr prroduuctss arre ooverrpriicedd.我得得說你們們產(chǎn)品價價格定得得太高。Im aafraaid youur ppricce iis aa biit oon tthe higgt ssidee.恐怕怕你們的的價格稍稍有偏高高。Im ssuree att thhi

23、s priice levvel,ourr prroduuctss wiill briing youu a hanndsoome proofitt.我相相信按照照這個價價格水平平,我方方產(chǎn)品會會為你贏贏得豐富富利潤。To bee hoonesst wwithh yoou,wweve recceivved anootheer ooffeer aat aa muuch lowwer figguree.老實實說,我我們收到到另一個個報盤,價價格低很很多。It seeemss too mee yoour priice is mucch ttoo higgt./Youur ppricce sseemms

24、mmuchh tooo hhigtt.我認認為你方方價格太太高。/你方價價格看來來太高。9、Exppresssinng aagreeemeent 表示同同意Good ideea! I ttotaallyy aggreee wiith youu.好主主意!我我完全同同意你的的意見。We arre aall forr yoour sugggesstioon aas tto hhow to rennderr beetteer sservvicee.我完完全同意意你關(guān)于于提供更更好服務(wù)務(wù)的建議議。Excelllett!Thhats eexacctlyy whhat I tthinnk.好好極了!那恰恰

25、恰是我想想的。That souundss reeasoonabble.We neeed tto gget thee beest posssibble deaal.聽聽上去有有道理。我我們該獲獲得最好好的交易易條件。I shaare youur vviewws./ I suppporrt yyourr oppiniion.我同意意你的意意見。/我支持持你的意意見。Ive no objjecttionn.我沒沒反對意意見。Im iin ffavoor oof yyourr prropoosall.我贊贊成你的的意見。Suitss mee fiine.這對我我適合(我我同意)。10、Exxprees

26、siing dissagrreemmentt 表示示不同意意Im ssorrry,II diisaggreee wiith youu thheree.I donnt thiink thaats tthe wayy wiith it.對不起起我不同同意,我我認為那那不是辦辦法。This worrks agaainsst tthe sennse.I ddont goo allongg wiith it forr onne mminuute.這有挬挬常理。我我一點也也不同意意。Im ttotaallyy aggainnst thee prropoosall off maakinng ttrannss

27、hhipmmentt att Hoong Konng.我我完全反反對在香香港轉(zhuǎn)船船的建議議。I wouuldnnt ssay thaat.II thhinkk itts oonlyy a mattte of timme.我我不認為為如此,我我認為這這只是個個時間問問題。I donnt llikee thhe iideaa off suubsttituutinng TTypee Noo.155 foor tthe porrtioon uundeelivvereed.我我不同意意未交貨貨部分改改用155型代替替。Its abssoluutelly iimpoossiiblee.I reaallyy

28、 caant aacceept thee iddea.這完全全不可能能。我實實在不能能接受這這個主意意。11、Peersuuadiing youur cclieent 勸說客客戶If I werre yyou,I wwoulld bbookk a smaall ordder as a ttraiil.如如果我是是你,我我會小量量訂一批批。If I wouuld in youur pposiitioon, I wwoulld aalloow pparttiall shhipmmentt.如果果我處在在你的地地位,就就會同意意分批裝裝運。Why nnot by a ssmalll llot and

29、d puut tthemm onn trriall?干嘛嘛不小量量買一批批試試呢呢?Why ddont yyou loook aat iit tthiss waay?IIts mmoree exxpennsivve,bbut mucch bbettter vallue forr mooneyy.為什什么不這這么看呢呢?他是是貴了一一點兒,但但他物有有所值。Id aadviise youu too loook intto tthe mattterr immmeddiattelyy.我建建議你立立即調(diào)查查這件事事。I thiink youud bbettter weiigh up thee add

30、vanntagges carrefuullyy beeforre rrejeectiing ourr offferr.我認認為,拒拒絕我方方報盤前前,你最最好先慎慎重權(quán)衡衡其有利利的條件件。I donnt tthinnk yyou shoouldd miiss thiis ooppoortuunitty tto uupdaate youur eequiipmeent.我認為為你不應(yīng)應(yīng)該錯過過這個更更新設(shè)備備的機會會。Afterr yoou hhavee trriedd itt ouut,IIm ssuree yooull agrree thaat tthiss iss a verry ggoo

31、dd prroduuct.經(jīng)過試試用,你你肯定會會同意這這是個很很好的產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品。I cannt fforcce yyou to makke aa deeal, buut II caan aassuure youu thhat ourr prroduuct hass thhe eedgee onn thhe ccomppetiitioon.我我不可能能強迫你你買,但但是請相相信我們們的產(chǎn)品品是具有有競爭力力的。Youeer rrighht tto bbe ccauttiouus,bbut owiingtto tthe limmiteed ssuppply avaailaablee att prre

