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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬測試卷注意事項:1答題前,考生先將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號碼填寫清楚,將條形碼準(zhǔn)確粘貼在條形碼區(qū)域內(nèi)。2答題時請按要求用筆。3請按照題號順序在答題卡各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效;在草稿紙、試卷上答題無效。4作圖可先使用鉛筆畫出,確定后必須用黑色字跡的簽字筆描黑。5保持卡面清潔,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皺,不準(zhǔn)使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。. 單項選擇1、I have a bad cold.Sorry to hear that.Youd better go to see a at once.AdoctorBcookCwriterDfarmer2、 Cou

2、ld you tell me _? Next year.Awhen did he come backBwhen he came backCwhen will he come backDwhen he will come back3、Choice is lifes _ gift. It is the ability to choose some actions from a set of things to achieve a goal.AgreaterBgreatestCthe greatest4、I called him, _ he didnt hear me and went on wit

3、h his work.AsoBandCbutDfor5、They can go to swim in the sea _ summer.AatBonCinDfor6、Dont ride too fast, David. _ the risk of an accident.ATake awayBWrite downCThink aboutDTry out7、 will the next high-speed train to Beijing arrive, Dad?In about 15 minutes.AHow soonBHow longCHow often8、 I feel very wor

4、ried recently.You must be tired. Why not go on a trip to a place for a few days?Atake a journeyBgo backCgo on business9、- Do you like pop music? - Yes, very much. But _ my father _ my mother likes it. They both like Beijing Opera.Aboth, andBeither, orCnot only, but alsoDneither, nor10、If you _ your

5、homework now, you _ it before dinner.Astart; finishBwill start; will finishCstart; will finishDwill start; finish. 完形填空11、Once there was a girl, named Kate. She was very polite and ready to help everybody. One day she found a pink paper bag on the way to school. She opened it and saw there was a lot

6、 of 1 in it. She thought she should hand it in to the teacher, so she 2 it in her schoolbag.When she went to the teachers office, her teacher wasnt 3 . As it was time for class, she hurried to the classroom.After class, she told her friend, Mary, about the money that she 4 . Then, her greedy (貪婪的) f

7、riend took away the bag.After school, Kate wanted to go to the 5 office again, but she found the money was missing.The next day when the children were playing a game, Mary fell down and was hurt very badly. The other children stood around her and didnt know 6 to do. Kate kept calm and did something

8、to stop bleeding. She told the others to go to teachers for 7 Soon a teacher took Mary to the 8 and the doctor examined her carefully. Within a week she was all right again. Kate became very popular in the school.Two weeks later Mary came to Kate house. Her eyes were red. She was crying. She gave Ka

9、te the 9 paper bag with the money in it and said. “Kate, I have taken the money away. That day when you helped me, I felt very sad and now I decide to tell you the 10 , you are such a nice friend! 11 Please dont tell the school about this please!” then Kate said, “you are now 12 , but you have done

10、a bad thing. Though I will not tell anyone, I want you not to be greedy and 13 to do anything wrong.” The girl thanked Kate and 14 .At the end of the term Kate was given a 15 for being a very helpful girl in the school. Mary became an honest girl and was never greedy again. Once wrong, never be wron

11、g forever.1Abread Bmoney Cpaper Dfruit2Agot Bcaught Ckept Dsent3Aout Baway Coff Din4Afound Blost Csaved Dmade5Aworkers Bdoctors Cteachers Dheadmasters6Ahow Bwhat Cwhen Dwhere7Ahelp Btreatment Caction Dleave8Aschool Bclassroom Coffice Dhospital9Ared Bpink Cwhite Dblack10Alie Bstory Ctruth Dresult11AA

12、nd BBut COr DSo12Afriendly Bpolite Cgenerous Dhonest13Anever Bseldom Csometimes Dusually14Agot up Bwoke up Cgave up Dcheered up15Aprize Blaugh Cjoke Dreply. 語法填空12、閱讀下面的短文,用括號內(nèi)所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,必要時可加助動詞。Think before we speak!It was a sunny and enjoyable day. Everyone in the railway station was waiting for

13、the train1(arrive). Among the crowd, there was a group of young friends who were on board for vacation.It was a busy station with a lot of people and some juice shops, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shops, etc. The train was arriving and everyone prepared to get into the train to their seats.The g

14、roup of friends made loud noise2(welcome) the train as it moved into the station. They ran to get their seats before anyone entered the train.The empty seats were3(fill) and the train whistled (鳴汽笛) to move. An old man with a young boy4(age) around 15 had their seats just next to the friends group.

