



1、老友記 第二季 01 The One with Rosss New Girlfriend本集簡(jiǎn)介:Rachel, ready to reveal her feelings to Ross, meets him at the airport; her plans fall apart, however, when she finds out about his new girlfriend, Julie. Chandler, already feeling guilty about revealing Rosss feelings to Rachel, now feels worse that

2、he encouraged Ross to forget about her. The gang watches Sumo Wrestling. Phoebe gives Joey and Chandler haircuts; Monica wants one, too. Phoebe is reluctant because of Monicas picky nature, but finally gives in. Monica wants a cut like Demi Moore; unfortunately Phoebe confuses Demi with Dudley. Chan

3、dler needs a suit made, and Joey refers him to the family tailor; while getting measured for pants, Chandler gets a little more attention than he bargained for. Ross sickens everyone (especially Rachel) with his constant gushing for Julie. In Rachels depression, she sleeps with Paolo again. 瑞秋興沖沖去機(jī)場(chǎng)

4、接羅斯,滿懷期待想和他書寫新篇章;但羅斯帶著朱麗(華裔女孩)回國(guó),卻使她美夢(mèng)破碎。泄露了羅斯喜歡瑞秋的大嘴巴是錢德,在羅斯出國(guó)前勸他忘了瑞秋的也是錢德,錢德為此愧疚不已;大家一起看相撲節(jié)目。菲比給喬伊和錢德做發(fā)型;莫妮卡眼紅要湊熱鬧。菲比說莫妮卡你太挑剔我怕搞砸被你罵,卻又在后者的再三哀求下讓步。莫妮卡想剪一個(gè)著名女星黛米摩爾的發(fā)型,不幸的是,菲比把 Demi聽成了Dudley(后者是一位上了年紀(jì)的男影星);錢德想做西裝,喬伊熱烈推薦他家長(zhǎng)年光顧的裁縫;錢德發(fā)現(xiàn)該裁縫量身時(shí)會(huì)占顧客便宜; 喬伊起初還不相信,經(jīng)羅斯確認(rèn)后趕緊打電話給爸爸,說他們一家都被揩油了。羅斯對(duì)朱麗的黏糊勁讓每個(gè)人都覺得肉麻

5、,尤其瑞秋更是備受打擊;情緒低落的瑞秋再度和保路上床。經(jīng)典對(duì)白:2-01 愛情英語故事梗概 Ross到中國(guó)出差歸來, Rachel滿懷熱情地去機(jī)場(chǎng)接他(pick him up),但讓她萬萬沒有想到的是Ross帶回一個(gè)叫Julie的中國(guó)女孩,而且兩人正在戀愛中,這讓Rachel感到萬分難過,這個(gè)不諳世事的千金小姐又會(huì)干出什么傻事呢?原來她去找Paulo尋求安慰了。Scene: Monica and Rachels continued from earlier.Rachel: Ok, Paulo, why dont you just go get dressed, and then you be

6、on your way, ok, bye-bye. (Paulo goes into his room.)Monica: Rachel how did this happen?Rachel: I dont know, I just kinda ran into him last night.Phoebe: Where?Rachel: At his apartment. Is this juice?Joey: Whoa, whoa. And the fact that you dumped him because he hit on Phoebe?Rachel: Oh God, I know I

7、m a pathetic loser.Monica: Honey, youre not pathetic, youre sad.Chandler: People do stupid things when theyre upset. 講解 Friends中男女關(guān)系較為changeable,所以鬧分手的情節(jié)比較多。例如:she dumped me表示“她把我甩了”。在第1季中,當(dāng)ROSS的前妻carol離開他的時(shí)候,他用的就是I was dumped by her.再如:If a man threatens to dump you without premarital sex,youd bett

8、er dump the man first(如果有人向你威脅說,若你不和他婚前發(fā)生性關(guān)系,他就要把你甩了的話,你最好還是先把他甩了吧。)Jump當(dāng)然還可以用來指“丟垃圾(trash)或垃圾堆”等。如:This town is a real dump(這個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)真是又臟又亂。)Monica的媽媽對(duì)Rachel說:Oh,we were so sorry to hear about your parents splitting up,dear(聽說你父母分開了,我們對(duì)此很抱歉。Ross說I broke up with her(我倆分手了。)Did you break up with your boyf

