



1、1 The Lamb is a poem byWilliam Blake, published inSongs of Innocence in 1789.Like many of Blakes works, the poem is aboutChristianity. The whole collectionis pervaded with a breath of simplicity and fancy.Poetic structure1 rhyme scheme : AA BB CC DD AA AA EF GG FE AA“The Lamb” has twostanzas , each

2、containingfiverhymed couplets.2 The layoutissetup by two stanzaswiththe refrain:LittleLamb who made thee?Dost thou know who made thee?In the firststanza , the speakerwonders who the lambscreatoris;the answer liesat the end of the poem. Here we find a physical description of the lamb, seen asa pure a

3、nd gentle creature. In thesecond stanza, the lamb is compared with theinfant Jesus, as well as between the lamb and the speakers soul. In the last two lines the speaker identifies the creator: God.Rhetorical devices1 The poem begins with thequestion,“Little Lamb, who made thee?”The speaker,a child,

4、asks the lamb about its origins: how it came into being, how it acquiredits particular manner of feeding, its“clothing” of wool, its“tender voice.”2 In the next stanza, the speaker attempts ariddling answerto his own question:the lamb was made by one who“calls himself a Lamb,”one who resembles in hi

5、sgentleness both the child and the lamb.Repetitionin the first and last couplet of each stanza makes these lines into arefrain, and helps to give the poem its song-like quality. The flowing soft vowel sounds contribute to this effect, and also suggest the bleating of a lamb or thelisping character o

6、f a childs chant.Theme1 The lamb is a common metaphor for Jesus Christ, who is also called the The Lambof God2 Blake in thesongs ofinnocence , withchildishlifespointof view ,shows a fullof love and kindness, compassion and happy world.The poem has just 20 lines, butdepicts the character of gentlenes

7、s vividly.3 The poet s descriptionabout thelambs kindness and gentleness , aims to expresstheir feeling oflifeand nature, and theyearning for the universe andharmoniousunderstanding.4 He not only sings praiseof gentlelamb, but alsothemysticalpower thatcan createthe lamb. Here the God, Jesus and the

8、Lamb are just the one thing.The TygerTyger! Tyger!burningbrightIntheforests ofthe night,Whatim mortal handor eyeCould framethyfearful symmetry?Analysis:In the this verse, the author compares the fierceness of a tiger to aburningpresence in darkforests.He wonderswhat immortalpowercouldcreatesucha fea

9、rful beast.* Line 1 is an example ofsynecdoche ( 提喻 ), a literary device used when a partrepresentsthewhole or the wholerepresentsa part.Inline1 Tyger!Tyger!burningbright alludes to the predators eyes.Inwhatdistant deepsor skiesBurntthefireofthineeyes?Onwhat wingsdare heas pireWhatthe hand,dare seiz

10、ethefire?Analysis:Here thepoet comparestheburningeyesof thetigertodistantfirethatonly someone with wings could reach. The poet wonders where such a powerful firecould have comeAndwhat shoulder, and whatart,Couldtwistthe sinewsof thyheartAndwhen thyheart beganto beat,Whatdread hand ? and whatdreadfee

11、t?Analysis:In the third stanza we have ametaphorgiving us a vision a skillful andpowerfulblacksmithcreatingthetigersbeatingheartawakeninga powerfulbeast.Thephrase“.twistthesinewsofthyheartisalsoanallusionto ahardheartedness that a beast of prey must have towards the creatures it kills.Whatthe hammer

12、?whatthechain?Inwhat furnacewasthybrain?Whatthe anvil?whatdreadgraspDareitsdeadlyterrorsclasp?Analysis:This verse continues the allusion to a creator, who, having made thefearsome beast, must confront with the sheer terror of a tigers natureWhenthestarsthrewdowntheirspears,Andwa ter dhea venwiththei

13、rtears,Didhe smilehisworkto see?DidhewhomadetheLamb makethee?Analysis:Inthefifthstanza,theauthor,withbeautifulrhetoric(personification),describes a marvelous creation process likening starlight to asymbolic destructive process.The authorwonderswhether thecreatorofthefierceand predatorytigercouldmake

14、the docile, gentle lamb. He sees a conflict between the creation of heartless, burning predator and its potential victim, the lamb.Tyger! Tyger! burning brightIn theforests ofthenightWhatim mortal hand or eyeDareframethy fearful symmetry?Analysis:The final verse is but a reprise, almost a chorus. It

15、 serves the purposeof repeating the wondrous question of the tigers creation and gives the readeranother chance to enjoythe rhetoricaland alreadyanswered question,What immortalhand or eye?The answer lies in the readers interpretation of creation: Did God create thefearsomealong with the gentle?Whydo

