中考英語 考點聚焦 第36講 日常交際用語課件 人教新目標版.ppt_第1頁
中考英語 考點聚焦 第36講 日常交際用語課件 人教新目標版.ppt_第2頁
中考英語 考點聚焦 第36講 日常交際用語課件 人教新目標版.ppt_第3頁
中考英語 考點聚焦 第36講 日常交際用語課件 人教新目標版.ppt_第4頁
中考英語 考點聚焦 第36講 日常交際用語課件 人教新目標版.ppt_第5頁
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1、人教版,英語,第36講日常交際用語,中考對日常交際用語的考查比重越來越大。涉及在各種情景下的問和答以及英美國家的文化習俗。答題時要注意: 1根據(jù)不同的情景,使用不同的表達; 2根據(jù)習慣用語進行選擇; 3使用文明禮貌的語言; 4遵照口語交際特點,不要死套語法規(guī)則。,高頻考向一感謝與應答 表示感謝 Thank you./Thanks./Thank you very much./Thank you so much./Thanks a lot./Youre kind!/. 回答別人感謝的應答語 Thank you all the same. Youre welcome./Not at all./Don

2、t mention it./Its my pleasure./Thats all right./.,【例1】 So kind of you to give me a ride to the station! _. AIt doesnt matterBNever mind CIm sorry DMy pleasure 解析:A選項“沒關(guān)系”;B選項“不要緊”;C選項“對不起”;D選項“(這是)我的榮幸”。上句句意為“你開車把我送到車站,你太好了”,故回答“我的榮幸”最符合題意。 答案:_D_,【例2】 Congratulations!Your speech is excellent. _. AO

3、h,no BIt doesnt matter CThats a good idea DMany thanks 解析:對方向你表示祝賀時須表示感謝。 答案:_D_,高頻考向二祝愿與祝賀 當某人取得成功時 Well done!Congratulations(to you)! 當某人外出旅行時 Good luck with your trip!Have a good trip/journey. I wish you a good trip/journey./Good trip to you./Nice journey to you. Have a nice/pleasant/wonderful ti

4、me. I wish you a nice/pleasant/wonderful time. Have fun! Enjoy yourself/yourselves!,當某人生日時 Happy birthday to you!Thank you! 當某人即將做某事時 Good luck (to you)!(I wish you success!) 上述幾點中祝愿(賀)的回答可用: Thanks./Thank you./Thanks a lot.或Its kind of you to say so. 在公共節(jié)日里 Happy New Year (to you)!新年快樂! Thanks.The

5、same to you!(Happy New Year to you,too!) 謝謝!您也一樣!(也祝您新年快樂!),【例3】 Im going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii. What a lucky boy!_ And dont forget to send me a postcard. AThat sounds good. BHave a good time! CGood idea! DCan I go with you? 解析:對于別人的度假要表示祝愿。 答案:_B_,【例4】 Mum,Ive got the first prize in

6、the photo competition. _! AGood luck BNot at all CGood idea DCongratulations 解析:對方獲得第一名,應表示祝賀。 答案:_D_,高頻考向三表示遺憾、同情 表遺憾時 be afraid (that). Its a pity (that). What a pity! 表同情時 Im sorry to hear.,【例5】 My new iPhone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday. _. AIm sorry to hear that BIt doesnt matter CDon

7、t be silly DId love to 解析:上句句意為“我的手機在昨天乘公交車時被偷了?!甭牭讲缓玫南硎具z憾。 答案:_A_,高頻考向四提醒和警告 祈使句表示提醒、禁止和警告。 Look out!/Be careful!/Take care!/Danger!/Slow down!/Entrance!/Exit!/Stop! 下列句型也可用來表示警告: Dont do sth.,or. If you.,you.,以否定祈使句或“Nov.ing”表示提醒、禁止和警告。 Dont feed the animals! Dont forget to water your plant! Do

8、nt smoke!/Dont be late!/Dont take pictures here! No smoking!/No parking!/No spitting! 用cant/mustnt表示禁止和警告。,【例6】 You dont have to make so much noise,do you? _. ANot at all BNever mind CIm sorry DBetter not 解析:A選項“別客氣”;B選項“沒關(guān)系”;C選項“對不起”;D選項“最好不要”。由問句句意“你沒有必要制造這么多噪音,對吧?”可知應對所做的事情進行道歉。 答案:_C_,高頻考向五道歉和應答

9、 表達道歉 Pardon?Excuse me! I beg your pardon. Im sorry./Sorry. Sorry,I wont. 回答別人的道歉的應答語 Thats all right/OK. It doesnt matter./ Thats nothing./ Never mind. No problem./ Dont worry about it!,【例7】 Im sorry that I shouted at you this morning. _,but please dont get angry so often. AAll right BNo problem CN

10、ever mind DWith pleasure 解析:A選項“行了,好吧”;B選項“沒問題”;C選項“沒關(guān)系,不要緊”;D選項“很樂意”。由上句“很抱歉,今天早上我對你大叫”可知,下句句意為“不要緊,但請不要經(jīng)常生氣”。 答案:_C_,高頻考向六勸告和建議 表建議的用語 Would you mind opening the door? Would you like to join us? What/How about playing pingpong now? Why not put off the meeting till tomorrow? Would/Could you please

11、turn off the TV? Shall we go to the park? Lets go to school.,表勸告的用語 Wed/Youd better go now. You should. Please be quiet. 應答建議的用語 肯定回答: Yes,please./OK./Certainly./Good idea./Thats a good idea!/What a good idea!/All right./Sure./Yes,lets./I would like to./Yes,Id like/love to.(其中to不能省略) 否定回答: No,thank