9、riend or he dumped you?(是你要跟男朋友分手還是他拋棄了你?)再如:Couples who engage in premarital sex are more likely to break up before marriage than those who do not(同婚前不發(fā)生性關(guān)系的未婚夫妻相比,婚前就有性行為的未婚男女更有可能在婚前分手。)分手也可以用end our relationship表示。“Broke”also means have no money例如:I cant go to the concertIm broke(我去不了音樂會(huì)了。我渾身上下搜不

10、出一個(gè)銅板來。)Friends的第5季第2集中,Monica對(duì)Rachel說:I just ran into Dave and he told me that you blew him off!(大衛(wèi)說你把他給蹬了!)離婚則是divorce。如:She got a divorce from him last year. (她去年和他離了婚。)After his divorce the father was given custody of the children(離婚后,孩子們歸父親照顧。)在摘錄部分還出現(xiàn)了一個(gè)非常有意思的短語hit on somebody,通常當(dāng)“為尋歡而接近某人”(to

11、 approach somebody seeking love,sex,etc)來理解。有人將之翻譯為“搭訕”,是一種非常文雅的說法。例如:Thats the third guy that has hit on her tonight(今天晚上,這已經(jīng)是第三個(gè)和她套近乎的男人了。)當(dāng)然,hit on還做“意識(shí)到”(to think up;to realize)、“發(fā)現(xiàn)”(to invent)講,例如:He hit on a great idea for improving the design(他想出了改進(jìn)設(shè)計(jì)的一個(gè)妙點(diǎn)子。)還有,兩人如果開始約會(huì)后,關(guān)系已經(jīng)穩(wěn)定了下來,用英語表示是go st

12、eady。下次,如果你想問,你倆是否確立了戀愛關(guān)系的時(shí)候,就可以問:Do you go steady with that boygirl時(shí)下,“愛情英語”正在流行中。愛要怎么說出口呢?看看能否從這里學(xué)幾招:1Are you seeing anybody?Are you dating anybody?(你在約會(huì)嗎?)2I plucked up the courage to ask her for a date(我鼓起勇氣約了她。)3Will you go out with me tonight?Can I take you out tonight?Can Iask you out tonight

13、?(晚上和我一起出去好嗎?)4Let me seesend you home(讓我送你回家。)5Be there or be square(不見不散。)6I will be right there waiting for you online(我在網(wǎng)上等你。) 7I am looking forward to seeing youI cannot wait to see youIm dying to see you(我好想好想見你啊!)8He turns me onHe turns me off(他對(duì)我來電。他對(duì)我不來電。)9I fell in love with you(我愛上你了。) 10

14、Im in love(我墜入愛河了。) 11I fancy her(我對(duì)她有好感。)12I am crazy about him(我為他瘋狂。)131 have lost my heart to that girl(我的心為那個(gè)女孩而迷失。)14Dont stand me up(別放我的鴿子。) 15He is not my type(他不是我喜歡的那種類型。) 16You are just the Mrs. Rightthe right girl for me(你就是我要找的女孩。)17You are my prince charming(你是我的白馬王子。)18It Was love at

15、 first sight(那是一見鐘情。)19You are an eye candyYou are so charming(你真漂亮。你太迷人了。)20Her smiles are so attractivecharming(她的微笑如此迷人。) 21You are everything to me(你是我的全部。) 22Life would mean nothing without you(沒有你,生活將毫無意義。)23she looks hotsexy(她很性感。) 24she has a good figure(她有著魔鬼般的身材。) 25He is a man candyHe is

16、so cool(他帥呆了。他酷畢了。)26He is a real man(他是個(gè)真正的男子漢。)27The most miserable thing in the world is that I am right beside you, you dont know I love you(世界上最可悲的事是:我近在你身但你卻不知道我愛你。)28No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is。wont make you cry(沒有人值得你流淚,值得讓你這么做的人不會(huì)讓你哭泣。)29To the whole world you may

17、 be one person,but to one person you maybe the whole world(對(duì)于整個(gè)世界而言,你或許只不過是一個(gè)人而已;但是對(duì)于某個(gè)人,你是他的整個(gè)世界。)30Dont cry because it is overSmile because it happened(不要因?yàn)榻Y(jié)束而哭泣,微笑吧,為你的曾經(jīng)擁有。)第9季第4集,在Phoebe與Mike的約會(huì)之前,Ross無意提到了Phoebe一直都沒有固定男朋友這件事情,還說佩服她對(duì)待感情的態(tài)度拿得起放得下。但是Phoebe卻突然傷心起來,她想自己都30歲的人了,從來沒有認(rèn)真的愛過,還不如離過三次婚的Ro