32、seent, we sugggesst yyou actt quuickkly.謹慎當當然不錯錯。但是是,目前前可供數(shù)數(shù)量有限限,建議議你及早早采取行行動。I donnt wannt tto ssounnd ppushhy,bbut youull havve tto ddeciide sooon.我我不想好好像在催催眠你一一樣,不不過你的的確要快快點作出出決定。Do yoou uundeersttandd thhat thiis ooffeer iis oonlyy oppen forr thhreee daays?你要知知道本報報盤有效效期僅為為三天。I donnt uundeersttan

33、dd yoour connernns,bbut remmembber thaat tthe offfer endds nnextt weeek.我理解解你擔憂憂之處,但但別忘了了報盤下下星期失失效。You mmay truust me thaat aany monney speent noww wiill briing youu biig pproffitss inn fuuturre.相相信我,今今天投入入的錢今今后會為為你帶來來巨大的的利潤。Couldd yoou tthinnk aabouut oour proopossal agaain?你能否否再考慮慮一下我我們的建建議呢?Could

34、d yoou rrecoonsiiderr thhe mmattter in somme ootheer llighht/ffromm a diffferrentt annglee?能否否從其他他角度重重新考慮慮這個問問題呢?Isntt thheree anny wway to chaangee yoour deccisiion?有沒有有辦法改改變你的的決定呢呢?12、Avvoiddingg a deffiniite repply 回避明明確答復(fù)復(fù)Im aafraaid I caant ggivee yoou aa deefinnitee reeplyy noow.恐恐怕我現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在無法法給你一一

35、個明確確的答復(fù)復(fù)。I cannt mmakee a deccisiion rigght noww.我現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在無法法作出決決定。I jusst nneedd soome timme tto tthinnk iit ooverr.我需需要時間間考慮考考慮。We arre sstilll aa liittlle uunsuure aboout thee prrosppectt,thhouggh.不不過,我我們對于于前景還還是有點點不能確確定。Theree arre ccerttainn poointts tthatt Ill havve tto cconssideer vveryy caarefful

36、lly.有有些問題題我得慎慎重考慮慮。That mayy weell be so. Im nnot surre.很很可能是是這樣的的,我不不能肯定定。It alll ddepeendss.這得得看情況況而定。13、Emmphaasizzingg onnes ppoinnts 強調(diào)自自己觀點點I musst sstreess thaat tthe gooods werre sstriictlly iinsppectted befforee shhipmmentt wiith youur rreprreseentaativve oon tthe spoot.我我必須強強調(diào),貨貨物裝船船前經(jīng)過過嚴格

37、檢檢驗,而而且你方方代表也也在場。Let mme eemphhasiize howw neecesssarry iit iis tto aabidde bby tthe conntraact.我要強強調(diào),遵遵守合約約是十分分必要的的。I cannt sstreess enooughh thhe ddisaastrrouss coonseequeencees oof bbreaach conntraact.我必須須強調(diào),違違約會帶帶來嚴重重的后果果。I musst ccalll yoour atttenttionn too thhe ddisttincctioon bbetwweenn thhe

38、see twwo ssamppless.我要要提你注注意兩個個樣品之之間的差差異。14、Enndinng aa taalk 結(jié)束會會談Im aafraaid ourr tiime is up.Letts ccalll itt a dayy.時間間到了。我我們今天天到此為為止。We haave to cloose toddays ddisccusssionn noow.今今天談?wù)撜摰酱私Y(jié)結(jié)束。Letss sttop herre. Well go on witth tthe tallk tthiss affterrnooon.我我們到此此結(jié)束。下下午再接接著討論論。Letss diiscuuss

39、it in morre ddetaail tommorrrow. 我么么明天再再詳細討討論。Businnesss Neegottiattionns商務(wù)務(wù)談判Unit 1: Arrrivaal oof FForeeignn Buusinnesss外商到到達1、Sorrry to intterrruptt yoou.BBut youu muust be +人名名+frrom+地點 請問問,您一一定是(那那里)來來的(誰誰)吧?2、Lett mee heelp youu wiith youur llugggagee. 我來幫幫你提行行李。3、Weve beeen eexpeectiing youu

40、evven sinnce youu faaxedd uss thhe ddatee off yoour arrrivaal. 自從從您的傳傳真告訴訴我們您您的到達達日期以以來,我我們一直直都在盼盼望著您您。4、Ivve bbeenn loookiing forrwarrd tto tthiss trrip.Is bbeenn myy wiish to seee yoour beaautiifull coounttry witth mmy oown eyees.AAnd Im ggladd too saay tthiss drreamm off miine hass evventtuallly

41、comme ttruee.我一一直期待待這趟旅旅行。很很長時間間以來我我就希望望看看你你們美麗麗的國家家。我很很高興這這個愿望望終于實實現(xiàn)了。5、I hhopee yooull enjjoy youur sstayy heere andd seee mmoree abboutt Chhinaa.我希希望你在在可過的的愉快,多多多了解解中國。6、Its aa loong wayy too Chhinaa.I am afrraidd yoou mmustt bee veery tirred aftter morre tthann teen hhourrs fllighht.來來中國路路很遠,想想必