12、you./Sorry,we cant./Sorry,you cant. Sorry,but./Sorry,Ill./Yes,Id like (love)to,but.,【例8】 Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight? _. AIt doesnt matter BThank you CSorry to hear that DSounds great 解析:A選項意為“沒關(guān)系”;B選項意為“謝謝你”;C選項意為“很難過聽到這件事”;D選項意為“聽上去不錯”。由上句“今天晚上為什么不去老舍茶館呢?”為邀請對方參加活動可知,此處只有Sounds great符合題

13、意。 答案:_D_,【例9】 Sir,could you please put out your cigarette?This is a smokefree (無煙的) school. _. AIm sorry about this BNo problem CSure,Id love to DNever mind 解析:A選項“對此我感到很抱歉”;B選項“沒問題”;C選項“當然,我很愿意”;D選項“沒關(guān)系”。由上句“先生,請你把你的香煙熄滅好嗎?這是一所無煙學?!笨芍?,此處用“Im sorry about this”表示抱歉。 答案:_A_,高頻考向七電話用語 問語:Hello!This is

14、 .speaking. Whos that (speaking)? Hello!May/Could/Can I speak to. 答語:Hold on/Wait a minute/One moment,please. Can I take a message for you? Im sorry.is not in/at home now. Ill ring him up again.,【例10】 Hello,may I speak to John,please? _ AWho are you? BWhats the matter? CThis is John speaking. DHe is

15、 John. 解析:電話用語中自我介紹用“This is.”。 答案:_C_,高頻考向八提供幫助 詢問語: Can/Could I help you? Can/Could I do.for you? What can I do for you? Would you like some help? Would you like me to do sth.for you? Do you want me to.? Is there anything (else) I can do (for you)? Let me do.for you.,應答語: 需要幫助 Yes,please. Thanks.T

16、hats very kind/good/nice (of you) 謝絕幫助 No,thanks/thank you.I can do it myself. No,I can do it,but thank you all the same.,【例11】 _ I help you,sir? Yes,I want a Tshirt. ACanBShouldCMustDWould 解析:由答語“是的,我想買一件T恤衫”可知,問句是商場購物用語:Can I help you? 答案:_A_,【例12】 Is there anything else I can do for you? _. AOf c

17、ourse BYoure welcome CNo,thanks DThats OK 解析:拒絕某人幫助時應用“No,thanks”表示禮貌。 答案:_C_,高頻考向九就餐 主人征求或建議對方吃什么 Would you like something to eat/drink? What would you like to have? Would you like some more.? Which do you prefer,rice or noodles? What would you like to drink,tea or coffee? 主人讓客人隨意吃喝自己喜歡的食物或飲料 Help

18、yourself/yourselves (to.),客人的應答語 Id like. Just a little,please. Thank you.Ive had enough. Im full,thank you. Its delicious,but I cant eat any more.,【例13】 Would you like some milk? _. AYes,please BThe same to you CHelp yourself DMy pleasure 解析:A選項“是的,請給我一些”;B選項“你也是”;C選項“隨便吃”;D選項“不客氣”。由上文句意“你想要一些牛奶嗎?”

19、可知,正確答案應為“Yes,please.”。 答案:_A_,【例14】 Help yourself to some more meat,Linda. _. AIm full,thanks BIts my pleasure CIt doesnt matter DVery well,thanks 解析:就餐時,對于對方的盛情表示拒絕時可用“Im full,thanks.”意為“我吃飽了,謝謝?!?答案:_A_,高頻考向十請求允許 Can/May/Could I.?我可不可以? 表允許或同意 Yes./Sure./Certainly./Of course,you can/may. Yes,do p

20、lease./Thats OK/all right. Go ahead,please. 表不允許或不同意 No,please dont./Im sorry you cant. Im sorry,but./Youd better not.,Would you mind my/me.?你介意我嗎? 表允許/不介意 No,I dont mind./Certainly not./Of course not./Not at all. 表不允許/介意 Im sorry you cant. Im afraid. Im afraid its not allowed.,【例15】 Could I borrow

21、your camera? _,but please give it back by Saturday. AIm sorry BOf course CCertainly not DNo,thanks 解析:選項A意為“對不起”;選項B意為“當然”;選項C意為“當然不”;選項D意為“不,謝謝?!庇蓡柧渚湟狻拔夷芙枘愕南鄼C嗎?”和答語中的“but please give it back by Saturday(但請在周六前還給我)”可知,是同意了別人的請求。 答案:_B_,【例16】 Cindy,would you mind not opening the window?Its cold outsi

22、de. _. AId like to BSorry,Ill do it right now CYes,that sounds good DNo,I wouldnt 解析:上句句意為“辛迪,不要開窗戶,你介意嗎?外面很冷?!盇選項“我很樂意”;B選項“對不起,我馬上照做”;C選項“是的,那聽起來不錯”;D選項“不,我不愿意?!睂τ赪ould you mind.?問句,?;卮稹癗ot at all”(根本不,一點也不)表達不介意,也可用“Of course not”或“Certainly not”來回答;或回答“Sorry,Ill do it right now”(對不起,我馬上去做)。 答案:_B_,高頻考向十一諺語、格言與常識 諺語 Love me,love my dog.愛屋及烏。 Two heads are better than one.三個臭皮匠,頂個諸葛亮。 格言 No pains,no gains.一分耕耘,一分收獲。 Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。,常見的標志和說明 BUSINESS HOURS營業(yè)時間 OFFICE HOURS辦公時間 OPEN營業(yè) CLOSED關(guān)門 PUL


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