16、es He allow the tigerto burn inthedark forest,whilethe lamb gambolsin theglen underthe starsof thatvery creation?The authorleaves it up to the reader to decide. The important thing is the question, not the answer.Background information: The Tyger is a poem by the English poetWilliam Blake .It was pu

17、blished as part ofhis collectionSongs ofExperiencein1794. The CambridgeCompanion to WilliamBlake(2003) callsitthe most anthologizedpoem inEnglish.解析題目: His choice of tyger has usually been interpreted as being for effect,perhaps to render an exotic or alien quality of the beast, or because its notre

18、ally about a tiger at all, but a metaphor.The Meter : trochee tetrameter.(the poem is in trochaic tetrameter)The poem iscomprisedof sixquatrains(A quatrainis a four-linestanza)in rhymedcouplets. TheRhyme Scheme: aa bb with anear rhyme ( 近似韻 )ending the first andlast stanzas, drawing attention to the

19、 tigers fearful symmetry.Rhetorical devices1Repetitionof Tygerin line1, dare in lines 7 & 8, heart inlines 10 & 11,what in lines12,13,& 15, Did he in lines 19-20,and severalrepeatsin stanzas1& 2 establish the poems nursery rhyme like rhythm.2AlliterationinTheTygerabounds and helps createa sing-songr

20、hythm.Examplesinclude the following: burningbright(1) f rame thy f earful(4) distantdeeps (5) what wings(7) began tobeat (11)dare itsdeadly (16)he who (20)3 Symbolism:(1) the tiger represents the dangers of mortality; (powerful force with terror,mysteryandviolenceeg:fearfulsymmetry,dreadhand,obscure

21、insymbolicmeaning)(2)the fire imagery symbolizes trialsthe forest of the night represents unknown realms or challenges;the blacksmith represents the Creator;(5)the fearfulsymmetrysymbolizestheexistenceofbothgood andevil,theknowledge thatthereis oppositionin allthings,a ratherfearfulsymmetry indeed.*

22、 SymbolsThe Lamb: GodDistant Deeps: HellThe Tiger: Evil (or Satan)Skies: Heaven4 Metaphor : Compare the tigers eyes to fire.5 Anaphora : Repetition of what at the beginning of sentences or clauses. (首語重復(fù)法)Example: What dread hand and what dread feet? / What the hammer? what the chain?ThemeThe poem i

23、s more about the creator of the tiger than it is about the tiger itself.The poet was at a loss to explain how the same God who made the lamb could make the tiger. So, the theme is: humans are incapable of fully understanding the mind ofGod and the mystery of his handiwork.COMPARISONbetweenthe lamb a

24、ndthe tyger1The Tygeristhesisterpoem to“The Lamb “Songs ofInnocence ”, a reflectionofsimilarideasfroma differentperspective,but it focuses more on goodness thanevil.2 Both are creation poems3Structure of the“The Lamb” is more obviously singular when compared with thecomplexityof“The Tiger,” whose co

25、mplexityis achievedthroughlayeredquestionswithout answers,whiletheLamb poses a simple,singularquestionand thendirectlyanswers it.The sick roseO Rose, thou art sick.The invisible wormThat flies in the nightIn the howling stormHas found out thy bedOf crimson joy,And his dark secret loveDoes thy life d

26、estroy.啊 玫瑰你病了那看不見的蟲在夜里飛翔在呼嘯的暴風(fēng)雨中發(fā)現(xiàn)了你深紅色快活的床他黑色的秘戀摧毀了你我的生命Analysisrhyme scheme: abcb (2 quatrains or 2 stanzas)images: rose, worm, storm, bed1 Line 1: The form of address O rose is called anapostrophecould be a metaphor for love or passion2 Line2-3 : Invisiblemight be a metaphor forthe worms quietac

27、t. The rose hereof destruction.3 Line4: The speakermentionsa howlingstorm,whichgivesthepoem a more ominoustone. Howling reminds us of dogs or wolves; the sounds of those animals are herea metaphorfor the storm4 Line5-6 : Bedmightreferto a plotof groundinwhich the rose is growing,whichits not a liter

28、al bed with pillows, but a metaphor for the plot of ground. Or bedcan refer to the roses petals, which is a place where insects rest or sleep. Inaddition,the worm manages toworm hisway into therosesbed,whichsuggestssomekind of sexual act.5 Lines 7-8 : The speaker describes how the worm destroys the

29、rose with his darksecret love. It is an example ofpersonification, where human characteristics oremotions (love) are attributed to non-human things (namely the worm).The Rose The rose exists as a beautiful object that has become infected by a worm;alsoas a literaryrose,theconventionalsymboloflove.Itsymbolizesinnocence,natureand even pre-industrialEnglandfallunderthismore encompassingcategory.The speakeropens by apostrophizingtherose, immediatelysettinga toneofdespairthatisintensifiedby theepithetof “sick ” . The rose residesin a “bed”,whichis a


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