42、經(jīng)過過十幾小小時飛行行您一定定很累了了。7、Butt Ill be alll riightt byy toomorrroww moorniing andd reeadyy foor bbusiinesss.不不過明天天就會復(fù)復(fù)原了,可可以談業(yè)業(yè)務(wù)了。8、If alll iss reeadyy,weed bbettter staart forr thhe hhoteel.如如果沒有有什么別別的事,我我們就去去旅館。9、Its nnicee off yoou tto ccomee annd mmeett mee att thhe aairpportt.謝謝謝你來機機場接我我。10、Beelieev

43、e me, itts aa plleassuree too meeet friiendds ccomiing froom aafarr. 請請相信我我,有朋朋友自遠遠方來是是件愉快快的事。11、Thhe ppleaasurre iis mminee.這是是我的榮榮幸。12、Diid yyou havve aa goood fliightt? 旅旅途會好好吧?13、Juust wonnderrfull. GGoodd foood andd goood serrvicce. 很好,食食物好和和服務(wù)好好。14、Annyhoow, I thhinkk yooud llikee too frreshhe

44、n up a bbit andd taake a rrestt too ovverccomee thhe jjet lagg. 盡盡管如此此,我想想您一定定愿意稍稍加休息息,恢復(fù)復(fù)一下,調(diào)調(diào)整時差差。15、Yees, inddeedd. BBut ,hoows yyourr buusinnesss thhesee daays? 的卻卻如此。不不過,最最近你們們業(yè)務(wù)怎怎樣?16、Caant ccompplaiin. Owinng tto ssharrp iincrreasse iin ddemaand, saaless arre uup rreceentlly. As aa maatteer o

45、of ffactt, wwe ffindd itt diiffiicullt tto mmeett thhe ddemaand of thee maarkeet. 沒什么么好抱怨怨的。由由于需要要急劇增增長,銷銷售大幅幅度上升升。實際際上,我我們很難難滿足市市場需要要。17、Buut ddo yyou thiink its aa geenerral treend? 您認認為這是是一種總總趨勢嗎嗎?18、Itts aalmoost twoo yeearss siincee wee laast mett, iif IIm nott miistaakenn. HHow timme ffliees.

46、如果我我沒記錯錯,我們們上次見見面是兩兩年前的的事了。時時間過得得真快!19、Maay II inntrooducce yyou to ourr maanagger, whho hhas comme tto mmeett yoou ? 我們們經(jīng)理也也來接您您了,請請允許我我向你介介紹。20、Weeve aree allreaady mett. 我我們已經(jīng)經(jīng)見過面面了。21、Maay II seee yyourr paasspportt annd yyourr cuustooms andd heealtth ddecllaraatioon fformms, pleeasee? 請請出示護護照、海

47、海關(guān)申報報表和體體檢表。22、Iss thhis alll yoour luuggaage? 這是是你全部部的行李李嗎?23、Doo yoou hhavee annythhingg too deeclaare? 有沒沒有什么么要申請請Unit twoo:Att thhe HHoteel 在在旅館Wheree iss itt loocatted? 他在在什么位位置?It loookss maagniificcentt. 真真壯觀。/ What a great hotal ! 這旅館好氣派!Letss goo too thhe rreceeptiion dessk aand cheeck in.

48、我們們到服務(wù)務(wù)臺去登登記。Its connsiddereed aas oone of thee beest hottalss inn Xiian. The serrvicces aree fiirstt raate. 他是是西安最最好的飯飯店之一一。飯店店服務(wù)是是一流的的。Youvve tthouughtt off evveryythiing. 你考考慮的真真周到。He offferrs yyou a wwelccomee baanquuet at thee Frrienndshhip Hottel. 他在在友誼旅旅館設(shè)宴宴來歡迎迎您的到到來。You aare tooo poolitte. I

49、m loookinng fforwwardd too thhe ppleaasurre oof mmeettingg hiim. 你們太太客氣了了。我很很期望和和他見面面。IDD pphonne = Innterrnattionnal Diirecct Diaalinng phoone (國際際直線電電話)Yourre sso hhelppfull. II wooulddnt kknoww whhat to do witthouut yyou. 你真真幫大忙忙了。沒沒有你我我真不知知道怎么么辦。Its verry kkindd off yoou tto ssay so. Thiss iss m

50、yy plleassuree annd mmy jjob. 非常常感謝,這這是我的的榮幸也也是我的的工作。This is youur rroomm. HHow do youu fiind it?這是你你的房間間。喜歡歡嗎?Its a ppleaasurre tto bbe oof hhelpp. II hoope youu wiill enjjoy youur sstayy inn Naanjiing. 很高高興能提提供幫助助。希望望你在南南京停留留的愉快快。Im ssuree I wiill. As aa maatteer oof ffactt, IIvee beeen loookinng fforwwardd too thhis triip ffor quiite somme ttimee. BBy tthe wayy, wwherre ccan I g


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