15、The young boy was so5(surprise) to see everything. He cheered, Dad, the train is moving and the things6(move) backward.His father smiled and7(nod) his head.As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed (尖叫) , Dad, the trees are green in color and run backward very fast. His father s

16、aid, “Yes, dear, and smiled.Just like a kid, he was watching everything with great8(interesting).A fruit seller passed9(sell) apples, bananas and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, I want to eat apples. His father bought some for him. He said, Oh, this apple looks a lot10(sweet) than it tastes. I

17、 love this color. The group was watching all the activities of this boy and asked the boys father, Is your son having any problem? Why is he behaving so11(different)?His son is mad, I think, a friend from the group made fun of him and shouted.The father of the young boy, with patience, replied to th

18、e friends group, “My son was born blind. Only a few days ago he12(operate). He is seeing different things in his life for the first time.The young friends became very quiet. 閱讀理解A13、You either have it, or you donta sense of direction. But why is it that some people could find their way across the Sa

19、hara without a map while others can lose themselves in the next street?Scientists say were all born with a sense of direction, but it is not properly understood how it works. One theory is that people with a good sense of direction have simply worked harder at developing it. Research being carried o

20、ut at Liverpool University supports this idea and suggests that if we dont use it, we lose it.“Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around,” says Jim Martland, research director of the project. “However, if they are not allowed out alone or are taken everywhere by car, they

21、never develop the skills.”Jim Martland alsoemphasizesthat young people should be taught certain skills to improve their sense of direction. He makes the following suggestions:If you are using a map, turn it so that it relates to(與有聯(lián)系) the way you are facing.If you leave your bike in a strange place,

22、 put it near something like a big stone or a treesomething easy to recognize. Note landmarks on the route as you go away from your bike. When you return, go back along the same route.Simplify(簡化) the way for finding your direction by using lines such as streets in a town, streams, or wells in the co

23、untryside to guide you. Count your steps so that you know how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as towerblocks or hills which can help to find out where you are.Now you will never get lost again!1Children have the ability to find the way around when they are years old.A5 B6 C7 D82What do

24、es the underlined word “emphasize” mean in the passage?ATo give special importance to something.BTo express thanks for somebody.CTo understand or become aware of a fact.DTo admire somebody.3Scientists believe that _.Asome babies are born with a sense of directionBpeople learn a sense of direction as

25、 they grow olderCpeople never lose their sense of directionDeverybody has a sense of direction from birth4What may be the best title of the passage?AA research on direction.BA sense of direction.CPeoples ability of finding the way.DScientists research on skills.B14、1How old was King when he died?A29

26、.B39.C65.D68.2Which of the following is RIGHT?AKing was born in Tennessee.BKing led a bus boycott in Alabama.CKing received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963.DKing gave his I Have a Dream speech in 1963 in Atlanta,Georgia.3Whats the purpose of the time line in this article?ATo teach the students how to

27、draw a time line.BTo show how successful Martin Luther King Jr. is.CTo tell important events about Martin Luther King Jr. .DTo explain why people in the US honor Martin Luther King Jr. .C15、With the increasing numbers of smart phones and Chinese Internet users, micro blogging, known as Weibo in Chin

28、ese, has become more and more popular. Popular websites have created their own Weibo sites, which allow users to post a message of up to 140 words, along with pictures and videos(視頻).In August 2009 the largest website in China “” firstly set up sina Weibo”, helping micro blogging enter the mainstrea