18、ss。結(jié)果那一晚跟Mike約會(huì)時(shí)她只要一想到這一點(diǎn)就開始哭。她猜Mike一定不會(huì)再約她出去了。Ross認(rèn)為這是他的過錯(cuò),他有必要出面找Mike談?wù)?。Ross: Yes,yeah,I said something stupid about her never having had a serious relationship,but you should know she is so much fun,a wonderful person!Please dont blow her off(是的,我嘲笑她從來沒有認(rèn)真戀愛過,但是你該知道她是個(gè)很有趣很不錯(cuò)的女人!請(qǐng)不要甩了她。)Mike:Im no

19、t blowing her offI actually just got off the phone with herWere going out tomorrow nightI mean,I hope thats OK with youstranger from the coffee house(我沒說要甩了她啊。我剛給她打了電話。我們明天晚上一起出去。我希望你沒事吧,咖啡屋里遇到的陌生人。)這里Ross說的Dont blow her off意思是說別甩了她。相反,兩個(gè)人若是互相傾慕,兩情相悅,可以這樣說:He has a crush on her(他對(duì)她十分愛慕。)若是指落人情海,愛得暈頭

20、轉(zhuǎn)向:He fell head over heels in love with her或是He fell for her head over heels還可以是:He is head over heels in love with her(他與她很快落入情海,愛得暈頭轉(zhuǎn)向。)至于男女熱戀時(shí)愛得“目中無人”或“形影不離”,也可以說:They are two peas in a pod(他們愛得像豆莢里的豆子一樣形影不離。)They only have eyes for each other and forget the entire world(世界上似乎只有他們兩個(gè)人。)老友記 第二季 02

21、The One with the Breast Milk本集簡(jiǎn)介:Carol breastfeeds Ben, causing Joey and Chandler discomfort. However, even stronger reactions occur when Ross is taking care of Ben and Phoebe checks the temperature of the bottled breast milk by tasting it. Julie invites Monica to go shopping; Rachel finds out and f

22、eels betrayed. Joeys status as the Bijan Cologne Man is threatened when his department store hires someone to be the Hombre Man. Rachel tries to be nicer to Julie, but is less than sincere.卡蘿給本喂奶,喬伊和錢德趕緊回避。菲比為確認(rèn)奶水的溫度,嘗了嘗奶瓶里的母乳,羅斯反應(yīng)強(qiáng)烈,成人怎么可以喝人奶呢?朱麗邀人購(gòu)物,菲比怕得罪瑞秋,借故推脫,莫妮卡為表示友善答應(yīng)同去;雖然偷偷摸摸,但卻欲蓋彌彰,瑞秋最終發(fā)現(xiàn)真相

23、,感覺自己被背叛。兩人的爭(zhēng)吵聽來仿佛莫妮卡有了“外遇”。喬伊到百貨公司打工,為路過的顧客試噴古龍水,但他的地位受到一個(gè)魁梧的新人的威脅。為了莫妮卡,瑞秋試圖對(duì)朱麗友好一點(diǎn),但她就是做不到。經(jīng)典對(duì)白:2-02 如何表示有膽量故事梗概Ross把Rachel晾在了一邊和Julie好上了,使得Rachel hates Julies guts (對(duì)Julie恨之入骨)。Phoebe了解Rachel,當(dāng)Julie要她一起購(gòu)物時(shí),借故推脫;但Monica礙于面子只好同Julie同購(gòu)物Monica: Look, I know that youre in a place right now where you

24、really need to hate Julies guts, but she didnt do anything wrong. I mean, she was just a girl who met a guy, and now they go out. I really think that if you gave her a chance, youd like her. Would you just give that a chance, for me?Rachel: (crying) Id do anything for you, you know that.Monica: (crying) Id do anything for you. (They hug again.)Phoebe: Wait, wait, wait, wait! (Runs over and joins in on the hug again.) 講解例句中的guts實(shí)在是個(gè)有趣的詞,它的本義是醫(yī)學(xué)術(shù)語gastrointestinal tract(胃腸管道)的一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單說法。在這個(gè)例句中,hate ones guts是美國(guó)俚語,意思是“對(duì)某人恨之入骨”。不過,在大多數(shù)英語國(guó)家,“guts”is a slang term meaning courage(勇氣)or fortitude


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