29、m in China. In 2010, Internet giants sohu, yahoo, baidu also sent up their own Weibo sites. By the end of October 2010, only sinas Weibo site had registered(登記)more than 50 million users, with an average of 40 people opening a Weibo site every second. Weibo allows people to post messages quickly usi

30、ng their mobile phones, to stay in touch with friends, and provides channels for different people to communicate.As the social influence of Weibo continues to grow, more and more news agencies(通訊社)and government departments are beginning to send information through Weibo sites. Wang Peng, a Weibo bl

31、ogger, said, “Through Weibo it allows me to send my advice to director of my news agencies. Also, I can keep in touch with friends. There are many middle school and university classmates on my blog”. With sending more information to people, the influence of micro blogging in China is increasing.1Fro

32、m this passage, we know that “Weibo” is a _ way of communicating.Aboring Bpopular Cdifficult2You can send _ to your friends by using micro blogging.Along messagesBmobile phonesCnice pictures3According to the passage, _ was the first one to open a Weibo site.A B C4From Wang Pengs words, we can guess

33、that he is most probably a(n) _.Aengineer Bstudent Creporter5The best title of this passage is “_”.AMicro blogging was first used in ChinaBMicro blogging in China takes offCWeibo changes Chinese Internet usersD16、Right at this minute, a red car is flying above you in space. How can a car go into spa

34、ce? US company SpaceXs heavy-lift rocket the Falcon Heavy sent it there on February6, 2018, CNN reported.This was the Falcon Heavys first successful test launch. It was described as the start of “a new space age”.The Falcon Heavy is the worlds most powerful rocket. It can carry things weighing 64,00

35、0 kilograms into space, the Atlantic reported. This means the Falcon Heavy could send about 1,000 passengers into space once.However, the rocket isnt just for taking cars into space. Space X and its founder Elon Mask,46,want to restart task to the moon and help humans land on Mars.In September 2017

36、in Australia, Musk shared his plans to put a million people on Mars in the next 40 to 100 years. It seems like a dream. But he added it could be just a few years away.The red car actually shows Musks dream of exploring space. He put a model personin the drivers seat. The model wears a spacesuit and

37、listens to the song Space Oddity written by UK rock star David Bowie. Musk said the car and its passenger will travel in space for millions of years. They might even be found by aliens in space someday.1From the passage we know the Falcon Heavy is a .Acar Bspacesuit Crocket Dsatellite2According to t

38、he passage, the Falcon Heavy .Ajust takes red cars into spaceBwill send lots of people into spaceCcan help humans land on Mars nowDis the most powerful rocket in the USA3In the passage, the underlined word “it” refers to .Athe plan to Mars Bthe report from CNNCthe trip to space Dthe task to the moon

39、4The main idea of the passage is that .Athe heavy-lift rocket sent 1000 passengers into spaceBthe red car stands for Musks dream of exploring spaceCthe red car can be found by aliens in space somedayDthe Falcon Heavy will play an important part later on5We can read the passage from .Aa story book Ba

40、 travelling magazineCa science report Da driving guideE17、Whats going to happen in the future? Will robots control our planet? Will computers become smarter than us? Not likely. But here are some things that scientists say are most likely to happen in 10 to 30 years from now, according to the BBCDig

41、ital moneyWe used to pay with cash(現(xiàn)金) for everything we bought. Now when we use a credit card(信用卡) to shop online, money is spent without us seeing it. That means we are already using digital money. Using a card is much easier than searching our pockets for change. It is also safer than carrying a

42、lot of cash.When ATM cards were first introduced, they were not accepted everywhere. But now its hard to live without them. Its reported that people in Sweden completely stopped using cash last year, and the US might be next.Bionic(仿生的) eyeIts no longer something only in a science fiction movie. Peo

43、ple who are blind may have a chance to get their sight back-by wearing bionic eyes.A blind eye can no longer sense light, but a bionic eye can use a camera to “see” the environment and send data(數(shù)據(jù)) to the mind. Now the bionic eye only allows patients to see lights and unclear shapes. A high resolut

44、ion(高清的) image could be just a few years away.Self-driving carsUnlike a human driver, a self-driving car wont get distracted(分神) by a phone call, the radio or something outside the window. Sensors(探測器) and cameras on the car would allow it to stick strictly to the rules of the road and keep a safe d

45、istance from other cars. This would greatly reduce the number of road accidents. You could even take a nap while the car drives itself. In the future, driver-less cars would be widely accepted.1_ has stopped using cash completely.ASwedenBATMCBBCDAmerica2What does the writer mainly tell us about digi

46、tal money?AWe use digital money to shop online without paying money.BDigital money is most likely to be used instead of cash.CUsing cash is easier and safer than a credit card.DATM cards arc always popular.3Which of the following statements is TRUE?ABionic eyes only appear in the science fiction fil

47、m.BHuman drivers wont get distracted by something outside.CThe blind wearing bionic eyes may see clearly in the future.DThere will be no road accident at all if self-driving cars are used.4From the report, we can learn some information about _.Aculture and ArtBindustry and farmingCscience and techno

48、logyDtraffic and journey5Which of the following can be predicted(預(yù)測) from the passage?AThere would be a number of self-driving cars on the roadBThe blind could use cameras to see things around.CWe would live a hard life with digital money.DRobots would control the world.F18、Three boys and three girl

49、s were going to Florida. When they got on the bus, they were carrying sandwiches and wine, dreaming of golden beaches and sea tides as the gray cold of New York disappeared behind them.As the bus passed through New Jersey, they began to notice Vingo, He sat in front of them, dressed in a common suit

50、, never moving, his dusty face masking his age. He kept chewing(咀嚼) the inside of his lip a lot, frozen into complete silence.Deep into the night, the bus pulled into Howard Johnsons, and everybody got off except Vingo. He sat in his seat, and the young people began to wonder about him, perhaps he w

51、as a sea captain, a runaway from his wife, an old soldier going home. When they went back to the bus, one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself.“Were going to Florida,” she said brightly, “I hear its really beautiful.”“It is, ”he said quietly, as if remembering something he had tried to

52、 forget.“Want some wine?” she said. He smiled and took a swig. He thanked her and once again returned to his silence. After a while, she went back to the others, and Vingo nodded in his sleep.In the morning, they awoke outside another cafe. And this time Vingo went in. The girl insisted that he join

53、 them. He seemed very shy, and ordered black coffee and smoked nervously as the young people talked about sleeping on beaches. When they returned to the bus, the girl sat with Vingo again, and after a while, slowly and painfully, he began to tell his story. He had been in jail in New York for the pa

54、st four years, and now he was going home.“Are you married?”“I dont know.“You dont know?” she said.“Well, when I was in prison I wrote to my wife, ”he said. “I told her that I was going to be away a long time, and that if she couldnt stand it, if the kids kept asking questions, she could just forget

55、me, Id understand. Get a new husband, I said-shes a wonderful woman-and forget about me. I told her she didnt have to write to me. And she didnt. Not for three and a half years.”“And youre going home now, not knowing?”“Yeah,” he said shyly. “Well, last week, I was set free, I wrote her again. We use

56、d to live in Brunswick, and theres a big oak (橡樹) tree just in front of the town. I told her that if she didnt have a new family and shed take me back, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree, and Id get off and come home, If she didnt want me, forget it, no handkerchief, and Id go on throu

57、gh.”She told the others, and noon all of them were in it. As the bus came near Brunswick, Vingo showed them a picture of his wife and three children-the woman was beautiful and the children were cute.Now they were 20 miles from Brunswick, and the young people took over window seats, waiting for the

58、appearance of the great oak tree. Vingo stopped looking, tightening his face10 miles, 5 miles,. Then, suddenly, all of the young people were up out of their seats, screaming and shouting and crying. All except Vingo. Vingo sat there nervously, looking at the oak tree. It was covered with yellow hand

59、kerchiefs, 20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, blowing in the wind. As the young people shouted, Vingo slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.1According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?AThe young people are traveling from Florida to New York.BAt last, Vingo went home together the three boys and thre


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